Chapter 23: Rotten Stench

It had been a bit of a rough day so far for me, as at first, it took me a while to catch some prey, due to the fact that I had in fact been too afraid to try to go after a rabbit. That was not the worst part about all of it how ever, as it was also the fact that I was so tired, due to the fact that I had gotten very little sleep just the night before, as I had a lot of thoughts going on through my head at that very moment in time.

It felt even worse for me now, as it caught up to me quite a bit fast, and it took me even longer to get to the spot that I was at in the woods. It also had not rained for a few days none the less, so it took me a while to get any sort of water that might be able to rehydrate me, and make me feel a bit better, and a bit more energized at the exact same time too, as I had felt quite a bit weak for most of the day.

I thought that maybe after being able to get some thing to eat, and some thing to drink, that I would feel a little bit better all at the exact same time too, but sadly that was not the case at all, as I felt even more sick that I had felt not all too long ago, and I felt even more tired that I had been as well, as I just wanted to find a place that I could sleep at for the night, or maybe even perhaps, a few nights none the less as well.

I felt like I might have made a bit of a big mistake by leaving the barn, as I knew that it was a safe place for me to live for one thing, but also the other thing was too, was the fact that I had a brother that lived there, and I really did not want to leave him out on his own, at such a young age as a kit, as I felt a lot of guilt due to the fact that I had in fact left him to make it out on his own in that barn.

I knew that it was a safe place, so I was not worried to the fact that he might get attacked, and have no ways to defend him self, not that it mattered if he was to get attacked by coyotes, such as his father had any ways. That did not matter all too much to me how ever, as I knew that Frank had told me that it was a safe place to live at, as the coyotes did not want to get any where near it, due to the fact that there were a bunch of two legs that lived there for one thing, and also the other thing was, that there was a lot of animals that were there, that were a lot bigger than those coyotes were.

The main reason that I felt so bad for the fact that I was leaving my brother behind, was a lot to do with the fact that I still had never told him that he had in fact been my brother for one thing, and also the fact too, was that I did not want to leave the young kit to live out on his own, as I knew for a fact, that it was such a sad and depressing life style to live, as I had to live on my own in a two leg place for the most of my life.

I had never imagined the fact of having a mate with me, such as a lot of cats thoughts that I would when I told them that I wanted to leave, or when I said that I wanted to have some one by my side, as I never really had been all too worried about the fact that I would ever need a mate, due to the fact that I was always happy on my own, and I was never in the mood to fall in love with any one either.

I sighed, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at once, at the exact same time as well, as I got my focus off of all of that, and back on to what it was that I was even doing at this very moment in time, which was of course the fact that I was following the sun trail. I blinked my eyes just a few times, as I then looked up all at once, to make sure that I was in fact still following the sun, as it was quite a bit hard to see through all of these trees, and I was a bit worried that I might have got lost along the way as well.

I sighed a bit to my self how ever, as I got my focus off of all of that all at once how ever, as I then all of the sudden got my focus on the fact that I could just slightly, and barely see the sun through the trees, as it was near the half way point in the day none the less as well, as I let out quite a heavy sigh this time, as I shook my head, just wanting to get all of this over with at this point, so that I could find a good place for me to sleep for the night.

I was not sure when I would find a place to stay for the night, nor was I even too certain as to where it was that the sun trail even led me to in the first place, if I was not going to lie to my self. I really just wanted to give up on all of it, and I just wanted to go back home, as this all was really starting to feel like a massive waste of time for me, and I was starting to feel quite a bit of regret for even going out to this place that I was even looking for in the first place.

I knew that a lot of other cats would be a lot better off right now, if I had just stayed in my two leg place, and just lived out the rest of my repetitive life that I lived whilst I had been there in the first place, as most of my days just felt like it was an endless cycle on repeat of me going to sleep on that big cat tower every night, then waking up to go and get a bit of some food and water, and then just me staring through the window, thinking of what the world could be live out there.

I sighed at the same time too, as I knew that was not the life that I wanted to live how ever, as I felt no sort of regret to the decision that I had made in the end, about going out to go live in the wild, as I felt happier than ever, even if it felt like I had lost a lot so far, I still loved waking up to the feeling of fresh air, and also the fact that I woke up to see a beautiful world all around me at the exact same time too, that I knew that I would have completely missed out on if I would have just stayed in my good old two leg nest.

I shook my head, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at once, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh all at the exact same time too, as I then smiled to my self none the less, for some odd reason or another, as I then got my focus back on to just what it was that I was doing in the very first place any ways, which was of course the fact that I was following the sun trail, over to the place that led me to my new home, or what ever it was that my destiny was trying to take me to.

I nodded to my self, even as tired as I might feel at this very moment in time, I knew that I had to push through, as it felt like the world was against me right now, but at the exact same time too, I also felt like I had control of the world, but I just was not all too sure as to what it was that I should do with that power, and that control I had, as it felt like I had used it for all of the wrong reasons up to this point now.

I shook my head this time, as I then got my focus off of those thoughts all at once too, as even if I knew that I needed to follow the sun trail, I felt like at this point, I could go no further, due to the fact that it was all wearing on me at this very moment in time, as to just how tired I even was in the first place any ways, as I then got my eyes off of the sun that I saw in the sky, and I dipped my head staring down at the ground, as it felt like my eyes were a lot safer when I looked down there for some odd reason or another.

I blinked a few times, as I knew that I had to make a decision as to what it was that I was going to do at this point. A part of me was telling me that I needed to keep going, and I needed to keep on fighting, but at the same time too, I also knew that it was a terrible idea, as I knew that even if I did make in through the day, it would simply mean that I would sleep in a ton, and I would not even be able to make it all that much further none the less either.

I knew that the decision that I was about to make was in fact the right decision, as I still was not even all too sure as to how far that I needed to go in the first place, as I knew that for one thing, I needed to have some energy on this journey and for the other thing, I also knew that I also needed to not be in a rush looking for a place to stay for the night, when the night was to come any ways.

I nodded to my self, as I knew at this point, that I was in fact making the right call, as I got my focus off of all that I had my focus on before now, as I then began to look all around me, to try to find a place to stay for the night. A part of me was thinking that it might be a good idea to try to sniff for a two leg place, as I knew that the creatures would not dare go near there, but at the exact same time too, I did not want to get caught by a two leg, nor did I want to get taken in by one either.

I knew that the best option for me right now, was to go and look for a small ditch, that I had been told by Owl, was a good place for cats to stay at, if it was a last second moment, and they just felt like they needed a safe place to stay the night. The other option was to look for a strong branch, but at the same time too, it also made me feel a bit sick to even think about sleeping on a branch once again, like I had done the night that my father had died right in front of my eyes.

I knew that the place that I needed to be looking for had to be a ditch, even if it was not the most comfortable, or best smelling place to sleep at, as I had found out from Owl, as he had told me that it was where I should stay at for a last second resort. I just was not all too sure as to where else it was that I should stay at, at this very moment in time, if I was not going to lie to my self, as I then shook off all of those thoughts, as I did my best to try to search for one all at the exact same time as well.

I kept my eyes and ears open, as I decided that the best way to find one, as I had seen one not all too long ago on a big path that the scary monsters stayed on, was to just keep on walking in the direction that I was going on right now, and once I heard the loud noise of them, which it was not all too hard to hear them, as I could hear them in just about any direction that I was looking from, from quite a long ways away.

If I was to get very unlucky, and not find a place like that, than it felt like it would not be that big of a deal for me, as I felt like if that was in fact the case for me, than I could simply just look for a strong branch to stay the night on, even as much as I did not want to do so, as it was very uncomfortable for one thing, and also the other was the fact that I was scared of falling, and the thoughts of the night that I had lost my father as well, I knew that in the end it would have to be the best option for me, as I then nodded to my self, and I just kept on going.

I was not all too sure as to what it was that I should even be thinking on at this point, so my best bet it felt like, was to just clear out all of those thoughts from my mind all at once any ways, as I knew that was my best option that I had in front of me now. I sighed just a bit to my self, as I just kept on following the sun trail, not having my thoughts go any where else for the rest of the day, as that was all that was important to me at this point, as I just kept on going about my day.

The day seemed to go a lot faster at this point, if I was not going to lie to my self either, as I could smell several prey all around me, but I really was just not all too hungry to try to catch them at all, as I had already eaten a mouse that I had found out in the woods earlier, even if it did not taste nearly as good as the mice that I ate when ever it was that I was at the barn with Owl and Frank.

That did not matter how ever, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at once as soon as they had even gone in to my head, as I knew that neither of them mattered at all to me any more, due to the fact that I knew that I had to move on with all of that, and I also had to move on with my day, as my focus stayed on the sun trail that I had been following for what had felt like for ever, but at the same time, it also did not feel that long either, due to the fact that I did not have my mind on any sort of thoughts for quite a bit of some time.

That was of course, until it came as to where it was that I was at right now, which confused me as to what it was that had made me stop down my path in the first place, if I was not going to lie to my self, as I seemed to have my thoughts focused on some thing, even if I did not want my thoughts on any thing, as it seemed like some sort of power that my subconscious was trying to tell me at this very moment in time, which felt a bit strange to me.

I stared in this same spot for quite a while, as I tilted my head, staring at the tree that was directly in front of me, as if the tree had a mind, and I was trying to read the tree, which felt quite a bit strange to me if I was not going to lie to my self either. I blinked my eyes a few times, as I was not all too sure as to just what it was that I was even doing right now, as I then all of the sudden blinked my eyes a few times.

I felt like I was going crazy, and maybe I was, even though I really did not want to think that way at all, as those kind of thoughts scared me a bit right now, as that was the last thing that I wanted to think right now. My subconscious was trying to tell me some thing, but I just was not all too sure just as to what it was that it was trying to say to me right now, if I was not going to lie to my self once again, as I shook off all of those thoughts, and I then closed my eyes.

Perhaps if I did such a thing as that, than it might mean that I would be able to think to my self, on what it was that I was trying to do right now in the first place. I breathed in heavily, as I kept my eyes closed, and I did my best to get my focus on all that was going on all around me at this very moment in time any ways. I gulped just a bit to my self, as it kind of felt a little bit empty if I was not going to lie.

I shook my head at the exact same time too how ever, as at the same time as well, it really did not feel all that empty at all if I was going to be serious with my self, as I heard a lot of noise going on around me right now, though I was not all too sure as to just what it was that was so important about all of the noise that I heard going on any ways, if I was going to be completely honest with my self none the less.

As I stood still with my eyes closed for just a little while longer how ever, it all of the sudden hit me like that rabbit that had hit me not all too long ago, as I realized as to just what it was, as I heard so much sound going on around me at this very moment in time. All of the sound seemed to be quite a bit familiar, as it was the same sounds that I seemed to hear just about every day that I had lived back at the two leg place not all too long ago.

Which was of course, the big monsters that the two legs seemed to like oh so much for some odd reason or another, which did not seem to matter all too much to me how ever, as I was not all too sure as to what it was that excited me so much about the monsters in the first place, if I was going to be completely honest with my self. I blinked my eyes just a few times, as I just stared out in to the woods, seeing the big road full of monsters flying past not all too far ahead of me.

I tilted my head a bit, as I watched as a lot of those monsters seemed to fly past it like crazy, as it was quite a bit scary if I was not going to lie to my self, as I felt like I just wanted to get as far away from that as I possibly could, as I then began to move back quite a bit, not all too sure as to just what it was that I had been thinking in the first place, as to why it would be a good idea to want to go any where near any of those things, as I just wanted to run from them, as if they would run at me.

They were faster than me, bigger than me, and stronger than me how ever, so I knew that it did not matter all too much to me, even if they had in fact some how seen me out here in the woods behind all of the trees, as I was such a little thing to them. I remember Ben telling me all about them at one point, as he had said things such as, 'fast' and 'strong' and 'dangerous. Those were all quite scary words, and I was not all too sure as to what it was when I was thinking about wanting to go any where near one of those places.

As I squinted my eyes at the path that I saw in front of me, it then hit me all of the sudden at the exact same time too, as to the fact of some thing else that Ben had told me about them, as I remembered just the words that he had said. 'they won't leave the path, so as long as you don't go on them, than you are safe...' I wondered if that was in fact true, but based off of the times that I had looked out the window, and seen a lot of those scary things go by my place, I had to assume that what it was that he had told me about them, was in fact true in the first place.

I let out quite a heavy sigh to my self all at once, as I looked at them for a little while longer, and I saw that all of the monsters were in fact staying on the path that they were going down, as it did in fact make me feel a bit more safe, not that I would have thought that Ben had been lying to me at all any ways, as I knew that he was not a cat to ever lie to me for one thing, nor was he a cat that would ever lie to another cat.

I nodded a bit to my self at the same time too, as I now felt a lot safer at this point now, though, I still was a bit lost as to what it was that was so important about the path that the monsters went down in the first place any ways, as I tilted my head just a little bit, trying to figure out just what it was that my brain was trying to tell me at this very moment in time any ways, as I felt a little bit sick, not wanting to still go any where near that place.

I felt like I was going to have a bit of an anxiety attack if I got near there, as I did my best to get all of those thoughts from my head all at once as well, as I tried my best to get my focus on what it was that seemed to be so important to me about that place, as I did my best to try to remember all of the memories of the stories that Ben had told me about those types of places, as I knew that he had told me about how some cats had tried to walk down them, thinking that it was a good idea, as they instantly had just gotten splattered.

I felt sick even thinking those types of thoughts through my head all at once, as I then shook my head, and I then all of the sudden remembered as to what it was that was so important about what it was that Ben had told me about the place in the first place any ways, as I blinked my eyes just a few times, and I then all of the sudden nodded to my self at the exact same time too, and I then began to head over to the place that I had been quite a bit scared of not all too long ago.

I smiled a bit to my self, as it came back to me as to what it was that he had said to me, as I remembered that it was just the place that I had been looking to stay at for the night any ways, as I nodded to my self, as I got the words back in to my head, as to what he had said not all too long ago to me, 'if you ever need a place to stay the night in a last ditch effort, than stay in one of these, they are all over the two leg paths.'

I blinked my eyes just a few times, as I was starting to realize that he had not been lying one bit, with what it was that he had said to me in the first place, as I stared at it, and I then nodded to my self at the exact same time too, as I felt a lot more safe, now knowing that I was going to have a safe place for me to stay the night none the less, that all of the scary creatures would not be able to catch me at.

I then began to walk out of the woods, and in to the open area that I saw right in front of me, as I then shook off all of the other thoughts that had been going on through my head not all too long ago, as I kept on going over to it, not worrying about any thing besides the fact that the place that I knew was safe for me to stay the night at was right ahead of me, and I could see just the ditch that I was in fact going to stay in, in the very first place any ways.

I kept on going to it, as I really was not hungry at all, nor was I thirsty at all either, as I knew that I was about to stay in that ditch for quite a long time, just based off of the fact as to just how tired I felt at this very moment in time, if I was not going to lie to my self either, as I knew that I had ate not too long ago as well, and I could catch some more in the morning, and also the fact that I had just drank some water from some moss that had been ahead of me.

I shook off all of those thoughts, as I then got my eyes on the ditch that was right in front of me right now, as I stopped my self, and I then began to stare through it, just in the case that there might be a smaller little creature in there ready to attack me. That did not seem to be the case at all how ever, luckily enough for me none the less, as I saw that it was simply empty, besides all of the dead leaves that I saw all inside of it, which might actually be a bit of a comfortable bed for me to stay the night at, if I was not going to lie to my self.

I could still hear the noises of all of the loud monsters above me, but I was so tired at this point, I felt like my brain and my ears were just going to drown all of that out, as soon as I was able to fall my self to sleep. I nodded a bit to my self, as I breathed in a bit of a heavy sigh all at once, and I then began to walk in to the ditch a little bit further, still worried that some thing was going to run out and attack me, even though I could clearly see to the end of the ditch, as I could see that there was nothing in there at all for me to worry about.

I nodded a bit to my self, as I then went completely in at this point, so that I knew for sure that none of the scary creatures that came out during the night, could get any where near me. I knew that they would not want to go any where near these monsters either, as it made me feel even more safe as to the fact that I knew that, as it felt like a lot of times, there was some thing that two legs were good at.

I would never want to be a kitty pet ever again, but there was not a doubt in my mind that two legs were out there to help cats, rather than hurt them as much as a lot of cats might think would not be the case at all. I smiled a bit with all of those thoughts all at the exact same time too, as some memories of the old two leg nest that I used to live at, came in to my head all at the exact same time as well.

I did my best to shake off all of those thoughts all at once, as I knew that the young two leg no longer loved me like she once had, and for all that I knew, she might not have even noticed as to the fact that I was gone. The older two leg would notice it, as he was the one that fed me every morning, but that was not the two leg that I cared about, so I was not all too worried about that two leg at all.

I sighed just a little bit to my self, as I then closed my eyes, doing my best to clear any and all thoughts that were going through my head at this very moment in time none the less, as I then all of the sudden breathed in heavily, so that I could relax my self, and calm all of my nerves at the same time too, as it did not take me long to fall asleep after all of that, even with the very loud monsters that were roaring all around me right now.

I woke up, and sure enough, just as it had been a lot as of late, I was not in the same place that I had fallen asleep at last night, or rather, yesterday past half way through the day. Normally I would be a bit freaked out due to that fact, as I was always worried that I had some how managed to just wake up in a new place than I had slept in, but at this point, I was kind of getting used to it if I was not going to lie to my self.

I let out a bit of a soft sigh at the exact same time too, as I knew that even if I was in fact used to all of it at this point, it did not mean, by any means at all that I liked to wake up only to know that I was in a strange dream. I was always quite a bit worried, that some nights it would be a scary dream, even if most nights it was just a normal dream that the old cat 'Stoneteller', gave me a few wise words that did not seem to help me all too much.

Maybe they did, but I was just not smart enough, nor was I wise enough to realize any of it at this point in my life. I blinked my eyes all at once, as I then shook my head at the exact same time too, as I did my best to shake off all of those thoughts to the best that I could how ever. I knew that in the end, it would all come in to line for me, but I just hoped that it did not lead to the death of me before I understood what it was that the words had meant.

I was fairly certain at this point, that there was a place that cats went to after they passed along, but I just was not all too certain as to what it was that the place could be just yet, if I was not going to lie to my self, as I breathed in a bit heavily once again, at the exact same time too, as I did my best to once again clear all of those thoughts from my head at the exact same time too, as I was a bit annoyed as to the fact that I had just been sitting in this open clearing out in the woods right now, as I kind of just wanted to wake up, and get on with my next day, if I was not going to lie to my self.

I shook my head though, as I knew that there was a reason as to why I was at the place that I was at, right now, but I just was not all too sure as to just what it was that it could be. I was out in some woods some where, but it was a place that I did not recognize at all, as it felt like it did not matter all that much to me right now. Perhaps I had gone past the place that I was at, at this very moment in time, but I had just been too tired to recognize any of this.

I hoped that I had not already gone past the place that I had been told to go to in my dreams, as that would make me feel quite a bit stupid. At the same time too how ever, I felt like that could not be the case at all, simply due to the fact that I had to assume that the place that I was going to be going to in the first place, had to be a little further than the small distance that I had managed to cover just the day before.

I was kind of annoyed at this point if I was not going to lie to my self, as I then began to look all around me, expecting that Stoneteller was going to all of the sudden pop up from out of the middle of no where, and tell me the exact same thing that he told me nearly every night that I had a dream with him in it, which was of course the fact that he would always tell me to, 'follow the sun trail!' as it would lead me to the place that I needed to be.

I was starting to get a bit upset at that at this point, as I just wanted to go on to the next day and do what it was that he told me to do, as this was really starting to feel like a waste of time for me at this point, as the more it seemed like he wanted to push me, the more that I just wanted to go back to the barn with Owl, and live out the rest of my life with him at this place, as I knew that it was a good and safe place for me to live, where I would get to make my own decisions none the less.

I knew that I was not all too far away from the barn, and even if I had been too tired to know as to where it was that I was going, I knew that the general direction for me to be going was the opposite way of the sun trail, and as long as in did not rain on me, I could simply track the scent that I had walked down to get to the ditch under the two leg path that I was at right now.

I squinted my eyes, as I shook off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as I then stopped my self all of the sudden at the exact same time as well, as I then got my focus on all that was going on around me right now, as I breathed in a bit heavily to my self, to calm and relax all of my nerves too. I then closed my eyes, and I began to speak up loudly to no one, as I knew that nothing was with me right now.

"Stoneteller! Where are you? Stop wasting my name! I can make my own decision if I want to, and if I want to go back to the barn, than so help me, I will!" I said to no one that was with me right now, as I felt like a bit of an idiot due to that fact, as I opened my eyes, looking all around me to make sure that he had not all of the sudden seemed to pop up from out of no where at the exact same time as well.

That was not the case at all how ever, as I let out a bit of a soft sigh all of the sudden, and I then dipped my head a bit low to the ground all at once, feeling like I just wanted to give all of this up, and I just wanted to go back home, not just to the barn, but to go back to the two leg nest, where I knew that life was a lot more simple back there, and I did not have to worry, nor did I rarely have to stress my self out all that much.

I began to scratch my slaws in to the dirt, as it was quite a bit clear that I was very upset right now, and I was doing my best to control my anger, which was a bit hard for me, due to the fact that I knew that I got angry fairly easily for one thing. It seemed like Stoneteller was testing me right now, but for all of the wrong reasons. I stopped my self all at once, as I began to realize as to the fact that I was getting very angry, and I was starting to get out of order.

I stood there for just a few moments in time, as I breathed in this time, but it was a bit of some soft breaths, as there was really no reason at all for me to be breathing in heavily right now, as it was not like I was trying to do any sort of physical activity for one thing, as it was simply just the stress, anger, and anxiety taking over me right now, that I knew that I needed to take control of before it got too out of hand.

I then began to feel a little bit more safe at this point, as I then all of the sudden nodded to my self. If I was just going to be alone in this dream, in the middle of no where, it a place that I did not recognize at all, and really did not seem to be all that important either, due to the fact that nothing stood out about the sky, nor did any thing seemed to stand out about any of the trees that I saw all around me right now.

I then began to close my eyes, as I was just about ready to leave the dream at this point. Just as I was about to do as such a thing how ever, that was when I all of the sudden began to smell the familiar smell of a cat. This time to my surprise, the smell that I did in fact smell, was the smell of my father Frank, as I then blinked my eyes open, and I then turned my head in the direction as to where I smelt the smell coming from in the very first place any ways.

Sure enough, to no surprise, though it kind felt like it kind of was, as even if I did smell the smell of my father, I was fairly certain that it was just going to be Stoneteller that I saw behind me. That was not the case at all how ever, as I then felt a smile pop up on my face all at once, due to the fact that I saw Frank with me at this very moment in time, and he seemed to look better, and healthier than he ever had before if I was not going to lie.

I smiled at him, but that was not what I got back at me how ever, as I saw a bit of a blank look on his face, as there was no smile on his face at all none the less, which made me tilt my head a bit, as I was not all too sure as to what was going on with him at this very moment in time, as I was not too sure as to why it did not seem like he was not all too happy to see the face of his oldest son, after knowing that he was dead... Was he disappointed in me?

It did not make all too much sense to me, as I was not all too sure as to what it was that I should do with Owl... I knew for a fact that I could not take him on a long journey with me, and I knew that he had told me that I had to go on the long journey. Maybe that was before he had known that he was going to die, as that might be a bit of the reason that it had seemed like he would be disappointed in me in the very first place any ways.

I just was not all too sure as to what it was that I should do, as it seemed like I was being attacked from both sides, one of those sides being Stoneteller, telling me that I needed to follow the sun trail, but then now all of the sudden, my father, Frank, was stepping in to tell me that I needed to go back to the barn and take care of my brother, so it seemed to be to me, as I was not all too sure as to what it was that I should do.

I dipped my head a bit low to the ground, as I then let out quite a loud sigh, as I was not all too sure as to what it was that I should do at this very moment in time, as it seemed like no matter what it was that I was going to do, one of the sides was not going to be happy, and that one of the sides was going to be disappointed in me. I never wanted any of this any ways, and I was tempted to just ignore both sides, and go all of way back home if I was going to be completely honest with my self.

It was starting to agitate me if I was not going to lie, as I was not all too sure as to what it was that I should do at this point. I wondered if I actually had in fact wanted to go and live out in the wild, or if it was just the influence of these types of cats that made me want to do such a thing, as it was starting to upset me at the exact same time too, the more that I thought on all of that in the very first place.

I let out a bit of a soft sigh all at once, as I knew that in the end it had been my own decision that had made me go and do such a thing. I also knew, that before I even met any of these cats any ways, I had still been tempted to go and live out in the wild, but these cats still had in fact made me make the decision to go and do such a thing in the end, if I was not going to lie to my self.

I was not all too sure as to what it was that I should do, as I really just kind of wanted to give up at this point if I was not going to lie. It felt like it was pointless, and there was no use in even trying. I did my best to try to shake off all of those thoughts all at once how ever, as I then all of the sudden, began to hear the voice of Frank, as it seemed like he was finally ready to speak to me now, thankfully enough.

I sighed a bit once again, loud enough so that I knew that he could hear it, though it did not seem like he cared all that much if I was not going to lie, as he still had a bit of a blank look on his face right now as if what ever had happened after he had passed on, had seemed to just remove any and all sort of emotions from him, which did in fact kind of make me feel quite a bit sick at the same time too.

I shivered just a bit, as I did my best to try to not get my self in that mind set at all at the same time too, as I knew that this was still my father, and he was still with me right now, even if he might not seem to be the same as he once had been when he had been alive, and he had helped me so much to go and live out in the wild, as I knew that I would not be where it was that I was at right now, if it was not for him.

I then all of the sudden nodded to my self all at once, at the exact same time as well, as I remembered that he was in fact speaking to me right now, as I really did not want to miss a word as to what it was that he had to say to me, as I felt like, if he was here right now, from where ever it was that he stayed at, than it meant that he had to say some thing important to me, as I then began to listen as to what it was that he had to say to me in the very first place any ways.

"My son... I must say to you only, to stay back from the rotten stench..."