Festival day one (End)

Xizzem stood with his head held high. Sly's eyes were piercing through his skin but he didn't react. He had done nothing wrong and quite frankly it was getting tiring to be seen as the villain.

He raised his brows in a challenging say daring Sly to blame him for what is happening to Landon. He was not the one responsible for it but he could aid the process move faster if provoked.

"What is happening to him?"

He blinked, there was no accusation, no blame. It was just an inquiry. Not what he expected, it made him feel a little warm inside to know that he wasn't being blamed for it.

He decided that Sly was worth a reward for it. "He is the chosen one," he replied honestly.

Sly frowned, that answer in no way told him what he wanted to know. It didn't even point out what the problem was let alone how to stop it. Landon was his responsibility and he couldn't let anything happen to him.

"Care to elaborate?"