
The magical feeling of being under water engulfed Landon. A tingling feeling warming him up as he stared at all the mermaids and mermans in the sea.

Till date he had called Sly a merman, he was told that he was one but he had not the pleasure of seeing him in his true form. But the Merfolk that surrounded their bubble were real and it was undeniable that the creatures were real.

He moved his hand to touch one of the mermaid's tail. "I told you to act like a royal," he heard Sly's voice and stopped.

He kept his hand back down to his side, he looked up ahead resting the urge to run his hands through the beautiful glimmering tails sparkling in the water as they moved.

The mermaids at the front had glowing tridents in their hands aimed ahead. It acted as a beacon to warn sirens and other sea creatures of the prince's arrival. It was more of a 'don't attempt an attack as it might end in your doom' kind of signal.