War (part one)

The bathroom door opened, the squad came out of the bathroom and stood before Landon and Xizzem.

The King had on a purple tux, his hair was held back same style as Landon. With his hand to his pocket he stood in the middle. To his right was Sly with in a white tux.

Tyler had a red tux on while Zaugustus went with blue. All of them decided to wear a tux for celebrations at the party.

"We have to get going," the king informed Landon and the waiter.

Sly grabbed Landon and hooked their arms together as they walked behind the king. Xizzem joined them.

There was worry on the king's face. He was in a hurry and so were the others. They didn't bother to explain why they were rushing to Landon or Xizzem. It made Landon feel like an outsider.

It always happens but at least as lady Lara they took time to tell him when things were happening and now they were just taking him along for the ride.