Chapter 43

From the moment Cardin had told her that she was going to be meeting his parents for the first time. Pyrrha had been an absolute nervous wreck. Understandable since this meant that she was going to be meeting the people who had blessed the world with her wonderful long-time crush, turned boyfriend Cardin. She had wanted to make sure that she left nothing less of a perfect first impression on them.

But as the days started to wind down to the fateful visit, the more and more Pyrrha's nerves started to get the better of her. Various thoughts ran through her mind as to how this would go, and what type of people the Arcs were. Would they like her, would they approve of their relationship? It was these sorts of scenarios that kept her up the past few nights within the Beacon Dorms, more often than she wanted to admit. And before she even knew it, she found herself on an airship with Cardin to visit the Arc Family home. The flight was spent in complete silence, Cardin was enjoying the entire trip while Pyrrha used that time to calm down and reassure herself that everything was gonna turn out fine. If his parents were anything like her beloved boyfriend, then there was nothing to worry about.

However, upon arriving at the household…

"Hello there, you must be Pyrrha that Missus and I have heard so much about. Name's Jaune Arc, and this is my wife Joanna, a pleasure to meet you miss Nikos."

Pyrrha's mind absolutely shut down the moment she had laid eyes on the mother and father of eight. While the Missus was definitely beautiful, capable of turning the heads of those willing to look. Pyrrha's attention was solely focused on the Patriarch of the Arc Family. If she thought that her boyfriend had been tall, it was nothing compared to the walking mountain that was Mr. Arc.

The man was well-built and muscular, with a broad chest and shoulders, and tree trunk-like arms and legs. He also had short blonde hair, styled similarly to Cardin though more scruffy-looking, along with a prominent yet well-maintained beard. Making him look like the epitome of a rough and rugged-looking lumberjack. His attire consisted of a tight-fitting jade green tank, with a brown sleeveless air bomber pilot jacket. Showing off the man's hairy arms and a tuft of blonde chest hair peeking out from the top of the shirt. He also had on a pair of blue jeans and black boots. His overall look screamed of a family man who wasn't afraid to get down and dirty.

She squashed down the small part of her that cheekily commented on that certain phrase having more than one meaning to it.

Realizing that she had been staring inappropriately at the man, her cheeks blushed and quickly introduced herself. Much to the amusement of the parents as they both let out a hearty laugh. "Well then, our home isn't anything special, but I hope you enjoy your time here with us," Jaune said, taking the redhead's hand into his own for a small handshake.

Pyrrha gulped and nodded, not trusting herself to speak at the moment, 'Oh, believe me, I think I will.'


The rest of the evening turned out to be quite pleasant for the couple and family all around. Pyrrha certainly enjoyed her time listening to the many stories about Cardin and the Arc Family. But moreover, she genuinely enjoyed her time getting to know the head of the family himself. Though Jaune was a relatively simple man, he lived a well-meaning and earnest lifestyle raising his family of nine, which already put him high in her books. Eventually, dinner came around and the family sat down for a nice meal. During which Mrs. Arc was busy chatting away with her son about his loving relationship with his girlfriend Pyrrha.

"So sweetie," The Missus began, "How long have you and Pyrrha been together?"

"Pretty much near the beginning of Beacon," Cardin rubbed the back of his head bashfully, "Though, I'll admit I was a bit on the slow side in realizing Pyrrha's feelings back then."

That earned a bit of a playful giggle from the redhead, slow had been an understatement. If she were to describe how dense Cardin had been, she was certain she could've held up a sign professing her love to him and he still probably wouldn't have realized she was talking about him until she had spelled it out for the blonde. The feeling must've been mutual with the parents as the mother and father found themselves chuckling at their son's explanation.

"You've always been a bit thick-headed," Mrs. Arc giggled, "Sometimes I think you had gotten that's a trait you got from your father."

"Hey now, that was years ago," Jaune spoke up, putting a hand playfully to his chest as if hurt by the claims, "I like to think I've grown from that. After all, I know how to spot and appreciate something valuable in front of me."

Pyrrha smiled, thinking that was simply Mr. Arc complimenting and flirting with the missus. However, just as she went back to her dinner, she nearly jumped in her seat. Underneath the table, the champion felt a hand rubbing on her left thigh, looking up, she realized that the hand belonged to none other than the Arc Patriarch himself; who simply smiled as he tilted his head at her.

"And what about you Pyrrha, how are you enjoying our little abode?" The man asked, his voice completely casual as if nothing were wrong.

Her green eyes widened a bit, realizing he was expecting her to answer, "O-Oh, everything has been wonderful so far. You and Mrs. Arc have been pleasant." She said, internally glad she was able to keep herself composed in front of the wife and her boyfriend. Though she bit at the inside of her mouth, as she felt that same hand rub and squeeze against her soft thigh, making her blush slightly at the bold and inappropriate gesture.

Yet, despite that though, she couldn't bring herself to nudge the hand right off of her leg as much as one part of her mind told her to. Telling her that it wasn't right.

Fortunately, all of this went unnoticed by Cardin, who seemed to be more into eating and chatting with his folks to notice something was up. However, the same couldn't be said for a certain spouse, who had taken notice of Pyrrha's subtle yet odd behavior. But didn't say a word as she went back to her dinner. The rest of the night went uneventful, save for Jaune stealing a casual squeeze or rub against the redhead's thigh. Or occasionally brushing his leg against hers, making the redhead even more flustered than normal around the hunk of a man. Just as it came time to turn in, Joanna Arc appeared as Pyrrha was able to enter the guest room.

"I caught your little fun time with my husband during dinner," She said bluntly, though her voice was calm and quiet, it left no room for Pyrrha to argue. "You seemed to enjoy having my husband's hands rubbing up against you, didn't you?"

Pyrrha's heart pounded against her chest, her green eyes widening at the accusation, "I-I that's…" She tried to think of something to say, but the calm yet sharp gaze that the matriarch had on her practically robbed the normally courageous 'Invincible Girl' of her ability to speak. "I-I'm sorry, I-I couldn't resist, h-his hands just felt so strong and-"

But then, to her surprise, Joanna started giggling, stunning the girl, "Oh, there's no need to explain yourself to me, sweetie. I already knew that this was gonna happen beforehand." She revealed, stunning the lovely Nikos.

"W-What?" She nearly exclaimed, but kept herself respectfully quiet to the slumbering boys. Mrs. Arc simply smiled as she cupped the young woman's face.

"I'm aware of your little attraction to my husband," She said, making Pyrrha blush a little at that, "Let's just say, those feelings of yours aren't so… unrequited."

Pyrrha snapped her head up, her eyes wide, "What? Wait, what are you-"

"I'm planning on going shopping tomorrow," The Missus said, cutting the redhead off, "And I plan to take Cardin with me, we might be out the whole day tomorrow. Who knows what might go on with you two alone in this large and vacant household."

With that said, Joanna retreated to her bedroom where her husband lay sleeping. Leaving one shellshocked Pyrrha to stand there and process what her boyfriend's mother had just said to her. It was only after when her mind was finally able to catch up with the rest of her, did she become red as her hair. "She… She actually is okay with me…"

That once brief moment of shock, soon melted into that of a small and excited smile. "I… I see…"

-The Next Day-

"Cardin sweetie, let's go, I want to be able to get into town as soon as possible," Joanna called.

"Coming Mom," Cardin looked to his girlfriend, "You sure you'll be okay, Pyrrha? You know you can come with us." He said, holding her hand.

Pyrrha offered a small smile, cupping the blonde's cheek tenderly, "Don't worry, I'll be fine, after all, your dad's here. I'm sure the two of us will be able to get along wonderfully with each other."

"You sure, dad can always be a bit… much when it comes to him telling stories and all that," Cardin said, earning a giggle from Pyrrha.

"Why Cardin, are you by chance jealous that I'll be alone with your father?"

"W-What, no of course not," He stammered, his face bright red. Pyrrha shook her head with a smile, placing a kiss on Cardin's cheek before shooing her off with his mother.

"Go, you're burning daylight."

With that, Cardin gave a small nod as he left to join his mother. The two Arcs had said their goodbyes to Father and girlfriend before leaving in their car. The two watched as the vehicle disappeared into the distance before entering the home. No sooner had Pyrrha closed the door. She found herself spun around, coming face to face with the smirking Jaune. His massive presence looming over the blushing huntress-in-training.

"So we're finally all alone," He daintily cupped her chin, "I have to admit, I was starting to get a little impatient waiting for them to leave."

Pyrrha couldn't keep her heart from racing in her newfound situation. After her talk with Joanna that resulted in her getting her… she supposed 'blessings' to go after her husband however she saw fit. Pyrrha knew what she wanted to do with him in order to get his attention. The plan had been relatively simple as she wore one of her cute, form-fitting, and small floral-printed sundress. One that barely reached halfway down her thighs and had a v-shaped cut around the neck that showed off a generous amount of her abundant cleavage. Her plan was to act innocent around the scruffy dilf, pretending as if what occurred at dinner hadn't happened. All the while giving 'accidental' views of her chest, and even rear while she helped out with breakfast this morning. A move she was sure to have gotten more than just her boyfriend's attention of those eyes she felt from Jaune had been any indication. Along with that brief squeeze of her ass, that he gave to her in passing.

She was brought out of her thoughts as he groped at her breast, making her gasp and moan out as he kneaded it, "When I noticed how you were looking at me with unbridled lust the first time we met. I thought I had been seeing things. Only for Mrs. Arc to tell me otherwise," He chuckled as he started removing the girl's sundress, "I had no idea that I left such an impact on you, or… are you the type that loves going after older men?"

"N-Not really…" She muttered, looking away while her outfit fell to the ground, pooling around her ankles. Her large and bare chest was completely exposed to the cool morning air surrounding them. She felt the thick hairs of Jaune's beard as the man nibbled and sucked against her neck. Slipping a hand into her panties and feeling up against her dampening core. Her nipples grew stiff with arousal by the second.

"Yet you're practically melting underneath my touch. And I've barely done anything to you," Uttered Jaune in her ear as he pulled Pyrrha's panties off of her. Tossing it to the side, "Such a slutty girl that my son got as a girlfriend. Looks as though I'm going to have to discipline you a little bit."

Looking down at Pyrrha, he locked lips with the young lady. Pushing his tongue into her mouth, overall taking over and dominating their lust-fueled passionate kiss. Pyrrha didn't even hide the fact that she was giving a pitiful effort in trying to challenge the manly Arc in their makeout session. Clearly preferring to be swept away in his pace as he did whatever he pleased with her. He was just so… intense with her, even with something as simple as kissing her, making it clear that he was in charge of this fuck session. It was nothing like the gentle lovemaking that she did with Cardin back in Beacon.

With their kiss breaking, Jaune grinned and pushed Pyrrha down. Forcing her into a squatting position as she came face to crotch with Jaune's sleeping shorts. The prominent bulge made it clear of the morning monster that the father of eight was housing within it. Gulping, Pyrrha brought her shaky hands to the waistband of his pants and pulled them down. Ready to brace herself for whatever he had-


…on him…?

Pyrrha's emerald eyes shrank in shock at the massive phallus resting itself against her face. "O-Oh wow…" She uttered. Her breath was completely blown away at the sight of the hung member that Mr. Arc was packing in between his legs. Clearing well past eight inches and had to be almost as thick as her arm. While she wouldn't say that Cardin was small in comparison, she could DEFINITELY see how and why he became the father of such a large family.

She heard Jaune chuckling, looking past the cock to see the man's amused expression, "How ironic, that's the same expression Cardin's mother had on the first night we spent together." He revealed, making the redhead blush, "I wonder if history will repeat itself on how you respond."

He didn't tell her what to do next, he didn't have to. Pyrrha was already taking his cock slowly into her mouth. Her entire body shuddered with a mix of surprise and bliss at the delightful taste spreading across her mouth as Jaune's shaft filled her up. Not only did he look big, he felt even bigger in her mouth the further she went down his member. Reaching the base, she was greeted by the musky scent of his public hair filling her nostrils. Stirring her brain and arousal even more as she pulled back and started bobbing her head up and down the Arc Dilf's cock. Letting out moans of happiness as he held onto Jaune's tree trunk legs for support.

Already, Jaune could see why his son chose a great gal like Nikos. Aside from her wonderful personality, she knew how to give blowjobs exceptionally well despite her age. While not as refined as his wife, she showed a lot of promise in the field, and it only served to excite the man even more. With a hand on her head, he started thrusting into her mouth himself. Taking a relatively calm pace but drilling tip to base all the way to the very back of Pyrrha's throat. Prompting a surprised gag from the invincible girl as she tried to please him as much as she could despite her limited movement. Each time he brought her forward, she could feel her chin being slapped with his balls. The massive cum tanks swayed back and forth with fleshy claps as they were coated in drool. Making Pyrrha moan as she started to take them into her hand, massaging them thoroughly.

All the while, her tongue licked and rubbed the underside of his cock, feeling the throbbing phallus pulsate against her thrust as it burrowed deeper into the back of her throat. All the while, her pussy quivered, growing wet with arousal as she swallowed Jaune's cock as deep as she could. She didn't even know when she started pumping her fingers into her soaked cunt. Only that the wet 'Shlick' noises filled the air alongside the sloppy slurps and gulps she let out in the process.

'Gods, it feels like his cock grows even thicker the more spends time inside of my mouth,' Pyrrha thought, her fingers pumping faster inside of hers. Wanting to reach a powerful climax alongside Cardin's father, 'I'm… I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to… to…!'

Her thoughts were cut abruptly by Jaune suddenly grabbing her by her head with both hands. Giving Pyrrha little to no warning as he started thrusting madly into her mouth. Making the warrior's eyelids fly up in shock, unable to brace herself for what would happen as he took matters into his own hands. The rough and aggressive speed that he was going, forcibly suppressing her gag reflexes while bulging out her throat nearly made her cream herself right then and there. All while she put her efforts into keeping herself upright, a firm hand against the man's waists while the other cupped his balls, wanting that nice thick load. And whether or not that helped bring the man over the edge, didn't stop the man from burrowing his cock deep into her mouth and letting out a loud grunt as he came down Pyrrha's throat.

The Invincible Girl shivered in bliss, doing her best to swallow large gulps of the man's thick and creamy spunk that shot down into her gullet. Shooting out an amount that much larger than the usual orgasms she was used to with Cardin. The taste was salty, but delicious, making her stomach feel warm and pleasant the entire time he released into her. Eventually pulling away, allowing the beautiful Nikos to catch her breath with a soft gasp.

"Whew, that was amazing Pyrrha, I can't remember the last time I came that hard." He praised as he brought a hand to his head, "Not even my wife could make me bust that hard, and she practically knows my body better than me at times." He laughed heartily.

Pyrrha blushed and giggled, while secretly puffing her chest mentally at the fact that she was able to please Jaune even better than his wife. "Th-Thank you, sir," She thanked while keeping herself composed. "Your cum was so good, so… thick…." She couldn't help but say.

"Oh?" He raised a brow with a smirk, "Better than my son's?"

The blush on the huntress' face darkened, "Y-Yes…" She admitted. She knew it was wrong to be comparing her boyfriend to his father like this, knowing full well that the sheer difference in age and experience was vast and prominent, but she couldn't help herself. Her lust and attraction for the elder Arc only magnified the more she found herself in his presence. No real words could describe how she felt in her current situation.

Jaune, on the other hand, knew how to advance this, "Bedroom, now." His tone was sweet and gentle, yet held a firmness that made it clear that he wasn't making a request with her. Something Pyrrha knew instantly as she nodded and squeaked as she was scooped up into the man's arms. Her discarded clothes were left at the entryway of the halls as they climbed back up the stairs into the main bedroom. Pyrrha's heart could only beat faster and faster as they neared their destination.

Entering the room, Pyrrha gave a brief look around Mr. & Mrs. Arc's room. Finding the entire room to be a nice, simple yet accommodating area. She ignored the small part of her that commented how at the current moment, it felt perfect for her in her current situation. She yelped, finding herself being tossed onto the bed, with Jaune standing at the foot, staring her down as if she were a piece of meat. She watched him grin, grabbing and pulling off his sleep shirt to show off his bare, hairy and muscular chest to the redhead. Making the young woman's loin ache with anticipation as to what was going to happen next. The action of him crawling onto the bed towards her was slow as if he were stalking up toward unsuspecting prey. Teasing and frustrating her as she wanted nothing more than to have him pin her down to the bed and just claim her right then and there.

"You're cruel," She huffed; but smiled as she was pushed down to her back. Gazing up into Mr. Arc's blue eyes.

"Now Pyrrha," He said with a mock-chastising tone, "Don't you know it's not nice to be impatient? Rushing about in life leads to ruin I say." He leaned in, brushing up against her ear, "One has to learn to take their time and enjoy themselves and everything the world has to offer."

Once again, she shuddered at the soft and tender tone of Jaune's voice tickling at her ear. Before the man moved down to take one of her nipples into his mouth. Making her back arch as he suckled and bit down lightly on the erect nub. How could a simple life lesson to her be so erotic?! This wasn't fair!

Jaune was just having the time of his life enjoying how easily it was to have Pyrrha become putty in his hands. While he had anticipated the girl having a bit of a submissive streak to her, he had no idea that it would reach THESE levels of extent. Running his tongue around her erect nub, he stroked himself off, feeling that it was finally time to get to the main course. He pulled away from her chest, spreading her legs wide apart, and began to rub his length against her smooth entrance. Earning a nice little moan from the redhead as he teased her entrance a little. Chuckling at the needy whine coming from the young woman.

"Hm? Something the matter, Pyrrha?"

"Y-You said that good things come to those who wait, but…" She gyrated her hips a bit, pouting cutely, "There's a difference between being patient and just being teased mercilessly," She whined.

Jaune's chuckle turned into laughter, "Alright, alright," He acquiesced. "I believe I played around with you long enough."

With little warning, he stabbed the tip in and started pushing his length deep into Pyrrha's insides. Grunting in pleasure as he was greeted by her tight folds clenching down intensely around him, "Fuck, you're even tighter than I had imagined." He groaned out a chuckle, "I actually love it."

Pyrrha wanted to say something, anything in response to the massive cock filling up her insides. But all she could let out was a loud gasp of shock as Jaune drilled his way into her depths. Dear Brothers, his cock was unbelievably insane. From the moment she felt the first few inches enter her, she knew she was in way over her head. It felt like her insides were being ripped wide open with how much her walls were being stretched to their limits; as if Jaune was trying to split her in two with his member.

'Gods, this… this has to be all of him, right?' She thought as her mind burned with pleasure, 'Th-There's no way that he has more left to put inside of…'

"Fuck, I'm barely halfway in and it's like you got even tighter," Jaune groaned, making Pyrrha's eyes widen in shock.

"H-HALF?!" She cried. Her guts were feeling like mush and yet he only had half of his monstrous length inside of her. "Y-You must be joking?!" She exclaimed with a slight shake of her head.

Jaune, however, just regarded the girl with an amused expression, "I don't know," He started, "You tell me."

Having a firm grip on her thighs, he slammed the rest of his cock inside of Pyrrha. Making the girl shriek with surprised pain and pleasure throughout the empty household as a huge bulge formed against her stomach from the thick pillar of meat burrowed deep with her. Holy. Shit! He had not been kidding at all when he said that he was only about halfway inside of her. She twitch and convulsed, her body trying to adjust to the big insertion that she had been impaled with. Her mind felt like it wanted to explode from what she was dealing with at this very moment. She struggled to regain her breathing as her pants became haggard and uneven gripping the bedsheets underneath her to the point where she wanted to rip them off.

'T-Too much, too thick' She thought, 'N-Need to… take a moment to… breathe…' She wheezed mentally as she tried to recollect herself. Yet that didn't matter as Jaune wasn't looking to give her a chance to breathe as he started moving.

The pacing, in the beginning, was slow, the mountain-like man wanting to savor the constrictor-like grip Pyrrha had around him. But as her folds began to accept him, the less the saw a reason to hold himself back. Pumping his hips back and forth, driving his cock like a jackhammer into the squealing young woman. The bed creaked, straining under the weight and intensity of the two lovers going at it in their sinful little affair. Jaune let his grip on Pyrrha's legs go, instead, having a hand placed on the headboard of the bed for support. While the other hand gripped one of Pyrrha's wrists, looking down at the cock drunk girl as her hazy green eyes went cross with pleasure. A deep blush stained her sweaty face all over.

"Hey now little lady, don't fade on me yet," He leaned in close to her face, "We're just getting started."

Pyrrha parted her lips to utter something, but Jaune took that as a chance to steal them for another deep kiss between the two of them. Something that Pyrrha did not resist, rather, she wrapped her free arm around his neck to deepen it. While also wrapping her legs around his waist as best as she could. This entire feeling was utter bliss for the redhead. Rendered utterly speechless by how amazing this sensation was. Each time he bucked his hips into her, slamming that fat bulbous tip against the entrance of her womb. Making her toes curl up behind Jaune's back.

She could feel the air rush out of her lungs with each thrust. Leaving her breathless and wanting more of the scruffy stud on top of her. Not to mention, he somehow knew where to strike when it came to her weak spots. She simply thought when he began fucking her, while he could provide pleasure, he would lose himself to her just like how she was with him. But no, instead he was proving to her just how inexperienced she still was when it came to having sex. Not only did he fuck her, moving at a pace that was tender but exciting as well, but he also made sure that all she felt was nothing but pure ecstasy as he ventured deeper into her core.

His movements were precise, never wasted or overexaggerated. Never moving too fast and finishing quickly or too slow for comfort. Going at her at a moderate pace which left her breathless, and wanting more from him. It- it was unreal, it was like fireworks…!

'It feels better than when we do it with Cardin,' A smart part of her mind spoke out. 'Admit it girl, from the moment you laid eyes on Papa Arc. You realized that he was better than our lover boy in more ways than one. I mean for Gods' sake, his wife isn't opposed to us fucking him. That shows how much of a stud he is.'

That… was very much true. Though as much as she didn't want to admit it; Jaune was proving everything she had imagined him to be and more. Even now, she didn't know what compelled her to do this the moment she had seen Cardin's handsome father. Maybe she wanted more than what Cardin was giving her? Maybe she wasn't as satisfied with their relationship with him despite how much she had wanted him at first.

Or maybe… she was never really happy, to begin with…

A stab at her sweet spot ripped the overwhelmed Nikos out of her thoughts as she threw her head back with a loud cry of pleasure. Her rocking hips jerked upwards suddenly as she came all over herself and Jaune. Her pussy clamping down, squeezing at his cock desperately. But that did nothing to slow down Jaune as he doubled down on Pyrrha. The intense grunts and increased speed were a clear sign that the man was also getting close to cumming as well. Realizing what was coming, Pyrrha's legs that she had wrapped around Jaune's waist, gripped the man tighter. Refusing to let go and wanting him to shoot his own load inside of her, regardless of the fact that he wasn't wearing any protection.

Jaune could clearly see what she wanted and responded in kind by railing her cunt as hard as he could. The bulge against the girl's stomach violently appeared with each thrust as he worked his way to his own climax. Before long, he was reaching his peak.

"Fuck, Pyrrha, I can't- hold it in…!"

"I-Inside please!" She cried, wrapping her arms around his neck, "Cum inside, I don't care if this knocks me up!"

Hearing those words set something off within Jaune. Hugging the girl close, he poured all of his strength into his hips. Slamming his cock as deep and hard as he could into the howling champion as she clenched down tightly as hard as she could. Her body practically SCREAMING at him to blow his load already.

Finally, Jaune came, burying his cock all the way, even piercing into Pyrrha's womb as he erupted with his pure white-hot seed. Pyrrha out a sharp gasp, her entire back arching upwards from feeling the grown man's potent and thick load gushing into her. She could feel every spurt, painting and coating her entire walls all over while she panted heavily. All the while, her pussy quivered as it tried to milk the big Daddy Arc's dick for everything he had stored up in those magnificent nutsacks.

'Holy Fuck…' Her mind wheezed, teetering on the brink of unconsciousness as she and Jaune rode out their climax together. Never in her life had she experienced such an intense orgasm. Not with all the times she and Cardin had done, or all the times she had masturbated. "S-So… thick…" She uttered breathlessly.

Jaune groaned, remaining inside of Pyrrha for a few more moments before pulling out. Allowing his excess cum to spew out of Pyrrha's pussy all over onto the, "Damn, I have to say, Nikos, that had to have been one of the best fucks I had in my life."

Pyrrha couldn't muster the strength to reply to him, so merely nodded in response. Jaune looked at the time and realized how much time had passed between them, "We still have some time before the Missus and Cardin return. Think you're up for another round?"

If Pyrrha had any sense left within her, she would've declined right then and there. Taking the opportunity to let her poor body rest. Instead, she simply answered with.

"Yes…" In barely a whisper, "Ruin me…"

Jaune grinned, "I thought you might say that." Without another word, he threw himself at the eagerly waiting Nikos, who could only brace herself for what would be another intense passionate round of fun.

So far, this was going to be a fun vacation with the family, after all.