"Your engagement will be pushed back a week," Annabelle said to her son.

"Is Princess Alice starting to doubt me? Maybe she needs some time to think that she won't be happy with me," Vincent said casually.

"Watch your mouth, Vincent. If you don't want to get slapped again."

"Why is it that since this matchmaking took place, Mother has a new pleasure in slapping my face?"

"Because since then, your mouth is like the mouth of someone who has never been educated. Even your attitude is far from that of a prince."

"What is the attitude of a prince like?" Vincent asked, angering his mother.

"Speak politely, be mature and respect each other especially a woman. That's only part of it. Maybe you have to learn zero again to become a prince."

"I just want Mother to know that I am also human and I have feelings. You can't force me to fulfill Mother's wishes and ambitions."