A rectangular dining table in the middle of the British palace dining room with a thick red carpet. The walls in the room are decorated with red velvet that matches the color of the rug. Luxurious tableware and tempting dishes are visible on the dining table.

Usually, King George would have sat at the end of the table, but now the respected older man was gone. A young woman with golden hair and clear blue eyes took her place. Queen Annabelle sat there with Prince Vincent on her lap. Every day the woman is getting more beautiful, more charismatic, and authoritative, making Albert more and more unwilling to be away from her.

Next to Queen Annabelle sat Prince Albert, followed by Prince Harry and Princess Catherine. At first, they ate in silence, until finally, Annabelle spoke up.

"The King of Scotland has already sent a reply to the message of peace I sent him the other day," Annabelle's voice spoke up.

"Does he want to make peace?" Harry asked.