
"How can you be so sweet after everything?" Theo questioned to Lysander. It wasn't normal for someone to be okay after what had just happened and he was acting as though it didn't make a difference to him.

"I am a supreme god. It takes more than the darkness to break me," he said to him. "And I don't get what is to he mad or sad about," he added.

He leaned against the wall casually, he was as relaxed as ever. Theo was speechless. He couldn't have expected such an outcome from the male after what went down but that is what he got.

"You just umm..r*ped. So how can you be fine?"

Lysander turned his head in his direction and looked at him. He couldn't decide whether to cry or laugh at the situation he found himself in.

It baffled him how everyone always underestimates him and think that he was weak. "Do you really believe that? That your lover possessed by the darkness could do that to me?" he asked seriously.