Chapter 19

Cardin knew things were going to be different following that day when he found Pyrrha getting plowed by Jaune and his big beastly cock, but he didn't think it would be this much different.

There was far less sexual activity between him and the vampire, since she had their werewolf friend to tend to her needs, as well as the chances of her being bred with monster children meant having to raise them in her world. It was obvious Pyrrha was enjoying her time with Jaune, especially in regards to her clothing; her blouses were buttoned up to her chest, sporting all sorts of cleavage just for his eyes, and her skirts were getting shorter, just enough that they squeezed into her ass and showed off its curvature to get Jaune rolling.

At least things between Cardin and the werewolf were fine, they were still friends, but it did still get to the human that he couldn't have that same level of intimacy with his vampire wife like he used to. But at the very least, she still loved him and cared for him, even if she preferred getting railed by the wolf cock.

This was perfectly exemplified by the three going on a date, with Pyrrha wearing a white button down that showed off not just her crucifix that sealed her inner self, but the breasts she was so graciously blessed with. Her skirt went down to her upper thigh, showing off their thickness while keeping her butt from jiggling due to how snug it was on her rear. It was all for Jaune's benefit, as she was hoping to get him horny for the reasons of breeding.

"Such a nice evening out, isn't it?" Pyrrha giggled, standing between the two men while she held her purse against her crotch, purposely using both hands so her arms could squeeze against her chest. They had decided to make a date out in the human world, not at all concerned about their identities, given what the vampire girl had planned. The sun was just about to set as they continued to walk through the park, on their way to see a movie.

"It sure is." Jaune grinned, giving Pyrrha a pleasant look. "And you're looking nice as well."

"Yeah, she sure is." Cardin said. He still didn't understand why he came, even knowing he was going to be a third wheel in this situation anyway. Pyrrha did look lovely as always, but he had to remind himself repeatedly that none of this was for his benefit.

"In fact," Jaune said, wrapping his arm around Pyrrha's shoulders and pulling her close, "I think I'm feeling a little frisky right now. I just can't stop getting a glimpse of that body and thinking about what I want to do with it."

Pyrrha giggled playfully. "Well I don't see why we can't find a place to do it."

"Seriously? The movie's going to start soon." Cardin reminded them.

"Oh, don't worry, Cardin sweetie," Pyrrha said, "we can find somewhere to let me help Jaune relieve himself, I'm sure."

Jaune grinned mischievously. "I was thinking right here in the park. Come on, it's getting dark and no human is going to see us. Well, present company excluded. No offense."

"None taken." Cardin said with a shrug. Still, he could see that Pyrrha was shrinking at the thought, her lips quivering as she held onto her purse.

"I don't know, Jaune…" Pyrrha said, her cheeks burning red, "I'm not quite that comfortable with such a…public performance."

"Relax, we should be fine" Jaune said with assurance, "besides, I'm not planning a full transformation out in the open. Just my cock is all."

"You can control that much?" Cardin asked with a mixture of annoyance and intrigue.

With a sigh, Pyrrha smiled at Jaune, "I guess we'll be fine, but if Cardin wouldn't mind keeping watch in the meantime."

"Yeah, no worries," Cardin sighed with a slump in his posture, "it's not like I'd have much else to do anyway."

Once they found a good enough clearing in the park, just behind some bushes with a tree leaning towards the path, Pyrrha and Jaune hid away with the vampire on top of the werewolf, making out with one another while she started to grind her hips against his. His cock was bulging through his khaki pants, his arms slipping his old high school jacket off his shoulders to keep himself from sweating in it during the session.

Laying back, Jaune watched as Pyrrha rubbed his crotch with her knee, staring with seductive eyes while she worked to reach for his fly. Once the zipper was pulled down, she reached in for his cock, seeing that his shaft was already in its bestial form, amazing the pink haired girl with his talents.

Meanwhile Cardin could only wonder if Jaune ever heard of underwear, considering how easily his wife had pulled the shaft out.

Pyrrha laid atop Jaune, her ass pushed towards his head, as she lapped away at the shaft, humming as she flicked against the tip while holding it up with both hands. She felt the veins pumping hard against her palms, the knot slowly growing outwards at the base. Her lips soon covered the first inch or two, slurping up any precum that oozed out of the werewolf's slit. The wolfman was happy with his view, seeing that the vampire wasn't wearing anything underneath her tight skirt, just as he liked it.

Cardin took a peak back as he saw his wife's ass getting eaten by his old high school friend, though his lips were going straight against her pussy. Jaune at up the clear liquid that seeped out of her fold, while Pyrrha pushed herself forward on the cock, muffling her moans while the werewolf licked at her snatch. Cardin grumbled, returning his gaze to the rest of the park while thinking about how hard he was getting. Just the sounds of the pink haired woman made was arousing him, like music to his ears.

Pyrrha mewled as Jaune managed to slither inside her muff, pushing through the curtains to get at her cavern. His tongue swirled around inside of her, rolling against the walls while the vampire girl shivered. Her teeth lightly bit into the werewolf cock, leaving light marks while everything else remained untouched. The girl's eyes rolled back as her friend continued to lap at her juices as they trickled down the canal, swallowing the fluid as it traveled to his throat. She was certainly a tasty vampire, and she was worth sinking his teeth into.

Cardin sighed, watching on as Pyrrha pulled her head back, lips remaining sealed around the werewolf dong. At the very least he was happy that she was having fun, even if it all meant he'd be missing out on breeding children with her. The noises she made were getting more aggressive, oddly enough, as the moans turned into loud slurping sounds. The human male looked back to see that she was slobbering all over Jaune's cock, as though she were craving his seed.

"Come on, Jaune," Pyrrha groaned, tugging hard on his beastly cock, "Let that cum out of your cock. Get my face nice and moist with your seed! Give me a big load…mph, make me squirt in your face…"

The wolfman worked his tongue harder on Pyrrha's hole, hearing her light whimpers turn into seductive groans. Her lips sucked hard on his beast cock, his legs stiffening as he held himself back. He wasn't ready for release, at least not until his vampire girlfriend was ready for her own climax. The vampire's voice was getting louder, enough that even Cardin couldn't ignore it and had to watch the action himself. He could see the heat between the pair, enough that the sweat was getting through Pyrrha's blouse, her skin sticking to the fabric.

The boobs wouldn't last long under the clothing, as Pyrrha managed to slip them out and use them to stimulate Jaune's cock. Their sweaty form bounced around the wolf shaft while the vampire flicked her tongue repeatedly against the tip, waiting for that fantastic eruption. She shivered as Jaune's tongue flicked up and down within her cavern, his hands squeezing her ass tightly while he bucked his hips upwards, pushing them through the pink haired girl's breasts.

The sudden pumps were enough to make Jaune cum, with Pyrrha following behind after. Her juices trickled out of her snatch, with the wolfman slurping up everything that oozed out. The vampire girl held her mouth open, catching a large amount while the rest landed on her face. She licked her lips even as more of his spunk landed on her, though she was careful not to aim it straight, lest she get part of it in her pink hair.

When the two were finished, they helped themselves off the grassy area, with Cardin grabbing a pack of tissues from his pocket. Handing it off to Pyrrha, she wiped herself clean, as it would be quite obvious to anyone at the theaters what was going on. "So, how'd it feel?" Cardin asked.

"Really good." Pyrrha purred, fixing her skirt once she used enough tissues to clean her face.

"No shit..." Jaune sighed as he zipped his fly up. "She's got herself a really good tongue, Cardin. Never would've thought I'd get to feel it someday!"

"I bet you didn't." sighed Cardin, recalling how much he wanted the vampire girl for himself back in high school. Luckily, there was still time for them to get to the theater and just barely miss the first minute or so of the film.


"Well, that was...a film. I feel a little insulted that a hedgehog can just live in the human world like that."

"I didn't think it was that insulting, but...what was that dance move he was performing?"

"I don't know, I don't want to know, and I get the feeling neither of you will want to know either."

The movie finished, with the three having mixed feelings over what they just witnessed. Cardin especially felt some semblance of embarrassment, seeing as it was his pick for the evening. Still, the human couldn't find it all terrible, as he was Pyrrha's snack throughout the movie, willingly leaving herself malnourished so she could suck on his blood. It was the nicest form of attention he got from her in a while, so points to him for that.

"Still, it gets me thinking about things," Jaune continued, "like where was its dick? I mean, I'm sure hedgehogs sheathe them, but how did it NOT get aroused at some point in the film?"

"Especially since I noticed you couldn't keep it down through the whole thing." Pyrrha said with a giggle. Cardin sighed, knowing where this talk was going to go.

"Do you guys need me to keep an eye on stuff?" he asked. "I mean...where would you even...ah." Cardin stopped, seeing the signs for the men's room they were about to pass by.

"You don't mind, do you, Cardin dear?" Pyrrha asked.

"Yeah, I don't think saying 'no' is going to detract you guys anytime soon, anyway." he said with a smile.

Running her hand over his cheek, Pyrrha smiled and said, "If it makes you feel any better, she wants to have a turn with Jaune."

"Oh...well, maybe just a little." Cardin said, bringing his finger and thumb close enough to illustrate his point.

The three stepped inside the restroom, with Pyrrha making sure to hide herself between the two boys, who made certain nobody saw her walk in. Once inside, Jaune began to undress himself, already taking on his werewolf form. The vampire girl held onto her rosary, watching with a delighted smile as her bestial lover took forms. "Here he is," she whispered to herself, "I hope you're ready."

With the rosary snapped, Pyrrha's form changes slightly, her pink hair replaced with a silver sheen, her eyes becoming a deep crimson. Her sweet and innocent look was gone, replaced with the appearance of a woman who looked as though she was out for revenge on the world. But for now, she was only interested in one thing: Jaune's beast cock.

" So, this is what my outer self has been experiencing. " Pyrrha said, the inner version studying her partner. Jaune managed to grin through his beastly fangs, while the darker form of the vampire girl rubbed her fingers over his unsheathed cock. " I suppose it will do. Maybe I'll be able to handle you better than she ever could. "

Taking that as a challenge, Jaune pushed Pyrrha back into one of the stalls, catching her off guard. She managed to stand her ground after that, grabbing hold of the beast's cock just to give it a try. She managed to swallow it down whole, amazing the werewolf with how easily she managed it compared to her outer self. A few pumps from her head moving across the shaft was enough to get the bestial monster stirring, his hormones racing as he trembled with delight. Pyrrha's brow remained in its permanent furrow, seeing her oral talents getting her outer form's friend pumped up.

Pyrrha popped her lips off the shaft, wiping her saliva off as she took a seat on the toilet within the stall, while Cardin tried to catch a glimpse of the action through the restroom's mirrors. It was hard to see given the size of Jaune, as he could see his hairy back while the inner Pyrrha had her legs raised up. He could only imagine that her skirt slid up to show off her pussy as she sat back, positioning herself to take Jaune's large cock. The werewolf held her legs up, jutting his hips into her body until he managed to penetrate the silver haired girl's snatch, pushing onward inside her cavern.

The inner being kept one eye shut, wincing from the stretch her pussy was put through due to the size of the shaft. She gripped her own ankles while watching on, seeing the big wolf cock slide inside her up to the inflated bulb. Despite her reaction, Pyrrha was handling things well in this form, though she figured the reason for that would be her outer self making her so well adjusted to a big fat cock.

Jaune began to pump his hips into the vampire girl, hearing her breathe lightly while she leered at the wolf. She began to unbutton her blouse, letting her breasts hang out before tossing it to the ground. Her skirt remained wrapped around her waist, with the beast still able to pound her snatch quite easily. Her fluids were already splashing out of her snatch, which became lubrication for the wolf shaft, making it easier for him to pound away at his date.

Cardin felt lucky that they went to a late viewing of the film, but figured there were bound to be people trying to get in. He did have to turn someone away due to "cleanup maintenance", which they bought without asking. He sighed with relief, only wishing they could somehow get access to those 'wet floor' signs, especially considering how the two monsters climax.

" That's it, you beast, " he heard Pyrrha growl, " fill my pussy with your cock. Show me what it is that makes my other self desire you so much. Give me a taste of the dominance you provide her! "

That prompted Jaune to push harder, his hips thrusting away at Pyrrha's crotch with a faster pace. The vampire girl inhaled through her nostrils, groaning as she felt the tip of his veiny beast shaft poking against her cervix. She grinned wickedly, as this was what she wanted to feel from the start. "Haaa, yeah, that's it, you beast!" growled the inner Pyrrha. "That's what I want to feel. Keep it up, big guy. Let me feel that cock pound my pussy!"

Jaune leaned over the silver haired vampire, his slobber drooling from his mouth while he thrusted harder. Pyrrha bit on her lower lip, but dared not to take her eyes off of the werewolf her other self had made a bond with. She stared directly at the beast, as if the two had a staring contest in the middle of their intercourse session. A smirk soon formed on the vampire's lips, knowing she had a worthy adversary on her hands, and her other form had made a wise decision.

Using a sliver of her power, Pyrrha soon pushed Jaune as gently as she could away from her, popping his cock from her snatch. The silver haired vampire lifted herself off the seat, raising a leg on the toilet as she turned her back to him. Staring back with those hungry eyes, the inner form spread her cheeks apart, saying to the wolfman, "Well, what are you waiting for? Are you going to try and stick that monster bun in her oven, or do I need to spell it out any further?"

Jaune grinned, his fangs covered in strings of saliva as he grew more aroused by the inner Pyrrha's filthy speech. It was hot for him to hear her act so domineering, making it all the more fun for him to knock her down a peg or two, even if this version was more powerful. He held onto the vampire's shoulders, pulling her back into his cock, which sheathed itself in her muff with ease. The silver haired girl's eyes widened, a shiver running up her spine as the tip of the red cock managed to penetrate her cervix, giving itself easy access in her womb.

" Oh, fuck... " Pyrrha said in a breathy voice, her guard dropped. " She wasn't kidding. It feels so nice when it makes its way inside the womb. Nnnngh... " The inner vampire clenched her teeth together as Jaune pulled her back into his hips, thrusting with great impact as his bulbous portion slammed into her folds. He was trying to slip it all the way inside, ready to give her a full taste of the medicine she had been teasing him over. He leaned over her shoulder, sticking his long tongue out to play with Pyrrha's neckline, causing her to moan louder.

" Mmmph, that feels so good… " Pyrrha said with a hum. " It's turning me on so much, you mongrel. What are you waiting for? Fuck me harder! Drill that cock into me! " Jaune couldn't help but laugh. The inner form of his lover was doing her best to maintain dominance, but her words made it clear she was losing that grip. Just the way he liked it.

He did at least do as he asked, but only because of the way Pyrrha tried to assert herself when in reality she was begging for his dick. He pushed her face against the wall, his furry hand in her silver hair while her cheek was pushed against the tile. Her ass was getting pounded harder by the werewolf, her pussy dripping out more juices which landed into the bowl.

Cardin tried his best to get a peek, as he figured nobody else would be walking in on them this late in the evening. All he could see as he poked his head in the stall was Jaune thrusting his hardest into Pyrrha, loud echoes of fur hitting skin echoing in the restroom. The vampire's voice grew louder, her nails trying to claw into the wall with no avail. The cock was throbbing heavily against her canal, and even she knew she couldn't hold back for much longer.

" Make me cum, you beast… " huffed Pyrrha, holding Jaune by his tie. " Make me cum, fill me with that cum, breed my outer self and let her accept responsibility for…ah! Anh! Fuuuuuuuck! "

Just as Jaune pounded her ass one last time, his knot finally managed to puncture the girl monster, sending her over the edge. The beast howled as he let the first blast of seed fill Pyrrha's womb, coating the reproductive organs with his load. The inner vampire sucked her lips as she whimpered loudly, her folds drooling lubrication while coating the wolf shaft in the fluids. Cardin could see between the werewolf's legs, watching on as the juices cascaded into the toilet bowl, which thankfully meant less of a mess for the human janitor to clean up.

Pyrrha quivered as she grabbed her stomach, the inner self feeling every ounce of fun filling her up, though she swore there was some expansion of her belly as well. It figured, as Jaune was a big beast with a big cock, and his loads were likely to string along more than any human could.

When Jaune pulled back, the werewolf cock popped out of Pyrrha, causing her legs to squeeze together as she tried her hardest to hold her balance. While the male monster slowly changed back into a human form, Cardin could see the seed already dripping out of his wife's snatch, causing him to instinctively reach for the tissues. But then he stopped, realizing this is what she had wanted to happen.

"Feeling better?" Cardin asked the silver haired vampire.

" Fuck yeah… " sighed Pyrrha, taking a seat on the toilet as she huffed for air. " I see why your girl loves it so much. Maybe I should try to get in on this more often. "