"There is an official message from the kingdom, if you are required to go home right now," said Kennan, who suddenly entered Vincent's room.

"Why are they telling me to go home? As far as I know, we have to finish this education first, then we can go to America," Vincent replied.

"Looks like I'm the only one going to America. I heard that parliament is heating up right now. They're discussing the bill that James made. I don't know how James's draft leaked into parliament. owned by James."

"What is the content of James' bill?"

"They want a Queen of the British nobility. That means you have to marry a princess or a child of royalty in the elite."

"Is it possible they sent me home to continue the matchmaking they had mentioned before I ran away from the palace."

"Yes I think so. It seems your parents will continue the matchmaking given all the pressure from parliament."