Chapter 61

"I can't believe I accepted helping you. This is the biggest scam of life." Neptune nagged for the fifth time in 30 minutes.

Pyrrha sighed. "Look, just go hang with my parents and let me do it myself, then. At this rate, it'd be faster."

"I can't. if I let you do it yourself, I wouldn't be a good boyfriend. I've had the burden of dating you for a full year now! This is my duty." Neptune put a hand to his forehead, overacting how noble he was.

"Okay. Then, check these!" Pyrrha threw a pile of letters on his lap, calling his bluff. "See if you can find it there."

"Oh, God, no! Look, can we just break up and then get back together once this is done? Just a quick break."

She ignored him, holding back an unintentional chuckle. Neptune was annoying in a funny way. They were both self-aware that he was being a drama queen for the joke of it.

Neptune and Pyrrha had traveled to Argus, in Mistral, to find some papers in Pyrrha's old home. She needed them to deal with some paperwork mishandling that occurred in Beacon Academy. He looked around Pyrrha's old bedroom. 'Overall, it's a pretty feminine room… It feels nice to be in a girl's room for the first time, but… WHY IS IT SUCH A MESS?!'

Pyrrha's room could easily pass for a junkyard. There was junk, leftover food, clothes, etc., all over the small space. "How… How did you live here? I don't understand! Why didn't your parents exile you or something?! This is the dirtiest place I've ever seen!"

Again, she ignored him, enjoying his humorous complaints.

"Where did you even sleep?!"

"There." She casually pointed to a huge pile of clothes and junk.

"What even is that?!"

"Isn't it obviously the bed?"

"NO! What do you mean with OBVIOUSLY?! I can't even tell where the bed begins!"

Neptune eventually gave up and went through the letters. They were mostly from friends, family, or her old school in Argus. Then, he found a series of letters that called his attention, each one dated one year apart.

He opened the first and read it. Then, the second, the third… They were all letters from a company called 'FaunusBurpNetwork', which was inviting Pyrrha to join them for a modeling photoshoot. There were a total of four. Apparently, they were very interested in having Pyrrha over because she was the 'Pride of Mistral'. 'Well, that makes sense. She was a regional champion before coming to Beacon. Everyone here knows who she is…'

What called the most attention was the fourth letter. It was sent one week ago, inviting her to participate in their photoshoot this year. 'And the date would be… Today?! An hour from now?! What does it say here…? We recently discovered you're a regular subscriber of our content at FaunusBurpNetwork… We receive hundreds of letters every day asking for you to join us… Considering the comments you've left on some of our videos, we're certain you would be very pleased with…-' The letters were yanked from his hand. "Hey, what the hell?!"

"D-did you read them?!" Pyrrha was visibly agitated. Apparently, Neptune had seen something too private.

"I mean, not in detail. But I do know they wanted you to come in for some sort of modeling gig? I've never heard of this company…"

There was instant relief on Pyrrha's face. "They're this… Uhm… 'Multi-layered modeling company' that is really popular in Mistral. Actually, at the rate they're growing, they will probably be quite big worldwide soon. I hear some girls talking about them back in Beacon too…" She blushed.

'Multi-layered? Like… They do idol videos or gravure too…?' Neptune pondered. "And they want you to model for them?! Why don't you do it?!"

"N-no…" She scratched her face, embarrassed, looking to the side. It was cute. "I don't think that's a good idea. I just want to be a huntress. Everything else is just a distraction… This stuff can be dangerous… What if I lost myself…?"

Neptune had an immediate, clear read on his girlfriend. 'She's shy. I can't believe I'm seeing this side of her.' As her boyfriend, Neptune felt compelled to give his girlfriend the boost she needed. "Look, you're even a fan of them, right? It's not like you're not a star already either. When we were walking on the street, everyone waved at you. Geez, I wish I was half as popular as you are. Why not do it?"

She scooted away from Neptune , distracting herself by investigating other areas of the room. "Well… I don't want to be a model, you know?" The nervousness was abundant in her voice.

"Okay, but…" Neptune followed her around. "…It can't hurt your reputation, right? Plus, I get to brag to everyone that my girlfriend was also a popular model at once. Why not just do this one photoshoot? These guys seem pretty insistent! They call for you every year! They have good taste!"

"G-good taste? Do you really think that's a good idea? Some of those photos can be a bit risqué, you know… Wouldn't you mind that?"

"I'm not stupid, I know that, but it's not like you'll be naked or something, right? Let everyone see your beauty, Pyrrha!" He stuck his chest out, projecting confidence and manliness, at least in his mind.

"Hahahaha, no, no, of course not! It's not like they do porn or anything like that…!" Pyrrha's face became even more flustered. "B-but, you know… Sometimes… There's a male model too. Actually, no, every time… Wouldn't you mind if there's some other guy posing and sometimes touching me…?"

Neptune froze.

He absolutely did mind.

At that moment, he realized it would have benefitted him to think for a few seconds before trying to look cool. How was he supposed to back out now?

After an eternity, he came up with a solution. "Actually-"

"You're right! Screw it, let's do it!" Pyrrha grabbed her bag and Neptune 's hand. "We have an hour to get there, right? There's enough time!"


"You're right, Neptune . Some girls would kill for opportunities like these. It's just a normal photoshoot! There's no need for it to be anything more than that, so why not add that experience to my life? Thanks for convincing me!"

"H-Huh? No, wait…"

"Ooooh, I'm kind of excited now!" Pyrrha looked as pumped as a child. "But you must come with me! A lot of people in those places are guys! I'd feel too uncomfortable without you there with me!"

Unfortunately, Neptune had outplayed himself.

'Well, whatever. Male model or not, it's just a professional photoshoot. I guess I'm worrying for nothing.'


"Look, Neptune , you know how these places are, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Y'know... Modeling and stuff... A lot of these companies are a little unethical about women. There's always some harassment and stuff, but I'm used to it, so try not to be too bothered by it, okay?"

"If it makes you uncomfortable, we can just…"

"No, no, it's okay. To be honest with you, dealing with coaches and politicians as the regional champion was the same thing. If you want to make it far, you have to power through it." Pyrrha twiddled her thumbs. "I've always wanted to participate in one of these, but… I didn't have the courage. It felt wrong. Thank you for helping with this weakness in me, Neptune ." She looked at him with puppy eyes of joy.

'Ah… I hate this, but… It is what it is. She looks so happy too…'

They walked into the building and then headed to the appropriate room on the third floor. Every single person on the way turned their head and looked at Pyrrha with a dropped jaw. Neptune felt unexpectedly awesome to be walking with such a 'star'. "Man, everyone here knows who you are."

She blushed hard. "Yep."

They walked into the room. There was a small set involving a sofa and a bed. There were professional lights spread around the set; Cameras positioned at multiple angles; A bunch of staff going around handling food orders and equipment; A director on a chair with a megaphone; Among many other things.

Most noteworthy of all, there was a gorgeous actress with buxom breasts and ass posing for the camera. It seems they had just begun. She was wearing some sort of white micro-bikini, covering only her important bits. Pyrrha's and Neptune 's eyes were glued to her. He did not understand the meaning of this.

Once everyone looked their way and saw Pyrrha, it was like time itself had stopped. Everyone was marveled by her. Neptune could see Pyrrha's eyes looking down, embarrassed, but holding her body language steady to convey her singular toughness.

"CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT!" The director screamed in the megaphone and then rushed to them. "Pyrrha! I can't believe you came! I-I wasn't told that you accepted our offer!" He was out of breath from the shock of the moment. Despite his excitement to speak to Pyrrha, he did not take his sunglasses off to look her in the eyes.

"I didn't plan to, but…" She looked at Neptune for strength. "It was a spur-of-the-moment decision. If it's too late, we can always try next year…"

"Next year?! Are you NUTS?! Hey, someone get Ms. Semblance off the set! She's being replaced!"

"What?!" The young woman on the set looked pissed. "I freed up my schedule for this! You can't just-"

"You're off, lady!" A staff member pulled her by the hand and toward the doorway they were at. "Don't worry, we're not screwing you. I mean, not in that sense. They're needing a girl on the upper floor for a blowbang scene. You don't mind, right?"

"Oooh, white milk? You should have told me earlier…" Her angry face instantly shifted to a pleased smile.

'Wait… Don't I know this woman…? And blowbang… What…?' She put on her high heels and left the room while guided by a staff member. Once Neptune observed her jiggly ass strutting away, he recognized her. 'Isn't that… A PORNSTAR?! I-I swear I've seen her before…!'

"And who's this guy here? Your agent? Looks kinda young, but hey, talent is talent." The director spoke fast and to the point. The smell of coffee seeped from his mouth. "I'm Bhron, pleasure to meet ya."

"Oh, hey… I'm Neptune , Pyrrha's boyfriend."

"Oh, boyfriend! And you brought her here?" Bhron looked impressed. "Damn, Pyrrha, you snatched one of the good ones. You get to live life to the best with a guy like this, huh?! Makes sense to me! Boyfriends make the best agents in our network!"

"Neptune is a great guy, and I love him very much. He convinced me to do the photoshoot… And just that."

"Of course, of course, that's all we wanted! Shall we get going, then?"

"W-wait, about that woman who just walked away… Uhm…" He paused. They looked at him with curiosity. "Uhm… Uhm…"

"Yeah? Spit it out, big guy. What about her?"

"N-no… Nothing." He realized there was no way to reasonably ask if someone was a pornstar. At least not with his girlfriend by his side. 'I'm just crazy. How would that even make sense?'

"Alright, baby, come on!" Bhron put his hand on Pyrrha's lower back and guided her away from Neptune . He was instantly annoyed by the man's touchiness but held on and followed along. "You know how this stuff works? We'll do a solo set of shots first, and then one with the male model together. We got a really nice guy for ya, you'll love him! Every time a girl does it with him, it's just positive feedback. Very big too, people will love the contrast in the shots! Any questions?"

"About the outfits, how does it work?" Pyrrha did nothing to move his hand away, even as it gradually lowered down her back.

Neptune wanted to cut in and remove his hand, but surely Pyrrha knew what she was doing.

"We got a full team of experts for that. They'll help you out in the dressing room there. If your agent- I mean, boyfriend, wants to be in there with you, no problem." His hand touched Pyrrha's ass.

Neptune could openly see his fingers fondling his girlfriend's generous, athletic ass. "H-hey!"

"Hm?" Pyrrha turned around to hear him out. "What is it, Neptune ?" She did not acknowledge the groping whatsoever. It was as if Neptune was the weird one.

"I-it's just…" He froze. The feeling of being the third wheel killed his momentum. "Uhm…"

"Well, big guy, I gotta get going. Remember, dressing room over there, okay? Bye, gorgeous." Bhron reached over and kissed Pyrrha on both cheeks, fondling her ass one last time before moving away. "Damn, girl, you've got a killer body! People are gonna love ya!"

"Th-thank you! Haha, what an energetic guy." She nervously chuckled and then refocused on Neptune . "Is something wrong?"

"That guy was annoying! He kept touching you inappropriately."

"I know, right? They just can't keep their hands to themselves. These people are all super naughty. I can't even imagine how much other models get touched."

"W-well, why didn't you move his hand away?"

"Oh! I didn't even think of that! Regardless, it didn't mean anything to me, Neptune , you don't have to worry."

"But… I don't like when they touch you, so…" He found his girlfriend's apathy to be quite frustrating.

"I mean… It's a set full of guys and I'm the main model here…" She looked around, taking notice of every man present. "I told you before, Neptune . It's just how it works. They're probably going to take every chance possible to have a pass at me, but it's fine. Try not to get too bothered by it."

Her answer increased his grievance. "Wha-! But, Pyrrha…! I'm your boyfriend!"

"I know, but to these guys, I'm the hot piece of meat of the day. Neptune , please don't make a drama of it. I'm telling you, it's normal. My coach was super clingy too. I don't mind the catcalling and touching, so don't make a big deal out of it, okay? I don't want my brief return to Mistral being tarnished by a scandal, please!" She brought her face closer to whisper in his ear. "Plus, you're the one who gets to have sex with me on the way back. They're just groping me because they're pathetic and wish they could satisfy their hard-ons with me! Don't overthink it! And aren't you the one who said I should come? You knew about this, right? Who doesn't? Girls in sets like these get rubbed all over!"

"Grr…" He took deep breaths to calm himself down. His girlfriend's sweet voice in his ear helped. "Fine… You're right. I'll… Stay quiet." Clenching his fists, he toughened up. The truth was that Neptune had no idea this sort of thing was normal in a model's life. Hearing her speak, he now felt naïve and stupid. 'I'll just add this to the list of regrets of the day. Whatever…'

"Though, I have to be honest. I'm surprised it's just white guys here…" She looked around again as if looking for something. Pyrrha seemed disappointed.

"Huh…? Oh, yeah. I guess I expected more Faunus, considering the name of the place…"

"Huh? Faunus…? Oh…! Right, yeah, that too. I guess the people behind the camera and in front of the camera aren't always the same. Oh, well. I'll go get dressed. Are you coming with me?"


"Are you sure…?" She looked at him inquisitively. "It's probably mostly guys in there. You won't embarrass me by making a scene when they're helping me dress up, right?"

"Ghh! Even in there? Fine, whatever, I'll keep it to myself. But I'm going! H-hey!"

Pyrrha hopped to Neptune 's face, kissing him by surprise. "You're cute when you get angry." Her kind, infatuated smile always disarmed him. "Think of this kiss when you start getting upset, okay? Let's go!"

He hated to admit it, but it worked as effectively as always. He blushed, calming down.


Neptune spent the next several minutes watching Pyrrha being dressed by three guys. They kept measuring every part of her body. He gritted his teeth to avoid raging. Seeing them surrounding her body while she wore nothing but underwear was incredibly frustrating.

"Damn, your ass is huge!" One of the men squeezed it time and time again.

"Thank you."

"Your abs are very hot. Fit girls are really popular these days, people are gonna love them!"

"You think so? Won't they think it's too masculine?" She observed the guy tracing his fingers on her faint six-pack.

"Nah, they're gonna love them. When these start flexing because you're going crazy from all the c-…" He looked at Neptune and then stopped himself. "Y'know... It's super sexy."

Pyrrha was bashful. "Oh, no, no, we're only doing a normal photoshoot, hahaha!"

"Say whatever you want, but your male partner will love touching these. Plus, those breasts…!" He poked her bra, making her perky, buxom breasts jiggle. "Yep. Just good stuff here!"

"Check out her back, though! The curve from the lower to the upper back is insane. You're super lean, girl, you have to teach me your routine!" Another guy constantly touched every part of her posterior side. "I wish my girlfriend was this hot!"

"You guys like it? I'm a bit nervous…" She kept her arms raised to the sides, allowing them full view and freedom to touch her.

"Pfft! Are you kidding me? I'm hard already, they're going to be too!"

Pyrrha reacted with immediate curiosity, before being cut by Neptune . "Really?-"

"H-hey! Watch what you say in front of her! She's my girlfriend!"

"J-Neptune ! It's okay…!" Pyrrha cringed.

The three guys laughed among themselves. "Dude, are you kidding me? Sorry to inform you, but guys have been beating off to your girlfriend for years now."

"Yeah, I've made at least a dozen tributes to her this week alone."

"I'm probably going to do it in the bathroom after this is done. Just seeing her abs made me hard."

"Wh-what's wrong with you people?!" He was ready for a fight.

"Neptune ! It's fine!" She used a sterner tone. "I told you. It's just how it is. Okay?" There was little space for disagreement in her statement. "Guys get hard and jerk off. It's not like any of them get to have sex with me. You're the one who does! They're jealous of you, got it?" She looked down at his lower body. "Plus, you're hard too. I'll take everyone's words as one big compliment."

"Yeah, dude, chill out."

"We never get to have any fun with the models here. It's always the bulls..."

"No bull will be having fun with me today either, o-okay?" Pyrrha's voice cracked as she silenced the three men. "If you wanna look or get a bit touchy, I don't care, but at least be a little more respectful around my boyfriend."

"Grrr!" Neptune crossed his arms and sat back down. "I'll just wait outside!" He rushed out without waiting for her response.

He quickly realized being outside was far worse. There was no choice but to wait, imagining what could be going on inside.


Eventually, Pyrrha came out of the dressing room with one guy groping her rear one last time before seeing Neptune and going back inside. Still, he felt lucky when noticing her outfit. It was almost exactly the same red dress as she wore at the party back in Beacon. "Wow… Gorgeous, Pyrrha. More conservative than I expected, to be frank."

"It's three sets of clothes. The next ones are going to be a bit more indecent. Please prepare yourself to avoid making drama."

Regardless, Neptune felt relieved. From there, things progressed relatively smoothly. Using the same bed and sofa set that the previous woman was on, Pyrrha was instructed to take dozens of photos in various poses. Overall, nothing was too out of the ordinary. It irritated him when the director came over and touched her body to adjust her position, which was uncomfortably often, but if this was the ceiling of discomfort, Neptune could handle it. He noticed some guys rubbing their pants every now and then but did his best to ignore them. 'She's not wrong. Everyone here is some horndog loser.' It pissed him off to know they would likely jerk off later while thinking of his girlfriend.


His discomfort increased once she returned to the dressing room to change into the second outfit. When she came out, he could not believe what they put her on: It was a 'mini' version of her traditional huntress outfit. The red mini-skirt was even shorter, showing a chunky part of her thick underbutt; The corset was much tighter, low-cut, and ended before the midriff, exposing her toned abs; And the greaves on her legs started below the knee instead of above, showcasing her athletic, meaty quads and hamstrings. Her other accessories were the same as always, giving her look the credence of a 'sluttified' Pyrrha.

"What do you think, Neptune ? It's the first time I show so much skin, I'm a bit nervous…"

"I-It's… Isn't it… Too much…?"

"You don't like it? I thought it would be hot while staying true to myself, so I suggested it…"

"I-it was… Your idea…?"

"Yeah. The guys in the dressing room loved it, though…"

Neptune took a long pause before choosing the words he believed best. "I'm just worried it shows too much skin. For what it's worth, I think you look super attractive in that outfit."

His response instantly uplifted her mood. "Oh, thank God! I know that a lot of the guys who see these photos are similar to you, so that's really good to hear! I think it looks good too. The guys in the room wouldn't stop rubbing their pants, it was so gross!" She laughed joyfully and ran to the set.

Neptune was impressed by his girlfriend's bravado. 'Nothing really fazes her, huh… I guess I need to be more like Pyrrha.' Observing the photoshoot, he noticed they gave Pyrrha a prop shield and Jaune, similar to the ones she wore with her real battle gear. However, for some reason, they were white, and a lot thicker.

The photoshoot of this outfit was a lot harsher for Neptune . Using the Jaune, they made Pyrrha take photos in a lot of compromising positions.

"Yes, just like that! Hug it really tight with your legs! Okay, hold that position!"


"Yes, just adjust your hips a little more…! Yes, right there! Okay, keep sitting on it! Smile for the camera. No, no, that one! Aaaand, cut! We got it! Super sexy! Girl, I could tell how much you loved that white Jaune!"

In the end, Neptune managed to endure the frustration and anger until the end. 'They know what they're doing. The way they made her use that Jaune… Fuck, do they think she's a stripper doing pole dancing?! I hate this!' He took a good look at his girlfriend's sensual figure. Neptune could not deny the eroticism in her outfit. There were even more guys rubbing their pants now, and one left to the bathroom and still did not return. Still, Pyrrha continued to smile. She looked at him with bright eyes while heading to the dressing room. 'Whatever… She's liking it… I can't be this insecure… Hah…' He sighed and submitted. 'It can't get much worse anyway…'

Neptune was wrong.

Pyrrha came out of the dressing room wearing nothing but a pink g-string one-piece. Though blushing, she walked toward him with perfect posture and professionalism. "Wh-what do you think, J-Neptune …?"

He was unable to answer. Neptune had his mouth open, speechless. 'How did I never notice that Pyrrha's body was so erotic…?' He openly ogled her enormous ass and bust. As a result of how tiny the one-piece was, it accentuated every curve in her body, enhancing Pyrrha's already curvaceous, built physique. She looked stacked. As he regained his focus, Neptune realized her nipples poked through the one-piece's thin lines. To top off the sexual nature of the outfit, her vagina was covered by a single, tiny string, with the rest of her crotch visible. Faint traces of her waxed pubes were visible on the sides.

"Neptune …?"


"Do you think this might be too much skin?" She whispered in his ear.

"Y-yes! Definitely! Y-you should wear something else…!"

"Well…" She gazed at the tent in his pants. "…You really liked it, though, didn't you? I think this is exactly what they're looking for me to wear…"

Before Neptune could say anything else, Bhron interrupted their chat. "Girl, you look HOT. Just wait until your co-model sees that! He's gonna go NUTS! And so will our viewers!"

"N-no, wait, she's going to change her clothes!"

"Hm? I don't think so, Neptune . I more or less already expected it. This is how these photoshoots go. It'd be humiliating to end it now, don't you think?"

"R-really…? But… You said it was too much as well…"

"Yeah, but I'm here now, right? Let's just power through!" Pyrrha was determined. "This is why I always rejected their invitations, but I'll do it now! The adrenaline is kind of exciting!" She checked out her own front and back. "Honestly, I feel quite confident in this one-piece. I really do look hot!"


The director grabbed her ass and guided her to the set. Pyrrha was given a volleyball. They made her take photos in a multitude of erotic ways, with the ball acting as a prop for lewd poses. Many of the photos involved having the ball between her legs, or sitting on it… Bouncing on it… The implications were evident. In one photo, she even kissed the ball, touching it with her tongue.

What felt most smutty, however, was Pyrrha's smile. Neptune could see her breathing becoming gradually heavier. It was as if she was enjoying sexualizing her body this way. He had no idea she had this side to her. Was Pyrrha always like this, or was this something new, learned today?

Looking around the room, Neptune noticed some guys with hands in their pants. They had become even bolder. They shouted compliments about her beauty. Despite openly noticing what they were doing, Pyrrha did not scold anyone. She simply blushed and continued on posing.

'This is hell…! And there's still a male model…? Oh, God…!' Neptune 's face and body were rigid with anxiety.

After what felt like an eternity, they finished. Pyrrha walked over to him once more, but not before being stopped by a few guys who wanted to get a quick pass at her body. She affably chatted with them, with her body inevitably groped until they were satisfied and left. "Hey, Neptune ! That was pretty ballsy, huh? Oh… I didn't mean the pun." She threw the volleyball away. "These guys are kind of pigs, though, don't you think?"

Neptune nearly burst out a series of complaints. However, he had enough self-awareness to realize that was all he did since he got here. From the excitement in Pyrrha's eyes, it was obvious that she would see this through to the end. He sighed and gave up. "Yeah."

"I saw one guy go to the bathroom a while ago, and he's still not back. Do you think he might be… You know…" She subtly gestured by pumping the air with her left hand. "…That'd be gross."

Neptune found Pyrrha's words to be hypocritical. "Isn't that just how these things go, according to you…? Why do you care?"

"It's still gross, though. I like feeling empowered by everyone's admiration, and I guess masturbating to me is a form of admiration, but still… The only one I want masturbating to me is you, Neptune ." She sat by his side and put a hand on his leg. "When we get back home, I might be a bit tired to ride you, but I'll tug the hell out of that dick of yours…" She sweetly breathed in his ear. "I can tell how hard you're holding yourself back for me, so I'll reward you. While these losers are jerking themselves, you'll get a special handjob from the 'Pride of Mistral', okay? So, lighten up for me."

That did it. Neptune 's mood skyrocketed. All the molestation and catcalling became irrelevant in his mind. He was the alpha in this room.

Then, the door opened. A man entered, immediately capturing their attention.

It was a hulking white man wearing a white robe. His head was bald, and his muscles bulged through the robe, despite its large size. 'Is that the male model? I'm a little surprised he's white, considering everyone else here is white. He looks a little scary, though, being that big…' Suddenly, Pyrrha squeezed his hand so tightly that it hurt. He turned to face her, only to be dumbfounded.

Pyrrha was abnormally restless. Her hands shivered, and her smile was cracked. Adding to her skittishness, she blushed hard. "No way…!"

"Huh? No way what? You know who that is?"

"No, of course not! Haha, who'd know, right? Could be anyone…! I certainly have no clue who he is, no way!" She giggled constantly. "Oh my God, he's coming here…! Neptune , don't embarrass me, okay?!"

"Embarrass you? But…"

"Just don't! Please!" She gave him the most intense stare he had ever seen. Despite being confused, Neptune understood this was important to her, and so he nodded.

The gargantuan man approached them, focusing his eyes on Pyrrha. "Hello, Pyrrha. When they told me that we'd work together today, I could barely believe it." He took her hand and kissed it. Pyrrha looked up at his eyes, frozen, ignoring Neptune 's existence. "I'm a huge fan of yours, Pride of Mistral." His voice was deep.

"The pleasure is all mine." Despite her visible fluster, Pyrrha was able to maintain verbal composure.

"And let me say… You look absolutely stunning. I am truly looking forward to posing with you. I hope you will have just as much fun working with me."

"Oh, thank you very much. I've never done a photoshoot before, so let me preemptively thank you for your patience."

"Ah, don't worry." He came in closer, tracing his fingers along her upper back, all the way to her lower back, resting his hand there. "I'll very closely help you with every pose, so everything will be alright.

"Thank you… I'm happy that a skilled man like you will help me."

"Also, let's be honest here, beautiful… With that stacked, fuckable body of yours, any pose will do the job."

"H-hey!" Neptune felt a line was crossed. "Don't say that stuff to my girlfriend!"

"Or what?" His response had zero hesitation. "If she's bothered by it, she can say it herself."

"Of course she's bothered! Right, Pyrrha? Tell this guy off!" Nonetheless, when his eyes met hers, they found a far different reaction than expected: Irritation. She glared at him with murderous eyes.

"Neptune … I told you not to make a scandal. Didn't we just speak about that? And don't speak for me, okay? That is not acceptable."

"B-but… The things he said…"

"It was just a compliment, can't you tell? Or do you not think I have a fuckable body?"


"Come on, Neptune . Say it like a man. Is my body fuckable or not? This guy here thinks it is. You're my boyfriend. Do you think it's not? Is he the only one who's willing to fuck my body, then?"

Neptune was emotionally cornered. The usage of this vulgar language in public, and in front of another man, was not okay with him. However, he could find no exit, nodding in agreement.

"Then, there you go. Don't pull that stuff anymore. This guy is my male partner for the photoshoot, let's keep things friendly between all of us. Don't complain anymore. For the guy who convinced me to come, you sure are annoying. No wonder white guys are getting so popular. They don't act like crybabies."

"S-… Sorry…" The way she berated him had terminated Neptune 's willpower. 'I don't even know what I'm doing anymore… I'll just… Stay quiet.' He sat back down, witnessing their conversation unfold.

"I promise he will behave from now on. I hope you didn't get offended, Mr. Jaune."

'Wait… When did he say his name…? Did I just not notice? Or did she already know him from somewhere?'

"Oh, no, I'm used to little white boys bitching all the time." He played with her one piece, pulling it and letting go. The impact on her erect nipples made her softly grunt each time.

"Oh, hahaha, I'm sure you are! But this is a little unfair, isn't it?" He continued to have his hand on her lower back. "You get to see my 'fuckable' body semi-nude, but you're wearing that robe."

"You can't wait, huh? You're going to get a look once we start shooting, so what does it matter?"

"That's not good, I need to get a look now to get mentally ready."

The man chuckled. "As you wish." Then, he removed the robe. He wore nothing but a thin, white thong. Both Neptune and Pyrrha's jaws dropped, impressed by the gigantic bulge pressing against it. It looked like it might rip open at any moment with the wires stretched to the limit, revealing some of his rolled-up penis when looking from the side.

"Woah… You mean that huge thing is stuck in just that tiny thong? No way, that's impossible… It's going to break out at any moment…" Pyrrha bit her lips, breathing irregularly. "And the rest of it…" Her eyes traveled to his abs, chest, and arms. "You could probably go pro as a bodybuilder or strongman… You're so manly. And big…"

"Maybe I could be the male Pride of Mistral?"

Pyrrha laughed at his joke. "We would certainly be a good pair. Though I look tiny compared to you…" She played around with his taut abs. He squeezed her rear in return. "Nghn! You really liked my ass, didn't you?"

"I like your tits too. Can't you tell?" He pointed to his bulge. "The proof is right here."

Neptune wanted to intervene but was afraid of being scolded again. If even his girlfriend was ok with it, what could he do? 'What if she tells me to leave? I'm afraid of leaving her alone.'

Pyrrha picked up on his apprehensiveness. "Don't mind it too much, Neptune . It's just that his dick is too big, so he can't help himself. You'd understand if yours was 14-inches long and 6.5-inches girthy. It comes with the territory. This guy is overflowing with testosterone."

"Oh, you know my stats?"

"Ah! N-no, no, haha...! I just... Deduced it!" She looked away and blushed once more, as if she had admitted to something embarrassing.

"I don't know yours, though. Well, I'm sure I'll learn soon enough. You should go change your outfit."

"Change? Is this one not okay?"

"No, I want to do Pyrrha, not some generic bimbo. Though, as I said, you do look very fuckable." He squeezed her ass and brought her in closer to him.

"Wow… You want to do me…? Like… Really stretch me out with that thing…?" She looked at Neptune from the corner of her eyes. There was visible disappointment in her eyes. "W-well… I don't think we'll be doing that today, it's just the photos… No 'doing' me… But thank you for the compliment. I'm really happy to hear that I turn you on so much."

"Pfft. We'll see about that." The man had sheer arrogance on his face. "Go change into something better suited for me, okay? I'll wait at the set. Don't take too long."

"Sure! Leave it to me." Pyrrha gave Neptune one more stern look and then rushed to the changing room.

It was like Neptune barely mattered.


In the end, Pyrrha switched back to the second outfit: the 'slutty' version of her usual battle gear. She did not ask Neptune for any input, rushing straight to the set. Pyrrha had been mesmerized by Mr. Jaune.

Once the staff handed her the white Jaune and shield, she began laughing and then tapped her own forehead. "Oh, I get it now! I'm so stupid. It's a white Jaune, and your name is… White Jaune. I'm such an airhead." She looked toward Neptune and laughed some more, assuming he would find such a realization hilarious as well.

On the contrary. He found the implications worrisome.

The director spoke on the megaphone. "Alright, people. Let's get rolling! White, you help the young girl, okay? She might be a bombshell, but she's never done this sort of softcore photoshoot before. It looks like you guys hit it off well, so we're counting on you!"


"Leave it to me!" He hugged her from behind, towering over her. "I can tell she's going to do really well, no matter how hard it is."

"I'll do my best!" She did not show any rejection whatsoever for his hug, passively accepting it.

"That's a perfect one to start. Hold it there!" The shooting began.

Neptune felt powerless. All he could do was observe as things derailed.

However, contrary to Pyrrha's initial determination and eagerness, she looked far too flustered and tense for the photos. She tried sticking her ass out against Jaune's body and smiling sensually, but it just made everyone cringe, including herself.

After a few more photos, the director interrupted everything again. "Girl, you need to stop blushing that hard! We want people to see you as an enthusiastic consumer of white cock, not a first-timer!"

"B-but I've never had sex with a white man. Especially with a dick this big."

"Cock! It's a cock! You can begin by using the right term! God! Someone get more makeup on her face. We can fix some of it in post, but you gotta do at least a little better!" Bhron got off his chair and paced around, shouting orders.

Neptune was glad that the photoshoot was having problems right from the get-go. 'I don't care anymore! I want everything to go as wrong as possible! Pyrrha loves me and is way too proper of a girl to go through with something like this!" He clenched his fists and continued to observe, hoping for the worst.

Unfortunately, things quickly improved from there.

Jaune whispered something in her ear. Then, they began laughing and playing with each other, touching each other's bodies. She seemed to be getting very comfortable, very fast.

The man whispered something in her ear while rubbing her cleavage with his hands. After hearing what he had to say, she looked straight at Neptune . She nodded to Jaune and then ran to Neptune .

"Neptune ! I'm going to need your help with something." There was no sign of shame on her face.

That made him furious. He could take no more of this depravity. A breaking point was coming "What…?"

"You probably noticed that I was tense over there, right? It's making the shoot difficult to proceed, and I don't want to ruin it for everyone…"

He crossed his arms and leaned back. "I noticed. I guess that's just too bad, huh?" There was clear irony in his voice.

She pretended not to notice it. "Well, Mr. Jaune is a veteran in this kind of thing. After talking to me and helping me relax a bit, I realized what has been troubling me and getting in the way of my performance." She paused and locked eyes with him. "It's you."

He felt insulted. "Me? I'm the problem here?"

"Yes. You've been nagging so much that I am worried you'll get angry, and so I end up holding back… But that's making me feel bad too, Neptune ."

"I don't understand a word that you're saying."

"I was a regional champion four times over. I never do things halfway. Discipline and effort are ingrained in my being. In other words, I want to do this photoshoot like a professional. For that, I must do some poses that are a little adult and…" She looked at the set, gazing at Jaune. "…With him, things might get even messier than that."

"Messier? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nevermind that, Neptune . The point is, I need you to give me clear authorization that you're okay with everything I do from now on. To create a good bond between us and take the best photos, we'll probably even have to touch each other in some suggestive ways… So, from now on, I want to know that you're okay with it." She smiled, expecting a positive answer without complications.

"No way. Did you lose your mind, Pyrrha?" Neptune stood up to stand face-to-face with his girlfriend. "I'm not happy or okay with this in any way, shape, or form! This whole thing has already gone too far! This is too sexual! We should stop it here. I mean, just look at the way you're dressed! That's not you!"

This time, she did not get sad or shy. Instead, Pyrrha looked at him with disdain. "What's the big deal? Everyone likes it. One guy even masturbated in the bathroom. You've got a boner too." She cupped his crotch, making him flinch back. "Why would you have a problem with my clothes?"

"S-stop that!" He moved her hands away from his balls. "I-it's just… Too much!"

His avoidant response pissed her off. She cornered him against the wall and slammed a hand on the wall beside his head. "Look, Neptune , I really want to do this, and I will. I work so hard in everything I do because I enjoy the feeling that comes with being admired and looked up to. This is just another form of that. I've always been a little reluctant with these photoshoots exactly for the same reason you're being a crybaby now: they are sexual. Then, you convinced me to come, and I realized it's not that big of a deal. In fact, I think I like it. It feels good and empowering. So, I'm doing it and that's that, got it? We're dating, but you don't own me, so it's my choice. Get over it."

Her words felt heavy, pressuring Neptune . His anger and audacity from before had melted into timidity. "B-but Pyrrha… That guy is almost like a pornstar. I-Isn't it too much?"

She sighed, rolling her eyes. "This again? Is that all you know how to say? Wake up. He's not 'almost like a pornstar'. He IS one." Again, she looked at the white man, smiling when their eyes coincidentally met. "Don't you think that body and white dick… No, cock, exists for that express purpose?"

Her revelation made Neptune pale. "Wh-…What…?"

"Don't cry about it, okay? It's just a normal photoshoot. He just happens to be a pornstar. It's a growing trend in Mistral, and probably globally soon. These companies love matching up white studs with white girls. People see and get turned on." Pyrrha blushed. "I know I'm a tough girl, but I have a girly side too, you know? This kind of stuff is exciting for me… The idea that there will be people touching themselves to photos of me, imagining that alpha pounding my body… It's interesting, you know?"

"Wait… But if he's a pornstar… And he works for FaunusBurpNetwork…"

"Oh… Yeah, I guess I never told you… I mean, I did call it a multi-layered company, but it really is mostly porn. Specifically interracial, of course."

Neptune 's brain raced. 'In that letter… They said she was a subscriber and even commented on videos… Wait… Then… She's a fan of this sort of thing…?' He fell on his butt and looked up at Pyrrha's dominant figure over him. Then, by accident, he noticed she was not wearing panties. "P-Pyrrha…"

She noticed his eyes. "Think nothing of it, Neptune . It's just part of the outfit. Understand? We're just doing a softcore photoshoot."

Neptune felt like he was on the edge of the precipice. He had only one more trump card left to play but did not want to. However, cornered like this, he had no choice. Stuttering, he gambled. "P-Pyrrha… If you go ahead with this… I don't know if we can still be together…!"

"Feel free to break up with me, then."

"Huh?" The instantaneous response stunned him.

"You heard me." She put a foot on the space on the side of his seat, supported her elbow on her leg, and brought her face close to his, looking down at him. "I won't break up with you. I want to be with you. I really do love you. Once we're out of here, I'll still give you a handjob that you won't forget. But I won't let you give me ultimatums like this. I'm a free woman. So, I'll tell you the same thing my coach told me back in the day when I complained about the way he kept groping me in the locker room… Silence is consent." She removed her leg and began to walk back toward the set.

"W-wait!" His yell stopped her. "What… Does that mean…?"

"It means that as long as you stay here watching, I'll assume you're okay with it and we're still together. And if you leave, I'll assume you're not okay with it, and we've broken up. Oh, and if you make a single complaint from now on, then I guess we've broken up too. In that case, I believe they'll kick you out since you'd have no business being here any longer. Whether you're bluffing or not, make your choice however you prefer. For what it's worth, I'd rather you stay, since I do love you. So… Please watch me."


"Knowing you, you're probably going to stay. I suggest you get mentally ready. It'll get really raunchy from here on out."

He powerlessly observed Pyrrha's stacked underbutt jiggle back to the set only to be firmly squeezed by Jaune. He said some words to her. Then, she put her arms around his head, and they lewdly kissed for a few seconds before the director announced the photoshoot would resume.

Pyrrha was right. He would stay.

And so would his throbbing erection.


The shoot progressed very smoothly from then on. Without hesitation, Pyrrha and Jaune posed together intimately.

She stuck out her fat ass, grinding against his crotch, while raising her arms and holding onto his nape for support, shaping her torso like a bow. "Is this good?"

"Yeah, hold that pose!" The cameras flashed many times. They ensured ample evidence of Pyrrha's lewd behavior. She did all sorts of smiles and expressions for the cameras.

Neptune silently observed from afar. He could do nothing.

"I said to hold! If you want to feel his cock, do it between photos!"

"Sorry! It's just hard not to…! It keeps poking… Nghn…!" She rubbed her cushiony ass against Jaune.

Jaune consoled her. "Give the girl a break! It's her first taste of white meat, you guys! Just take a buncha photos, one will fit! Don't mind them, beautiful."

"Thank you for understanding…! Mmnh…! It's so hard, geez…!"

Jaune colluded with her by thrusting his hips back and forth as well. Since Pyrrha had no panties on, only his thin thong stood in their way.


"Like this…? Sitting on it is pretty wild." Jaune was lying on the bed with his stomach up. Pyrrha sat on her ass with her back to him, and her front to the camera. Though slowly, she circularly ground her ass against his bulge. "Mmnh…!"

"Yes, that's perfect! That's the face we wanna see!" They took several photos. "Okay, try bouncing on it now!"

"Bounce? Sure…!" Rigidly and timidly, Pyrrha supported both legs on the bed and squatted on the man's lap. "Like this?"

"No! That's too shy! Imagine you're riding him reverse cowgirl style! Like, really, really bounce him!"

"I've never done it that aggressively, though… Wouldn't it slip out?" She asked with an innocent, flustered face.

Jaune laughed. "Not with my BBC, girl! You're too used to small, white dick! If it's with my big, white meat, that thing ain't leaving your pussy until it wants to! I'm more likely to get stuck in your thirsty cervix than slipping out!"

"Woah… Okay… So… I have to imagine I am bouncing on your thick, white cock really, really devotedly… Like I'm trying to get you to cum, because you've made me cum a dozen times already, and your cock is just so manly it never released?"

Bhron was impressed. "Damn, girl, you were made to be whiteed! Yes, just like that! Use that mentality!"

The shift in performance quality was immediately visible. With her imagination properly stimulated, Pyrrha bounced on Jaune's bulge like a skilled interracial whore. Her ample tits jiggled, with ripples traveling across her fat ass.

In fact, she kept bouncing even after they were to switch poses. Jaune raised his torso. Instead of stopping her, he grabbed both her breasts firmly and shifted her around on the bed with him. "Nhgoh! What?!" She had gotten so focused and excited that she did not see it coming.

"Sorry, beautiful, just adjusting you for the next pose. Come on, guys, get going!" He supported his body on the bed in a push-up position, with his hips closely pressed against her pillow of an ass. Pyrrha looked tiny beneath him.

"Sorry…! I got distracted! Let's keep going!" Pyrrha's chest heaved. While the cameras flashed, Jaune slammed his hips up and down against her hips. At first, it was slow and gentle. A minute later, he rammed as if his life depended on it. "Fuck! You're doing it like you want to really fuck me…! You'll make my ass red…!"

"That's because I want to, girl! Just remain steady for the photos, okay?! It's just pretend!"

"Ngh! Yes! Go on! I don't mind…! Take plenty of photos, you guys! Take your time while he really beats my ass with his dominant hips…!"

Pyrrha held onto his arms on the bed to keep herself fixed in place. Otherwise, his powerful slams would make her entire body bounce on the soft bed. They took a long time to switch poses, since the duo distracted themselves by making out while Jaune dry-humped her rear.

Neptune noticed one last horrifying thing before they finally switched to a different pose: juices streaming down Pyrrha's robust legs.


"Like I'm going to suck it, huh?" Pyrrha squatted on her tiptoes in front of the bed, beside the white man. The contrast in density when looking at Pyrrha's body and then Jaune's enormous quads was mind-boggling. "Your legs are so strong… I'm jealous…" She put a hand on his thong and stuck her tongue out. "Mmn… Like this…? Like it's gonna pop out at any moment and I suck it…? Damn, I can feel the warmth of the thong. You're seriously packing."

"That's right! Hold it like that. Imagine you're about to get your throat brutally expanded by it."


"And, like, you really wanna suck and taste what white spunk is like! Really envision it for the camera! You've been doing some great horny faces so far, but this one is the most important! Good blowjobs are made by facial expressions!"

"Right… I must really envision myself as a white cock slut… Like a queen of spades." She did her best to express lust and sensuality with her face.

To Neptune , she had done a great job. That was the face she usually made when giving him a blowjob. He was surprised when the director chided her for not doing it well enough.

She tried to justify her performance. "It's just…! I've never seen a white cock from up close, only in videos! I can smell it from here, so I get the feeling a bit, but… Maybe if I got to see it…!" She looked at Neptune , making eye contact with him, and then at Jaune. "Would it be too much if I asked you to let me see your cock, Mr. Jaune? I… I could probably do it if I saw it…! Do you want to show it to me…?"

Bhron loved her suggestion. "Yeah, girl! That would be way better, actually! But we'll have to redo all the poses so far, then! Are you cool with that?"

"Redo all the poses…?" She widened her eyes. "Even the ones where I… Bounce on his lap…?"

"That's right, beautiful. It'll be like you're riding me for real. What do you say? Want to bounce on my big, fat meat with that big, fat ass of yours?" Jaune grinned.

Blushing harder than she had for the entire day, Pyrrha brought a hand to her chin and thought out loud. "Hm… Y-you guys think the photos will be better received if I pose beside an exposed big, white cock, then…? I-I wonder…" There was some leftover hesitation in her heart.

An overeager employee shouted from the middle of the room "Fuck, yeah! I'll jerk off right here if you do that!"

Inspired by the first one, another employee shouted. "I'll lower my pants and masturbate too! That's how much of a good idea it is, Pyrrha!"

Suddenly, everyone was cheering words of lustful support for Pyrrha. They all wanted the photoshoot to evolve to an even higher degree of obscenity.

"They all want to see you sucking on a BBC, beautiful… Of course, just for the photos." He caressed her hair, offering her support as if she were a child.

Pyrrha was moved by everyone's encouragement. "E-everyone…! You really want to see me getting whiteed, huh? …Alright. I don't know why I hesitated anyway. I've seen so many FaunusBurpNetwork photosets and videos… The best ones always have the girl with a huge, white dong out! It's not the same otherwise! It gives the impression that she really wants to be ravaged by it…! I can't settle for a second-rate photo gallery! I want everyone thinking I'm getting hardcore whiteed off-camera! Let's redo it!"

Everyone clapped and cheered.

"Then, beautiful, pull my thong down. Try not to get hurt in the process."

"Get hurt…? How would that…?" She pulled it down swiftly. In the process, Jaune's cock rolled out of the thong and smacked her straight on the face, falling and hanging at knee height. "Ow! H-holy… This thing is…! Amazing…! Woah…! It looks even bigger in person…!" She fawned over it, moving her head up and down, left and right, examining its shape and size. Her eyes traveled the path of each dense vein traveling from the pelvis to the shaft and cockhead. "That's insane…! How does it even fit in those girls…? They must get really stretched out…! No wonder every video with you has the 'squirt' tag…! It probably breaks every pussy it finds…"

"Oh, don't worry, beautiful. It's true that every pussy I fuck gets very, very stretched out, but I never damage them. In fact, they're better off after getting a taste of my white meat."

"But… How…" Engrossed in the conversation, she raised the cock with her fingers, taking note of its heavy weight. His large urethra stared her right in the face.

"Because white sluts like you always look at it exactly that way. Then, your pussies turn into very elastic waterfalls. The problem is that you will never feel a normal dick the same way again. Your little hole is going to keep contracting, trying to find that thick shape that was ingrained into it."

"Elastic waterfalls…?" She looked down for a moment. There were drops of pussy juice dribbling from her hole for a while now. "You're right… My pussy's so warm. It's like it's calling to be penetrated by you."

The director got annoyed with their flirting. "Okay, that's great pillow talk, but can we get rolling, people?! Pyrrha, do a nice sucking pose for us, okay? Whore it up! Or better yet, since you're so in love with it, just do whatever comes to heart! But blowjob-focused, okay?! Go!"

She did not need to think. Pyrrha did what she had wanted to do ever since she laid eyes upon his nude meat rod. She rolled her tongue out like a carpet and then rested as much of his tip and shaft as possible on her tongue. Then, getting herself carried away, she began to insert more of his length into her mouth.

"Wait! Waaaait! We need a few shots with the glans out first! Calm yourself, woman!"

"S-shorry…" She paused and looked at the cameras from the side of her eyes, waiting for the flashing to stop. "I saw the precum dribbling out of the peehole and wanted to clean it up."

Jaune put a hand on her hair, patting to indicate his approval of her performance. To show her appreciation, Pyrrha used her other hand to massage his balls while looking up at his eyes. Her dedicated efforts made even more precum slide out of his urethra. In a swift motion, she licked it up and drank it down, keeping his thick glans clean for the photos.

"Very nice, beautiful… We have great chemistry together…"

"Dhank you…! You're amazing too…!"

The director cut in. "Ok, put it in your mouth now!"

Obeying his words, she opened her lips as much as she could. His cock was too big for a smooth entry, but she managed to open up just enough to slide his glans in. Then, her lips clamped down on the hard shaft. He grabbed her head firmly and shoved some more in, poking the back of her throat, making her gag. "Ghrghl! Ghrhnm…!"

"It's normal to be breathless for this part of the shoot, beautiful. Just hold on for a while, okay? And while we're at it, why don't you move your tongue around? The photos won't catch that."

"Mnghn…" She nodded. Staring at the camera, she danced her tongue around the manly-tasting, girthy cock invading her mouth and throat. She wanted to do the best job possible. Stealthily, she bobbed her head slightly, aiming to please him while posing for the photos. Following her lead, Jaune also moved his hips slightly, gently facefucking her without harming the quality of the photoshoot.

Neptune could hear the staff whispering around.

"They always do this, don't they?"

"Oh, yeah. When things get this hot and heavy, no one holds back. They basically fuck in-between photos, that's how it always goes."

"Fucking hell, I wish it was me…! You think she'll swallow?"

"By the end of the day? Are you kidding me? Obviously!"

Neptune was pale. Hearing the chitchat of the men just made him more nervous. They were explicitly masturbating while watching his girlfriend sucking a white pornstar in the middle of a modeling photoshoot.

How could things have gone so wrong?

He looked at the set again. Pyrrha was bobbing her head back and forth even more candidly. She vacuumed her cheeks to better stimulate the gigantic penis within her mouth.

Noticing Neptune 's gaze, she raised a hand and did a peace sign. He did not know if that was meant as a nice gesture, or an insult to mock him.

The director, however, loved it. He asked her to continue projecting that same energy for the rest of the blowjob photos.

She peace-signed him a lot from then on, even as she sucked him while Bhron screamed for them to change poses.

When they finally broke apart, dense ropes of saliva dripped over her clothes and on the floor, mixing with the pussy juice on the floor.

The area around her lips had turned into a mess of spit, bubbles, and precum, much like the head of the cock she was just sucking. There was a clearly visible line of spit on it, marking how far she took it in.

It was proof of her dedication.


They were back to doing the reverse cowgirl pose on the bed. Pyrrha was even more enthusiastic than before. She was ready to start bouncing on the huge cock under her ass. "So… I try to hide as much of his cock as I can within my skirt by bouncing up and down?"

"That's right. That way, the rest is up to our viewers' imagination! They'll think you're riding him for real. You can't go down too much, or his cock will poke out of your skirt and onto your midriff, and you can't do too little, which would make it boring! Just rub it on your slit and enough of the shaft should disappear behind your skirt that they'll assume the most erotic outcome!"

"Right… It's just pretend, huh…" With a cracked, inconsistent voice, she reaffirmed the director's instructions. "Okay…! Let's do it…! I'll do a really nice job for everyone to see and enjoy…! Let me just line up here… Nghn…!" The tip of the cock disappeared somewhere within her mini-skirt. "Oooh, fuck… Fuck… It's so hard…! I… Think I'm ready…! Ah… Shit… It's rubbing…!"

Once more, the cameras began to light up in flashes. Pyrrha slowly hopped on his lap, rubbing his glans and shaft against her slit. At least that was Neptune 's interpretation.

That changed quickly when, suddenly, Pyrrha threw her head back and grunted loudly. "NGHHHN…! OH! Thick…! It's too BIG…!" Her body was frozen in place, shivering violently.

"Ooops! Hahaha! Sorry, beautiful. Need some help?" Jaune smugly asked her.

"No…!" With a strained voice, Pyrrha recomposed herself. "I-it's okay… Let's keep going…! The photos will feel even more real like this…! This will be your best photoshoot yet, director…! Ungh…! I'll be everyone's favorite…! Interracial…! Babe…! Ooooh…!" Slower than before, she moved her body vertically on his groin.

Neptune could tell something had changed in her movements. It was as if there was something keeping her stuck in a specific path of motion. Equally as weird, more of the shaft's length disappeared into her mini-skirt with each bounce. Then, he heard the same staff from before talking.

"You think it's in?"

"It's in for sure. Look at her face. She's barely holding together."

"It's just downhill from here! She's going to be wailing soon."

"They're definitely getting her for the video!"

Neptune carefully observed Pyrrha's facial expressions. He understood what they were saying. She looked like she was exerting intense physical effort. When he further considered the fluids leaking down her legs, which had increased in volume, Neptune reached the obvious conclusion.

He had penetrated her, and she accepted it. Right now, Pyrrha was casually riding on the man's big, white monster cock.

"Nghn… ♡! Ooooh ♡! Fuck… ♡!" Sounds of squelching came from their connected hips.

"Zoom in on her face! Pyrrha, can you go all the way down and hold for a bit?"

"H-hold?! No way…! It's too much…! I-I mean… It's almost tearing me apart as is…!"

Bhron waved his hands away in annoyance. "Oh, for fuck's sake, they always play coy when it's the first time, then go full cock psycho later. Can't we just skip the drama? Jaune, give the girl a hand, would you?"

"My pleasure!" He securely grabbed her exposed waist and, without any hesitation, buried her against his crotch.

"NGHHOOOOOOOOOOH ♡♡!!" Her eyes rolled back immediately, with her teeth clenching hard. It did not stop her from grunting like a madwoman. "Ngnhhn… ♡! Nghhooooooh… ♡!" Pyrrha hyperventilated while her body convulsed energetically. As if on cue, loads of pussy juices poured down her mini-skirt, bathing Jaune's crotch and balls, and staining the bed sheets underneath them.

Despite Pyrrha's expression of mind-numbing euphoria, Neptune thought something was wrong and they would stop to help her.

Instead, the director shouted vigorous orders. This was exactly what they wanted. The cameras worked faster than ever, making sure to record the scene forever.

"Daaamn, she's squirting so bad…! I can't hold this anymore!"

"Me either! I'm jerking it right here!"

Neptune understood. There was nothing to stop or help. She was enjoying this.

Still, he did not leave.


They switched to a lazy dog pose on the bed. Like before, Jaune violently pounded her bubble, jiggly ass with his powerful hips, thrusting relentlessly against her, making her bounce on the bed.

However, this time, there was a constant sound of wet slapping, and no thong in his way. Not just that, there was also one more sound providing permanent ambient sound.


The standing pose from before was also repeated. Her body bent far more than before. She had to grab onto Jaune's nape with much more strength to maintain balance since her legs were shaky and unstable. "HOOOOOOOH ♡! UUUUUNGH ♡!" Her abs underwent constant workout, flexing repeatedly to support her torso through the vicious railing and orgasming.

The director gave up on giving her directions on how to look at the camera or make specific faces. They were just trying to get the best photos while she endured nonstop orgasms.

At no point did Pyrrha make any request to stop. She let Jaune ragdoll her around into the requested poses.

Several staff members took out their phones and filmed the brutal lovemaking session. Even Neptune found himself rubbing his pants.

The photoshoot took an hour more after that. By the end, the set reeked of sweat and sex juices. Pyrrha still had her outfit on, but the skirt had become soaked, with her face and hair turning into a slutty mess. Sitting on the floor, by the bed, she seemed tired and satisfied. Pyrrha took long, irregular breaths, trying to recover herself from the pleasure of playing around with her co-star during what should have been a softcore photoshoot.

Neptune 's heart was crushed, but the ache was alleviated a little. 'It's over. There won't be any more of this. I-I… I'll just accept this as a one-time thing… It'll never happen again.'

"Pyrrha, don't you want to take it to the next level?"

"Hah… Hah… The next level…?"

"We have a perfect script for an exclusive CuckoldSessions video for you! Don't you wanna star in a one-time exclusive porn video? I think you'll find it quite fun!" Bhron came to her with a few sheets of paper and handed them over. "Take a look, it'll be fun! Jaune would be your co-star! We know he's always been your favorite, so wouldn't it be a great opportunity for you?"

She glanced over the script. Before she could think, something happened that decided for her. Jaune moved behind her and rested his massive cock on her shoulder. Pyrrha looked to the side, having her eyes blocked by the thick rod. "It's throbbing so much…! Neptune 's never twitches like this…"

"That's because I've yet to nut, beautiful. You're not going to leave me hanging, right?" He gently slapped her forehead with it.

She took one long sniff before nodding. "That would be inexcusable…! I can't let my favorite pornstar have such a negative impression of me. Let me be your BBC's white cumdump!"

The naughty smile on her face terrified Neptune .


"Okay, I think everyone's got the script right. Let's get rolling, people!"

"Alright, beautiful, I'll wait for my entrance." Jaune made out with Pyrrha one last time.

She enthusiastically stroked his white cock while intertwining her tongue with his. "I can't wait, mmmnh… My pussy's yearning for it already…!" She looked at him with eyes full of fervor. "You better mess me up really nasty, okay…? Mmnh…"

Neptune averted his eyes. Every time he thought his heart could not ache more, he was wrong.

Nobody gave him a copy of the script. Perhaps, much like Pyrrha, they had forgotten about his presence there. Because of that, he wondered why there was a short, frail-looking white man with a blonde wig that resembled his own hairstyle on the set.

When he heard Pyrrha call the man 'Neptune ' during the shoot, he found his heart aching even more yet again.

There was at least one silver lining, though. Every time she said the name 'Neptune ', she looked toward him, even though she should have been looking at the white actor.

She had not entirely forgotten him.

In fact, considering the smirk on her face each time their eyes met, she quite vividly enjoyed remembering him.


"That's why, Neptune , from now on, I'll become a white-only woman. You're just subpar. Your little needle is useless. Do you understand? If you complain too much, I might even put you in a chastity cage, so don't test my patience!" She kicked the actor in the balls. "Stay right there in the corner and be a good little ghost while I breed white, got it? Don't even think of touching yourself or begging me! You're a pussyfree white male now!"

"Y-yes, Pyrrha! Sorry for being so annoying! I will be a good little pet…!"

"Good… Beta cuck." She looked down at him with sheer contempt.

"CUT! That was perfect! I swear to God, this will easily be our best-rated video! You're amazing at this, Pyrrha! You should become a femdom performer or something!"

"Really? I'm glad to know it's going well." She squatted in front of the actor she just kicked. "Are you okay? I was just acting, so don't hold it against me." Despite her supposed kindness, Pyrrha did not smile. Instead, she looked serious.

"Nghhh! It was hard, but…! It's okay…! It felt good…!" The man held onto his crotch, suffering.

Pyrrha stood up. "I see. So, the guys who play these roles really are masochists. I've always wondered about that…"

"C-can you kick me again?" He uncovered his balls for her.

"Sure, I don't mind." She pulled her leg back and swiftly kicked his sack. The man wailed in pain and cowered on the floor. "Keep up the good work." With her final compliment, she left to find Jaune. While waiting for the director to start the next scene, they made out and touched each other.

Pyrrha blew Jaune until it was time for their scene together.


From there on, things just escalated endlessly.

"Oh ♡! Fuuuuuck ♡! You're stretching my pussy so baaaadly ♡! Nghn ♡! Oh ♡! Hooooh ♡! That's iiiiit ♡! I'm going to… ♡! Squirt… ♡! Again… ♡!" She was crushed under the bed in an intense mating press. Jaune battered her pussy with his monster cock at an incredible pace. Each thrust made juices gush out of her swollen slit. She had already squirted twice on his body and would soon do so for the third time.

Pyrrha had never squirted before in her life. Certainly not with Neptune . 'She can squirt with him… because he knows what he's doing… And has a big dick… I'm just a loser…' Neptune had given up hope of this ending anytime soon. Pyrrha had turned into a sex beast.

"You're just a filthy, white cock slut, aren't you?! Don't you feel bad making your little boyfriend watch your pussy get pounded right in front of him?! Huh?! Snowbunny whore!" He squeezed a breast while slapping her ass for the tenth time. His hand had left a mark on her skin by now.

"HOOOOOOOH ♡! Noooh ♡! I don't feel bad at all ♡! It's just the rules of nature ♡! Strong alphas take ♡! Cuck betas watch ♡! Hoooooooh ♡! He's already lucky that I let him watch… ♡! Please use my pussy ♡! As much as you want… ♡! To pump your perfect, superior white seed ♡! Cum in me… ♡! Pleeeease… ♡! I'm cumming so much on your thick cock… ♡!" She turned her eyes to look at Neptune , making fierce eye contact with him. Observing his horrified face made her even more euphoric. "Loooook, Neptune ♡! Your bimbo, redhead girlfriend is going to get pregnant with a white babyyy ♡! His nut is powerful, there's just no waaaaay ♡! It's going to fill my womb, for sure ♡! Ooooh, fuck ♡! My cervix! It's stuck ♡! Fuuuuuuck ♡!"

The man's thrusts slowed down. "Shit…! You're too tight…! Stop squeezing those abs…!"

"I caaaaaan't! Ooooooooh ♡! It huuuuuurts ♡! But I love iiiiiit ♡! NGHHOOOOOOOOOH ♡!" She dug her nails into his back and convulsed frenetically. "Ghuuuuuumming ♡! Hoooooooooh ♡! It won't let gooooo ♡! My womb wants you inside iiiit ♡! Don't pull out ♡! Just ram it sillyyyyy ♡!"

The man gave one loud, angry huff. "Fine! If that's how you want it…!" He bottomed out even more savagely into her. "I'll just mold your womb to my shape, then…! At this rate…! You're going to make me cum…! And I'm not settling for just one time either…! So it's going to need to make room…! Get ready to be reshaped…!"

"Nghhooooooh ♡! My womb… ♡! It's changing shaaaaape… ♡! It's getting so hot…! You're pouring your first payload into me… ♡! Thaaaank you for breeding me white ♡! I love your white cock ♡! I love your cum ♡! I love your rock-hard body ♡! Fuck me silly ♡! Make me a white whooooore ♡! Give me a white baby ♡! Fill me up ♡! Pack me full of all the white milk in those balls ♡!" Pyrrha squirted while the man pumped her with a long, voluminous amount of sperm. In a manic state, she howled words of admiration for his white body. "Fuuuuuuck, your balls are breaking my aaaaaass ♡♡!!"

It took a long time before their bodies stopped trembling. Neptune noticed a large amount of semen mixed with pussy juice leaking from the sides of her pussy.

Their bodies were drenched in sweat. The scent of powerful, fulfilling sex could be sensed from anywhere in the room.

Of course, they were nowhere close to done.


"Ghrhgll! Nghghrl!" Pyrrha's face was buried against the man's muscular Adonis belt. His indecently large cock bulged out in her throat, stretching all the way to the base of her neck. Her face had already turned purple, with her eyes full of tears and makeup ruined.

Still, instead of pushing away for air, she held onto his ass firmly and stayed in place, dedicating herself to his pleasure.

Inside her mouth, her tongue swirled around his semen-coated cockhead, both to please him and to enjoy the flavor of his high-quality, delicious seed.

Jaune had a tight grip on her hair, facefucking her ferociously. Her throat regularly contracted on his member, highlighting its shape on her narrow neck.

Eventually, his body began to spasm. He was cumming again, feeding Pyrrha's stomach directly with tons of sticky, dense cum.

With each rope that passed her throat, she grunted in pleasure. Suddenly, somehow, Pyrrha managed to squirt without touching her pussy.

Even from afar, Neptune could tell she was deeply enjoying the inhuman, savage way that the white man abused her body.


"Nghhn ♡! My body… ♡! This is really hard… ♡! Oooooh, fuuuuck ♡! Mess me up… ♡!" Cross-eyed and held up in the air with her legs behind her head, Pyrrha endured reckless, brutish thrusts against her pussy. Jaune made sure to keep the front of her body facing the camera, recording the way in which he abused her flexibility to pierce her womb more effectively. There was a thick, visible bulge in her belly, which became more or less glaring depending on whether he was thrusting in or pulling out.

"You're tightening up! Time to squirt again?! Huh?! I told you not to keep quiet! If you want to enter my rotation of regular white sluts, you're gonna have to do better than that!" He teased while biting her neck. Pyrrha's neck had become tattooed with protuberant hickeys.

"Shoooorry ♡! Nghhhn ♡! My head's getting messed up… ♡! You're fucking me stupid… ♡! I forgot… ♡! I'm ghumiing… ♡! It keeps poking the back of my woooomb ♡♡!!" With bizarre precision, she soaked the camera with her juices. The camera excellently captured her pussy lips twitching and squeezing on the huge rod.


The shoot had been going on for over 90 minutes. 'This is too much! What porn video lasts an hour and a half?! They're making a full movie just fucking her!' He could not look away from the sex scene. Pyrrha had the stamina to keep taking his rough pounding despite her increasingly trembling legs. Jaune had already poured three loads into her pussy, and four over her body. Her face was a puddle of sperm. Her belly had become inflated with his semen. If one lacked context, they might assume Pyrrha was in early pregnancy. In reality, it was just the inevitable result of taking in several voluminous doses of cum straight into her womb, which continued to expand with Jaune's relentless jabs.

Pyrrha stood on her tiptoes in front of the actor playing as Neptune , who was sitting on the floor, looking up at them. Her body was bent over, with her lifeless arms simply hanging. She was kept in balance by Jaune holding her ponytail up with one hand, while the other was dedicated to striking her ass. Her meaty cheeks had become a canvas for his slap marks. She had lost the ability to breathe in a proper rhythm long ago, stuck with her face in a continuous state of exhilaration.

Neptune could sense the scene was close to its end. Suddenly, Pyrrha began to speak to 'Neptune '.

"Neptune … ♡! I hope you won't hate me from now on… ♡! Nghn… ♡!"

He could tell the dialogue was meant for the actor playing as him, but she looked past the crowd and directly at him, the actual Neptune .

"Try to understand… ♡! It's not that I don't like you… ♡! In fact, I love you… ♡! Hoooooh… ♡! He's pouring into me… ♡! Fuuuuuck… ♡! Hang on a bit, babe… ♡! " She momentarily interrupted her speech, spasming from climactic bliss. The man behind her soon resumed thrusting. "White meat is just… ♡! Too fucking powerful… ♡! Some things just have to be… ♡! Aaaaaah, I don't even know how to explain it… ♡! He's churning my insides… ♡! His cock keeps pushing my womb against my tummy… ♡! I just want you to know… ♡! Even though I think you're definitely weaker as a white man… ♡! And inferior as a lover due to your small penis… ♡! I still love you… ♡!"

Tears rolled down her eyes. Neptune could not tell if it was from wicked pleasure or genuine emotion, but she kept going. "My body belongs to white cock from now on… ♡! Exclusively… ♡! I'll still have sex with you sometimes… ♡! I'll give you handjobs and blowjobs… ♡! But I will always be thinking of this cock… ♡! I won't shy away from getting white dick whenever I can… ♡! But I want to do so while you're my life partner… ♡! So… ♡! Would you please… ♡! Be my… ♡! Cuck… ♡! Forever and… ♡! Ever… ♡?!"

The actor cried along with her. "Y-yes…! I will be your cuck forever, Pyrrha…! I love you…!"

Then, with perfect timing, both Pyrrha and Jaune gutturally howled, orgasming together. She was creampied once more, this time with a long, powerful duration. It took a long while for her body to stop shaking.

"CUT!" The director screamed. The shoot was over.

Jaune let go of her hair. With a weakened body, his cock slid out of her pussy as she fell to her knees, gasping desperately for air. The excessive liters of semen in her womb gushed out at an accelerated pace, dirtying the floor. "Hooooooh, fuuuuck…!" It made her endure several more mini-orgasms. "My womb… ♡! Feels different… ♡! Nghhh ♡!"

'What the hell was that script…?! It looked like she was talking to me!'

"That was beautiful, Pyrrha…!" The actor playing as him sobbed while loudly speaking to her. "I really felt it…! Like I really was Neptune …! I can't believe you went off-script like that."


"I'm sorry…! I got caught in the emotion of the moment. My brain was turning to mush after cumming for five minutes straight. I'm still feeling the orgasm now, fuuuuck ♡… Hah… Hah… Good job too… That was great improv from you… I can't believe you actually cried… Ah… That's so… Pathetic… ♡! Another one, noooo ♡!"

'Huuuuh?! Wh-what… Am I witnessing?! That was directed at me?! Was she thinking of me?! Was that supposed to be emotional?! Was that a real proposal?!'

The director ran over to them. "Pyrrha! That wasn't on the script! Nobody told you to say those things!" He crouched, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"S-sorry, director. It just came out of me. I was just really feeling it. If I ruined the video, I'll take responsibility and…"

"No, Pyrrha." The man took his sunglasses off for the first time since the day started and looked her directly in the eyes, raising a thumb in the air. "You did a great job." There were faint tears in his eyes.

"Thank you…!" The director's validation overjoyed her. They hugged.

"Kid." Jaune caressed her hair. With her cum-bathed face and body, she turned to face him, looking up at his towering figure and hard cock. "Good job." He also raised a thumb. More tears poured out of her eyes. His opinion was the most important one in the room.

"That was amazing!"

"Great job!"

"The best CuckoldSessions shoot for sure!"

"I can't work in low-quality shit anymore!"

"We need to charge extra for this one!"

"This was some premium gold!"

Everyone in the room went crazy with cheers. Pyrrha continued to cry, emotional due to the intense physical ordeal her body was put through. It was as if she had just won some incredible award.

It looked more and more like Neptune was the insane person in the room.

This could be proved by the fact that he still had not left.

Indirectly, he had accepted Pyrrha's proposal.


"So, Pyrrha, this was your first interracial video ever, right?" The director interviewed her from behind the camera.

"Not my first INTERRACIAL video ever. My first PORN video ever! Hahaha…!" Pyrrha sat on the floor, against the bed, drinking water from a bottle. She had not cleaned herself, with her skin still coated with drying cum and sweat. Her makeup looked more like abstract art than anything else, acting as evidence of how much her body was messed up. The only part that looked proper on her body was her hair, as she never undid her ponytail.

"Your first PORN video ever! That's crazy! And for your first porn video, you chose to go interracial? How come?"

"Oh, I wouldn't have it any other way. Are you kidding me? I would never let myself get fucked by a white guy. I mean, not on camera, at least. You must bring in your A-game if you'll show it to the world, right?"

"And did you like it?"

She giggled. "Getting fucked by a big, white cock??"


"Is that even up for debate? I got railed by White Jaune himself! He's my favorite pornstar! Yeah, I loved it! I can still feel it in my pussy, it's like there's something missing. I don't know if my pussy walls will be closing anytime soon. I may be molded forever!"

"Show us! Spread those legs!"

"Oh, sorry." She spread her legs open, showing her beaten-up pussy to the camera. "God, it's so swollen. He rammed me so hard that it actually hurts a little. I wonder if this area here will be purple for too many days…" She touched her inner legs. "Nhgh ♡! S-sorry, I still feel it if I think about it." Some sperm and pussy juice gushed out of her slit.

"Did you just have a mini-orgasm?"

"Yeah… It's a nice feeling… I'm so relaxed now."

"So, you said he was your favorite pornstar? Have you watched the FaunusBurpNetwork before?"

"Come on, you already know that one. I've been watching for years. It's been an integral part of my growth as a woman." Neptune watched from afar. He was impressed at how wholesome her girlfriend made the subject sound. "I exclusively watch BBC porn. Not just on your website, sorry, but mostly, yeah. You guys make the most hardcore content, so where else can I get my fix, right? Hahaha!"

"How often do you watch?"

"BBC porn? Every day, for sure."

"Every day? Really?"

"Oh, yeah. I might have a bit of an addiction, hahaha! I can't sleep if I don't watch a white girl getting whiteed at least once. I have genuine insomnia. I need it. As a result, I end up leaving my room a mess, because I spend too much time rubbing myself to BBC porn."

"Daaamn, Pyrrha, I bet nobody in Mistral knew you were such a white cock slut! What would your parents think of you?!"

"Oh, I don't know about my dad, but my mom is the one who introduced me, so…"

"She INTRODUCED You?! Tell us more about that!"

"Wait, wait, that isn't what I meant! I just caught her watching it one day. She doesn't even know, but it made me curious, that's all. She'll kill me if she thinks I made up stuff about her. I think I may have said too much already!"

"And how many times a day do you masturbate?"

"To BBC porn? Usually, four or five times. Like I said, I can't sleep without it, so I end up doing it a lot. Recently more than usual, to be honest. It's just really hard to ignore it once you start feeling that itch, you know?"

"Wow, Pyrrha, the world is seeing a whole other side of you."

"Hahaha, sorry for ruining my image to all my fans! I hope you can find it in yourselves to embrace it as another side of me and continue loving me for who I was and am! I'll be happy if you all think of me as both the 'Pride of Mistral' and the 'Pussy of Mistral', okay?"

"That's a great title! Tell us, was there anything you liked during today's shoot that you didn't expect to like?"

"That I liked, huh…?" She looked to the side. Her eyes met the actor who played Neptune during the scene. "Oh! Yeah! Hey, come here!" She waved for him to approach her. Then, she stood up and sat on the edge of the bed. "Here, between my legs. Sit there."

The actor sat below her. She rested both her legs on his shoulders, gently his head with her thighs. "Hey, Pyrrha! I don't get into the BTS scenes often, what's up guys?" He was happy to be invited.

"We were just asking Pyrrha if she discovered any new kinks during today's shoot! Everyone, this is Pencil Bob! He plays a lot of the beta roles in our videos. Be nice to him in the comments. Or not, I bet he loves it either way!"

Everyone laughed together. Neptune was beyond dumbfounded. The positive atmosphere was ridiculous to him. His relationship was ruined, but they were all laughing and joking with each other.

Yet, he still did not leave. He did not want to lose his girlfriend. 'What's wrong with me…?!'

"So, to answer your question, I did have a bit of an awakening to femdom. I didn't know I'd like kicking his balls that much…" She began to play with his penis by using the soles of her feet. "It's nice having a guy 'under' me. You know, in a figurative way. That, and a bigger one 'on top of me'. That one can be literal! Hahaha! I bet my boyfriend isn't too happy to hear that!"

"Speaking of which, he's here with you, isn't he?"

"Oh, yeah! Ok, Bob, you can go. Thanks for being my cute, little beta during the shoot. It was great!"

"No, thank you! Great job, queen!" Bob got up and left the set.

"Neptune ! Come here, Neptune ! Come on, don't be a slug about it!"

Confused, he stood up and walked over, forcibly stepping over all the juices on the floor, staining his shoes. The camera was still rolling. 'Does she want me to…?'

"Get in front of the camera! I want to introduce you to everyone."

"N-no, I…"

"Come." She very slightly changed her tone and furrowed her brows.

Somehow, this simple act mesmerized and compelled him into obeying. He dragged his feet, sitting beside her on the bed. 'At least that masochist loser isn't here anymore…'

She seemed happy that her order was easily obeyed. "Guys, this is Neptune . He's my real-life boyfriend. The guy that Pencil Bob pretended to be was him. Of course, I hope Pencil Bob doesn't get offended, but I like Neptune much more. He's my special someone!" She paused, giving him room to introduce himself. "Come on, Neptune ! You gotta greet them!"

"H-hi, guys… I'm Neptune , Pyrrha's boyfriend. Ngh!" She put her arm over his shoulder, bringing him in toward her.

"Neptune is the best boyfriend you could ask for. I love him very much. If he seems a bit grumpy, it's just because this was the first time he saw his girlfriend getting whiteed. Before today, he didn't even know I had a BBC fetish, don't hold it against him. Even though he had no idea what was going to happen here today, he held strong until the end! I feel much safer knowing that I can trust him to love even this naughty side of me!"

"Wait, he didn't know? You lied to cuck him?!"

"No, no! In fact, he's the one who convinced me to come. I really did plan to just do the normal photoshoot, but then you guys brought Jaune in… All these years, I masturbated so many times thinking of him… Things got a little messy in my head. I didn't lie, I just changed my mind halfway. I would never lie to Neptune !" She looked at him with a bright, wide smile and eyes full of love. "He's the best! Despite being totally humiliated in the video, he still stood by and watched! I think he might be awakening a side of his too. Don't expect me to go all femdom on him just yet though! I'll give him a great handjob when we get home. He deserves it for being a champ and watching while his girlfriend got whiteed hard."

The way she looked at him made him blush. For a brief moment, he forgot everything that had happened. However, the intense odor of sperm and sweat from her body quickly brought him to his senses. "Whatever… Are we done?"

"Not yet! Let's get one for the camera, beautiful!" Jaune appeared out of nowhere and inserted himself into view of the camera. "Gotta get that finishing shot, girl, don't you think?"

"Oh, yeah… ♡! Let's do it, handsome!"

Jaune sat beside her, resting a hand on her waist, bringing her in toward him and away from Neptune . They both smiled for the camera with a peace sign.

Before the camera went off, she turned toward Neptune . "Uhm, honey… Would you please…?"

"Huh? What?"

"You know. Move away." She paused. "You're ruining the shot."

"O-oh…" He got up and backed away from the camera's view.

Pyrrha resumed her pose. Once the camera flashed, Jaune brought her face in and lustfully kissed her. Excited, she stroked his still-erect cock. It remained lubed enough to produce loud sounds of wet friction.

Neptune headed for the exit door. He was confident that things were done now. He would need to spend a long time reflecting on what he just went through and what it might mean for the future of their relationship.

"Neptune ! Wait up!" Pyrrha waved her arms at him.

"What is it?"

"I'll just clean up, okay? I'll see you soon! Promise!"

"O-okay…" Neptune wanted to believe her. Unfortunately, her hand was still stroking Jaune's cock. It continued doing so all the way to the shower, in which Jaune joined her.

Neptune had to wait another two hours for Pyrrha to return and finally leave.

A week later, Neptune panicked.

What other reaction should he have when seeing a letter arriving for Pyrrha with the word 'blowbang' on its header?