"My King, someone wants to see you. He said if there is important information about your daughter," said a guard, bowing before King George.

"Who wants to see me?" asked King George.

"He claims to be William and says he was your bodyguard."

"Yes, I know him. Tell him to come to me," said King George.

Not long after, William was in front of King George. "What do you want to say? I'm sure what you're saying isn't about Princess Catherine. Are you also going to say such nonsense as Albert said?"

"Everything Albert said is not nonsense, My King. It is the truth, and I bring the proof."

"Show me what evidence you bring."

Obtaining permission from King George, William also brought a circle of jewellery and handed it to King George. The dignified older man looked at the jewellery William had given him with misty eyes.

"Bring me a mirror," King George ordered his servant.