I looked down below me, from the high up cat tower, as I stared at the young two leg that was below me. A part of me wanted to grin, just to see that she was happy, but at the same time, I also knew that I was not the same as she was. I was not happy at all in fact, as I kind of hated the life I lived.
I did not like to be trapped in a two leg den, eating off of a bunch of nasty dry food every day, and drinking the nasty water as well. I had the taste of fresh mouse once before, as a cat that I was sort of friends with, had come up to me one day, and he had dropped some off for me.
He had done it in the hopes that he would get me out of this two leg place, so that I would go out and live in the wild with him. I could not lie, as I was in fact quite tempted to do so, but in the end I had decided that I was much safer at a two leg den, as I did not want to face the scary part of the wild that I had also been told of.
At the same time too, I felt a bit of regret that I did not take the offer, and go with him, as I knew that I could leave this place any time I pleased, as they had made a cat door for me to go in and out of. I hardly ever wanted to go out of the home how ever.
The thought of going out there, it seemed to be enticing for me, but at the same time as well, I also knew that it was a scary world, and there were a lot of scary things out side of the two leg place. I knew that it was a lot safer in here, and I felt like it was not worth the risk of actually trying it out.
I knew that I could do so, but at the same time, I was also worried that if I did in fact decide that I did not like it, they might not let me back in, like I had been told a story of by another friend. It gave me shivers, as to the thought of being out there alone, with no idea of how to hunt, or do any thing.
I knew that I was miserable here, as I hated living here, as most of the time I was alone. Not just that, but no matter how sweet the young two leg was to me, I just did not like being around two legs too, as they kind freaked me out a bit, as to how the got close up to me, and began to rub my fur.
I shook my head, as I wished that I had gone with the idea of leaving. I knew that he would have taught me how to hunt, and I would have been well off out there. I made the mistake of not going through with it, as I knew that if I tried to do so now, than I would be going out there with no idea of how to make it out on my own.
I dipped my head down low to the ground, as I was a bit sad. I looked at the young two leg for just a little bit longer, as I then shook my head, and then closed my eyes. I figured that I should just sleep through it, which I did so in fact do, as I had seemed to easily forget just how tired I had been in fact in the first place.
I woke up, as I seemed to be in a different place, like I was in most dreams. It was as if the wild was calling me, as it seemed like my subconscious was telling me that it was the place that I needed to be as well. I wanted to just close my eyes, and do my best to shake all of it off, but I knew that it would do me no help how ever.
I looked around, as I figured that I may as well just start looking around, to explore what was around me. After all, none of this was real, surely right? It was only simply just a dream... I shook my head, as I let out a bit of a heavy sigh to my self, if you wanted to call it such as that, as I then began to walk through the woods.
I saw a squirrel in front of me, as it had its back turned, as it was clear that it was tempting me to try and catch it, like it seemed to happen in a lot of my dreams. I had tried before how ever, and I knew that I could not catch it, and I definitely never would either, if I lived out my life as a kitty pet.
I shook my head, as I did not try to do so this time, as I knew that just like all of the other times, there was no chance that I was going to be able to possibly catch it. I blinked a few times, as I continued to walk in to the wild, as the squirrel disappeared right in front of me as soon as it had came up, helping remind me that this was in fact just a dream.
As I continued walking, it seemed like the woods were also disappearing in front of me at the same time as well. I let out a bit of a sigh once again, as I then stood still, as I felt like I was ready to wake up, and have it all be over at this point. I stared in front of me, as I blinked a few times, waiting for me to wake up and be back on my cat tower.
That did not seem to be the case how ever, as I tilted my head, as I was a bit surprised, and a bit confused as to what was going on at the exact same time as well. Instead, the woods continued to move out of my vision to the side of me, as I saw for some reason, that there was a strange two leg place ahead of me.
It was like one that I had never seen before, as I had seen plenty when I looked out the windows of my two leg place, or when I went out in to the front or back porch of my home from time to time as well. This one was far bigger than most, even if it seemed to be small, as it was clear that it was a fair bit away from me.
I could tell that it was big how ever, as I saw and I heard two legs walking around talking to each other, like tiny little dots from far away. I was a bit lost as to what was going on, as I looked behind me, to see how I had got here in the first place. As I looked behind me how ever, I was a bit surprised by what it was that I saw.
There was a very big hill ahead of me, as it was much bigger than one that I had ever seen before, or one that I had ever been told of none the less. I began to breath in a bit, as it was quite a lot to take in for me, all at once. After a little while longer as well, I finally then felt safe to breath again.
I looked behind me once again, as it was far too much for me, as I felt safer looking at the two leg place that was on the other side of me. I turned my head over to it, as I was a lot closer to it than I had been before. I saw a lot of two legs walking around the place, as they had these very big and scary animals that they were leading as well.
It always came to a surprise to me, as to how powerful a two leg was in fact, as it seemed to be that they owned the wild. They had made their own massive dens, and they owned a lot of dogs, and a lot of cats as well. It was clear that they owned these big animals as well, even if they seemed to look bigger and stronger than them.
I blinked a few times, as I shook my head at the exact same time as well, as I then turned my head over to some thing that I saw a fair distance away from me. I was a bit confused as to what it was, and why my eyes had focused in on it as well, for just a couple of moments.
I blinked a few times, as I suddenly saw it pop its head out once again, just as I had thought I had seen it do so before. It seemed to be looking right at me, which was a bit of a surprise to me, as I saw that it was a young kit, such as I had been many moons before hand.
It began to laugh at me for some odd reason, as I tilted my head as I was a bit confused as to what it was that it found so funny, as it seemed to be looking right at me. I stared at the kit for a bit more time, as I then just as soon saw another, much older, and much bigger cat pop its head out of the big thing that was in front of it.
The cat then too began to laugh, as at first I had thought that they were both laughing at me for some odd reason or another. I then realized that it was not the case at all how ever, as I saw the much bigger tom cat was simply just playing a game with its much younger kit that it was clear that it was the father of.
I looked at them for a little bit of some time, as I smiled at the fact that I saw a father, and a kit so happy to be around each other. At the same time as well, I dipped my head down a bit too, as it kind of hurt me to think on it, as to the fact that I had not ever got to know my father, or my mother none the less.
The only thing I really remembered was that I had grown up in this two leg place. I never thought about them all that often, as I some times figured that I had been born by two legs, and I was being raised by them. I came to find out that it was not the case how ever, by one of my kitty pet friends that often cane to my home.
I was in fact born with a mother and a father, just like the young two had with her parents. I wished that I could have been raised by my own as well, as I was kind of scared as to what had happened to them, as my friend had told me that they might have been perhaps put down, and the two legs had killed them as they no longer wanted them.
I shook my head though, as I knew that I needed not to think all too much on all of that at the same time too, as I then looked up at the cat and his kit, as I watched them continue to play around, until the ran out of eye distance from me. I let out quite the loud sigh once again, as I knew that I was alone as it seemed like I always was.
I dipped my head down low to the ground, as it felt like I was now ready to get out of this dream, as it was fun to me, but at the same time as well, it kind of hurt me to think back on what my life could have been like. I wanted to live in a two leg place such as this one, and I wanted to have my own parents, but it was a sad reminder that I did not have that at all in fact.
I stared down for a bit longer, as it did not seem like I wanted to wake up from this dream for some odd reason or another. I blinked a few times, as I was a bit confused as to why, as I lifted my head up once again, so that I could see as to all that was going on around me at the current moment in time.
I saw once again, that I was looking at the really big hill that I had seen earlier too, as I had nearly forgotten it at this point. I blinked a few times, as it seemed like some thing was calling me to it, for some odd reason or another. I began to walk over to it, which I had not a clue as to why, as I had no sort of plans on it before now.
I shook my head, as I just let it play through, until I all of the sudden seemed to stop. There was a reason as to why that might be so as well, as I now saw a cat directly in front of me. It was hard to see, as it seemed like there was a bit of some sun light coming from the cat.
The flickers seemed to disappear how ever, just as soon as I had seen them pop up for me. The cat seemed to be just like a normal cat to me now, as at first it kind of freaked my out, as I almost wanted to try to run away from it, which I was not sure how much help that would be in a dream.
It seemed like my dream always made the decisions for me, even if it was a decision that I would have rather not had to have made. I tilted my head at the older tom cat, as for some odd reason or another, the cat seemed to be oddly familiar to me, which I could not quite grasp my paws on.
I looked at him for a little while longer, as he felt important to me, but I was not sure as to how, or as to why that might be so. It was clear that he could see me how ever, as his eyes were locked on with mine, much unlike I had seen with the young kit that I had thought was looking at me earlier.
I was a bit taken a back by it at first, as I was not used to this in my dreams, but I blinked a few times, as I also knew that this was in fact simply just a dream, and that none of this was real either. I let out a sigh, as I figured that I may as well talk to him, as he nodded to me just before I did so, as I hesitated a bit, as it seemed like he had seen it coming, but I continued to talk any ways.
"Are you... Are you my father?" I said to the cat, as it was what I had first thought as to why the cat seemed to be familiar to me. The cat looked at me for a few moments, as a grin then popped up on his face. He then began to laugh louder than I had ever heard a cat laugh before.
I could not blame him for it either, as I fet like a bit of an idiot, from the moment that I had said it at first, as I knew that the cat did not look like me at all, as it was clear that we did not have a thing in common, at least in the appearance side of things.
I dipped my head a bit low to the ground, as I knew that I was making a bit of a bad first impression to the cat. I felt like it did not matter how ever, any ways, as I was fairly certain that the cat was not real, as he was just a part of my dream. He might have been a cat that I had seen once in my life, and was now coming in to my dream.
I shook my head, as I let out a bit of a sigh, as I looked back up to the cat. The cat was no longer there how ever, as I was a bit confused as to where it was that he had gone off to in the first place. As I stared with a bit of a blank look on my face, for quite a bit of some time, I heard the same loud and strange laugh that I had heard a few moments before now.
I blinked a few times, as I then turned my head over to where it was that he was at. As I looked over at him, I then saw that we were even closer the cliff than we had been before, such as had happened when I had turned my head back over to the big two leg place, not too long ago.
I did not feel like I should get too worried about it how ever, as I knew that this was just a dream. I was kind of getting annoyed by the cat that was in front of me though, as he finally began to speak back to me, as I had been hoping he would do in the first place. I rolled my eyes at the cat as well, as I then began to listen as to what it was that he had to say to me too.
"Silly... I am not your father... I am Stoneteller... I was sent here, as I was told that I needed to give you a little bit of a push in to your destiny..." He said to me. I dipped my head a bit low to the ground once again, as I still felt a bit stupid for thinking that this cat might be my father, when it was clear that we had nothing in common.
I then tilted my head at the same time too, as I was a bit confused on what it was that he had meant by what he had just said to me as well. I knew that this was just a dream, and none if this could be true at all, but for some reason, it seemed like my brain was trying to tell me for some reason, that it was.
I felt like I was going crazy, as I then lifted my head back up to the cat, as I stared at the ground for just a bit longer. I felt like it was my turn to laugh, as it felt like I was going crazy. My subconscious seemed to now me trying to convince me that I needed go out in to the wild.
The two leg place was a much safer place to live, and I knew it to be true as well. Why would I risk my life, when the life that I lived at right now was perfectly fine and safe, even if it was boring to me. I shook my head, as I continued to stare back at the cat that was in front of me.
He had a bit of a freaky grin on his face, which kind of gave me chills to look at, as I almost wanted to turn my head away from him, even if I knew I would only be turning my head behind me, to see that he was there as well. I shook my head, as I squinted my eyes at him as well.
I was a bit interested in what it was that he had to say to me, even if I knew that he was not real. I kind of smiled at him, which did not seem to phase him at all, as I gave up on that real quick. I shook my head, as I then nodded to him, and then I began to speak back to him, as I was still a bit surprised that a cat was actually talking to me in my dreams for once, as if my subconscious had reached a new pinnacle.
"This is just a dream though... You are not real... You are simply just a form of my subconscious... You can't trick me, I know you are just trying to get me to leave my two leg nest." I said back to him, as I had a bit of a grin on my face this time, as it seemed like I had just made his grin go away.
It made me feel a bit superior, as it was clear at the same time as well, that I had the upper hand in all of this. The cat looked at me for a bit of some time, as it was clear that he was not sure as to what it was that he should say back to me. I had some how managed to beat my brain, which at first I had thought to not be possible, until now at least.
I looked at the cat for a little while longer, as he just seemed to be staring down at the ground with his eyes closed. I was fairly certain that he was going to disappear at this point, as I was sure that my subconscious could not come up with any sort of excuse to find a way out of this one now.
As I stared at the cat that was on the tall rock in front of me for a bit more of some time, I saw that for some reason it did not seem to be the case. I rolled my eyes, as I just wanted to get out of this dream now, but my brain did not seem to want to let me out of it how ever.
As I was a bit lost in my head for some time, I then saw that cat lift his head up to me, as he grinned at me once again. I rolled my eyes, as I was interested to see how my brain was going to think of a way out of this, as he began to speak to me, and I listened as to what it was that he had to say.
"You are a smart cat as it seems... But some times you over think some things..." He said to me, as I tilted my head, as I was a bit confused as to what it was that my brain was trying to say to me. The cat then shook his head this time, as he continued to speak. "Either way... It is your decision, and it is your path... I am just here to tell you follow the sun..."