The Beacon biology class took an… awkward turn, during second semester, when Ms Goodwitch announced that the Hunters in training still had to learn the basics of reproduction, sexual activity and safety.
After a few gentle lessons and stern glares at anyone who giggled when diagrams and terms came up, Ms Goodwitch announced she had a surprise for the class.
"Ms Nikos has volunteered to be a more… anatomically correct model for us today." She announced, waving the leggy redhead down from her seat.
Cardin gaped at his girlfriend, shocked at this turn of events, as she got out of her seat next to him in the front row, heading up to Goodwitchs' desk without addressing him or answering any of the sputtered questions that chased her.
"What do you need me to do, ma'am?" Pyrrha asked politely.
"If you'd remove your top?" Goodwitch asked.
A slew of gasps and grins spread through the room like wildfire as the Mistralian dutifully undid the buttons of her jacket, then top, letting them fall on the floor, quickly followed by the lacy black bra that Pyrrha had been wearing, revealing her creamy, full breasts to all.
"Now." Glynda told everyone, raising her crop and flicking it sideways lightly to tap against Pyrrha's chest. "Who can name these? Mr Winchester ?" She waited for a few seconds, as the blonde boy gaped in silence. "Hmph. It seems not. Anyone else?"
"The tits!" Jaune shouted from the back.
"Scientific name, Mr Arc." Glynda sighed.
"The… breasts?"
"Very good." Goodwitch nodded, trailing the crop to the peaks of one of Pyrrha's chests, "And these?"
"The nipple!" Jaune shouted again.
"The areola."
"Very good, Mr Arc. You're behaving very well today."
Jaune leered down from the backrow, ogling Pyrrha.
"Now, Ms Nikos?" Glynda glanced sideways. "Your skirt, if you would?"
Swallows echoed around the room, as Pyrrha unclipped her skirt with a small, confident smile and let it flutter to the floor, before slipping her panties down, the same lacy black as her bra, trailing down her long, smooth legs, before hitting the floor, Pyrrha stepping out of them, then stepping back and taking a seat on Ms Goodwitchs' desk when told to, bringing her feet up and perching them on the desk with her knees spread.
Cardin licked his lips without thinking. This was the first time he'd ever seen Pyrrha naked, his girlfriend had the body of a goddess, and he felt himself getting hard, despite his surroundings. He'd never expected this kind of behaviour from his girlfriend but… maybe she had some kind of exhibitionist kink? He wasn't… entirely sure he liked the idea of everyone getting to see her, but he could bear it, at least until they could talk about this in private.
Goodwitch stroked her crop slowly and gently down Pyrrha's inner thigh, asking for more descriptions.
Cardin tried to fumble out a name when asked, trying to impress Pyrrha with his knowledge, and when Goodwitch pointed the clitoris, he startled, panicked and blurted out, "THAT'S THE DICKORIS!"
Harsh, mean spirited laughter swelled up at that, Cardin's face turning even redder, as Jaune, once again, got the answer correct. And every other question on female anatomy. It seemed he really was an expert on it, even if he did sometimes rely on the cruder nicknames…
"Well." Ms Goodwitch sighed at last, "I suppose that covers anatomical theory. I suppose we'll be moving onto practical examples. "Ms Nikos will now be asking a male partner to come and join her for a display of human reproduction."
Jaws dropped, and eyes swivelled to Cardin this time.
No one believed he had the guts to fuck Pyrrha in front of the whole class. That just wasn't happening.
Cardin swallowed, feeling butterflies in his stomach as Pyrrha smiled at him.
Was he really going to do this?
Was she really going to do this?
Were they really going to lose their virginities together in front of the whole class, in front of their friends?
"Ms Nikos, name your partner?"
Pyrrha smiled at the now sweaty Cardin, and her green eyes seemed to hint a playful sense of… cruelty.
"Jaune Arc."
Cardin felt like someone just punched him in the stomach, while his brain scrambled to catch up.
"Heh… Heh. Very funny, Pyr." He squeaked, "Um…" He half rose from his chair, "So… should I just come down there or…?"
"Sit down Mr Winchester , or I'll have you in detention until the end of the year." Goodwitch snapped.
He swallowed, looking between the two women, before Nora grabbed his jacket and tugged him back down into his seat, grinning a little at the sick show.
"Mr Arc?" Goodwitch asked, "Come on down."
"Oh there'll be cum alright." The class bully chuckled, swaggering out from the back row and down to the front of class, where Pyrrha stared up at him, helping unbutton his uniform.
"Pyrrha!" Cardin practically screamed from his seat, as now Yang and Nora were holding him down on either side, as Pyrrha squatted, unbuckling Jaunes belt and tugging his pants down, his enormous cock springing free, standing proud and rock hard for all to see. "You're not actually going to-"
He left out a soft yelp as the redhead gave Jaune's cock a light kiss on the head, lapping up a bead of pre-cum.
"Good thinking Miss Nikos." Goodwitch chimed in, "Sometimes during intercourse, a partner may ask you to perform oral sex on them. This is done by stimulating them using your mouth and sometimes hands. "Ms Nikos, if you could perform on Mr Arc."
Pyyrha grinned and leant forwards, grabbing the base of Jaune's cock lightly and taking the head into her mouth, sucking her cheeks tight to form a light vacuum.
"Now, while not technically part of reproduction, it's important to know." Goodwitch added, "You'll never want to use your teeth. Ever. Typically on men, the partner will suck on the glans for the sake of pleasuring them. Some report that they find the act of giving oral sex arousing in and of itself, the taste of pre-ejaculate, or even full ejaculate can be enough to help bring the giver to orgasm…" A coy smile crossed her lips, "And I think Miss Nikos might be one of those kinds of givers."
Pyrrha let out a whorish moan as she sucked Jaune's dick, the musky smell of female arousal filling the room as she gagged on Jaune's cock, as wide as a can and as long as a foot ruler, Jaune was something of an impressive specimen, and Pyrrha was milking the chance for all it was worth.
She stroked the lower half of his cock with one hand and massaged his balls with the other, Jaune taking a powerful grip on her ponytail and helping guide Pyrrha's movements to his demands, satisfying his needs.
"Pyrrha's really good at sucking dick." Yang whispered, leaning in close to Cardin and Nora.
"Reckon she's done it before?" Nora asked back, across the horrified, wide eyed Cardin.
"I dunno… Cardin?"
"No! Never!" He insisted.
"Well… not with Cardin, at least." Yang giggled.
"Fuckin swallow it, you little slut!" Jaune growled through clenched teeth, shoving Pyrrah's face into his crotch and holding her there, Pyrrha gagging desperately.
"He c-can't talk to her like that!" Cardin protested.
"Winchester , please." Goodwitch sighed, "Mr Arc is merely engaging in what's known as some light dirty talk. Lots of couples use it to get each other in the mood."
"He's choking her!"
"A technique known as deep throating, yes." Goodwitch nodded, adjusting her glasses.
"Gonna- Cum!" Jaune moaned.
"Ejaculate, Mr Arc." Goodwitch reminded him, before Pyrrha letting out a moaning gag and Jaune grunted appreciatively, slamming his hips into her nose, Pyrrha's throat bulging out as she took Jaune's fresh, hot load directly down her throat, giggling with demented lust as she gave his cock a few more pumps with her hand, making sure to get every last drop.
Cardin winced and looked down at his lap, trying to convince himself this was a dream, a nightmare that he'd soon wake up from, until Nora poked him in the ribs.
"Look!" She urged cheerfully, "Jaune didn't even go soft! He's already raring to go for round two!"
"Sh- hmm-hmm- shall we begin the intercourse practical?" Pyrrha asked.
"Proceed." Goodwitch nodded, "Though, it'd be rather hard for everyone to see you on my desk. Feel free to climb up on the front row's tables."
Cardin felt an awful, hot shame clench his stomach, as Jaune gave Pyrrha a harsh slap on the ass and shoved her towards Cardin's desk, bending her over roughly, so that the Mistralian could look her boyfriend in the eye.
"Hi Cardin~" She cooed cheerfully.
The blonde lowered his voice, trying to make this a private argument, even with all eyes on them. "Pyrrha, what the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Getting an A?" She replied cheerfully. "Or at this rate, maybe a D…" She trailed off into giggles, as Jaune gave her ass another slap and guided himself into Pyrrha's sopping wet cunt.
"Fuh-arrrk, she's a tight'un!" Jaune grunted, digging his fingers cruelly into Pyrhha's hips, "Not by the time I'm done with her cunt though, this is a cum slut I can really get used to!"
"Pyrrhaaaa!" Cardin whined, looking to Yang and Nora for help, but both were just drinking in the show, the blonde massaging her tits through her uniform, Nora stroking herself under the desk.
Pyrrha just grinned, leaning forwards and grabbing Cardin's tie, tugging his head close to hers.
"You're gonna watch him fuck me, you little waste of space." She spit in his ear, "You're going to watch how a real man fucks, you hear me?"
"Wh-wha-?" Cardin choked out.
"You could never, never hope to match up to this." She moaned in his ear, being pounded full of Jaune's thick cock. "I'm gonna keep finding big dicks to fuck me, and I'm never going to let a disgusting worm like you touch me again."
"You think I'm gonna keep seeing you after this?" He hissed back, trying to get some fire in him, to fight back against this torrent of abuse.
"If you dump me…" Pyrrha paused to moan sensually in Cardin's ear as Jaune's cock pressed against her womb, "I'm gonna tell Goodwitch about your faked papers. Hm?" She spat on his cheek, "You'll go to jail for life, you know that?" She sneered, "A weak, pathetic hunter like you? That's endangerment for anyone that would get teamed up with you, you'd only get someone killed. The police won't like that…"
"You wouldn't."
"I already have the email typed u~uup." Pyrrha moaned back, "Just try me, you cuck."
"Shit, Winchester !" Jaune chuckled, thrusting away, "You never got a piece of this? Well, sorry buddy, but I think I'm using up any traction you might be hoping to find, she's fitting me like a glove!"
"Hey Cardin?" Pyrrha asked, her tone light. "You know what else?" He didn't respond, Nora and Yang masturbating themselves on either side of him, as, he suspected, was the rest of the class. "It's my time of the month. I'm gonna get knocked up Cardin… But don't worry, I'll let you raise the kid, while I screw every big, meaty cock I can find. You can tell mommy and daddy you got your rich, beautiful girlfriend knocked up, and bring home every bastard I squeeze out. Maybe they'll stop believing you if one of them winds up Faunus… but that's not my problem."
She gripped his tie tighter. "Fuuuuuck, I'm so close to cumming, Cardin. I'm gonna cum on Jaune's big, manly dick, and you're gonna watch, and you're gonna do nothing about it. Because you're pathetic. You're a pathetic little bitch, and you belong to me."
"FUCK! YES!" Jaune howled, his chest huffing as he pushed himself balls deep inside Pyrrha's hot twat and pumped her full of his seed, no doubt planting a little, baby 'Winchester ' inside her.
The school bell rang and the class hazedly snapped out of their lust filled fugor.
"Well." Goodwitch announced, "That will be all children. Ms Nikos, Mr Arc, you'll be sure to get extra credit for this… And Mr Winchester ? Detention, for all your interruptions."
Cardin was left, a broken, weeping shell of a man, as Jaune sucked a breath in, and picked the still naked Pyrrha up and slung her over his shoulder, carrying her off with him, "I ain't done with you yet, slut. Let's get back to my room!"
Pyrrha squawked with delight as Jaune gave her another spank, and the two disappeared into the halls.