
Chapter Twenty-Eight

Atohmma had a late start, she woke up a bit later than she had planned. She knew she had to gather the natives in the village for her brief meeting, to inform them about the appearance of the elemental shield. She went quickly to tidy up and grab some breakfast. She looked through her window, saw one of the guards and whistled to him. "What can I do for you miss?" he asked. "Gather the natives, I have an important announcement." she indicated. The guard immediately went along inviting anyone he saw, to meet in the village for Atohmma's announcement.

It didn't take much time for the villagers to gather. There was a crowd patiently awaiting Atohmma's announcement in the space of an hour. She was ready and her composure was that of a person who had it all together. She greeted everyone and mentioned her intention to not take up too much of their time, as this was a brief meeting. She said that the recent weather changes, had a normal and very natural explanation, as it indicated the battle of the elements. "There is no need to fear or to be worried though," she added. "We will all be safe and our world will be protected because of the presence of the elemental shield." The natives gasped as they looked around at each other. "Yes, the elemental shield appeared and it happens to be located in the western mountain. Most of you would be familiar with the legend of its appearance, but for those who do not know, it is a metaphysical element, a mystical shield that balances all the elements that are in conflict. It has the power to keep our own individual elementality balanced as well. It is, however, made partly of metal and it is lodged in the mountains, away from interference and from being a threat or danger to anyone. No one should attempt to go near this magnificent formation for the time being as it is in transformation. It can be seen from a distance though, should your curiosities be aroused. So it will be safer for you to see to it from a distance." Pausing for a moment and trying to find her words, Atohmma continued. "Until the chosen comes of age, this shield will protect us and with time, that person will develop and become prepared to lead us." "I would also take this opportunity to mention, that I will be taking a little vacation time to relax and be away from my cave a bit, where I will be visiting with some other villagers and getting to know my world a bit more. Just a few days and then I will be back, so in the meantime, I would appoint another capable 'go to' for your guidance and temporary leadership." Trying to quickly determine what she did not premeditate, Atohmma cleared her throat... then she said, "your new interim leader will be Orgamma." The natives cheered him on in their usual way and he walked up to the front. "Orgamma will take good care of you all while I am not here, he is very handy, smart and brave. It's a good excuse to get him away from his desk," Atohmma said giggling, while the villagers also joined the humour with agreement. Although Orgamma did not expect to be nominated, at least in Atohmma's mind, he willfully accepted his new role.

Venomma, was a bit disappointed, all the while expecting to hear her name, thinking she would have been the elected choice, but when she heard Orgamma's name, she was relieved. She knew, he would seek her advice and her assistance, so she didn't really lose anything. She just wondered at the back of her mind, why Atohmma did not choose her. It was a guilty curiosity that had her mind playing tricks on her. She even became desperately hopeful, that Atohmma was unaware about being followed.

Atohmma ended the meeting and the villagers went their separate ways. Orgamma stayed back to chat a bit with Atohmma. "You could have at least hinted to me that this was your plan Atohmma. I was caught off guard," said Orgamma. "You seemed to handle it very well Orgamma, as though you already knew!" smirked Atohmma. "Well, how could I not act the part for my friend," he said to her as they both giggled. "So where will you be staying for your, 'vacation away from here'?" he asked her. "I'll be spending some time with Nucamma." "OOOOhhhhh!" said Orgamma. "I hope you both do have a good time," he said while patting Atohmma on the back. "Of course I will. I haven't done anything so selfish in my life!" giggled Atohmma as she headed for her door and went into her cave. "You'll be fine, and besides, you have Venomma." she shouted playfully to him, before closing her entrance door.

Atohmma decided that her next stop will be her pony. She went over to the stables after planning her steps for a few minutes. Seeing her pony run to her happily, she was satisfied and assured that it will be fine until she gets back. She whispered to its ear everything she had planned, and the pony understood. Atohmma knew, she would spend a lot of time with it when she got back and so did the pony. Her next stop, was the old lady's. She visited her cave and she was not there, so Atohmma decided she will surely see her along the way. when she was leaving.

Back at her own cave, Atohmma looked around nervously although she was already packed and prepared to go. She felt as though something was missing. She walked through each room checking and double checking as though she was moving out permanently. There was nothing she saw, that triggered her nervous state. She triple checked for her toothbrush and her scarves. "Towels! how could I forget to pack towels." she said, as she threw some into her luggage. "There, that should do it. I knew something was missing." she convinced herself. Then up she lifted her bag and out the door she went.