Harry looked at Keneth with a murderous stare. The stare had made Keneth intimidated, and his guts shrunk, but Keneth still dared to speak.

"Why are you in Isabel's room at this time of night?" Harry asked angrily.

"I have something to discuss with Isabel," Keneth replied.

"What do you want to talk to my daughter about so you have to go to her room after bedtime is over."

"I'm talking about James. That man has bad motives in marrying Isabel. He has a plan..."


A hard smack hit Keneth's face, sending him stumbling backward and crashing onto the small table behind him. His body collided, producing a loud sound. Isabel, who heard it, immediately opened her eyes and screamed when she saw her father beat the man she loved.


"I told you to stay away from my daughter. I know you will try to ruin the marriage. Your words can't be trusted," said Harry, who was still hitting Keneth.