Stepping into Cardin and Jaune's room a few days after she had last seen the young bully, Yang couldn't stop herself from smiling as her wings already spread from her back. Without saying a word, the blue-haired girl threw the door to the bedroom open and flew her way over to Jaune, wrapping her arms around his neck with a loving and excited giggle before planting a deep kiss onto his lips. "I'm so excited for our date today, Jaune! But, what about Pyrrha and Cardin? We won't be bothered by them, will we?~" The young girl couldn't stop herself from smiling against his lips as her tail slowly swayed back and forth in the air, the feeling of his lips pressing against her own making her heart skip a beat.
"No. I sent them out to do some shopping. Pyrrha needs some new lingerie and Cardin's going to use his money to buy it for her." The young bully smirked as he pushed Yang slightly away from him, wrapping his arms around her waist and letting her lay on top of him on his bed. "You should knock next time you want to come in here, you know. If you had interrupted me while I was with Pyrrha, I'd have to kick your ass just like I do with Cardin." Jaune watched as the blue-haired succubus pressed her chest against his torso, her breasts squishing against this chest as she tried to lay flush against him. "Being a succubus slut, you might enjoy that.~"
The purple-eyed girl quietly purred as she pressed her lips against his once again, rubbing her breasts up and down on his chest. "Maybe I would… Maybe I just want to feel your cock between my tits as you use me for your own enjoyment. A strong, virile, fertile man like you? Any succubus would be all over you… Even my own mother if she found out about you." Yang sighed softly as she let her wings spread out in the room, her tail slowly slipping under her leg and making its way up Jaune's leg to his crotch. "And we succubus have plenty of tricks to make someone ours.~"
Of course, this only earned a soft chuckle from the bully as he gently held the girl's chin, staring into her eyes and noticing that both her wings and her tail froze as a result, a near dreamy gaze in her eyes. "But you don't want to make me yours. Do you, Yang? You want me to make you mine." His voice was soft, authoritative, lustful. And he knew it, feeling the young woman shudder as she laid on top of him still. "What kind of pathetic succubus would want to belong to someone else, instead of having that person belong to them?" Leaning forward, he pressed his lips against hers once again, pushing his tongue past her lips and earning a quiet and submissive moan from her. It was a little disappointing not having to break her into her place like he had to with Inner Pyrrha, but that wasn't stopping Jaune as he broke the kiss and relished in the loving whine that left the blue-haired girl. "I might as well give you what you want if you're going to be that excited for it."
Yang gasped quietly as she sat up, pressing her hands against the bully's chest and feeling his hands grab and grope her own. The feeling of his strong hands having a firm hold on her breasts lit her up inside in a way that she never expected to feel before, a quiet and ragged moan leaving her as she writhed against his touch. There was nothing that she could say to try and prove him wrong, knowing that he was right about her wanting to belong to him. It was a disgrace for other succubi, but she didn't care, knowing that if he was able to break a woman like Inner Pyrrha to be his bitch, then she wasn't going to stand a chance against him. Leaning her head back, another whine left the blue-haired girl when she found herself suddenly on her back with Jaune's fingers no longer sinking into her breasts. "So you're going to be a good boy and let me feel your cock between my breasts?~"
With a soft chuckle, Jaune ripped Yang's blouse open right down the middle, exposing her large, bouncing breasts and shaking his head as he trailed his finger through her cleavage. "No. You're going to be a good slut and stay still as I fuck your tits." It was a simple spin on what she had said, but one look made it clear it was enough to make the succubus blush as her wings still stayed spread out around her body, now just barely covering her nipples from his sight. Though, the young man let it pass for now, sitting up and pulling his pants down to his knees, letting his hard cock slap against the girl's stomach. "Move those wings. I want to see the tits I'm going to plaster with my cum."
With her eyes locked on Jaune's hard, throbbing cock, Yang did as she was told. Whimpering softly, she moved her wings out of the way, using them to purposefully move her blouse as well, fully exposing her soft mounds to him. "Don't keep me waiting now, Jaune. I know with tits like Pyrrha's, mine may not compare, but I know you'll still enjoy them.~" The blue-haired girl watched as he crawled over her body and straddled her stomach, his hard cock resting against her breasts and sat against her cleavage, threatening to push into it. It was so warm against her skin, almost burning as she bit her lower lip. The musk of his cock instantly hit her nostrils all thought escaped her mind, allowing the purple-haired girl to just sit there, silent for a moment as his member slipped between her breasts.
The young man knew right away that she was right, her breasts didn't feel as good as Inner Pyrrha's, but it didn't stop him from grabbing hold of both of them without any concern for her body. His fingers sank into her soft titflesh as he pushed her breasts together, wrapping them around his cock when he took his first thrusts. "You're right. Your tits aren't as good as hers! But they'll do just fine.~" Jaune smirked as he started moving his hips slightly faster, picking up the pace every few seconds just to gauge how she'd react. Slowly getting more and more powerful as well, his cock poking out of the top of her cleavage and just barely managing to reach her lower lip.
The young girl didn't hesitate to lean forward and wrap her lips around the head of his cock each and every time it made it to her mouth, planting kiss after kiss on it. However, with just how often it pulled away from her, Yang decided to just hold out her tongue and let the head of Jaune's cock drag along it when he thrusted far enough. It was a bit of an ego blow for a succubus like herself to admittedly lose out compared to some busty vampire, even if that busty vampire was one of her friends, but the purple-eyed girl still loved the way the bully's cock felt between her breasts as he thrusted away. Even the way his fingers sank into her breasts and caused her skin to bruise ever so slightly from his grip felt incredible to her. Maybe it was because of the way Jaune stared down at her with demanding and expecting eyes, like he wanted her to try and prove just why she was worth his time.
Of course, the bully didn't care one way or the other if Yang was worth his time or not, finding her hotter than she needed to be but not as hot as his current vampiric bitch. Though, every man of his stature and power would need a woman to keep wrapped around his cock when his main girl was too busy or he didn't feel like using her. Jaune pawed at the blue-haired girl's breasts, kneading them in his hand as his hips never failed to move, the soft and warm feeling of her breasts around his cock giving him enough pleasure to push him close to an orgasm. Even with the added lubrication of her saliva on his cock, it was felt better than he had expected it to. "Gotta admit. For a succubus slut, your tits feel better than I would've thought."
There was something cold and distant about the way he spoke to her that made the succubus' heart stop for just a moment. She wasn't sure if that was just how he always was, or if he didn't care about her like he seemed to care about Pyrrha. Of course, that only pushed the young girl to do better, leaning her head down and taking the first few inches of his cock into her mouth while she took hold of her breasts. Yang did her best to keep Jaune's hips in place as she worked him over, moving her breasts along his cock at her own pace while swirling her tongue around the head of his cock like a dutiful lover. Even when he ran his hand through her blue hair, she began moving her breasts in opposite directions, one going down his shaft while the other moved up his shaft. Not that they'd go far, but it was enough to earn a groan of approval from him that she simply relished in.
Keeping his hands on the back of her head, Jaune admired the fact that she was at least trying, knowing that she was going to end up doing her best for him by the end of this. But things only got better when her tongue seemed to coil around his shaft, her tail wrapping around his base and stroking it like a third hand. A low but satisfied sound left the young man as he smacked the girl's cheek, listening to her moan around his cock. Smirking as he confirmed that she'd love the pain of him smacking her just as much as his other lover, the bully pulled his hips back and took hold of the blue-haired girl's breasts once again, smiling as he thrusted through her cleavage and into her mouth. "You're not doing bad, Yang. Almost like you actually want to be a slut for my cock. Or maybe all that eagerness you had faded away the moment you actually got to get my cock for yourself.~"
Shaking her head as much as she could with the Jaune's thick shaft throbbing in her mouth, Yang didn't know what to do to show that she was still excited and eager. Even when she popped her lips off of his member and planted a firm and affectionate kiss, on the tip, her mind was a blank for ideas. She was submitting to him far easier than she should've and not a single nerve in her body wanted it to stop, especially when he smacked her again and her cheek starting to sting in a glorious bout of pain.
When her eyes closed but another moan escaped her lips, Jaune came right then and there. Unloaded rope after rope of cum and watching it splatter along Yang's face, spreading out to her breasts and onto the head of his cock. Of course, he didn't exactly care about the mess he made, feeling her tail unravel from around the base of his member as he slapped her chest, watching it jiggle before grabbing it and pinching her nipples. "Come on, Slut. You gonna clean my cock or what?" Tugging on her nipple, the bully was more than happy to hear that shriek of bliss that left her as a result, causing him to chuckle and do it again, this time letting go and watching as her breasts jiggled and moved from around his cock.
However, Yang was quick to nod as her body still stung and her pussy ached for more, prompting a low moan to escape her lips as she watched Jaune's throbbing member quickly approach her lips. "Of course! I wouldn't dare let a lover's cock go ignored like that!" Puffing out her cheeks ever so slightly, a deep blush began to stain the blue-haired girl's cheeks. Though, she didn't notice as she parted her lips and immediately swirled her tongue around the cum-coated tip. Even though there was still cum on her face and she could feel the heat stinging against her skin, the young girl only smiled as she looked up toward Jaune. Something about the way he was looking down at her. Wanting, lustful, expecting. It lit the girl up inside in ways that she didn't know how to describe.
Though, that didn't stop Jaune from pushing his hips forward and forcing the first half of his thick shaft into the blue-haired girl's shaft, wrapping a hand around her neck. He didn't clench his fingers down, only pushing forward until he heard Yang start to gag, her throat and tongue sputtering around his member. The young bully continued to push his hips forward, however, forcing more and more of his shaft to enter her throat and bulge her neck out against his fingers. When the base of his member finally pressed against the succubus' soft lips, a chuckle left him. Of course, it was a twisted, devilish one that made the young girl's eyes light up. "You like that? Just the thought of having someone break you is enough to get you going? No wonder you're the side bitch." The tone of disappointment that left Jaune fell on deaf ears, a look of sheer joy on Yang's face as she held her in place.
There was nothing she could say as she felt the young man's other hand come to her cheek, feeling his strong hand tap her cheek lightly. Of course, Yang didn't know what to expect from it, wanting him to smack her but ending up gasping and screaming around the cock that was quickly stealing her air as it did just what she wanted. She didn't bother to fight back, though, loving the pain and enjoying it far more than she should with just how rough he was being with her. Even when his cock sat completely still in her throat, all the blue-haired girl did was dutifully swirl her tongue around it, even as the oxygen in her system started to leak out of her. There was nothing she could do as she tended to Jaune just like he wanted her to, the world around her starting to turn black from the lack of air. However, she stayed strong, her purple eyes fluttering shut as she swallowed around the thick shaft. Her cheeks hurt, her lungs burned for air, and her tongue tasted perfection on the cock that was jammed into her throat.
However, Jaune pulled his cock out of her mouth just before she managed to pass out, slapping the blue-haired girl with his thick shaft a few times as he listened to her cough and gasp for air. "Must be pretty dedicated to suck a cock until you're about to pass out. I wonder just how much of a submissive bitch you actually are!~" The young man removed his hand from the succubus' neck and grabbed either side of her head, yanking her back down onto his cock just as she managed to get enough air back for her eyes to open properly. There was no hesitation as he started pounding away at her throat once again, no care for her lack of air or how she was choking on his length with each and every thrust that he made. All that mattered was getting off and using her soft lips and wet tongue to do it, especially when said tongue dragged along the underside of his shaft with each move he made.
Gripping the bed sheets as tight as she could without ripping them, Yang was surprised when cum suddenly splashed against the roof of her mouth, causing her to cough on it as well. Even though Jaune's throbbing cock never stopped moving back and forth into her mouth, the tailed girl did her best to handle the massive load of cum that flooded her mouth and throat. She quickly swallowed down every drop that she was able to, smiling and gasping happily when he pulled out of her mouth and sprayed yet another strand of cum onto her face. When her head hit the sheets, the blue-haired girl didn't know what to think or do, breathing heavily and trying to fill her lungs with air even though every breath was filled with the strong scent of the bully's spunk.
However, without any warning, the young man lifted the blue-haired girl's hips off the bed, bending her body until her knees pressed against her soft breasts and her feet dangles behind her head and just barely stayed on the bed, watching as her skirt slipped over and exposed her pantyless pussy. "I hope you don't think I'm done with you yet." Jaune smirked as he grabbed a firm hold on her thighs, dropping himself down just enough for the tip of his cock to force its way into Yang's cunt, chucking as she screamed in pleasure. She was incredibly tight in this position, prompting him to push his hips down just a little bit more, a few more inches of his cock spreading her inner walls just a little at a time.
Before she knew it, the young man had managed to reach her womb with his cock, her body pressed against her own in this position. Her toes curled against the bed sheets, catching them and gently tugging on them as her hands stayed where they were at a moment ago. Throwing her head from side to side, Yang could only moan as Jaune started rocking his hips back and forth, thrusting into her like there was no tomorrow. It felt better than she expected to have such a virile man's cock inside of her pussy, spreading her inner walls and molding them to the shape of his shaft without a care for her own feelings. Though pain was there and she could feel it, the young woman didn't do a thing to stop him, gasping and arching her back as the pleasure started to get too intense for her to handle.
Picking up and dropping his hips, Jaune watched as the succubus' breasts shook and bounced each time he moved, her tongue rolling out of her mouth the harder he fucked her. A heavy and slightly disappointed sigh left him a moment later, though, when he could see her eyes already starting to roll into the back of her head. Immediately, he wanted to compare her to Inner Pyrrha, knowing that the busty, silver-haired vampire could handle herself far better than this and with more composure, despite not being a species of monster that specializes and lives for sex. Of course, when he heard a whimper leave Yang, the bully knew that he could make her into something better than what she currently was. Picking up the pace of his hips, the young man started hammering away at her tight pussy, watching as her eyes fluttered shut and her breasts swayed and jiggled with his thrusts. "How's this feel, Slut? Is it worthy of a pathetic succubus like yourself?~"
The way he belittled her each time he spoke sparked something in Yang, something that made her eyes open and glow for just a moment. Though, that determination quickly faded away when he slapped her rear end, her ass cheeks jiggling and her tails and wings immediately, stretching out. "Gods, it feels so good… Is this how you fuck Pyrrha? Talking to her like she's trash?" The blue-haired girl wasn't sure what kind of answer she was hoping for, but her quivering pussy tightened nonetheless when all he did was chuckle and slam even harder into her. It took no time at all and the young woman could feel an orgasm starting to crash through her body, wanting to cum and bring him pleasure in the process, but still wanting to prove that she could be better for him in some way. "H-Harder…. Faster.~"
Rolling his eyes, Jaune did just that, thrusting into the purple-eyed girl as hard and fast as he could in this position, relishing in the way she screamed and shrieked in pure and utter ecstasy. Admittedly, it was starting to grow on him, the sounds of a succubus succumbing and ending up as someone's bitch. But that only caused him to push himself to fuck her harder, slowly down his pace and using the momentum change to slam into her as hard as he physically could. Even as the bed began to finally creak under them, he could see the smile on her face and know that he was giving her far more than she thought he could do, despite having conquered one of her best friends.
Unfortunately, that was the moment when Yang reached her limit, screaming out in pure bliss as she came around the fat cock that slammed against her womb with each thrust. Her body ached, her nerves tingled, her mind clouded with lust, and her inner walls quivered and tightened around the hard cock that brought her to such heights of pleasure. However, five seconds didn't even pass before the blue-haired girl was given what she wanted in the end from Jaune, gasping and sighing happily when rope after rope of cum suddenly flooded her inner walls, the position they were in allowing her womb to be filled more completely.
After a moment or two of simply rocking his hips back and forth during his orgasm, getting every drop of cum that he could into her, Jaune pulled himself back and watched as his cock slipped out of her, his spunk immediately starting to overflow out of her. "Can't even keep a load inside of you in a position like this…. And you think you can be a better girl than Pyrrha?" The bully laughed and dropped Yang's legs back down onto the bed, watching as even more of his cum started to coat her thighs, luckily none of it getting a chance to stain his sheets. "Tell you what… You think you're a better girlfriend than Pyrrha? Prove it. Prove to me why a succubus is better than a vampire.~"
"I…. I…" Yang slowly rolled herself off of the bed, standing on her own two feet and using her wings to keep her body up right and straight. "I know I can be a better girlfriend than Pyrrha. That silver-haired bitch can't even stay with one person, how is she going to be a good lover? I may be a succubus, but at least I can tell who I should be with and stick with!" The blue-haired girl allowed her blouse to slip off of her shoulders and onto the floor, pooling around her feet as her skirt draped back down to cover her pantyless cunt. "If you want a real woman, a succubus is the best you're ever going to get. She may be a vampire with big tits, but do you think those are going to bring you the pleasure a powerful man like yourself deserves?!"
Jaune smirked as he sat down on Cardin's bed, watching as Yang tried to defend herself for what she was. "Keep going. Tell me more about why a pathetic succubus is better than a broken vampire. Both of you will suck my cock as long as I tell you to. Both of you would get knocked up if I told you to. Both of you are sluts. I see no difference. She just has bigger tits." The bully smirked as he ran his hand over Cardin's bed, chuckling to himself. "Oh yeah. And a bitch that I get to torture whenever I want who does whatever I tell him to. So, I get two bitches for the price of one with Pyrrha. With you…. I get a cumdump and that's about it."
Yang didn't know what to say, using her tail to unzip her skirt and allow it to fall to the floor, leaving herself completely naked and exposed to the young man before her. She knew that he was right, knew that everything he was saying was true. But she had to be better than Pyrrha, she always had been in the past. Gritting her teeth, Yang planted her foot down on the floor, her breasts jiggling as she planted her hand onto her stomach. "I'd be able to give you more kids! Succubus can never be beaten in fertility rates. Every time you fill me with your cum, you're guaranteeing a strong heir! She probably can't even give you more than one!"
Staying silent, that one actually resonated with Jaune for a moment, causing him to think as his cock remained hard and directly in Yang's vision. "Might be right about that one. You both can give me kids, but only one of you is slutty enough to give me one each time I cum. Still only proves to me that you're both just sluts that are barely worth my time. Now, Blake? That's an icy bitch I'm going to have fun breaking in."
"Forget Blake for a minute! This is about who's going to be a better girlfriend for you, me or Pyrrha! And it'll be-" Yang fell silent as Jaune's hand wrapped around her mouth, her eyes going wide as he pushed her backwards and toward the bed he was just sitting on. She gasped and grabbed onto the sheets as he came up behind her, his hard cock immediately pressing against her pussy as she grabbed onto Cardin's bed.
"It won't be you. You'll be a better bitch and a better mother. But nothing but a milf can compete with a busty, bitchy, broken, violent vampire who would beat up her bitch of a boyfriend with me just for fun. So shut up and accept your place as the second-rate whore you are." Grabbing the back of her head, the bully slammed her face against the bed, making sure that she wouldn't be able to speak as he pushed his hips forward and forced the entirety of his cock inside of the blue-haired girl once again. "You got that?!"
Yang whined and screamed into the sheets as the grip on the back of her head only grew tighter and tighter, causing actual pain to mix in with the pleasure of having her pussy filled with cock. The moment she nodded her head and screamed out a very muffled sound of approval, the grip stopped, moving under her body to her exposed breasts. The way he handled her body hurt, his fingers sinking into her titflesh like a balloon as she felt him starting to already pound away into her.
"And one thing you seem to not realize about me. I prefer bigger tits than this. Blake gets a pass because she makes up for it with her ass.~" The young man chuckled as he started picking up the pace of his hips, watching the blue-haired girl's eyes start to fill with tears. Of course, he loved that about her compared to Inner Pyrrha, but there wasn't a chance he was going to tell the succubus slut that he enjoyed it when she got emotional, even if it did make him power hungry. Instead, the young bully simply began pawing at and playing with her breasts like they were some kind of fleshy toy for him to squeeze. "I can't wait for you to start developing some milk in these things. Maybe then they'll grow to a size that's actually fucking worth it.~"
The young girl closed her eyes as she began to press her hips back against his own, a single tear rolling down her cheek as she finally cracked and gave in to what he wanted her as. Nothing but a pussy to breed over and over again. Though, as soon as he slammed into her again, the tip of his cock ramming against her womb while his free hand came down on her plump rear end, the succubus couldn't help but smile. The pleasure easily drowned out any pain that he had caused her, her heart even skipping a beat at the feeling of him throbbing inside of her tight cunt. "Y-Yes…. Please. More!~"
Watching as the young girl threw her head back and finally gave in, Jaune rolled his eyes and gave her what she asked for. Immediately, the young man started fucking her harder and faster, treating her pussy like it was nothing but a toy for him. Bringing a hand up from the blue-haired girl's ass and used it to scrape his nails down her spine, the bully watched as her tail and wings stood up straight, reacting and shuddering like it was the perfect thing to do to her. "You really are just a slut for pain, aren't you? I don't even have to beat you like I do Cardin and you'll be soaking your panties in seconds."
On the other hand, when he did it again, Yang couldn't stop herself from moaning out like a slut as her body stopped. Neither of them were close to cumming, but the way he touched her body, pawing at her breast and clawing at her back along her spine. It sent her through the moon as her inner walls tightened massively around the hard cock, her body already getting used to his size and getting better at accommodating his thick shaft. "Fuck! Yes! Hurt me more, Master!~"
Almost four hours after Yang first showed up to his dorm room, Jaune heard another knock on his door, making his way over to it and opening it to see Blake standing there with her standard lollipop in her mouth. "I wondered when you were going to show up.~" The young man smirked and pulled the purple-haired girl into his room, pushing her toward his bed and watching as she giggled and hopped up on the edge of it.
"I showed up an hour ago, but you and Yang were still going at it. I don't like to admit it, but I figured I should wait. I wanted you at your best, after all…." The young girl shrugged her shoulder and moved the lollipop from one side of her mouth to the other, watching as the bully approached her from the doorway, making sure he closed it in the process. "Listen, I want to get fucked just like you fuck Pyrrha. Hard, fast, and-" Blake fell silent when the bully got to her and kissed her before she could finish her throat, leaving her eyes to flutter shut and for her to gasp quietly when he pulled away from her lips, the feeling of her lollipop no longer in her mouth. "Dominating me.~"
"Does it really matter what you want? You're just here to get knocked up and become and teenage mother. I'm not an idiot. But, that's just what I want you for, too." Bringing a hand to his mouth and pulling her lollipop out of it, Jaune smirked as he pushed it past her lips and right back into her mouth. His hands immediately began pulling her clothes off of her body, her top coming first and revealing that she wasn't wearing a bra of any kind. "Well, I do suppose your tits are small enough to where you don't really need a bra.~" With a soft chuckle, the young man flicked the purple-haired girl's nipple, earning a quiet moan from her as a result.
"Well, if you know what I'm here for…. Then there's no reason to wait, now is there?" The blue-eyed girl smiled softly as she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Jaune's neck, moving her body perfectly to help him get her skirt off of her body. It left her in just her icy blue underwear and her striped thigh-high socks. Giggling to herself, the girl smirked and tried to lean into another kiss, a pout escaping her when she felt his finger come to her lips and stop her before she could. "Awe…"
"Oh, keep quiet. You may be here to get knocked up, but if you want me to use you like I use Pyrrha, you better be ready to swallow some cock. Otherwise, you'll be a sore disappointment." Picking her up off of the bed, Jaune got a firm and tight hold on Blake's plump rear end, squeezing and kneading it in his hands as her feet touched the floor once again. However, instead of letting her stand on her own, he kept her on her toes, making sure her lips were close enough for him to kiss while he was right there and had her in his grasps.
Even with her arms still wrapped around his neck, Blake couldn't stop herself from looking into his eyes, a smile on her face while enjoying the feeling of his hands on her ass. "You like that, don't you? I may not have an enormous pair of vampire tits, but I've got an ass far better than anyone here at the school." There was a bit of pride in her voice as she closed her eyes and let herself sink lower just a little bit, her ass filling the gasp between Jaune's fingers as he held her rump.
Turning around and letting her touch the ground once again, Jaune let go of the girl's rear end, watching as she seemed to just drop to the floor but land on her feet. "Well, your ass is certainly better than that damn succubus', but I don't think you can compete with Pyrrha. Her body's out of this world. Especially her tits." The bully pulled Blake back to him, though, pulling her into a deep kiss and forcing his tongue past her lips yet again.
Of course, when him kissing her once again, Blake was more than happy to play with his tongue for whatever she was able to do, looping her arms around his neck again. She pulled him as close to her as she possibly could, pressing her body against his own and moaning quietly into the affection as she battled him over who got to keep her lollipop when the kiss broke. When the kiss finally did break, the blue-eyed girl kept her treat in her own mouth, happily smiling all the while.
Though, the bully was quick to pick the girl back up off the ground, turning around and letting her sit on the edge of Cardin's bed, taking a step back and getting a good look of her almost completely naked on his victim's bed. "Perfect. It'll be a treat to make him watch me fuck you on his own bed.~"
The girl immediately nodded and crossed her legs, striking a bit of a simple pose, but one that showed off her curves and her nude body even better than how she was placed down. "I thought you wanted me to suck your cock, Jaune. How am I able to do that from up here?~" Blake smirked and pulled her treat out of her mouth, dragging her tongue around it and treating it like it was some makeshift dick to try and tease the bully with.
Jaune took a step back, opening his mouth to say something and stopping as he watched Blake hopped off Cardin's bed, immediately getting onto her knees and in position to suck his cock down the best that she could manage. "More eager than I expected you to be. Good." The bully's voice was calm and collected as he watched the purple-haired girl unzip his pants, listening to the excited gasp that left her lips. Even as it smacked her in the face hard enough to leave a clear mark against her fair skin, he didn't move from his spot, happy to see her staring up at his shaft like it was another one of her sweets.
Smiling as the thick cock rested against her face, the young girl just stayed there on her knees, inhaling deeply to make sure she could get as much of his musky scent into her nose as she could. It wasn't the best smell in the world, nothing beating the small of candy in her mind, but it was certainly one that she was already growing addicted to as she felt her mouth begin to water. Pulling her head back slowly, Blake parted her lips around the head of the member, pushing her head down and forcing it past her lips ever so slowly. However, her tongue darted out of her mouth the next moment and she quickly overwhelmed her taste buds, moaning quietly as the flavor cascaded along her tongue. The combination of Jaune's powerful scent and taste combining with the sweet candy that was already in her mouth was enough to make her a little bit dizzy initially. Though, the usually stoic girl didn't hesitate to use her lips to form a tight seal around the shaft, letting it just sit for a moment against her tongue.
On the other hand, Jaune smirked and ran his hand through her hair, keeping his eyes on her own and watching them cloud with lust slowly. The moment she began to bob her head along his shaft, the young man knew just how this was going to go. "You're going to suck me off, swallow down my cum and then I'm going to play with that ass of yours, got it?~" He didn't care if the young woman had plans to get impregnated right away and then just flat out leave right afterward or not, he knew just what he wanted out of her and he planned to use all of her holes before she left.
Nodding her head, Blake understood just what he wanted from her, keeping the pace of her bobbing slow as she sat there and relished in the amazing taste of the thick shaft. Though, after a moment, she began to pick up the pace that she was moving her head, forcing more and more of the member into her mouth and even starting to drag along her throat. Every time she reached as far as she thought she could go, the purple-haired girl managed to force herself just a little bit deeper. Inch after inch after inch, the blue-haired girl finally found herself at the base of her partner's dick, her lips giving it a soft kiss as she sat there and felt it throb in her throat.
Running his hand through the flat chested girl's hair, Jaune couldn't help but smirk as he gained a firm hold on the back of her head, keeping her still with every inch of his dick firmly in her mouth and throat. Even as she stuck her tongue out and did her best to use it to tease his balls, the young man just kept her in place, loving the way her eyes began to lose their color for a moment. "How does it feel, Blake? To lose your breath over a cock of all things? You want to be treated like Pyrrha, you'll have to learn how to pass out with it buried in your throat." it didn't help that he could feel the lollipop pressing against her cheek, puffing the skin out and feeling it stick to his shaft. Pulling his hips back, the bully watched as the girl dropped her candy into her bare lap, a smile on his face as she gasped for air, bringing both of her hands to her throat.
However, instead of sitting there and getting all she could, the purple-haired young woman lunged forward, impaling her throat on the massive member as it slid into her mouth. There was no stopping the way she gagged on it as she started bobbing her head back and forth along it once again, her throat spasming and tightening around it when she was only halfway down. Of course, she was able to hear Jaune moaning quietly above her as she went for more, happily facefucking herself on his rod just to earn his cum. Luckily for her throat, it was only a short bit sooner than she expected.
Grabbing onto either side of Blake's hair, the bully slammed her back down to the base of his shaft, grinning and groaning as he came. Rope after thick rope of cum splattered against the back of the purple-haired girl's throat, draining directly into her stomach before he pulled back until only the tip of his shaft remained in her mouth. Right away, Jaune could feel her swallowing down every drop of cum that she could manage, more splashing against the roof of her mouth as his orgasm continued on. Though, the moment it stopped, the young man yanked his cock out of the girl's lips, watching as she kept her mouth open to show off the cum that was there still. "Trying to be a show off?"
Instead of just swallowing it all back down, the candy-loving girl picked up the lollipop that was still in her soft lap, bringing it to her lips and plopping it against her cum-coated tongue. In less than a moment, she coated the almost devoured candy on Jaune's cum before closing her lips, audibly swallowing down what she had remaining of his spunk before opening her lips again. A soft chuckle escaped her as she showed off an empty mouth other than her now cum-soaked lollipop, playing with it right in his view. "Now I can taste your cum even when you're fucking me.~"
"Maybe monster girls like you are sluttier than they let on. Or maybe you're just more of a slut than I expected you to be." Moving back to his bed, Jaune simply raised a finger and gestured for her to follow him, sitting patiently as his hard cock leaked a small amount of cum from the tip. The moment Blake reached him, the young man turned her around and faced her toward the door, ready to give Pyrrha and Cardin a show if they managed to get back before he was done with her. Though, there was no hesitation as he slipped his hard cock underneath the purple-haired girl's panties and between her shapely ass cheeks, watching as his cock poked out from between her cheeks and tugged on her underwear. "I think I'll use your ass cheeks before actually fucking you. Give me a taste of what this booty has to offer before I actually claim it as my own."
The blue-eyed girl sighed and shrugged as she realized that it was going to be even longer before she actually got fucked and impregnated, playing with the treat in her mouth while she could. Of course, she was still happy feeling his throbbing member against the cleft of her ass, a smile coming to her face as she kept her eyes locked on the door. But she still wished he would actually stuff her already needy cunt with his cock, especially when she could feel his fingers wrap around her neck and start to choke her. As his fingers clenched down around Blake's neck, the only thing to leave her was a low moan as his hips started to move against her own, the feeling of his massive member rubbing her ass cheeks turning her on just a little bit more than she already was. "Is this… how it feels to fuck… Pyrrha's fat tits?"
The bully couldn't help but chuckle as he picked up the pace just a little bit, using his grip on Blake's neck to bend her backward enough for him to whisper in her ear. "Not even close… A pair of fat, milky tits wrapped around my cock with a wet mouth waiting just above is better than a simple fat ass." Tightening his grip on the purple-haired girl's neck, Jaune relished in the loud gasp and needy moan that she made, his thick shaft throbbing between her cheeks. "But, that doesn't mean it doesn't feel good." He didn't want to flat out admit it, but her ass was surprisingly pleasing as he pounded away without penetrating her, loving the way her hands soon came back and gripped onto the sheets. With the precum that leaked lubing the cleft of her ass, the young man only picked up the pace of his thrusts once again, treating her ass cheeks like they were just another hole for him to fuck.
Feeling his cock grind against her asshole with each and every thrust that he made caused her heart to flutter just a little bit, her mind swimming with thoughts about how it wonderful it will feel to eventually have him buried inside of her cunt. This was the man that was going to breed her like she wanted, the ruthless, cruel, and uncaring man that was going to give her the child she wanted and not care one bit about the baby. Something about that caused Blake to bring her hands to her stomach, feeling her body start to lurch with the bully's thrusts. It didn't hurt to have him slamming away at her rear end, but it only excited her for more, wondering just when he was going to claim her as his own and steal her first time away from someone who was probably more worthy than him.
Letting go of Blake's neck and feeling another orgasm approach, but knowing that he was far from done with her, Jaune spun the two around so the purple-haired girl was bent over the bed with her head in the sheets. Without any warning whatsoever, he pulled his hips back and out from between her ass cheeks and her underwear, chuckling as he pressed the head of his cock against her puckered asshole. "I'm going to save the best for last on a bitch like you. You want a baby so bad, you're going to have to earn it.~"
A sharp gasp escaped Blake's lips when she felt the head of his cock tease her backdoor, her body shuddering and her eyes darting back to look toward him. "H-Hurry up… And impregnate me…" Her was was clear, though strained, as her purple hair seemed to start turning into ice, changing the color and causing the room around her to chill just a little bit. However, her powers and ice quickly faded when Jaune slammed his massive member into her, tearing his way into her ass and fucking the demand right out of her system. Closing her eyes, Blake couldn't stop the loud moans that left her lips in time with the bully's thrusts, knowing that he was only fucking her asshole to make her beg for more. Of course, that didn't change the fact that her pussy was already aching and dripping wet, her arousal coating her thighs, staining her underwear, and dripping onto the floor like a leaky faucet.
His thrusts only took a few mere seconds to reach the speed and ferocity that they had when he was thrusting between her ass cheeks and underwear, a soft chuckle escaping Jaune as he ran his hands through the girl's purple locks and grabbed onto the back of her head. "You really think shit like that is going to stop me from fucking you how I want? You're pathetic." His grip on her head only grew tighter as he slammed away at her tight rear end, not caring whether or not she felt pleasure or pain. Just like with Pyrrha and Blake, the only thing that mattered to him was his own pleasure and having a place to dump his cum. And that's exactly what he was going to make Blake into.
Whining as the fingers on her head only grew tighter, pain began to fill Blake's body, but the overwhelming pleasure that came from having such a thick cock pound away at her ass only allowed the pain she was feeling to mix in with the pleasure that was coursing through her. It didn't take long for her eyes to roll into the back of her head, her anal walls spasming around the young man's shaft and practically begging for him to stay inside of her. The pain-filled pleasure felt far better than she would've expected, a ragged gasp leaving her when his free hand landed on her plump rear end, pawing at her jiggling ass.
Squeezing and playing with the surprisingly durable rump in front of him, Jaune happily smacked the purple-haired girl's ass, watching as ice began to form in her hair again, only to fade out after a moment when his hips slammed into her. It was a much quicker process than he had expected, but he was still teaching her not to try and stand against him and what he wanted of her. It brought a smile to the bully's face as he moved his hand back to the young woman's hips, relishing in the way she screamed out in pure and utter pleasure each time his thick shaft plunged into her. "You were waiting for something like this, weren't you? Not just a man to knock you up and give you the kid a slut like you wants, but to have a man that would put you in your place when he's around. I wonder how happy your mother would be if she found out that you found your dream man in someone like me.~"
The words stung a bit deep for her liking, but Blake didn't fight them, biting into the bedsheets and whimpering as she could feel her own orgasm starting to approach. Rough, painful, unexpected, and even slightly unwanted. But the purple-haired girl could do nothing to stop it as Jaune slammed into her with no regard for her quickly reddening ass cheeks, wishing that he would just pull out and cum inside of her pussy, pushing her to the orgasm that she wanted to have around his cock. Though, it was clear that wasn't going to happen as his member began to throb and twitch inside of her once again. "A-Are you going… To cum inside my ass…?" Finding it harder to speak than she expected, the blue-eyed girl turned her head to make sure she was heard, opening her mouth to repeat herself.
Before she could get a word out, however, Jaune reached a hand forward and pushed two of his fingers into her mouth, purposefully moving them around her tongue to keep her quiet and moaning as he fucked her. "Of course I am. How could someone not cum in an ass like this? They'd have to be a dumbass or just numb to pleasure." Chuckling as he watched Blake close her eyes, giving in and sucking on his fingers a moment later, the bully pulled his hips back and roughly slammed them back against her own, forcing his cock to pound against her womb before repeating the process. Over and over again, he kept things quick but rough as he retrieved his fingers from her mouth and slapped her, just to shove them back in again and listen to the way she moaned.
Only a few smacks into the rough fucking, the purple-haired girl reached her peak, writhing and screaming out in utter ecstasy as she came. Her inner walls squeezed down around nothing as her anal walls clenched down around Jaune's throbbing shaft, her arousal squirting onto the side of his bed and coating it in her juices as his hips never stopped. She wished her body hadn't felt so good, that having something so big and powerful inside of her ass didn't feel as wonderful and blissful as it did. Nor did she wish that the feeling of it unloading inside of her felt even better.
Rope after rope after fertile, potent, and sticky spunk flooded the girl's plump rear end as Jaune never stopped moving his hips, making sure to thoroughly paint her inside and mark her body as his property before pulling out. Grabbing onto his cock, the bully dragged his tongue along his lips and coated the purple-haired girl's plump rear end as well, a smile on his face as strands of cum painted her fair skin perfectly. "You came just from having our ass fucked? I knew you were a whore when the first thing you wanted from me was to fuck you but I didn't even expect that.~" Of course, that didn't stop the young man from slapping his cock against Blake's soaked folds, watching as she blushed and bit down hard on his blanket. "You can finally get what you came here for. You can finally get knocked up. All you have to do is beg.~"
It was such a demeaning thing to hear that Blake actually stayed quiet for a moment. She had come in here to get pregnant and be on her way with her life, not expecting to end up getting roped into whatever nonsense Jaune wanted for her. But, the moment she felt his cock slip away from her cunt with one final slap, the young woman cracked and gave in. "Please! Please fuck me, Jaune! Give me your baby so I can be the teenage mother that I want to be! Get me pregnant! Leave me on the street or keep me around, I don't care! Just fill my womb and give me a baby!" Her blush only worsened as she realized just what she was saying, her fingers gripping the sheets as the head of his cock returned, her body immediately softening. "Please…. Just fuck me already…"
"See, that wasn't so hard, was it?!~" Jaune smirked as he held onto the base of his shaft, pushing his hips forward slowly, making sure that Blake could appreciate each and every inch of his length pushing into her like the prize she had earned. Even when he reached the base and moved his hand away, making sure each and every inch of his thick shaft was throbbing inside of her, the young man stayed still for a moment. "Appreciate how it feels to be full of a real cock. It took Pyrrha awhile to learn that appreciation. I'm sure a slut like you can do it rather quickly."
There was no denying that it felt incredible, to finally have his massive member buried inside of her like this. Even if she wanted him to start moving so he could cum faster, Blake did quickly find the appreciation and wonder in having something so large fill her insides, especially as the head of his cock stayed pressed against her womb. He was the perfect size to guarantee a pregnancy with her, making her smile and grip the sheets just a little bit tighter as she realized her dream of being a teenage mother was actually going to come true, even though she could feel blood mixing in with the arousal that trickled along her thighs.
Of course, Jaune didn't wait for her permission to start moving his hips, keeping his pace slow at first but moving faster and faster by the second. Watching the way Blake's back twist and turn as she laid on the bed in front of him only made things that much better for him, giving the bully the perfect reason to keep a single hand on her hips while the other made its way to her neck. "That's what I thought. Now, I hope you're ready to satisfy both of us.~" With his grip getting tighter on her hip and on her neck the young man's thrusts began to take an animalistic turn, a smile spreading along his face as he plundered her pussy like it was some kind of toy for him. Which is exactly what he saw it as in the first place.
Blake knew that she was ready for this. Knew that she was ready to be filled with cum and finally get pregnant just like she had always wanted. But, something was different. Something about that dream just didn't seem right anymore as Jaune's massive member plunged in and out of her over and over again, slamming against her womb each time. The thought of being pregnant with the bully's child was perfect, but the thought of possibly not getting to have this perfect cock inside of her felt just wrong. Even if she didn't want to say anything as her orgasm quickly approached, the purple-haired girl knew that she would need a cock like this inside of her again, even if it was her first one. Whining into the sheets, the young woman gasped as the hand that was on her neck traveled down her back, raking his nails along her spine.
Though, that didn't mean anything to Jaune as he could feel another orgasm about to hit, a soft chuckle leaving him as he looked at the purple-haired girl's face, watching as her lips curled into a smile. It was silent, but he could see her mouthing 'i love you'. A loud laugh immediately left him as he slammed his hips into her rear end and placed a hand on her cheek, grinding her into the bed. "Just shut up and get impregnated. It's all your good for and it's what you wanted anyway."
Blake gasped and screamed against the hand that covered her lips as her orgasm ripped through her system, her body arching and her inner walls quivering and spasming around the massive rod that was buried inside of her. "Yes!~" Screaming in joy into the sheets, the purple-haired girl felt the first splash of cum enter her womb, forcing her orgasm to last longer as the young man's hips failed to stop moving even in the slightest. There was pain, heat, pleasure, bliss, satisfaction, and belonging all in those first few moments, causing Blake to bite through the sheets as more cum began flooding into her.
Unloading once again into her, Jaune could only chuckle as more and more of his seed filled up yet another girl just like she wanted to. It didn't matter if it started with him wanting to fill her or with them wanting him to get them pregnant, it always ended up this way and that was perfect for the young man as he slammed his hips against her own, this time keeping them there to make sure that her womb was filled as much as he could manage, even if it meant feeling his own cum flow and drip out of her and down her thighs and onto the floor. "God damn… I haven't felt a pussy that good since I started fucking my silver-haired bitch. Hell, even that succubus can't compare to it."
With a smile on her face, Blake took that as a compliment as she felt the thick rod that more than likely got her pregnant slowly pull out of her pussy, and leave her gaping for just a moment. A heavy and satisfied breath left her as she could still feel the cum inside of her, sloshing around, when she rolled over onto her back and simply looked up at Jaune. "You're an ass…"
"But I'm the ass you wanted to get bred by." Jaune smirked as he wrapped her hand around Blake's neck, using it as a handle as he pulled her closer and into another kiss, keeping her in place and cementing the thought in her mind that she belonged to him.