The flower of fate has fallen

The eyes that once looked at him with love stared at him with disgust. Every emotion he had ever felt in his life came flooding back to him in that moment.

He felt everything and all of it was heightened. He grabbed the hem of his coat, everything was too much for him to handle.

This was supposed to be a fate that he made with his own hands. If Theo hated him then it should have been what he wanted, he didnt have love to weaken him then why did he desperately want Theo to hold him.

He stood there frozen on how to react. He decided it best to apologise and move on as though nothing had ever happened between them. "What, do you think I enjoyed kissing a slave such as yourself?"

He placed his hand on top of his mouth. He had wished to apologise but the words that came out of his lips were anything but apology.

'I'll try again,' he thought.

"You disgust me and now you know that feels," he spoke.