"What are you doing, Albert?" asked Annabelle, panting for her husband's lips.

"To claim your promise, My Lady. Doing what I want to do to you," Albert replied with a darkened look in his eyes.

"Don't mess around here, we better go home now, it's going to be dark soon."

"We're not going home until I get the prize for my win," Albert muttered against Annabelle's lips.

Albert's lips quickly grazed his wife's lips again, his tongue slid in and swept everything he could explore in there. Seduces Annabelle with a pleasure that Annabelle cannot escape.

Annabelle also wrapped her arms around Albert's neck and gave in to her husband's temptation. Annabelle's lips, which had been silent for a long time, finally welcomed her husband's lips. The cave that had been quiet, now echoed because of the taste from the lips of the two of them.

Albert made Annabelle's sweet lips swell, but Annabelle didn't care, because Albert's hot lips made her want to keep tasting them. It was then, Albert's hands began to explore. His hand slid into Annabelle's thin shirt and cupped his wife's beautiful hill. Dissatisfied with what he was doing, Albert pulled the shirt up to reveal a beautiful hill with a towering peak, ready for him to enjoy.

Albert immediately lowered his head to his wife's chest and crushed the top of the hill in turn. Sighs began to be heard in the cave, echoing and bouncing back, creating a very beautiful sound. Albert's hand plunged into the warm water in the pool and uncovered Annabelle's core cover.

Knowing what her husband wanted, Annabelle moved away. "Albert, don't do it here! It's forbidden."

"Who forbids it? We're not in the castle, there are no rules in the woods, Annabelle. There is only me and you, only us," said Albert who then pulled Annabelle's body back into his arms.

Albert brushed his lips against Annabelle's long neck and tasted it on the white neck. His hands moved again, continuing what had been delayed earlier. Albert's hands lifted Annabelle's legs in the water and wrapped them around her waist. His fingers slid into Annabelle's shield and rubbed it gently there.

Annabelle's head snapped back as Albert's long, sturdy fingers slid into her core. Annabelle could no longer dodge her husband's attacks. Today she really became a forest girl who broke all the obedience that she had been running all this time.

Albert's lips still faithfully made a red mark on his neck, while his fingers danced beautifully in the water at once, dancing inside Annabelle. Annabelle's breaths became short and ragged. Even Albert's sturdy fingers had made him lose control.

"Albert, stop it!" shouted Annabelle so loudly that the cave walls buzzed, reflecting her voice.

Instead of stopping, Albert accelerated the movement of his fingers, making Annabelle's body tremble. "Albert!" Annabelle shouted.

"Yes My Lady, shout my name so loud that the whole cave hums my name," Albert muttered against Annabelle's lips.

Annabelle's fingers gripped Albert's shoulder tightly, as the explosion was about to come. And finally, Annabelle's core throbbed violently, squeezing Albert's fingers as the release arrived. Annabelle's head drooped limply on Albert's shoulder, her chest rising and falling, catching her breath.

Before Annabelle's breath returned to normal, Albert carried Annabelle's body up onto the rock, at the edge of the basin. He laid Annabelle there, while herself, submerged herself back into the water. At first Annabelle didn't know what she was going to do to him. All of a sudden it all made sense, when Albert opened his legs and brought his face close to the base of Annabelle's.

No, this is not true. Albert had gone too far for him, Annabelle thought. Annabelle's eyes widened when she saw Albert's head approaching her core. He quickly dodged Albert's head, but the husband held his waist firmly.

"This is... very... not... polite, Albert," Annabelle said with nervousness and passion that darkened her eyes.

"I don't care about politeness, Annabelle," after saying that, Albert did what he had always imagined.

Albert's hot tongue teased Annabelle's core, until Annabelle screamed and her body shook. Annabelle had never been touched this deep, she also felt a sensation of extraordinary pleasure, which she had never felt in her life.

Annabelle's sighs and Albert's voice create beautiful music in the cave. Albert's lips continued to play and tease there. His tongue slipped in and explored there.

Annabelle's head was spinning, her eyes were cloudy, her heart was like a pounding drum. Her body trembled with the pleasure that Albert gave. For the second time, Annabelle exploded.

Albert swept away all of Annabelle's blasts without a trace. "So sweet," Albert said in his husky voice filled with passion.

Annabelle's body just didn't move, her chest moving up and down because of her gasping breath.

Annabelle was startled and screamed as Albert pulled her back into the warm water and pinned her against the stone wall. Albert's body embraced him and looked very dominant with his masculine radiance.

Annabelle was sure that her husband, now ruled over and over this place. Even this cave seemed to have become his.

"Accept me completely My Lady, don't reject it," Albert muttered which made Annabelle's body tremble.

Albert raised Annabelle's legs again and wrapped them around her waist. Unlocked Annabelle's shield without any problems. Albert then lowered his pantyhose and freed his tormented possessions from earlier.

While staring intently into Annabelle's eyes, Albert put his own together. A scream escaped Annabelle's lips without her being able to contain it. A happy grin appeared on Albert's lips.

When Albert's had fused perfectly with his wife's, he began to move his hips. Annabelle who was unable to avoid her husband, finally greeted him with a movement that was in sync with her husband.

There they were now, one another in the warm water. Their bodies were even covered in a white mist from the surface of the water which gave off steam. Their bodies continued to move, creating ripples of water around them.

Sighs began to sound from the lips of the two, creating a buzzing sound that echoed, accompanying the dance of their bodies. Splashing water gives a different sensation than usual.

At this time Annabelle had to admit, if the bed was not the most comfortable place to do unions, but somehow there had to be a rule that required them to do it in bed face to face.

The union with the position from behind, was considered like an animal and forbidden, and Albert wanted it time and time again. Should Annabelle allow it? Just thinking about it, Annabelle's body was already shaking.

Albert's movement became sharper in it, Annabelle's legs gripped her husband's body tighter. At that moment, their nerves both send a message to the brain, if this is the moment they will explode and achieve release.

Annabelle's strong pulse gripped Albert's. Albert's loud curse echoed in the cave wall, at that moment, Albert fired all his explosions inside Annabelle.

Annabelle accepted it by opening her womb for her husband. Annabelle's body slumped limply in Albert's arms, her head resting on her husband's sturdy shoulder.

"Are you cold, Annabelle?" asked Albert who made them soak too long.

"No, you and this water, make me hot."

"Which is hotter? Me or this water?" asked Albert in a teasing tone.

"This water gives me warmth, and you give me pleasure, you guys are a wonderful combination."

"The beauty of this place would not be complete, without you My Lady," said Albert who then kissed Annabelle's lips again.

"We'd better go back now, I'm sure the sun is starting to set by now."

"Yes, it is true. The night air will freeze us."

"I'll blame you if we can't go home because it's dark."

"Thunder really knows the way home, you just follow me behind."

"Yes, My Lord," Annabelle said obediently.

Albert then let go of their union. He put his pants back on and helped Annabelle back up.

They swam down a different path from where they had entered the first time. There was a shallow stream of water that brought them to the side of the river. They had to climb back up to reach the horse they were tied to.

Luckily it wasn't that dark yet. They could still see their way home. Annabelle took off her wet clothes and put on her dry outerwear, then covered herself with the warm hooded coat they had brought from the castle. Made Annabelle's body warm again.

So did Albert, though he still wore his wet pants, the hooded coat, making him very warm.

They both got back on their horses and raced them through the forest. Frequent howls began to be heard but did not frighten them. The forest, considered haunted by everyone, was the most beautiful and romantic place for Albert and Annabelle.
