Isabel wakes up with a dizzy and spinning head. Her body felt very cold, with raindrops dripping down her face. At the same time, the body that was hugging him moved and coughed. Her face cover had come off, revealing his handsome face. It's highly unlikely that the man who kidnapped her was a street-dwelling rogue.

Isabel tried to sit up, holding her head. Keneth sat down, still coughing. It seemed as if the rainwater had accidentally entered his lungs as the mask fell off his face.

"You're crazy? How did you fall into the abyss this high?" Keneth snapped at the woman beside him as soon as his cough subsided.

"You're even crazier, why did you jump in here?" Isabel replied by yelling at the man she didn't know.

"How are we going to get out of here? Soon the water will fill this place," said Keneth, ignoring Isabel's words.

"We'd better keep going and find higher ground," Isabel suggested.