My new wife Summer invited my son's best friend to live with us while our son Cardin was away at college.
Cardin and Jaune had been friends for years, graduating from high school together the year before. Cardin was focused on his future, but Jaune still hadn't quite figured out what to do with his life. After Jaune's father accepted a job in another state, Summer told him we would keep our eyes on the young man as a friendly gesture. Perhaps too friendly.
Initially, I wasn't thrilled about the idea because Summer and I were still newlyweds. I wanted to spent more time alone with my new wife, and enjoy the "honeymoon" phase for as long as we could.
On the day my son Cardin left for college, Jaune promised him that his new stepmom would be safe 'now that she had a real man around the house.'
I made sure Jaune felt at home with Summer and I, at times even volunteering to do his laundry or make a sandwich for the kid. One time I caught him checking out Summer. That wasn't surprising since he was a college age boy, but I was caught off guard when he put his arm around me and pulled me towards him.
"You know your wife wants to fuck me, right?" Jaune asked me.
"Are you drunk right now?" I shouted as I pushed him off me. Jaune laughed at me for being offended.
"Nope," He said with a smirk while pointing a finger-gun at me. "Just making an observation. I wanna see what your new bride's lips would look like around my fat cock. Don't you?"
"Whatever, Jaune," I said, adjusting my package and scurrying away. As I turned around, I saw that Summer was standing behind us. I was almost certain my wife heard Jaune's 'threat.' I also saw that her eyes were transfixed on the bulge in my pants. What Jaune said to me was making my dick hard as a rock.
Summer was oddly affectionate towards Jaune after that point. I would catch them together a lot anytime the three of us were at home. She sat beside him on the couch or kitchen table more than she did with me. It was starting to trouble me that every time I noticed strange behavior, Jaune would smirk and wink at me.
The real game-changer was when some guy started picking on me while my wife and I were out at a restaurant. When I tried to walk away from the aggressive bully, he sucker-punched me in the nose.
"What's your problem?" My wife shouted loudly.
Jaune and a few of his friends were at the bar and noticed the commotion.
"Didn't like the way this little guy was looking at me," The bully shouted, spitting down on the floor beside me.
Just as the drunk bully was about to kick me in the stomach, Jaune tackled the big ogre and laid one shot after another to his face, to the point where the bully pushed him off and ran away looking scared. Jaune stood defiant as the crowd rallied behind the young alpha male. Summer, rather than check on my condition, ran into my son's best friend's arms and kissed him right on the lips! she hugged him for a long time, with her back turned to me.
"My hero" she whispered in his ear. My heart almost stopped when Jaune's smirk turned into an ear to ear smile as he looked over her shoulder and straight into my eyes.
Summer woke me up late one night as she crept into bed trying not to make any sounds. I could smell Jaune's sweat on her. At least I think it was sweat. I decided to roll over and kiss my wife on the lips, which she seemed surprised by. Her pouty lips were somewhat salty, and they were glossier than usual for some reason. I could have sworn my wife gasped when my lips touched hers. With my eyes closed, I also heard her giggle as she picked up her phone to text someone. I opened my eye to see what was on her screen that was so amusing, but I could only see an incoming message.
"LOL, now u both know what I taste like" it read. Summer chuckled, turned off her phone, closed her eyes, and fell asleep with a satisfied smile on her face. She seemed very happy, it reminded me of how she looked back when she first became smitten with me. I rolled over and tried to get to sleep.
It was a beautiful day out, and I was ahead of schedule, work-wise, so I decided to chill out at home for a while. Summer, was upstairs and Cardin was away at school. I poured myself a fresh glass of lemonade and got comfortable in a patio chair in my own backyard. Before I could even reach for the lemonade, Jaune walked down my driveway and right into our patio.
"Mind if I have some of that?" Jaune said to me. He was like a giant the way he hovered over me. I felt so small in my chair looking up at the cocky alpha male.
"Sure," I nervously said. "I'll get you a fresh glass."
"That won't be necessary; I'll just have yours."
"Oh, uh...sure, here you go," I said handing over the glass to him. "Don't worry; I haven't taken a sip yet, Jaune."
"Yeah, I can see that," Jaune said to me with a stern tone and an eyebrow raised. "I wouldn't have asked otherwise. And it's not Jaune anymore, dipshit. It's 'Sir.'"
"I'm not calling you 'Sir,' Jaune," I replied incredulously. From my peripheral vision, I saw Jaune raise his right hand. The last thing I expected it to do was make contact with my left cheek.
"The fuck you're not!" Jaune said jumping to his feet and looming over me.
"What the fuck?!" I screamed.
"Ow!" I was completely caught off guard. Why was he doing this to me?
"Please, stop, please!"
"What's my name, boy?" Jaune asked sternly.
"SIR! SIR! YOUR NAME IS SIR; PLEASE STOP!" I was scared shitless at this point. This motherfucker had a lot of power, literally.
"I wonder if Cardin knows how much of a pussy his father is?" Jaune asked with an evil smile on his face. "Your wife certainly does."
"Sir, please don't talk about my son." I pleaded without looking him in the eyes.
"Sorry." I meekly spit out, realizing that I might anger him again.
"Get up, little buddy." My son's best friend commanded.
"Little buddy?! I'm old enough to be your father!"
"I said GET THE FUCK UP." Jaune reiterated.
"...No," I said with my eyes down. I was in complete shock. I had never been in such a helpless position before, and at the hands of a kid half my age, no less.
I leaped to my feet without missing a beat, making Jaune laugh out loud.
"I'm not going to ask again. And by ask, I mean tell."
Without missing a beat, I kneeled down as Jaune got comfortable in the chair I was sitting in. This was Jaune proving his dominance over me. While I cowered on my knees, I was praying my wife Summer wasn't hearing a word of this humiliating ordeal my son's best friend was putting me though.
"I bet you can smell me on your pillowcases, can't you?" Jaune asked me as I unlaced his shoes.
"Why...why w-w-w-ould I be able to do t-t-that?"
"Stop playing a dumbass."
"I...I think you should leave now," I said to Jaune with my eyes down. "You've overstayed your welcome, Jaune---er...Sir."
Just then, my wife came out to join us and was surprised to see me still at home.
"Uh..hi honey," My wife said to me nervously before looking at Jaune. "Hi, Jaune..."
"Hey babe," Jaune said raising his lemonade glass, the one he got from me, in her direction and giving her a wink.
"Shouldn't you be at work right now, honey?" Summer asked me with a guilty tone in her voice.
"Yeah bud, you're always at work at this time of the day," Jaune said in agreement.
"Jaune..." Summer said, putting her hand on his chest as if she was trying to stop him from saying anything further. My son's best friend smiled and winked at my young bride.
"Whatever, "Jaune said shrugging his shoulders before walking inside. "Thanks for the lemonade, little buddy." With Jaune gone, Summer turned her attention back to me.
"So what are you doing home at this hour?" My young bride asked me again.
"I'm on my way out. I said trying to adjust myself, pretending as if Jaune's actions hadn't phased me, though they clearly did. "Honey, the things that Jaune was implying..."
At that moment in the conversation, Summer got distracted by Jaune, who was now in our living room taking his shirt off. My son's best friend caught my young wife gawking at him and gave her another wink. He nodded to the basement, prompting a quick reaction from my pretty wife.
"Um, I gotta go, sweetie," She said walking away from me and towards my new bully.
I took some time to collect myself in the backyard. Taking a deep breath, I walked back inside the house and down to the basement. Jaune and Summer were sitting together on the couch talking. They were oblivious to my presence at first. Suddenly, Summer started moaning and giggling. I looked over and saw that Jaune's meaty thumb was in her mouth, her eyes locked on his as he looked at me, smirking. Summer whispered something in his ear as his other hand went down my bride's pants. Her head leaned back and she gasped.
"What the fuck!", I shouted, but they just ignored me. I got up and walked over to them. Jaune kicked me and told me to "sit down and shut up." Summer, who was trying to conceal her laughter, was breathing heavy at that point. She was moving her hips up and down as Jaune's hand seemed to go deeper into her pants.
I tried to give them both a piece of my mind, but Jaune simply pushed Summer to the side, stood up, grabbed me by the shirt, then flung me back down into my seat. Jaune told my wife to get up, and as she did, my son's best friend put his hands on her waist and slid them down to peel off her yoga pants. To my surprise, Summer wasn't wearing any underwear! My bully got behind my MILF bride and pushed her right in front of me so that her pussy was inches away from my face. Jaune stuck his thick index finger into her moist vagina while rubbing her clit with his girthy thumb. I couldn't help but notice that his thumb was bigger and thicker than my dick when rock hard. My son's best friend fingered my new bride hard, then slow, then increased his pace as if he was controlling a motor. Summer was soaking wet by this point. My son's best friend was making my wife cum just by fingering her right in front of me.
"Please stop," I said, Jaune. "Please."
Jaune took his finger out of Summer's pussy and wiped a coating of her cum under my nose. I had never seen her this wet - Jaune's thick finger was glistening in the light. My young bride leaned her head back, rested it on Jaune's shoulder, and moaned loudly as Jaune's finger re-entered her tight pussy. She loved all the attention this young stud was giving her.
"This is insane!" I shouted, though neither cared about my pleads. "She's my wife; you have to stop this shit now, young man!"
"Nooo....ugh.... pleeeaseeee don't stop..." Summer moaned as Jaune kept fingering her on top of my face.
"If she tells me to stop, I'll stop," Jaune said looking down at me with a smirk.
"PLEASE, Jaune," Summer begged. "PLEASE don't stop fingering me...PLEASE!"
Jaune looked down at me with the cockiest smirk he had given me to date, pulled his finger out of my girl once again, this time to flip me off with his middle finger up in the air. He grinned ear-to-ear as he used that same finger to re-entered her.
Jaune was taking my girl away from me right before my eyes. I should never have let this kid move in with us. I should never have married Summer - the girl orgasming around some 20-year-old's finger was not the girl I knew. She wasn't putting on an act. She was into Jaune, she wasn't doing this drunk, while hypnotized, threatened, or under any influence of any kind. Jaune had awoken something inside of my girl, and whatever he woke up wasn't going to let me stand in the way of what it wanted."
Confused and possibly in shock, I snapped back into reality when Summer let out the loudest scream I had ever heard. In addition to getting inadvertently punched in the face repeatedly by Jaune's knuckles as his fingers went in and out of my new wife's pussy, my face was also now coated with cum.
"You know what the best part about this, buddy?" Jaune asked me as Summer spun around and crouched down. My wife wasted no time unleashing the young bully's big cock from his pants.
"What?" I asked, my eyes down as I discretely got off the couch while wiping my face with my sleeve.
"I haven't even fucked her yet," he said pointing two finger guns at me and smiling ear to ear. "Get out, dude. Your wife and I need some alone time."
Without argument, I waved my hands, grabbed my keys, a towel, and headed upstairs a defeated man.
Walking up those stairs, leaving the two of them alone, was the hardest thing I ever did. I don't think I ever sweated that much in a short period before in my life. Echoing through the house, there was my wife Summer's voice, laughing, screaming, moaning, shrieking.
I sat on the top of the stairs quietly for a while, dazed.
"Oh Jaune, give it to me, you big fat-cock bastard!"
"Oh, fuck, baby, you are so fuckin tight," the voice responded. "Does your husband even have a dick?"
Not sure how much time passed while I was lost in thought, but I turned back to see Jaune hold Summer's legs in the air as his body hovered over her. Jaune's lips tasted my wife's tits while her tongue was in his ear. It was all too much to take in. My wife was fucking my son's best friend!
"What the fuck is going on?" I screamed, startling Summer and myself.
Jaune wasn't alarmed by my presence, laughing at me instead of getting angry this time. This blond-haired, blue-eyed stocky stud was having his way with my woman and cocky enough to laugh at me in my own house. His cock was impressive, it had to be at least 9 inches and five around. His dick was much bigger than mine. How did that kid possibly get inside of my tight bride? Could she have been that wet for him?
"What's up, little buddy," Jaune said hopping up and walking toward me on the stairs. "Told ya I was gonna fuck 'her."
As Jaune walked past me on the stairs, I got an incoming text from my son. Cardin was on his way home from college for a short visit.
I felt suddenly happy, happy that my son was unaware that his best friend had become my bully and the new alpha man of the house. If I could find a way to get rid of Jaune before Cardin arrived, at least I wouldn't have to face humiliation in front of my son along with being humiliated in front of my wife.
But what was my son going to think if he found out? Would he be mad at his friend for ruining his father's marriage? Would he think less of me for becoming a pushover, dominated by someone his age? What if he was aware of all that had transpired, what if Jaune had told him everything and he was coming home to join his best friend in defiling my new young bride?
I replied to the text, "See you soon, son. Drive safely!"