Chapter 4

Pyrrha loved Cardin. It was the most important aspect of their relationship, the basis of why they had gotten together.


He sucked on her breast, swirling his tongue around the nipple in a way that sent tingles of pleasure through her. His fingers wedged in and out of her vagina, glistening as her juices poured out.

"Cardin!" Her voice came out in a fevered whisper. "Ah!"

Even when they had first met, he was a kind and gentle person. She loved that aspect about him and she loved that it didn't change once they started going out. All the warnings that she had received about men changing their colors didn't apply to her wonderful boyfriend.

"I'm cumming!" It was through a lot of trial and error that his fingers remained at a constant speed, sending the redhead into orgasm. She moaned out her orgasm, her pussy squeezing and pulsing around Cardin's fingers.

"I love you," he whispered tenderly into her ear.

"I love you too." Her reply was sincere, and she met his lips in a light kiss.

The biggest hang-up in their relationship had to do with Cardin. No matter how much Pyrrha tried to install confidence in him, he was still insecure. Before it was about his skills as a Huntsman. Now that they were together, it was the size of his penis.

Pyrrha did privately admit that her boyfriend was on the small side; she hadn't actually been with anyone before him, but between the pictures of other penises she had seen and the lack of fulfillment she had when they made love, there wasn't anything to do but admit the truth to herself.

Not to mention that even Cardin freely admitted his small size to her.

"I'm sorry about earlier," he apologized yet again, "I wish I was bigger-"

She cut him off with a finger on his lips.

"Stop. I don't care about your size, or anyone else's. You still satisfy me." She didn't say it was through the flexibility of his fingers and tongue than his penis. "What matters most of all is that I love you."

When he smiled, she knew they would be alright so long as they had love.


"I'm still not sure how you managed to get stuck in here."

Pyrrha stroked his hair lovingly as Cardin sat on the hospital bed, propped up against a pillow. He was dressed in the standard hospital gown, covered in up to his waist with the bedsheet, looking at her with an apologetic smile.

"Doctors say I'll be here for two weeks for the surgery. I guess Aura isn't a cure-all." She rolled her eyes as he chuckled.

"Well, I suppose I better be going then," Pyrrha said as she rose from the chair, "I believe visiting hours are almost over and the nurses will only be too happy to kick me out."

"By the way Pyrrha." Cardin gave her a small frown, making her wonder if she had done anything. "I appreciate you visiting, but normally you'd be training right about now."

"I can put off training for a little bit to visit my boyfriend." When she had received notice of him being in the hospital, even if it was non-fatal, she had promptly forgot about training and rushed over.

"Look, it isn't that serious. You can always visit here and there, but I don't want to see you neglect your training. I think you should stick to your normal schedule and visit me only when you have free time. We can always talk on our Scrolls." While he made it seem like a suggestion, Pyrrha knew he would argue the point until she said yes.

"Fine." She sighed in acquiesce. "In that case, I should really get going. I have some training to catch up on."

She knew she made the right choice when he smiled. Leaning forward, she planted a small kiss on his lips.

"I love you Cardin."

"Love you too."

As she walked out of the room, she smirked in delight when she caught sight of him staring at her rear through a mirror. They would be going through two weeks of abstinence, longer than they had ever gone without making love since they first got together. She was sure their first time after the fact would be extra special.



Pyrrha paused mid swing, looking at the tall classmate that had interrupted her practice. She knew it was late at night and she should be getting back to her room within a few hours, but she hadn't expected anyone else to be up as well.

"What do you want, Jaune?"

The two hadn't really interacted before. Even when the boy had been bullying Cardin way back, she still didn't really talk to him then.

"You know, my room is right below this place. I usually deal with you and Cardiny boy practicing up here, even when I don't want to." He crossed his arms as we walked up to her, standing tall and proud. He wasn't in his armor, opting instead to go shirtless and wear his pajama bottoms. It was a far cry from Cardin's lithe physique. Pyrrha had no doubt that Jaune was proud of his large and muscular body, but it wasn't really her type. Perhaps it was favoritism on her end, but she preferred Cardin's body-type.

"Oh. Sorry about that." She still didn't like Jaune, but even she knew that it wasn't fair to interrupt him so often. She and Cardin trained almost every night.

"And it kinda surprised me that a few nights ago, I heard you two doing a… different type of training."

Pyrrha suddenly remembered when their training had gotten a little steamed. She didn't remember who initiated it, but she definitely remembered how it ended. Her face colored at the thought that Jaune had overheard that .

"Anyway, it got me to thinking. I heard that your little boyfriend was going to be away for a couple of weeks. Then I thought to myself, 'You know what? I kinda liked being a bastard.'" When he smirked, the redhead knew she wasn't going to like what he had to say.

"What do you want?" She sighed. Money to keep quiet, most likely.


She blinked as she processed his words.


"Starting right now, for the two weeks he's away." She shivered in disgust as his eyes roamed down her body. "We're going to fuck every night. Or some people might find out about a certain fraud."

"You're disgusting." She threw him a look of contempt. "And Cardin's more than proven himself. I doubt Headmaster Ozpin would kick him out of Beacon."

"Who said anything about Ozpin? After all, what your boyfriend did is a criminal offense in Vale." He didn't stop leering at her; she could feel his gaze stripping her down. "He wouldn't just be kicked out of Beacon. How does a stint in prison sound like? Five years at least."

Pyrrha felt her stomach drop. She didn't even bother trying to refute his argument. When Cardin had first revealed that he had fraudulently gotten into Beacon, she had looked it up. Five years was the minimum.

Her shoulders slumped as she saw Jaune's grin. There was no way she could let that happen.

"Haha, don't worry so much, Nikos." He walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, hugging her to his side. "Only two weeks. Then you don't ever have to talk to me again, if you don't want to."

"How can you do this? He saved your life."

Jaune shrugged.

"Like I said, I like being a bastard. What's honor to someone like me when I can fuck a girl like you?" He led her forward to the edge of the rooftop, toward the direction of his window. "Besides, I've seen Cardin in the showers. I'm sure he's… very little to write home about."

Pyrrha flushed at the insinuation. Jaune didn't know it but he was right on the money. She had asked her mom for advice regarding Cardin's size before, and it was her mom that suggested alternatives to sex, such as toys.

"What about your teammates?"

She followed him into his room, bounding in through the open window with trepidation. She paused when she noticed that the room only had one bed inside.

"I kicked them out a long time ago," he replied nonchalantly as he noticed her stare, "I don't share my room with other guys. I'm sure they got their own rooms now."

Pyrrha blinked in surprise; she hadn't known that having your own room was an option. The thought of sharing a room with just Cardin warmed her up a little bit.

"Your turn." Turning, the redhead saw that Jaune had already taken off his bottoms, standing fully nude. Her gaze went right for his penis and she realized with slight awe that even while soft, he was roughly the same size as Cardin's when he was fully erect.

"Impressed?" She flushed when he sent her a knowing grin. She took a deep breath and began to undress herself slowly. "I do kinda feel bad for you. You have to suffer through a relationship with that wimp and he can't even satisfy you."

Pyrrha didn't reply, focusing on thoughts of Cardin while she undressed. She just wanted these two weeks to be over. She wanted to forget it as soon as she could.

"Nice." Jaune whistled in appreciation as he walked over to her nude figure. He wasted no time in grabbing her breasts, no gentleness in his grip as he played with them. "Come on."

He led her to the bed and lay down beside her, spooning her with his larger body. One arm wrapped around her to squeeze at her breast while his other hand immediately and skillfully began rubbing her vagina. He didn't seem to care about her sweaty body as he dipped his head and kissed her roughly, his tongue opening her mouth open and gaining entrance.


Pyrrha couldn't help the stifled moan as Jaune handled her roughly yet expertly. Cardin took great pains to satisfy her, but he was a gentle lover. This was a completely different experience and Pyrrha hated that she was enjoying it.

"You sound like you're enjoying this." Jaune broke their kiss as he continued to rub and finger her.


He had pressed against her clitoris, shooting pleasure through her body. Cardin was capable of the same of course, but it had taken the blond quite some time to learn to do that with her body.

"So tell me, has Winchester ever given you an orgasm before?"

"With his fingers." It had just slipped out; Pyrrha hadn't wanted to admit it.

"Ha!" Jaune barked out a short laugh. "I'll teach you that fingers just aren't enough, Pyrrha. You need to experience a big cock."

There was a thrill that went through her body when he used her first name. It made her feel ashamed but she couldn't deny the pleasure.

"It doesn't matter," she said, panting and mewling as Jaune played with her body, "I love him, and that's more than enough. Size doesn't matter."

She felt Jaune's erection throb against her butt, shivering at the sensation as he licked her behind her ear.

"Alright, you stick to your 'love'. I'll show you what a real cock is like." Jaune grabbed a condom from his side table and slipped it onto his cock; her vagina was ready and very well-lubricated at this point.

Jaune pushed her onto her back and squeezed in between her legs. She looked down along the length of her body to see his cock, larger than her boyfriend's, hovering just above her sopping wet pussy. She wanted to give one last protest, to tell him not to do this. But she was also excited to see what it would feel like to have her aching vagina finally stretched out for the first time. It was with that realization that Pyrrha knew she wouldn't be able to back out at all for the next two weeks.

He entered her slowly, just like Cardin usually did. Unlike her boyfriend however, Jaune's cock stretched out her vagina just as she had anticipated. She had never been so filled before, and she saw stars as she experienced Jaune's large cock in all its wonderment.

It didn't stop there either. More than just being wider, the blackmailer's cock was also longer than Cardin's and she felt it hit places in her pussy that her boyfriend had never reached before.

"Ahn! Ahh!"

Jaune began to move back and forth slowly, fully hilting himself in her pussy with every thrust. Pyrrha moaned with abandon, completely feeling the cock in all it's glory as it hit a spot inside that she didn't know existed within her. It was a damn shame, because it felt absolutely amazing.

"Oh! Oh, oh!"

Jaune began to pick up speed as he fucked her vigorously. His body fell on top of hers, capturing her lips with his as he slammed into her with powerful thrusts. Pyrrha couldn't help but move her hips along with his, meeting his thrusts with her own.

All she could think of was Cardin, however. She imagined it was Cardin doing this, Cardin filling her up and fucking her so amazingly. Cardin with a big dick, not a small one. As she pictured her boyfriend doing this to her, imagining that it was Cardin's lips she was kissing and not Jaune's, Pyrrha felt an oncoming orgasm.

"Ah! Ohhhhhhhh!"

It was the likes of which she had never felt before and she quivered and groaned in anticipation.

Jaune must have felt it as well. He broke their kiss and pushed off of her, taking his cock out with a loud squelch. Pyrrha moaned in loss and frustration.

"Wha- what?"

"I'm going to try something different with you, Pyrrha." Jaune grinned as he ripped the condom off, tossing it accurately into a bin. "After all, you said your love for your little boyfriend is enough, so you shouldn't care about cumming from my dick."

Pyrrha couldn't argue with what he said. She did her best to ignore the frustration of having her orgasm, the best orgasm she might have ever had to this day, denied. But there was no way she could admit that she wanted to cum from his cock. She loved Cardin more, and that was all that mattered, right?

"It's going to be the same every day," Jaune told her, making her look at him forlornly, "You'll come to my room after you're done training. I'll fuck you a little bit, then I want you to make me cum with your pretty little mouth. Now go on."

She sighed but rose up, greeting his waiting cock with her mouth.


Two weeks. Two weeks and Jaune hadn't let her cum once. She had tried masturbating to climax of course, she had tried using a makeshift toy, but nothing compared to the feeling that Jaune continually denied her.

Today was the last day of Cardin's stay in the hospital. Jaune had excused her, telling her that she didn't need to fuck him, allowing her to go visit her boyfriend instead. True to his word, the bully had been fucking her every night.

Like the first time, he let her orgasm build up but he would pull out at the worst possible time and she lost that amazing feeling. Then she would suck him off to completion, with him finishing either in her mouth, on her face, on her breasts, and once even on her vagina. It was a specific type of torture, a pleasureable one, but Pyrrha had done her best to withstand it.

At least it was over now. She may not have gotten to achieve the orgasm of her life, but she could forget about it. She had a chance to explore the option with Cardin. She doubted her boyfriend would be capable of using his smaller penis to the same end, but they could probably get creative, even if it took a while and some experimentation.


As she entered the hospital room, she closed the door behind her and walked over to Cardin's bed, only to notice him sleeping. It was odd, as Cardin was usually awake at this time.

"He's out like a light."

Pyrrha jumped at the voice, turning around to see a smirking Jaune.

"What are you doing here?" she hissed at him, looking between him and Cardin in panic.

"Don't worry, Pyrrha." He walked up to Cardin despite her gestures not to. "I have a fuckbuddy nurse here do me a favor."

He put his hands on Cardin and shook him violently, making Pyrrha seize up in alarm. Much to her surprise however, her boyfriend didn't rouse in the slightest, still snoring lightly.

"She put him under pretty strong. Nothing is going to wake him up; she assured me he's going to be sleeping 'til tomorrow morning." Turning away from her boyfriend, Jaune faced her with a grin.

"Why? You told me not to come to your room, to visit Cardin instead. So why are you here?" Pyrrha didn't understand the situation. She thought she was free. Jaune laughed.

"Did you really think I wasn't going to fuck you on our very last night together?" He grinned as he grabbed her covered breast, fondling it roughly as he usually did. She enjoyed the feeling. "I just wanted to do it here."

"No! Not here!" Pyrrha glared at him for having the gall to suggest such a thing. Jaune raised an eyebrow in response.

"You're a smart girl, Pyrrha." He smiled confidently at her and began to take his clothes off. "My friend made sure the room is soundproof tonight, a pretty handy Semblance I'd say. You're not just going to throw two weeks of work away only to see your boyfriend in jail. Now strip."

Pyrrha continued to glare at him but began to strip down despite her own nervousness. She watched Cardin carefully as Jaune, fully nude, walked over to the door and locked it. He pulled down the screen to block them from view. By the time he made it back to her, she was already nude; by now, she was a pro at getting naked really quickly.

He made quick work of getting her wet, his cock already at full mast. At this point, Pyrrha was putty in his hands. She watched as he quickly slipped a condom on. Getting behind her, he bent her over her boyfriend, letting her look at Cardin face to face. She shivered in both fear and pleasure, the two emotions sending a thrill through her body.

Slightly more used to his size by now, Pyrrha felt him thrust into her all the way to his base.

"Ahh!!" She moaned out in pleasure, quickly covering her mouth with her hands as she looked and Cardin in dread to see if he had waken up. When he didn't she slowly released her grip over her mouth and placed her hands on his body to steady herself.

"Ah! Ah! Oh! Ah!"

Jaune fucked her harder than he ever had before, her body shaking with each thrust. Cardin's sleeping figure shook accordingly with her hold on his chest. Her orgasm, that ultimate orgasm that she hadn't ever experienced, began building again. It didn't matter to her however. Jaune never let her cum before, he certainly wouldn't again.

But unlike before, Jaune didn't stop fucking her. He rammed into her recklessly, sawing into her pussy like a man enraged. Pyrrha suddenly realized that there was no stopping it this time. It was coming!

"Ohhhhhhhhhh! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! I'm cummmmmmminggg!!!!! " Her screams were loud and reckless as that great elusive orgasm finally hit her. She felt Jaune come into the condom, filling her up even more. She didn't even care that Cardin might wake up from her screams. It was the greatest pleasure she had ever felt. Nothing she had done with Cardin ever compared.

As Jaune pulled out, she looked back at him and met his grin with undisguised awe and happiness. She finally understood what he meant.


"Whew! That was intense, Pyrrha."

Pyrrha smiled at her boyfriend as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. Unlike her, he had to push himself during their training considering the difference in their skill levels. It had been a week since he was released from the hospital and he was finally back to the same shape as he had been before his operation.

"It sure was. I guess you're going to head back for a shower?" Pyrrha waved her hand in front of her nose, teasing him. Cardin sheathed Crocea Mors as he pouted.

"Ugh, don't remind me. And you didn't even break a sweat." It was a testament of their relationship that Pyrrha didn't offer any more platitudes.

"You'll get there one day, Cardin. I know it." She patiently waited.

"Well, I'll leave you to your own training," he said, "Maybe after you're done we can…"

"On the weekend, love." Pyrrha laughed him off, knowing that he wanted to have sex tonight. "I'll be too tired tonight."

Cardin grinned at her.

"Can't blame a guy for trying. Well, I'm still looking forward to this weekend then! See you!"

"I love you!" Pyrrha called after him as he rushed off. She grabbed her Scroll and tracked him using the app the team had committed to using. It only showed a dot and a location, but they were able to keep track of each other's Scrolls at all times, something they had agreed on since what they dubbed as 'The Blake Incident'.

She watched as Cardin entered their dorm before pocketing her scroll. Without delay, Pyrrha walked over to the edge of the room and swung into Jaune's room, the window already open and inviting. The lights were on and there he was, waiting for her.

"Hello, Jaune," Pyrrha greeted with a smile. He was already naked and on his bed, sitting with his back against the wall with a smug look on his face. It took her only a few moments to divest herself of all her gear, her vagina already dripping wet.

Jaune didn't reply and the redhead wasted no time in crawling up to him on the bed and taking his soft cock into her mouth. She sucked at his penis noisily, wetting it with her saliva as she sucked him to hardness.

Once he was proudly pointing upwards, she jumped on his cock with haste, sinking herself onto it with a pleasured moan.

"Ahh! It's so big!"

As she began to bounce up and down on Jaune's cock, he grabbed her waist while she rode him cowgirl-style. They had progressed to the point where they no longer used a condom. Pyrrha began to take precautions to prevent pregnancy; Jaune's nurse friend supplied the pills. Thankfully their technology was advanced enough to prevent it one-hundred percent.

She still used condoms with Cardin however; she didn't want to tip him off.

"Hey, I have a question for you Pyrrha."

"Ahn! What- what is it? Oh, right there Jaune!" He sucked at her tit as he moved his hips along with hers.

"Three weeks ago, you said that your love for your little-dick boyfriend was enough, that you didn't care about size." Pyrrha didn't even bother standing up for Cardin at this point, knowing her lover wouldn't care. "How about now?"

"I love him!" she admitted as she shook her hips with even more vigor, moaning with pleasure as she worked his dick as best she could, "He has a small dick but I still love him! But… oh! Ahhh!"


"But I absolutely love big dicks!"

Pyrrha kissed him fervently and he exploded inside her vagina, filling her womb with his copious ejaculate as she came on his giant cock, a pleasure Cardin would never be capable of giving her. And it was only their first for the night.

For her, it didn't matter that Cardin's tiny cock was useless for sex. She loved him, after all.