
Darkness. That's all that Jenny could perceive as her mind awoke from the daze which had trapped her.She did not know exactly where where she was nor could she get a bearing of the location. Her whole body seemed to be weighed down by something she could not control, making her unable to move a single inch. Struggling to open her eyes which felt like they had been sealed shut with heavy glue, Jenny felt frustration dabbled with a hint of anxiety. Her vocal tract felt coarse like the sand in the desert, starting from her larynx all the way to her lips, the tract was impossible to control. The only thing that she seemed to have control of was her auditory perception and sense of smell.

She could pick up the pungent scent of mould hanging heavily in the air which made it difficult for her to decipher the environment where she currently lay paralysed. Hearing footsteps approaching her, she could make out a conversation, it was between two people but she could hardly hear, However, as they got closer, the conversation between two which were originally incomprehensible became distinguishable to her.

" So, whats gonna happen to these kids?" An attentive male voice questioned.

"They are affiliated with that traitor, you saw them come out of her inter-dimensional door, didn't you?" A cool feminine voice said in an aggrieved tone.

"That's true...but their just kids." a male voice replied to the woman's hostile questioning.They can't be that bad."

" You don't know that woman....she can use anyone, and I mean anyone to get what she wants...she puts on a grand show, makes others play along and before you know it...the curtains draw on your very's like you were never there." The woman said solemnly. There was a brief silence between the two, the man seemed to be contemplating her words.

" Hold up, that has nothing to do with the kids!" He exclaimed. hearing these words the woman chuckled heartily.

" Lemme tell you a story Rye... In this era where planets concur planets, a child was born within these very domes, she was a beautiful girl. She grew up to be a woman of wit and charms who was loved by all. However, despite her humble origins, her greed and maniacal nature which she hid from all, far exceeded that of the aristocracy. She stole for money, infiltrated for money, spied for money, and killed for even more money. Until finally she discovered the inter-dimensional youth assimilation program, where children were bought at a hefty price by the beings of other planets for various purposes. She hopped on that wagon and began gathering children -orphans and runaways- making them feel like they were her family and in a blink of the eye, she sold them. " The woman paused.

"Nina...the mother of lost, that's what they called her. Her treachery towards the innocent children continued for years; using them, her assets, and pretty much anything she could, just to get the money their heads would bring. It's the same Nina who led these kids here... question is why did she do it?"

Jenny's image of Nina as a beautiful saint who saved her came crumbling down upon hearing the woman's dark tale. Her mind blanked out, she knew that there was not a shred of falsehood in her words due her steady heartbeat and even tone of voice. She was talking about the same Nina who saved her?! She felt bitter grief engulf her heart. She shouldn't have had high expectations for a woman who she only knew for five minutes! Tears rolled down her closed eyes, but they remained unnoticed by the two who were still conversing.

"Layna...even if these kids knew that Nina was really like that, I don't think they would know why she led them here...Didn't you see that beast transformers hostility what she saw us and the way the younger ones were scared to death, we don't need to do this. Let's just convince the boss to let them off, they are just victims!" Rye said sympathetically.

"Victims?!" A new voice cut in, Jenny recognised it, it was the voice of boy who introduced her to this place, the one who spoke to her before she passed out. "What happens once we let them of Rye? They have nowhere to go, and no one to trust." He said provocatively and paused so that the words sink in.

"What if they stay here, we take care of them and slowly they'll learn to trust will be safer for them here!" Rye argued back.

"Who will take on this noble task...cause I know for sure no one outside this door wants to trust these affiliated children" The boy retorted cruelly.

"We will!" Rye said with determination, not giving up. Jenny could hear a sound of protest from Layna, but no verbal protest.

"Then they will be in your hands." The boy said with a smile in his voice." However, I think we should first disable paralysis for the one who has been awake this whole time." He continued. Jenny heard the two, Rye and Layna, intake their breath simultaneously, then she heard beeping. Suddenly, she could feel her muscles. She tested her hands by clenching and un-clenching her fists, then she stood up slowly. Once she was on her feet, she gradually opened her eyes. Before her were dark metal poles lined up, they were bars of the cell in which she was being held. Behind them were two adult figures and a tall teenage figure.

A broad grin broke across the teenagers face as Jenny's emerald eyes connected with his hazel eyes " Good morning moonlight..."he paused, then his grin became even wider. " it's your pleasure to meet me. Why don't we start this interrogation?"