"We can't sleep in separate rooms, people will be suspicious. Besides, this is of course not allowed," said William, who brought Catherine to his room after their wedding party was over. Catherine was silent, and her demeanour had not changed since their fight this morning.

Reluctantly, William took off his clothes and cleaned his body with the water the maid had prepared for the two of them. Feeling uncomfortable with what William was doing, Catherine finally spoke up.

"Could you cover yourself up when I'm in this room," Catherine said.

"So what? If you don't want me, it won't have any effect on you," William replied, making Catherine even more annoyed.

Catherine also chose to sit on the bed and stare at the high window in the room. She waited for William to clean his body and decided to take turns with her husband. HER eyes stared into the night and sank into it.

"I'm done, you clean yourself up, now," William said.