
Chapter One

Atohmma woke up suddenly. Jumped out of her bed to the screaming sound of someone throwing a tantrum. "Which one of you stole my blanket," shouted Venomma as she stood there with both her hands tightly fisted and her two feet set apart. They all came out to see what was happening. Some peeped out and in awe, they looked upon Venomma. "Someone stole my blanket and I want it back now!" she said with rage and a high-pitched tone. Atohmma pulled her robe and slipper, as she moved in the direction of Venomma. With one hand on Venomma's shoulder, she gently asked her to calm down. "You'll find it Venomma, no need to be enraged, just take a deep breath and let's go search inside first, maybe you locked it away somewhere," said Atohmma. So they both went back inside to search. Venomma usually, fought off and on with Atohmma, sometimes she would be mad at her for no reason. They weren't very good friends and didn't quite get along well but Venomma respected Atohmma and didn't understand why.

They searched and searched, but the blanket couldn't be found anywhere in Venomma's cave, so they both went back outside to search the taverns, just in case it was left there when they had story night or visited the Diamond-Back oracle Cobra. By this time, everyone was out and about, but no one came up with the blanket, they were about their usual chores and daily activities. "Where could it be," wondered Atohmma as she shook her head and scratched her temples. Venomma also went back in her mind to recall her steps just in case she left it somewhere or with someone at some point in time, but could not recollect anything even close. So Atohmma decided to call everyone together and ask.

They all gathered and were asked, but no one knew about the mysterious disappearance of Venomma's prized possession, so they bowed their heads and went back to their routines.

Atohmma suggested that she'd make another one, but Venomma didn't make that one, it was given to her as a gift years ago, by the old wise fairy, who visited only on the night of the vernal equinox. She knew she couldn't replace it that easily, so, she sighed and went back to her cave. Atohmma considered the way Venomma must be feeling, but disappointed, she also went back to her cave to prepare herself for her daily routine.