Festival day two (part two)

Ryn donned a smug smile on her face. The child turned out to be important to the king after all, she had no idea about it when she brought him along.

She was pleased by her luck. She just happened to be coming back from the city when she met the child by the gates asking for the king.

When he mentioned that the king was waiting for him, she had doubts but it turned out to be true.

What made her even more happy is that she got double benefit from getting the child to the king. One, she was going to have a dance with the king later and secondly, she made a new ally in her quest to get her love.

Kron was not a fan of the king being with Sly. In the short time that they had spent together, he had agreed to help her to separate the two lovebirds.

Her luck was shooting to the skies and she was taking full advantage of it. She made it a point in herself to use everything that she had to seize the week and get what she desires the most.