Annabelle stood by the window of her bedroom. His eyes lit up when she saw his horse came being carried by Albert's servant. His lips smiled happily as the horse entered the castle gates of Louis. Lifting her dress, Annabelle ran along the castle hall. The sound of his footsteps echoed through the castle walls.

If only she was in the woods or on the farm, Annabelle wanted to curse loudly. The dress she was wearing now was very difficult for her to move. Unfortunately he was in the castle, all the servants would hear if he cursed now.

The joy Annabelle felt at seeing Diamond again, made her completely oblivious to her steps. The dress she was wearing caught her legs so that Annabelle's body wobbled, she immediately closed her eyes, preparing to collide with the very hard castle floor. Luckily Albert caught her, until finally Annabelle's body collided with Albert's tough chest.

Annabelle breathed a sigh of relief when her husband arrived just in time. "Thank you, Albert," Annabelle said.

"You're welcome. Be careful! How many more times do I have to catch you, so you don't fall?" quipped Albert while hugging his wife. He could feel his wife gasping for air from running along the castle.

"Diamond's here," said Annabelle, not responding to Albert's sarcasm.

"Yeah, I've heard it from Simon. Did you run and almost broke your leg, just because of your horse?"

Annabelle smiled sweetly, hearing her husband's question. "I miss him, so I want to meet him soon."

"Just break your leg then I'll win the game, and you'll do what I want."

"So you expect your wife to be hurt?"

"I didn't say it like that, don't jump to conclusions. Let's see together, how great your horse is," said Albert who then took Annabelle's arm and led her to the back of the castle. The place where the horses are cared for there.

Annabelle immediately touched the fine hair of her horse, it was like being in and breathing in the scent of her estate again. Annabelle put her head on the horse's neck.

"Can I saddle him? I'm just going to wander around this yard," Annabelle pleaded.

"With a dress like this? No, I won't let you," said Albert.

"Trust me, Albert. I've done it many times, and I'll be fine," Annabelle coaxed with a pitiful face.

"If you fall, I will automatically win the match," said Albert.

"Gosh it looks like you really wanted to win that match. What's the matter with you, Albert?" Annabelle's eyes narrowed suspiciously.

"You know very well what I want, My Lady. I will not give up until my wish is fulfilled."

"Fine, if I fall, you win. Now, help me climb it," Annabelle said as the Diamond saddle was in place.

Happily, Albert helped his wife on her horse. It turned out that Annabelle's words were true, she was very good at horseback riding, even with the dress she was wearing. Annabelle began to spur her horse, at first just walking slowly, over time she started to accelerate.

Albert stood on the edge of the stable, staring at his wife. Annabelle's lips did not leave a smile, her hair fluttered in the wind, even the dust that flew at her did not frighten her. It was as if a dirty body was used to him. It never occurred to Albert that he would marry a woman like Annabelle. Aren't Duchess mostly women with beautiful dresses, gloved hands and fans to hide their smiles or laughs. Covering her legs tightly with stockings and will bow gracefully when meeting with people she respects.

Annabelle was far from even graceful in respecting someone. She always bowed stiffly, as if she didn't want to be bowed down by anyone.

Albert's thoughts were interrupted when Annabelle had stopped her horse right in front of him. Annabelle's arms were outstretched wanting Albert to help her get off her horse.

"Look! I didn't fall," Annabelle said proudly, as her husband hugged her and carried her off the horse.

"Then, prepare yourself for our match in the forest tomorrow," said Albert which instantly made Annabelle's eyes lit up.

"With pleasure, My Lord," Annabelle said in her husband's arms.


That morning the sun was shining, Albert and Annabelle were ready in their riding clothes. The husband and wife looked very united. The maids whispered when they saw the clothes Annabelle was wearing. Although not completely like men's clothing, it is still very strange to look at. Moreover, Annabelle was a Duchess. Annabelle chose not to care about these whispers.

Sometimes Albert also wonders what Annabelle does is almost always in conflict with manners and politeness, but when it comes to bed, why is Annabelle so obedient to the rules. Really annoying.

Albert and Annabelle started carrying their bows and arrows. They started to ride their horses. Albert with his horse, Thunder. While Annabelle with Diamond. They spurred their horses quickly and into the forest.

The deeper into the forest, the more dense the plants and slow their pace. Albert and Annabelle's eyes began to narrow sharply, observing the surroundings and determining the target.

A fleet of birds perched on the tree above them. It turns out that their target is the same, namely the bird. Albert and Annabelle's hands both took the arrows on their backs carefully and silently. They don't want the bird to fly because they are afraid of suspicious movements and sounds.

Annabelle's eyes locked on the bird. She began to draw his arrows from his bow. Convinced that the bird had hit the target, Annabelle fired her arrow. Unfortunately, before the arrow shot, Albert's arrow had shot first, right on target. Make the bird fall to the ground. While Annabelle's arrow shot and hit only empty air.

"One blank My Lady, you took too long to shoot your target," Albert quipped.

"Never take my targets, Albert," Annabelle said angrily.

"I saw it first, Annabelle."

"No, I saw it first."

"I don't care who sees the target first, the important thing is that I shoot it first."

Annabelle snorted harshly. "It's fine if your rules are like that. I will do it quickly."

After that, they had a fierce battle. Several times Annabelle beat Albert. Makes Albert amazed, how Annabelle can master archery techniques as good as that. Even so, the winner is still Albert. Annabelle doesn't know if Albert has ever been trained as a royal elite team. Of course archery was one he excelled at. So when Annabelle challenged him, of course she was sure she would win. Albert just wanted to know how good Annabelle was in archery, and now he really admired his wife.

Archery and horse riding, really drained their energy. They finally stopped at the edge of the waterfall where Annabelle had plunged there. They rested under a shady tree and opened their lunches.

"Are you going to cook our game?" Annabelle asked.

"No, that's too long. I don't want us to spend the night reaching the castle. We'd better enjoy what we brought and bring home the game," said Albert.

"So what do you want from me now?" Annabelle asked.

"Are you impatient, My Lady? Eat first, while I think about what I want from you."

They finally ate in peace. As Annabelle's eyes swept across the scene before her, her eyes lit up. She approached Albert and whispered in her husband's ear. "How about we jump from there?" asked Annabelle, pointing to a waterfall with very heavy water.

Albert had never been afraid of anything, but with that strong water, it felt like suicide. "No it's not safe, Annabelle."

"Are you afraid to do it, My Lord?"

"I? Afraid? Of course not"

"Then, come follow me. I'll show you the beauty of the waterfall," said Annabelle, taking her husband's hand.

"Hey..." Albert said as if he wanted to say something, but Annabelle ignored him.
