My name is Cardin, and i'm leaving a normal life in the town of BValeis.
My family is Vale, like nearly everyone here. My father works as a blacksmith, like everyone. My mother is prude and kind, similar to all the moms in here, i reckon. For a long time, the only thing in my life that was out of the ordinary was my girlfriend, Pyrrha.
She has a personnality as far from the calm and feminine serenity of most of the native women of BValeis. Pyrrha is much more assertive than me, has no problem unlike me to be agressive, and to oppose others, and to fight for what she believes ... Maybe that's why I fell in love with her. And unlike me, and most Vale men in our city, she can fight! With a sword in her hand, Pyrrha is as strong as most foreign mercenaries hired to protect the city, and I have seen her slay monsters without any problem, and more than once! Her strength is extraordinary!
Her body is even more incredible, in fact...
Her tits are absolutely massive and she was quite tall. She was heavily built – with huge wide bottom, ultra large breasts big enough for me to have to use four hands to hold one. Her legs were extra stocky and her thighs mega thick to match her hips and enourmous bottom. She was pretty and full of face and always looked and smelt lovely. I loved her abundance. Her chest was spacious and comfortable like a bed of pillows. I loved to just hide my head in there and feel all of me surrounded by the warm softness. Her dark skin was luxurious, smooth and incredibly rich. I complimented her many times on the amount of cellulite she had all over her body. She confessed to me she had always had it and that was just the way her body was.
Basically, whether physically, mentally, or in her general attire, Pyrrha clashed strongly with the rest of the population.
For my part, I was much more banal. But my dream was ambitious:
I wanted to become the best blacksmith in the world in order to forge the best weapons possible in Pyrrha, and make her the greatest warrior in the world.
It was this goal that brought her and me together. We finally fell in love, and we are living an extraordinary love story.
Obviously, I would be lying if I said it was easy everyday. Pyrrha has a very strong character, and I don't have a lot of temper myself, so I get a little crushed by her most of the time ... But our love has always triumphed over everything. My kindness and sweetness always touched her, and her energy, her encouragement always touched me.
However, and it's probably a mistake on my part to think that ... I sometimes tell myself that Pyrrha is also aggressive with me and with others because she is sexually frustrated ... I mean, she has big sexual needs, needs that I am far from being able to satisfy, with my tiny dick and my non-existent sex drive ...
But it must be my imagination, certainly.
All my energy, I put it in my study of the art of the blacksmith, and Pyrrha always encouraged me in this way.
Work in the forge is nice, except for ONE thing…
The only negative thing in my life, the only downside in my life ... Jaune, the white mercenary. He is one of the recent recruits by the company of foreign mercenaries hired by the city to protect the city from the surrounding monsters (since none of the natives of the city, exept some like Pyrrha, know how to fight), and as soon his arrival here, he did everything to make my life hell.
He's rude, rough, big, and obviously hates me. Not me because i'm a wimpy kid, but because I'm Vale. I mean, i'm far from being the only Vale here, and i'm not the only one he's bullying, but given that his squad's mission is to protect the forge in which I work, we see each other almost on a daily basis. Which means that, inevitably, his racist impulses are poured on me!
Really weird guy, and while the others Vales think he's loony, the Vale girls of the, well, reluctantly like him. I didn't understand until we were in the showers one time, and…well, his penis was bigger than my leg. It nearly dragged across the floor, and was as thick as a forearm. Needless to say, he could have fucked plenty of women, leaving them with gaping holes, and pregnant bellies, if his role as a mercenary did not prevent him from doing so.
The interbreeding and sexual encounters between native and foreign mercenaries were fortunately formally prohibited by the leaders of BValeis, which made Jaune completely crazy about sexual frustration.
I even think that if he had access to the women of the city, he would be less mean to me.
But in the meantime, Jaune was deprived of sex, and he let off steam on all the weak Vales who passed within his reach, including me, alas.
Every day is the same: Jaune beats me and takes my money. I've gotten good deflecting the blows, but he still beats me anyways, and I always keep money in my shoe now to pay for food.
Fortunately he doesn't use his sword to beat me up! I have already seen him once behead a goblin who had interfered in the city, and who would have killed me if Jaune had not intervened. I did not have time to express my gratitude to my savior for the latter to give me a blow on the head with the pommel of his sword, as if to remind me that the only reason he had just saved me was because he was paid for it.
In any case, it is extremely strong. It belongs to the Crusader class, those warriors whose specialty is to smite down on undead, demons and other traditionally evil supernatural creatures.
Jaune is therefore able to infuse magic into his attacks, something that even Pyrrha, who is nonetheless an outstanding spadassin, is unable to do. That said, spadassins don't need magic to be fearful, and I'm sure Pyrrha could beat the crusader!
However, I must admit ... I never had the courage to admit to my girlfriend that I was being bullied ... I'm too ashamed of that, I don't want Pyrrha to have even less respect for me. I want her to see me as a strong man, as the man who will make her the greatest swordsman in the world! I don't want her to see me as a weakling ...
So I endure, I grit my teeth. Even if, lately, it's been getting harder and harder.
Because now, Jaune sits near me all day, and torments me continually, even despite the fact that we're eighteen! Others mercenaries actually apologize to me for his behaviour, but it doesn't really help.
I guess I could go and complain about him, and he will be punished and maybe even fired, but frankly, I'm a little bit sorry for him anyway. I can understand that he feels confused, to fight every day against demonic monsters to protect the life of people who are not of his race, who do not have the same culture as him ... He must find it unfair, to put his life on the line for people he don't even understand.
Furthermore, I feel that he is frustrated at being without female company. I myself was quite sad before I met Pyrrha.
But above all, the reason I keet being quiet, apart from the fact that I am ashamed of being a victim, is that I owe Jaune a debt. Yes, whether I like it or not, I would have died if he hadn't saved me from this goblin.
The problem is that one day, after Jaune punched my eye, Pyrrha came to pick me up at the forge.
This time, I had no way of hiding from her that I was bullied, so I stared at her, preferring to visually revel in her extraordinarily luscious physique rather than looking down.
I loved her oversized hourglass figure, very few women are endowed with her features. She was blessed with incredibly fleshy curves. I kept looking at her hips, mesmerized by their vastness. I kept staring at those magnificent thighs, so full they were bigger than my whole body. I kept looking at her pendulous breasts, so meaty and jiggly that they seems to be engorged by milk.
But her enchanting physique was far from devoid of muscle, and the long saber hanging down from her back reminded her that she was an unequaled swordswoman.
I watched my goddess walking toward me. She was wearing only an enormous custom-made shelf bra, overflowing everywhere. Her mountains of flesh were all quivering and shaking in a wild perpetual motion. Her tits were an ocean crossed by big splashy waves. Her thighs had so many layers of scented flesh that they seemed to have a life of their own, even more than her cow-sized teats. She was letting me observe and feast on that vision, every few steps she would stop moving, waiting for her jiggling amassments to come to a complete halt.
« My darling ... What happened to you? What does your eye have? Someone didn't hit you, I hope? »
« ... No, no, not at all ... Well, I mean ... »
My inconsistency is enough to make my Pyrrha roar with anger:
"What do you mean ?! Your eye is all black! You are not going to make me believe that you fell on the stairs! Come on, tell me what happened to you, I don't have all day! And stop lying me ! Don't even think about getting out of this one ! "
Being of an easily impressionable nature, and not liking conflict, I immediatly reveal the whole truth to my girlfriend, who went from nervousness to sweetness in an instant.
"... But why did you never told me that you were being bullied?! You had to tell me that a white mercenary is harassing you! We promised to always tell each other the truth, remember? We are a team, the future best blacksmith in the world, and the future best swordsman in the world!
"I know, I know, but ... Pyrrha, I didn't want you to despise me. I want you to consider me as a real man, not a weak man. I want to be worthy of you, Pyrrha."
There were no more traces of fury were visible in Pyrrha's caramel eyes. Only infinite affection.
She tenderly took me between her powerful arms. Reassured like a baby kitten licked by its mother, i rested my head on her chest and hugged her large body :
« There, there, she cooed in a tender voice. I love you as you are, you don't need to prove anything to me. I like your sweetness, your kindness, your sensitivity ... You don't have to play the role of the macho that you are not.
And I know it's my fault, because I'm aggressive, sometimes mean to you, and it gives you the impression that I want you to be more masculine ... But I assure you that it's false. I don't care if you're not tall, strong, powerful, or that you're not very sexual. I don't care completely, absolutely completely!
I'm the one who will protect you, don't worry. So promise me never to lie to myself again, okay? »
« Pyrrha's affectionate words go straight to my heart, and I have to fight not to break down in tears ... After all the mental and physical torture that Jaune made me undergo free, thus snuggle me against the soft and comforting body of Pyrrha was sublime.
"Are you sure, my lack of masculinity doesn't bother you? Or even the fact that I find it difficult ... to go very far in your intimacy ...?
"Hahaha, what are you talking about, come on! It doesn't matter! I have a bad temper, that's all."
"I am reassured ... Jaune repeated to me, again and again, that the Vales are all weak, and that their wives are all frustrated at not being contented sexually ..."
"Rah, don't tell me about that racist asshole!" Grunted Pyrrha. "I know those kind of guys well, darling. You have to know that white men are ... very different from Vale men.
They only think with their penis, which is much larger than normal, according to what they say. They are violent, bloodthirsty, brutal, and despise everything that is not "strong"!
They are barbarians, do not compare yourself to this kind of garbage! You are a sensitive and delicate being, and that's why I love you! Don't worry, I'll take care of this guy. "
For a moment, I trembled with concern:
"You ... are going to fight him? Pyrrha, be careful, he's very strong! It won't be easy, even for you!"
"No, i'm not going to fight him, silly! Anyway, if he cares about his job, it's not in his interest to get in a figh against a citizen of the town he is supposed to protect! Don't worry, I'm taking care of everything. I'm going to go see him, we're going to chat quickly, and I can assure you that he will never lay eyes on you again! "
"Really?" I said, full of hope.
"Obviously, who do you take me for, baby? And if I had been in your place, I would have told all this to the leader of BValeis, but hey, you're too nice of a guy... I mean, that Jaune bastard may have saved your life, but it was beyond his control ... And then, if you had been killed by this goblin, he would have lost his scapegoat!
But it's true that, when you think about it, getting him fired might not be very prudent ... You never know, with this kind of white crazy dude, what they are capable of doing to get revenge...
So yeah, don't worry. I'm just going to talk to him, and everything will be back to normal.
« Thank you, Pyrrha ... Thank you. »
While saying that, I reached for her waist and hips and buried my face into that ocean of fat. My nose, my cheeks, my eyes and even my ears felt the divine softness of this Valeian goddess; her generous opulence, her full natural curves and the lush texture of her skin. At the same time I wrapped my right arm around her giant body, squeezing and holding a roll of flesh in my hand. I opened my mouth to drown in that silky ocean of pleasure enveloping me. I sucked in the largest amount of flesh I could possibly stuff in my mouth and suckled its softness like a baby. I "munched" on her with my lips. It was juicy like a ripe peach and so buttery I almost felt it melting under my lips. I savored all the different layers of flesh, all the rolls and the folds. She was smiling and caressing my head.
I was in heaven…
Alas, I had to, after a long moment of pure euphoria, separate myself from the soothing embrace of my girlfriend to let her go home, so that she could prepare to meet Jaune the crusader.
I obediently accompanied her to her house, and waited on the doorstep for her to be ready.
When she went out, I was very surprised:
She emerges in a black lycra camisole and thong. I can see a black bra underneath, already groaning under the pressure of her 34F breasts. It strains to hold her up perkily, if that's at all possible with boobs her size. The bra performs it's job commendably, holding her up and in place. The camisole is stretched at her bustline and clings to her from her enormous boobs down to her curvy waist, accenting every curve on the way down.
« So, what do you think ? »
She lifts her arms over her head and spins around, showing me her rounded ass highlighted by the thong and stops for a moment, allowing me to savor her perfect pear-shaped ass/hip combo. I ogle her up and down, vocalizing my admiration. Her big plentiful breasts create a beautiful sideboob/backboob profile with her arms held high up.
Seeing Pyrrha in just a bra and thong is enough to make me instantly dizzy. She fills them out so damned nicely… And by fills, I mean FILLS. Those big tits of hers seem to be ready to burst the seams of any regular bra. Her ass is perfectly rounded for thongs and the way the waistband sits high up on her hips would make a gay guy straight.
« You're beautiful, my dear, but… Aren't you supposed to go see Jaune? You said it yourself, it's a sexual beast ... Going to confront him like this is perhaps not a good idea ... I thought you were going to put on armor, in order to intimidate him! »
« I told you, though, that I'm not going to fight him. Cardin, you have to trust me, I know what I'm doing. Well, I'm leaving. See you tonight! »
Astonished, I stammered:
« But ... You're going alone? »
« Yes, of course! Don't worry, I already told you, let me do it! Wait for me here, or at your place, I'll tell you how it went! It shouldn't take more than 15 minutes. »
« … Okay, good luck. »
« Yeah, no worries. I love you baby ! »
« … Me too. »
And it was on these words that she moved away with determined steps. Seeing her gigantic shapes jiggle madly at each of her movements is not enough to dispel the anxiety that now polluted my mind.
I was not very brave, certainly, but was I so cowardly, to let the love of my life face this white monster of Jaune alone? Anything could happen to her!
No, I was a coward, but I couldn't let her sacrifice herself for me!
Trembling with fear, I decided to follow my girlfriend, silently and surreptitiously, to the barracks where the mercenaries were staying.
She seemed deep in thought, as if she was about to do something she was afraid of regretting. Pyrrha was so focused that she wouldn't spot me, and I could follow her discreetly to the barracks where Jaune was.
But when she got ready to cross the threshold of the barracks, Pyrrha stopped on the spot. She seemed to think, then she untied the scabbard, that contained her saber, from her back. After placing it in front of the building door, she opened the door, and rushed into the darkness of the place ...
I creep after Pyrrha into the building, making sure that I am well hidden from sight. The moment she enters the room, she calls him out immediately.
"Jaune, you white bastard, step out here immediately!" She shouts loud and clear for him to hear.
All was silent for a while. I look at my girlfriend with her arms akimbo. Her breathing is a bit fast and so her chest heaves, her huge juggs rising and falling rapidly on her chest. Her long, dark, muscular legs are planted firmly on the ground and her back is erect. Even as the legs are muscular, they still remain sexy. Her
Jaune steps out of the darkness and walks towards Pyrrha. He has his chin in his hands and I could see his hungry looking eyes feast on Pyrrha's voluptuous body. As he walks towards her, I notice that Pyrrha's breathing increases as the strong smell of Jaune's manly sweat fills my nostrils. Apparently, he was in the middle of his workouts when we came in.
"Why did you hit my boyfriend, you white pig?!" she yells at him once more.
Jaune does not respond to her question, rather, he moves much closer to her so much that I can see him well now. He is almost naked except for the brief piece of clothing around his waist. His whole body is drenched in sweat, which gives it a shiny look and sweat soaked piece of clothing around his waist is well deformed by the huge bulge staring me in the eye. Pyrrha's nipples pushed hard against her dress as Jaune approached her, she quickly folded her arms in front of them so as to hide this.
Jaune begins to walk round Pyrrha like he is sizing up an opponent. I could see her camel toe grow bigger as her vulva became more swollen.
"Why do you always make his life hell, you dog? What has he ever done to you to deserve your beastly behaviour?!" She continues her rants.
"I have come here today to settle all of this once and for all, it all ends here!" By the time she was saying this, Jaune had completed his journey round her and was standing uncomfortably close to her. She seemed to have difficulty in her breathing and I knew it was the stench coming from the vile monster. I could hardly breathe where I was hiding either.
"So, what are you going to do about it?" Jaune responds rather calmly to her angry rants. He is half smiling and his bloodshot eyes are tingling in their sockets.
"I know that all your white people are very violent, much more violent than regular Vales. You are virile and toxically masculine, stepping on every person that is below you in those regards. Shameless pigs, you are. You really should pick on those your own size!" She puffed her chest as she made this statement which I guessed meant she was a match for any white male.
Jaune stood unruffled in front of her, arms folded in front of his fur like chest.
"Because of your aggressive masculinity, you white pigs have great sexual needs that cannot be quenched by the faint hearted or weak!"
Despite the fact that Pyrrha was speaking in anger to Jaune, I could see her trying really hard to steady her legs. Her thick thighs were quivering beneath her and the rippling effect could be seen in the gown she was putting on. From where I was, I could see vaginal fluids trickling out of her pussy and sliding down her thighs. She kept take short gasps like air was low in supply in the room.
"I know of the rule binding you white mercenaries in this town concerning your relations with the local women but I am giving you permission to bypass that and get a chance to ease your sexual frustration, set down the heavy weight of the anger in you and release the violence through your infidel cock into my tight, warm, Valeian pussy!"
I did not see that coming and neither did Jaune. My jaws opened in surprise because of the ridiculous offer that my girlfriend has just given to Jaune. The enormous bulge under his clothing began to rise, making it impossible for Pyrrha not to steal frequent glances at it. Jaune began to wet his lips over and over with his tongue and he started to rub his palms together like one whom a great dish has been set before. His bulge pushed even further against his cloth.
"Do not be too happy, this is just a one time offer. I am simply doing this so that you can stop bullying my boyfriend, I don't want you hurting him again. Do not lay your filthy hands on him ever again. I know you are simply passing your sexual frustration on him, so you can take all of that aggression in that donkey, barbarian penis of yours and unleash it in my firm pussy!" She says with scorn.
"By the way, I do not expect you to refuse because you and the rest of your white people are sex hungry animals who can never say no to a warm, tight pussy. You white pigs have traded your brains for sexual imperiality and so you cannot think with any other thing but your cock!" Her words were strong and they mocked Jaune and the whole of his race. I wished he would get angry and throw her out so but all Pyrrha was saying to him seemed not to affect him at all.
In fact, he seemed to be getting more excited as she rained more insults on him and the white race, something he would have cut any other person in two for doing. He was indeed thinking with his cock.
"Ohh, I accept." Jaune said eagerly. These words came like a death sentence to me. I melt within that my girlfriend was offering herself for me but here I am hidden like a coward from view.
Pyrrha unconsciously heaved a sigh of relief like she had been waiting for him to say those words.
"I knew you could not resist; your dirty cock will not allow you to." She said with much disdain. She lets down her arms which she folded across her breast and her milky tits raised their nipples in rejoicing. Each nipple was surrounded by a wet patch which were slowly spreading as Pyrrha's huge boobs began to lick more juices.
Jaune goes around to her back and grabs a handful of each of her huge buttocks in his thick, wide hands, making sure to squeeze each one. He grabs her huge breasts and feels them with his hands, kneading them and then slapping them against each other. Each touch, squeeze and slap that Jaune delivers to Pyrrha's boobs and ass to me are like electric currents being passed through my body.
"You like what you see, don't you?! I know you cannot wait to unleash your animalistic sexual instincts, Mad Dog!" Pyrrha mocks Jaune again.
"Your words are only passing a message to me. They are as a result of the sexual frustration that your inferior Vale boyfriend has caused. His tiny shrunken Vale balls are just too weak." Jaune's words bite right into me. I see Pyrrha's eyes flash in anger.
"You are the inferior one, you pathetic white man. No matter how great your cock is, you will never reach the ankle of my dear Cardin. He is worth ten times more than you are."
Jaune moves closer to Pyrrha, he tilts his head slightly to the side and gives her a few slow, sensual kisses first.
"You are nothing but a dirty, white beast," Pyrrha retorts. "I do not want to kiss you!" However, she does not move from where she is standing.
Jaune wraps his hands round her waist and pulls her towards himself, he inches closer to her and he begins to explore her mouth with his tongue, kissing her all over her lips and pulling at them as he does so. Pyrrha does not back out, rather she allows him to kiss her. Soon, she relaxes her rigid body and starts to kiss him back. She opens her mouth and lets the white beast dive in with his tongue. They kiss each other passionately and powerfully.
As they kiss, Jaune begins to hit Pyrrha in the crotch with his huge bulge. He begins to slam into her with force. Each hit makes Pyrrha moan in pleasure much to my disgust. He continues to hit her until suddenly, she starts attempting to cross her legs, but she could not hold back the flow of passion that Jaune had built up in her. She begins to raise her head slowly and relaxes her lips, her eyes are half open but I could guess they were not looking at that moment. Her entire body trembles as fluids burst out of her already swollen cunt and pour down her legs.
A few seconds after, she moves her head closer to Jaunes ears and whispers: "you are only a miserable animal."
Jaune simply smiles like she just complimented him and pulls down Pyrrha's dress. Pyrrha produces a condom in her left hand and points it at Jaune. Jaune looks at it and shakes his head.
"You white swine, take it." But He vehemently refused to make use of the condom. Seeing that it would be futile to try to convince the horny white bull to use the condom, Pyrrha throws it away and proceeds to lie on the bed.
"Very well, do as you wish. Use your dirty, big, horse cock as you wish!"
Pyrrha lays with her legs apart on the bed and begins to spread her soaked, wet pussy with her fingers.
"Bring your frustrated white rod and fill my tight pussy with it!" She spreads her pussy even further.
I watch in horror as my girlfriend puts herself on the slab on this white butcher just for my sake and I feel very ashamed of my cowardice and I shrink further in my hiding place.
The seductive manner in which Pyrrha was spreading her cunt lips turn Jaune on totally, one look at bloated pink opening of Pyrrha's vagina and he lets drop the piece of cloth around his waist, leaving him in his briefs. I gasp at the size of the now erect penis tearing against the fabric of his underwear. Jaune offloads his heavyweight cock from his pants and lets it falls. The weight of the stretchily long penis pulls it down and causes it to dangle even while erect. The penis is uncircumcised so the excess flesh around it covered some part of the cherry red cockhead.
It was also heavily laced with veins that were monstrous and tree root like in nature. Such a pendulum would require a generous amount of blood to make it erect so the veins were just alright for that job. His huge churning balls shoot out from either side of his monstrous looking penis like they are guarding it. The size of the balls justify the length of Jaune's cock. Each one is as huge as a tennis ball and the skin around them is drawn tight from the size. They looked ready to burst open with the amount of cum that they housed in them.
The huge, thickly veined and solidly erect cock hung heavily between Jaune's legs, slightly raising its head as an indication that it was erect. If one was to start bringing out my tiny cock from his enormous hose, you would be able to take not less than ten of my cock from his (if not more).
I catch my girlfriend drooling at Jaune's cock for a second but she quickly recovers and rains more insults on him.
"Is that all of your self-acclaimed monstrous rod that is making you feel like a prime sexual animal?!" She mocked him for his size. Jaune does not respond; rather, he drags his huge cock along and falls on Pyrrha. He thrusts in the monstrous looking head and lets the remaining part of the heavy shaft slide into her wet juicy pussy. Moans of lust and desire fill the air as vast cock pushes apart the tight walls of Pyrrha's vagina walls.
"I bet your tiny cock Vale boyfriend could never make you moan like that." Jaune says as he pushes his cock further into her pussy.
Pyrrha could only gasp as he dives further into her. As he continues to push his monstrous shaft down towards her cervix.
"If you put all of that huge cock of your inside me, you will ruin me for my dear Cardin, you white ogre!" She yells at him.
Then he pauses his invasion and begins to pull out his cock. He pulls out only a part before he slams his cock back in her womb. He begins to thrust faster and faster into her wet, mushy pussy. He became unstoppable as his rod plunged deeper and battered the warm wet walls. The walls contracting and retracting as his shaft slipped in and out. Pyrrha moaned gently with each thrust that Jaune made.
He increases his pace, swishing his cock swiftly in and out of her. Her juices running free to lubricate his enormous shaft. He places thick set arms on her huge balloon tits and squashes them into her chest. Fast forward to a few seconds later, Jaune is running his huge cock in and out of Pyrrha at a steady pace and she is gasping steadily to his swift strokes.
"Is this what you want… mmm, to steal the girlfriend of the one you so much despise? You white pig of barbarian origin!"
The sloppy squash squash sound emanating from the contact between Jaune's rod and Pyrrha's tight pussy increases in volume as Jaune begins to go even deeper into her vaginal area. Finally, he hits her cervix with the slab head of his cock. Pyrrha let out a sharp moan as he does so.
Jaune pauses for a moment, then he slowly withdraws his cock and suddenly slams it back in her pussy with so much force that he hit her cervix harder this time. This time, she let out a short, shrill scream.
"Filthy animal, my Vale pussy is wide open now for your enormous cock, enjoy it while you can, you racist son of a white bitch!"
Jaune switched his gear and went from 0-100 in a matter of seconds. He was soon battering her cervix with his 12inch plus penis, making Pyrrha scream with pleasure. Pyrrha in return raises her pelvis to connect with each of Jaune's strokes, making the impact of his cock in her vagina even greater.
The vibration from the monster pumping in her pussy was rocking her body and making her huge ass and boobs jiggle with each thrust made. Without warning, he suddenly shoots his thick cum into her vagina, he jerks severally as he pushes as the cum that is released into his hose into her vagina. Her laps begin to wobble, she throws back her head as absolute pleasure takes over her body. Her eyes cross and she drools from her outstretched tongue.
"ohhh… yeah…I'M CUMMMMIIINNNGGGG!" She yells. Fresh vaginal fluid burst forth from her split vagina and spray warm vaginal fluid all over the long hose plunging her and also on the sheets.
"Yeah, that is a proper orgasm, not the type you fake with your shriveled cock Vale boyfriend." Jaune taunts her as she orgasms over his cock.
"Do not be so proud of yourself, your cock is far too big to be used as a judge for normal humans like Vale men. You white barbarians are just beasts. It is normal for you to satisfy me sexually more than anyone else, so quiet. You will never be man enough like Cardin, I tell you! He will always be above a white dog like you!" she retorts at his rant.
Jaune, in vengeance, aims for the soft spot inside her vagina. He shoves his cock into this spot, sending Pyrrha into a frenzy spasm of orgasm. She dug her heels into the bed, curled her toes and drooled in extreme desire as the rod made her spill her juices with much force, over and over again. Then he unloads a great quantity of cum in her. He clenched his teeth tightly and refused to slow down as he banged her pussy sore. He kept going faster like a jackhammer till he groaned and shook on her body, unloading another shot with even greater accuracy, he shook once more and fired deep within her walls. Pyrrha screamed with each shot that swam into her. Jaune increases his pace to push the cum further into her.
"You wish to impregnate me, don't you? To give me a white child, right? That is why you keep pumping your cum into me, to destroy my race? Don't stop! I can assure you that Cardin will be a better father for that child than you ever will!"
Jaune and Pyrrha by now are totally drenched in their own sweat. Pyrrha's plump, sexy body was already shining with streams of sweat all over, meanwhile, Jaune who was above her was another thing entirely. His ugly, hair, weathered skin looked like a parched earth that water was poured on. He was literally pouring his own sweat from his body. The sweat was dripping from his chest, head, long penis and other part and falling on my girlfriend's gorgeous body steadily. Their sweat combined, soon formed a huge patch below Pyrrha on his bed. The smell of the sweat filtered its way across the room to where I was standing and hit me strongly in the nostrils, I squeeze my face and nearly choke but Pyrrha did not seem to mind, in fact she seemed further aroused by the pungent smell of his sweat.
Jaune's huge balls bounced off Pyrrha's ass with each powerful thrust that he made, sending her into further ecstasy. He inched further into her insides and his cock head soon hither cervix. Pyrrha locked him in a tight leg lock which made it impossible for Jaune to pull his cock too far out before he thrust it back in again. Jaune did not seem to mind this, he continued to eagerly go in and out of her, splitting her in places that were unknown to her and have never been reached. He unlocked new levels of pleasure within her as he went deeper and deeper with each grunt accompanied shove of his cock. Pyrrha's body began to twitch once again as she prepared for another orgasm.
"You filthy bastard," She yelled at him. "You are going to places that my boyfriend has never touched and will never be able to touch… I'M CUUMMMIIINNNNGGGG!" She rocked vigorously under the intoxication of passion that Jaune's cock gave her. Her face flushed as the squirted hot juices from her vagina. "How will I be able to satisfied by Cardin's cock now?! You are making my need much larger, you white dog!"
"Without your cock, you are nothing!" She mocked him. "All you can boast of that makes you think you are higher than other men of other races is your huge twined bat."
The white bull continued to force his monster hose into her. He was brushing roughly into her faster now, each plunge trying to get more of his cock into her vagina. His in and out movement in her pussy scrapped aggressively against her clits and her g-spot making it sore from passion. His massive shaft was already pounding at the entrance of her spongy cervix but the door stubbornly stood solid against the slamming.
He increased the intensity and speed of his thrusts and began to shove himself aggressively deeper into her. Pyrrha's huge tits jiggled with each thrust and she dropped her tongue in near submission to the power of his cock. Saliva was drooling from her mouth and her eyes started to lose focus as the beast battered the consciousness out of her vagina. She started to yelp as pain mixed with the pleasure because of the huge twined tool splitting her vagina walls and bumping aggressively against her cervix. The tightness of the new area presses hard against Jaune's huge cock, he growled as he unloaded his first set of cum into her tight pussy. The hot cum shot further than the penis had reached. He released another shot of hot cum, each spurt in her pussy made shake and vibrate in full desire. He grunted again as he unloaded another load in her, I began to fear that he would not stop again but after about a minute of serious cumming in her pussy, he finally stopped and continued to batter cervix like he had not just released such huge amount of cum.
"You want to fill my pussy with all of your barbarian cum cum, you dirty bastard? You want to flush out all of the Vale in me?!" She asked in anger.
In response, he lowers his head towards hers in preparation to kiss her.
"My mouth is not yours to kiss, you uncut, slimy bastard!" Jaune ignores and dives into her mouth anyway. She opens up her oral cavity and admits him fully into her mouth, tongues searching for each other and frolicking in each other's mouth. The two of them close their eyes as they share a passionate tongue kissing, they twist tongues together and swallow each other's saliva. I could see her massive burst raising and falling in heavy heaves as they sucked the air right out each other.
Jaune unleased a new barrage of furious thrusts into her most sensitive parts, making her scream out in ecstasy. She yelled and shook from the slamming effect of each plunge. Jaune took a handful of her hair and used it to pull her head closer to him so she could look him in the eye as he continued to wreak havoc in her wet, tight pussy. Her legs loosened a bit as her toes curled up, she pushed her pelvis to meet Jaune's thrusts, her tongue dropped a few loose drops of saliva and her lips quivered as she screamed out in overwhelming desire.
"I'M CUMMMMIIIINNNNGGGGG!" Her eyes lost focus and were crossed for a while. However, the white invader did not release his grip on her hair, he continued to hold fast to her hair. He continued to bang her soft, plump pussy till she regained focus and awoke to another level of desire. She bit her lips as if in regret and then rained heavy words on him.
"There really is no honour in stealing. How do you feel now that you are stealing the girlfriend of an Vale that you so much despise, you filthy white bastard? To steal what belongs to one that you believe is far below you, you dog? Do you enjoy to make her cum, huh? Do you want to fill her pussy with you accumulated stress filled cum? You nasty barbarian!"
Jaune released her hair suddenly, making her fall back violently and heavily on the bed, he pulls her by both boobs and continued to batter her cervix in a determined manner. His drippings soaking and spreading inside her vagina and softening gradually for him, her cervix. The look that Pyrrha wore on her face showed that the cervix would soon give in to battering of the invading cherry top cock buried deep inside her.
There was a ring of cream coating around the remaining part of his cock that was still outside, the cream being a mixture of Jaune's rich cum and Pyrrha's vaginal fluids drew slimly as the cock slammed against Pyrrha's pussy. But the determined mercenary kept plunging, insistent on burying the whole of his cock inside her. He continued to push furiously until he finally broke through and slammed into her womb. Pyrrha let out a shrill, piercing scream as the monster cock finally broke her. I covered my ears to minimize the impact of the sound which swallowed up the unending creaking of the bed and the grunts of Jaune.
Once he had gotten into her womb, Jaune unloads another fresh batch of his thick white cumming into her, I count each jerk properly this time and he could not jerked less than seven times. It was amazing to see a man unload such amount of cunts during one sexual encounter and still be strong enough to fuck. His huge balls still looked inflated like they had not released more than three rounds of cumming into Pyrrha's tight Valeian pussy.
Pyrrha falls back on the bed as her orgasm gathers within her, she turns her head towards the roof and drools heavily from her mouth as she bathes Jaune's cock in her hit much needed cum.
"I'M CUMMMMMIIINNNNGGGG" She screams, raising her trunk up and nearly hitting Jaune in the face. "You batter me with you monstrous cock and spill liters and liters of cum in me, how will I be able to smell my boyfriend now? How will I justify this baby to my dear Cardin, how will I tell him that I got pregnant for a white infidel? You better be ready to take responsibility for your actions!" She said all these looking him in the eye.
Jaune buries all of his cock in her and begins to hit her womb in swift and really fast paced thrusts, sounds of "oww, oww, huhh, ahhh, ungh" filled the room as Jaune pushed himself in and out of her womb in great grunt accompanied grunts. He was preparing for the final discharge.
Pyrrha's massive boobs are jiggling so hard now that she has to hold them in one place with one of her hands.
"You monster, if you keep battering me with you huge dong, I won't be able feel my boyfriend again, do you want me to be addicted to your white cock?!"
Jaune's huge balls swell right before my eyes again, ready to dump yet another wave of cum in Pyrrha's womb. He begins to grunt heavily but he does not reduce the pace of his thrusts. Then with a roar if passion, he sprays her womb with his nutritious alpha male cum. Pyrrha digs her heels into the sheets and stretches her legs fully as the effect of the cumshots I. her vagina send her overboard into lala land and gives her the biggest orgasm of the night. She squirted so much that Jaune was forced to relax his pace for a while.
"How many times do you wish to offload your cunts into me, I'm dripping with your cum already, my womb is filled to the brim, is your plan to give me triplets?! "
"You know what, I'll let you satisfy your desire as you wish, there will be no more excuse for you to bully my boyfriend. I will stay for the night and let you plunge your frustrated balls into my firm pussy, white do that you are!"
These words sadden me greatly, I could not imagine my girlfriend being with this monster of a man overnight and frankly I could not stand the humiliation that Jaune was putting her through. I look towards them more and see that they are engaged in a hot full mouthed kissing. I sneak out from the house and walk briskly away from the place, leaving the moans, screams and grunts if my girlfriend and Jaune behind as I rushed away in the darkness.