Several weeks ago, Cardin - a youthful brown - experienced one of the happiest times of his life: the moment when Pyrrha asked him to be her boyfriend. As unconventional as it was, nobody blamed him. The redheaded madame was Beacon's strongest, brightest member. Bystanders hardly had a reason to call him out for being a wuss, not if they expected confrontation from the missus herself.
Since then, the young man was as happy as a clam. Proud of being chosen, he did his utmost best to spend time with his partner. Pyrrha returned his affection in verbal, some physical forms. Her subtle hints made it clear they were going to cross one of the greatest checkpoints of their relationship.
Cardin dreamed of sharing his first with his girlfriend. But for now, he was happy to know they were a couple at all. He even accompanied her to several, outside events that involved people unrelated to Beacon. These strangers were the type of crowd who spread gossip about him being a woman's bitch boy.
Despite some hardship, Cardin didn't let anything disturb his amorous ties with Pyrrha. The two continued strong up to this day. He imagined nothing could ruin his romance with the greatest girl in his life.
Today, in the afternoon, the young brown broke off with his friends to come to the dorm room. He and Pyrrha agreed to meet here before they went on a date. As he turned the corner of the hallway, Cardin discovered a small, brown package lying before the door. He came over to read the top label, see that it was meant for him to open. There was no return address on it, leaving the sender anonymous.
After he picked up the suspicious item, Cardin entered his room. He set down the package on his bed and ripped off the paper wrapping to uncover a brown box. Opening the lids revealed a small, gray disc that had his name on it.
"Huh, why couldn't they just send this in a case?"
Annoyed, Cardin shook his head and left the room to go to the bathroom. After a quick, hot shower and undisclosed clean-ups, he came back with a towel wrapped around his wet hair. Fresh and clean, he enjoyed this moment until he noticed the disc that was still on his bed. Its exterior shined in a way that attracted him, fed on his curiosity to see its contents.
With a sigh, the brown kneeled down to grab a laptop from under his bed. Since it was still an hour before Pyrrha arrived, he figured it was alright for him to take a peek rather than look at porn - prep study before the real thing, he said.
Cardin set the device on the bed and aimed the screen away from the door in case someone sent him inappropriate content. He slipped the disc into the side entrance. He booted up his machine and waited, counted the Schnee snowflakes that sprinkled across his screen as a download indicator. Soon, a scene unfold before his eyes, a dark room full of oddly-shaped furnishings. A date at the lower-right corner informed him this hi-res camera recording took place weeks before Pyrrha asked him out.
"Huh, wonder what someone would want me to see here?"
A door busted open. Cardin watched two shadows enter the setting, smooching, slurping. He pursed his lips, didn't expect to hear an ongoing makeout session between a large and small figure.
"Professor, please stop."
"Mh, how can I when this feels so good?"
Cardin's blood ran cold. The voices sounded like the people he knew from real life. He refused to accept such guesses, felt disgusted to think they would be in this situation.
Hands clapped. Wall lamps lit up to light the scenery, a small wooden room filled with trophies, awards, other forms of certification that seemed more vain than necessary. Animal heads also lined the ceiling, mostly fake replicas of Grimm monsters.
To Cardin's misfortune, he recognized the area. He's been in there before to hear pointless lectures and ramblings from the resident, a professor. Fearful, he slowly rolled his eyes onto the desk to see the two guests making out on its mahogany surface.
The top body was large and wide, as fat as a hog. Covered in a swanky, brown suit, this man appeared aged with gray coloring his hair and mustache. The rest of his face covered the face below his, a younger woman dressed in a glittering, orange dress that had a skirt run down to her knees. She was a beauty, one much too valuable and young to be the elder's escort.
Cardin bit his bottom lip when the top man in the video stood up. This person was indeed Professor Arc, who just had a heated makeout session with his date in the office. The brown witness tried not to look at the lady, yet curiosity made him peek at the young woman's flushed face, her red hair, and busty chest. He tried to deny that he knew her.
But in the end, Cardin ended up looking at the face of his girlfriend, Pyrrha Nikos. Worse, he had no reason to think otherwise. The date in the video marked the night she had gone out to a professional party.
"Pro-professor, please let me go back to my dorm." Pyrrha took deep breaths from her position on the desk, moved her chest mounds up and down. Her words came out slurred. "I kept my promise, you need to keep yours."
"Is that so?" Arc slid his brown jacket off. He worked on the buttons of his white, long-sleeved shirt. "Let's see, I remember Mr. Winchester's fraudulent papers, brought them to your attention. You pleaded mercy for his case, I said that request will be considered if you accompany me to this party."
The professor flung his shirt off. This revealed his large form was partly fat. The rest of it was muscles - large biceps, boulder shoulders, and a solid gut. Amongst the skin full of hair, a large gray patch had sprouted on his chest. Cardin gasped as he never expected the old educator to have such strong, fit physique - a body even better than his.
"And to the heavenly Dust, all of my colleagues were jealous to see your arm wrapped around mine." Arc cracked his fingers. He walked in front of his tipsy date. "I had fun seeing their envy. Did you not as well? You were literally the main attraction."
"Pr-professor, what about Cardin's-." Pyrrha's words stopped short after the man shoved his tongue into her mouth. The kissers groaned as Arc ripped the front Arcion of her dress. From the torn cloth, the redhead's black bra appeared. He grabbed them, groped them to make his lover moan louder, struggle to get out of his kiss.
When the older man pulled back, he grabbed the bra straps to pluck them off. He chucked off the undergarment to free a pair of D-cup breasts, nummy flesh spheres.
"Miss Nikos, I said I will consider it." The stern professor massaged the bare breasts. Pyrrha moaned and threw her head sideways from the raw pleasure. " The final decision will be made before the next staff meeting. That will take place by the end of this month."
"N-no, this isn't what you promised."
"I never promised anything." Arc's tone became low, sinister as he gave both nipples a good twist. "You willingly went on this date with me. I usually like to end such outings with the expected romance. Denying me this will not make me happy. I leave the final choice up to you."
Cardin prayed that his girlfriend didn't make the sacrifice. He hoped she was smart enough to realize her dignity wasn't worth the price of his old mistake.
The brown's discomfort grew as he saw Arc lick the younger woman's nipple. He used a free hand to yank and twist the second breast's tip. Pyrrha gasped and yelped. Her body shook as her older lover intensified the licks and pinches.
The foreplay went on until Arc backed off. Stepping back from the desk, he undid the belt of his pants. Cardin became downcast as he heard no objections from Pyrrha. She remained silent right as the professor shoved down every article of clothing attached to his lower body.
Fully nude, Arc stood before his date like a hairy bear. With his masculine traits, his greatest quality stuck out from the space between his legs, an erect meat that had a length of a thick sausage.
Cardin felt depressed. He didn't even have to measure his penis to see he came short. The professor's dick was much longer and wider - a cucumber versus a carrot stick. Its quiver and pulsing veins displayed vitality that went beyond any could expect a man of his age.
Ashamed, the brown still watched Arc shred the rest of his date's clothes until she was naked.
Under the orange light, Pyrrha's skin appeared creamy, pure. In addition to her large chest, she also had a slender figure. Lean muscles added an athletic charm, something Cardin admired about his stronger girlfriend.
To see the beautiful body gave birth to jealousy. This emotion blossomed into hatred for Arc, the one Cardin blamed to have taken advantage of a person who was still his cherished friend at the time - before they dated.
"Still nothing, Miss Nikos?" Arc pressed his hands against his lover's arms, pinned them to the desk below. "I'm still giving you a choice. When this happens, it is your responsibility to see it to the end."
Pyrrha burped. As her face adopted a deeper shade of red, the professor pressed the head of his dick against the lips of her wet snatch. Her face scrunched, eyes closed as the large cock squeezed into her tight hole.
"Professor, it hurts." Shaking, the beautiful redhead bucked her body. She only shook the desk. Arc continued strong, pushed his meat lumber deeper inside.
Cardin gripped the sheets of his bed. He silently cursed Arc once the man pressed the base of his cock against Pyrrha's snatch. The brown became aghast when he saw blood pour out of his girlfriend's hole.
"P-please pull out now. This feels terrible."
"Oh, where is your Hunter pride, my dear?" Arc pecked his lover's face. He kissed down her face, her chest until his tongue lapped against a wet nipple in the same manner as that of a dog. "This pain is only temporary. Soon, you'll start to feel the wonderful experience that is sex, the greatest and productive joy between two, natural creatures."
When Arc pulled his hips, Pyrrah gasped in relief. A shriek escaped her lips after the professor slammed his cock back inside with a strong blow. The professor repeated this movement, forced his lover to create more cries, sing a song mixed with pain and ecstasy.
Cardin flared his nostrils as Arc grunted like a horny hog. The sight of it all, what had been done to his girlfriend, angered him enough to claw into the bed.
At one point, Pyrrha raised her waist. Back bent, she groaned before she came back down. The professor continued to assault her pussy as he remarked, "Your first orgasm of this affair. Isn't it a wonderful feeling?"
The redhead looked away, couldn't glance into the eyes of the man making love to her. Arc grabbed her face to realign her lips so he could kiss her, smack their lips together. His hips never stopped moving, never stopped slapping its thick flesh into hers. Their bodies banged against the desk like a hammer whacking a stubborn nail.
Since it was evening, nobody was likely around to investigate the noise, giving them the freedom to go at it like wild animals, abandoning themselves to their primal desires.
Cardin watched, wondering when this would end. The video left him in agony for many minutes. The end seemed near when Arc placed Pyrrha's legs over hs shoulders and planted his knees on top of the deks. The professor shoved his entire man meat into his lover's red vagina. He also bent down to kiss the redhead, muffle her moan.
Small spurts could be heard from their joined area. When all became silent, Arc huffed like a gorilla and unmounted his lover. Pyrrha slumped against the desk, exhausted. A dribble of white goo came out of her pussy. Cardin became horrified when he realized it was semen.
"Oh, it has been a long while since I've enjoyed sexual congress of this passion." The sweaty Arc rubbed his palm against Pyrrha's puffy, gaping pussy. The owner moaned, still tender from the recent pounding. "And tonight is only the first date. If you would like for my conclusion to be of positive consequence, Miss Nikos, you can continue to be my escort. After all, you are at the age where such choices are in your power to make."
Arc rounded his desk to stand next to Pyrrha's head. He shoved his hand - the one he used to wipe her pussy - against her face. He inserted fingers inside her mouth, rubbed the entire area like a toothbrush. The receiver of this fingering let it all happen with foggy eyes; she was still baked from the earlier orgasm.
Cardin couldn't take his eyes off the screen. To his luck, the scene became black; his prayer for its end had been answered. His joy soured once the video turned back on to show a classroom filled with rows of brown desks and chairs. The front area contained a podium dyed in a rich shade of mud. Behind it stood blackboards filled with drawings of monsters and incoherent words.
Again, the video recorded one of Arc's territories. Here, the professor taught Cardin and his teammates some of the most useless information. Through the camera, Cardin watched two, familiar figures occupy one of the desks in provocative positions.
"Mh, ha, Pro-professor."
"Pyrrha, didn't I say you can call me Jaune now?"
The mentioned redhead leaned her face and arms against the flat surface of the desk. Her mature lover kneeled behind to make slobbering noises all over the bare, lower area. From the camera's angle, Cardin could clearly see the gray-haired teacher give his girlfriend's vagina long licks and small pokes with his tongue. The man's own hands kneaded Pyrrha's firm buttocks.
"Y-you should finish soon. Someone could, ah, see us."
The redhead covered her mouth to muffle a moan. As her body shook from an orgasm, the professor continued his work, lapped up her love juices from the drenched hole. He also slapped both cheeks with his hands to make his young lover yelp.
"No need to worry. Who would want to attend this lair? I wouldn't. This damned place reminds me how boring it is to give the same lectures I've shared every year, to a bunch of stupid freshmen."
Arc raised his hand. Its fingers held a small, red switch. When he flipped it, a soft whirring noise began. Cardin couldn't pinpoint the source until he noticed Pyrrha squirm, drag her hands across the desk with an erotic face.
"But I've always appreciated the respect from good apples like yourself." Arc sniffed the air above his lover's fine ass. He slid a hand across her skin before he slapped it again to make it adopt a pink shade, make the flesh jiggle like jello. "Even in this relationship, at least you have the courtesy to finish your work on time. On that note, I'm giving you a perfect score for that reArc."
"I-I only finished the rough draft."
"The rough draft is good enough for me." Arc reached down to wiggle his cock, stimulate it into an erect state. "Perhaps you could spend this time to help Mr. Winchester do his if your team is to do well."
Cardin gritted his teeth as he heard the professor insult his intelligence. It didn't make him feel any better when Pyrrha replied, "Th-thank you, I'll do that. He really needs the help."
"My, you are such a kind, strong soul." Arc pulled his lover's waist to take most of her lower, naked body off of the desk. The redhead didn't seem to mind because clothes still covered the top part of her body. "I have no idea why Ozpin wouldn't make you the leader. Your qualifications go beyond the majority of the class."
"He is the Headmaster. As far as his judgment goes, I trust him." The nervous Pyrrha glanced down at the desk. "But between us, I sometimes wonder. Cardin's a good person, but being a leader isn't his forte."
Cardin's felt his heart give off irregular beats. He never heard his own partner admit such doubts to him directly. This shook his confidence, especially when he heard it from someone who earned so much of his trust, his affection.
"Miss Nikos," Arc chuckled. "Are you saying he may have been the wrong choice for your team?"
The worried redhead shook her head. "N-no, he's fine. And at the rate he's going, Cardin can become much - ah!"
Pyrrah had to cut off and squeal. Arc just porked her pussy with his meat stick.
"No need to share that analysis. We should finish soon."
With great gusto, the professor slammed his dick in and out of the snatch. Pyrrha didn't return his thrusts. She only kept her front on the desk, squished her breasts, used them as pillows. A soft groan came out of her throat; she held in her voice. When her older lover pressed the switch in his hand, she gripped the edges of the desk and let out a guttural cry from cumming hard.
"I'm impressed that you didn't make a noise when this vibrator turned on during class." Arc's devilish smile filled Cardin with unease. "I'm sure the front-row students heard it, but they wouldn't create such unwanted attention. And nobody in class would ever think you were polishing my mighty flesh axe during a time you were not supposed to be in class."
Cardin remembered that day, when Pyrrha told everybody she couldn't make it to class. For her sake, he sat at the front row to take notes. He felt foolish, more ashamed to find out the noise was an anal toy running.
And in that lecture, he also swore he heard something slurping behind the podium Arc stood at for most of the class. Cardin dismissed it as one of the secret pets eating something out of sight. Imagining Pyrrha as the source - sucking off that huge cock - only presented an uncomfortable arousal.
Cardin snapped out of his thoughts to see Arc yank on Pyrrha's ponytail. The bottom lover screamed from this grip. She made the same noise as the professor nailed her pussy with more speed and power, rammed her doggystyle. This thumped both bodies against the desk, strong enough to lift its steel legs off of the ground.
"Oh my, oh Dust, Pyrrha, I'm almost there."
Arc smacked his lover's ass, grabbed a handful of the soft skin. His grip left bruises as he pulled. His hips did the opposite, shoved deeper into the pussy until all of his hefty dick disappeared into the hole.
For a long time, the two did not separate. As Arc growled, Pyrrha groaned and quivered. When the professor finally released her, he pulled his cock out. His meat pipe slid out, glistened under the light. A white, sticky line stretched out from its piss hole to the puffy, red lips of her vagina - evidence he had flooded her with his essence.
"Very good." The old suitor reached for Pyrrha's ass. His fingers pinched on a string and pulled. His lover groaned as a plastic bean popped out of her anus. "Someday, we'll give this hole a try. Or perhaps we can leave it for Mr. Winchester, if you choose to give his small pecker a try."
When the screen turned dark, Cardin slid a hand through his hair. For the second time, he witnessed Beacon's manliest teacher breed his girlfriend with a thick batch of baby dough. The horror of this stabbed his heart. Its blade went deeper when he remembered Pyrrah's cries were not those of pain, but enjoyment.
He couldn't accept that she loved Arc for sex, even when he still had yet to hear her deny the professor's advances and ejaculations.
On the verge of tears, Cardin watched the vidoe present another scenery. This one made him grow cold, especially when it was the last place he wanted to see Pyrrha and Arc accommodate during one of their sexcapades.
"Oh Jaune, n-not so rough. The neighbors might hear us."
Beds squeaked as two bodies moved on its covered top. Cardin shook his head; he couldn't believe the lovers of different generations had fucked on the very bed he sat on. He looked down at the clean covers with disgust, even more when the brown shared this with a person he could no longer see in the same light ever again.
Cardin turned his eyes back on the screen. He watched Pyrrha's beautiful, naked body hop on her lover's lap, take his cock into her pussy. Sweat already shined on her fit body. Her emerald eyes made contact with Arc's, who humped back to make his dick meet her at a middle.
Now different, the redhead made love with willing ferocity, a passion Cardin had never seen her show before.
"No worries, today is a weekend. All of your spoiled peers are out in town, indulging in undeserved fun." The professor grabbed her breasts. As he squeezed one, the man gave the free nipple a lick and suck. Pyrrha breathed loud before she wrapped her arms around his neck. Still bouncing on his dick, she kissed his face and neck.
This feverish display of love made Cardin yearn for it. His sprouting jealousy made him consider doing something rash to the the present Pyrrha in order to receive it, fair or unfair.
"But you, my dear goddess, you did all of the work." Arc paused his hips and tilted his lover's chin up with a finger to see her blushing face. "It must have been quite the task to convince that lovely Winchester boy into taking a break."
"He was screwing up another paper. Him leaving was really for the best." No trace of kindness was found in Pyrrha's voice, only irritation. "I just wanted to make a reArc that's easier for you to grade so we can do this sooner."
"That is a good effort, but I will always make time for you." Arc dipped his tongue into his lover's lips. She accepted, tied hers around like a tentacle until he pulled away. "Which is why I'm rewarding you by meeting now instead of later."
"And I really needed this." Pyrrha pulled strands of her long, untied hair of red yarn to make them spill over her back. "You're the only one who can make me feel this good. It wasn't a mistake that night, when you took my virginity, not Cardin."
The mentioned brown felt his broken dignity shatter into an irreparable form.
"Oh snap, Pyrrha. And a few weeks ago, you were concerned about his fradulent records."
"Well, it's better if he stays, so please consider keeping him." The amorous redhead rotated her hips to have her pussy take in more of her lover's large stick. "But if he does fuck up, don't expect me to stick up for his mistakes."
Cardin tried not to cry as he heard Pyrrha. Worse, she may not have considered him worthy to be the man she needed, the man she wanted.
As his vision became blurry and wet, Cardin watched Arc roll onto his knees, push Pyrrha onto her back. This missionary position was the very act they used for their first sex. It also marked how much has changed since, when Pyrrha let out excited grunts to show her love for the position. She also wrapped arms and legs around her lover's neck and waist - whatever helped him nail his fat cock into her harder.
And the two went at it hard. Some items near their lovemaking field rattled from the force of their fucks. The bed's creaks and groans shamed Cardin since the only person with enough strength to make that noise was Nora's jumping on the mattress.
"Pyrrha, I'm about to cum."
The bottom woman humped up her hips. Around his body, her legs tied around until the feet hooked into each other, a sexual version of a triangle hold. "Go ahead Jaune, give it to me!"
The professor shoved his face into the mattress. His huge form squished his lover into the bed. Both shuddered as they came. Pyrrha squealed, a confirmation that she received a creampie from the older gent.
Arc pulled away from Pyrrha to let her breath. He yanked on her legs to unlink them, free himself. The elder towered over the redhead with a coat of glistening sweat. Hairy and huge, the man aimed his eyes at the used, crimson pussy to see cum pour out onto the bed below.
"Jaune, oh Jaune, don't stop." The blissful redhead slumped against the bed. Even when messy strands of crimson hair covered her eyes, her smile said enough about the bliss she felt in her body.
This last image convinced Cardin to close the screen. He scooted back to lean against the wall. As tears leaked out of his eyes, he tried not to go hysterical from the images that stuck to his mind. A new wave of indignity washed over him when his cock push against the middle of his pants to create a bulge
His mind became filled with negative thoughts, a pool of dark desires and despair. As he stewed in such filth, Cardin lost his sense of reality. Inside, he seWinchesterhed for an answer, a lifeline that would keep his spirit afloat.
Then he found one source of comfort: not in the past, but the present. Cardin deduced something must have gone wrong between Pyrrha and Arc for her to have asked him out. He couldn't figure out why else she would have a relationship with him now, when Jaune Arc had been fulfilling her sexual needs.
Theories weighed on his mind. In the end, Cardin couldn't rid himself of the scars given by that video. To clear his head, he hurried out of the door. Across the hallway, he entered the restroom, splashed water into his face many times over the sink, relied on the cold liquid to cool him down.
Cardin grabbed paper towels and wiped them over his face as he returned to the room. After he opened the door, the brown found that another person had occupied the room.
"Hi Cardin. Are you ready for our date?"
As Pyrrha stood before him, the young man froze. He stared at his beautiful girlfriend, a red-haired diva dressed in her casual, armored clothes.. Flashes of images he saw on the laptop cursed him with insecurities. He just didn't know how to approach her when he knew about her secret past.
"Cardin, are you alright?"
The brown shook his head. He forced a smile on his face and scratched his head. "Sorry, my mind is kind of in a jumble. Staring at that Scroll screen to finish some last-minute studying might have done that."
"Yeah, those red eyes are proof of that." Pyrrha stepped forward. She brushed a gloved thumb around the edge of his eyes. Her soft touch stung the skin, but he was grateful for her show of concern. "You shouldn't overwork yourself. The test isn't out for another week."
Cardin remembered Arc was supposed to give that exam. Reminder of the professor also gave awareness of an unusual odor. It was small, but a hint of it came from Pyrrha's body: bitter cologne worn by men.
Then he felt it, his bleeding heart, a wound inflicted by an anonymous tormentor. Out of desperation, he wanted to ask Pyrrha why she asked him to be her boyfriend, if she even broke up with Arc.
One question would have summed up what he wanted to know: if Pyrrha saw him as the man she wanted to love in the coming, foreseeable future. Doing so might have ruined this perfect relationship; Cardin may never have another chance to be with a great gal like her again.
So he didn't ask. For being a pussy or a hopeful youth, Cardin would have taken all of the labels if it meant staying with his ideal love. He couldn't risk feeling alone, abandoned, unloved in Beacon. That risk was too great for him to consider at all.
"I figured it's time for me to do better." The brown managed to maintain his strong front. "That class has been giving me a hard time, even more than Oobleck's. If I'm going to pass, I'll need the extra week to make it."
"If that's the case, then keep at it." Pyrrha took hold of Cardin's hands. She leaned forward to peck him on the lips before she leaned her forehead against his. "Errands have been keeping me busy, so I can't become a tutor for the time being. But I'll cheer you on the side. And if you do well, I'll reward you. The day you get a good score, we'll celebrate that day as the beginning of many firsts."
Cardin blushed when he felt his girlfriend's thumbs rubbing his hands. Her giggle also teased the clue that the two would consummate their relationship. Even if he wasn't her first, she would at least become his, make that experience a wonderful memory.
As the two held hands, Cardin clung to the hope that things would go well. This aspiration found some ground with their date - a successful evening. The brown managed to regain some faith in his girlfriend, who remained with him, slept together in bed, side-by-side.
For the young romantic, all felt right in the world. In the next morning, he chose to delete the video. As the days went by, Cardin convinced himself that what he saw was nothing more than a bad memory, a hallucination of doubt that he'll never allow himself to have again.