"My Queen, I beg you, help Albert get out of prison!" said Catherine, who suddenly came into her mother's room and screamed for help.

"What's wrong?" asked Victoria, who didn't know what had happened.

"Father and Harry have imprisoned him in the dungeon."

"How could that be? What has he done?"

"Harry said Albert had entered Mother's room without permission. He saw Albert steal something from Mother's room, but I can't believe Albert did it. What exactly did he steal from there? There's no way he stole Mother's jewelry or gold. Why would he do it? After all, he will soon be my husband. Automatically all the wealth he wants will be his."

"WHAT? to my room?" asked Victoria in a loud voice. She quickly got up from her seat and walked quickly to the room that Albert entered. Her heart was pounding, and Victoria was sure that Albert stole the poison she had been using all this time. If true, then Victoria believes Albert has known all her actions.