Learn the true meaning of love

The whole beach was silent. Everyone was shocked over what had happened, Sly had shocked them all. He wore a satisfied smile on his face when he was done.

"We should light the candles," Aracely let out to break the silence.

Landon strode over to Sly in anger. He grabbed Sly's hand and pulled him away from everyone else. He was done staying silent while others played around with his life as if it was a game.

He raced aside with him and only let go of his hand once they were out of reach from the others. He faced Sly with an angry glare and accusations in her eyes.

"I had a feeling that you would do something tonight and you proved me right," he claimed.

He was furious at the evil scheme the latter must have pulled. Everyone who surrounded him was evil and had an evil intention towards his and Theo's love.