Chapter 85- Pt-2

That was not true.


It WAS true that it was all too much. That was a certainty.


But it was not true that he mentally checked out.


'…What are they going to do now…?' He only TRIED to check out but failed.


How was he supposed to stop caring when the love of his life was right beside him, sweating and oozing female juices while her face was used as a literal cockhole for his bully's penis?


Cardin needed full confirmation that either his girlfriend loved him a lot and did not want to have sex with Jaune – even if she enjoyed it – or confirmation that she fully desired Jaune and no longer wanted him.


The former would give him the willpower to continue resisting. The latter would give him the hopelessness to call it quits.


Being stuck in the middle just gave him constant agony.


…So, put the call on hold, took the earphones off, and once more side-eyed…


"Congratulations, Pyrrha, that was a hell of a suck!" Jaune pulled out of her in one rough motion, making her entire body shudder one last time before being allowed full access to air. "How did that feel?"


"Haaaah ♡… Haaaah ♡…" Pyrrha was unable to answer, unconsc- "Amazing ♡… I came a lot ♡… Hah ♡… Hah ♡…" Her face was a depraved mess of spit bubbles, cum, stray pubic hair, tears, and precum.


"That's all you have to say?" Jaune punished her positive, submissive response by pinching her nipples, nearly raising her torso off the table.


"NGHHH ♡!"


"It isn't about you, is it? It's about ME."


"I'm sorryyyy ♡! Your cum tastes amazing… ♡! I love chugging it down my slutty throat ♡! Shoot more if you want ♡! Use my throat more if you want ♡! I'd love to cum a lot more by sucking your big, fat cock ♡! I hope you had a lot of fun raping my stupid little face too ♡!"


"Damn, now THAT was nice!" Jaune let go of her nipples. "Why are you looking like that, Cardiny-boy? Surprised by all the dirty shit she just said? You wondering where she learned to talk like that?"




"It's a female instinct. Every girl knows how to sell herself out if you're man enough to draw it out of them. Guess you didn't know that, huh?"




"Come on, Pyrrha, gimme some more so Cardiny-boy really gets it!" Jaune reached toward her lower body and gave her DRENCHED crotch a harsh slap.


"NGHH ♡! I loved the flavor ♡! The texture ♡! The density! The volume ♡! The veins ♡! The girth ♡! Your masculinity ♡! Your muscles and sweaty abs ♡! The smell of your big, manly balls ♡!" Pyrrha said nonsense after nonsense, barely expressing any emotion on her face. Her facial muscles were too spent from the earlier hours of sex AND the prolonged oral abuse that just happened, barely looking sane; Yet, her voice was very, very energetic.


It was only natural. Jaune was commanding energy, so she found a way to offer it.


"You like my balls?"


"I looove how they smell ♡!"


"Then, wouldn't it be nice if you gave my balls a nice spit bath?"


"Yes ♡! It'd be so nice… ♡!" Pyrrha opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out to receive Jaune's heavy, low-hanging sack. "Shlrrrrrrrp ♡… Shluuuuuuurp ♡… Mnhhhhhm ♡…" Despite having no experience with orally servicing a man's testicles – especially ones as large as Jaune's – she seemed to understand the concept of gobbling up as much as possible of each ball into her mouth, licking it until it was coated with generous saliva, and moving on to the other.


"Shloooooooorp ♡…" …And then back and forth…


"Shlrrrrrrrrrrrrrp ♡…" …Many, many times.


"Shluuuuuuuurp ♡…" All while his fat, lenghty penis rested on her face, traveling all the way to her upper chest with its expansive length, throbbing and oozing leftover semen.


For a millisecond, Cardin wondered where she learned such submissive oral service.


Only for a millisecond.


The answer to that had already been provided.


'…If you're man enough, you can draw that sort of instinct out of any woman…' Cardin touched his face, feeling the thick layer of pussy juice bombarded on it.


The smell was so, so strong. Pyrrha had orgasmed intensely from being choked out by Jaune's cum-pumping monster cock.



'Why should I be surprised…? She already told me it's not pretend… She… Enjoys it as a woman…' He observed her continuous efforts to gobble and bathe his balls with her abused mouth. '…Even though he's an asshole and bullies me… She can put that aside to get off on giving his balls enthusiastic service… Pyrrha… Do you still love me at all… Should I just… Get out of here…? Be done with you…?' Cardin's mood had crashed as much as it possibly could, in dire need of a break.


"Shlrrrrrrrp ♡… Shluuuuuurp ♡…" But Pyrrha kept going…


"Nice…! That's a nice fucking tonguejob! Yo, Cardin, you seeing this shit? I swear to God, she's trying to eat my balls! You ain't feeding her right, buddy!"


"Shluuuuuurp ♡… Shlrrrrrrrp ♡…"


"Ah, but we already knew you ain't feeding her right, don't we? Not of the thing that makes her the happiest, and I'm not even talking about cum. I just mean treating her like the cock-hungry slut that she's born out to me. Look at these abs she's got! What's the point of a girl having those if she's not gonna use them to pump out pussy juice all over your face?"


"Shlooooooorp ♡… Shlrrrrrrrrp ♡…"


"Here, let me show you again! Come on, Pyrrha, spread those legs a little more. Let's do target practice."


"Shlrrrrrrrrrp ♡… Shlooooooorp ♡…" Pyrrha spread her legs while continuing to lick and vacuum-suck his balls, barely aware of what she was doing – there was simply a female instinct to obey.


"Check this out, Jaune! Let me show you what a nice set of abs can do for a girl!" Jaune raises his hand very, very high…


"MGNHHHHHH ♡♡♡!!!!" …And then slammed it down at full force, striking Pyrrha's wet, puffy lips so aggressively that her entire body ached from the impact. "NGHHHHHHH ♡♡♡!!!!" Almost immediately after, her abdominal muscles contracted HARD due to EXCRUCIATING physical exertion being demanded of her body.


And then, a second later…


"UNGHHHHHHHHH ♡♡♡!!!!!" She fired another thick, prolonged barrage of pussy juices all over Cardin's face.


This time, he did not doge; He was too lethargic to do it.


In truth, Jaune was not showing him anything new, merely getting off on humiliating him, and Pyrrha did not mind, continuing to gobble his sack up even when firing copious volumes of female cum all over him…


"That was good, wasn't it?!" Jaune maliciously laughed. "I liked seeing that! I'm even getting jealous! No more pussy juice for you, Cardiny-boy! I've been too generous! I think it's time Pyrrha focuses on me a little bit!" Jaune pinched Pyrrha's nipples and pulled her off his balls with cruel force, fully disregarding the potential of tearing her nipples off her tits.


"Nghhhhhhhuuuh ♡! Uuuuuungh ♡!" Pyrrha did not seem to mind either, still shivering and grunting from the powerful orgasm slapped out of her; The nipple abuse seemed to only bring more pleasure.


"Just like this…!" Jaune efficiently shifted her around the table, disregarding her ongoing orgasm; By the end of it, she was bent over with her fat rear perfectly aligned with his thick, soggy cock. "You know what comes next, right, Cardiny-boy?" He grinned. "Hm…? Are you crying? That's so lame!"


"…Whatever…" Cardin was pointlessly using his shirt to wipe his face clean. 'Great… Now this smell is plastered on my clothes… I… I just want to fall asleep… Seriously…' The overwhelming visual and verbal abuse from his parents, Jaune, and Pyrrha had left him unhealthily apathetic.


"Cardin… Don't cry… Ghnnn ♡… It's okay… It's okay…" Pyrrha mumbled with an unstable voice. "I'm okay ♡… You don't have to worry about me ♡… I'm cumming like crazy ♡… Jaune's penis is really strong and healthy ♡… Ghnnnn ♡…"


"Ah… Right…" That, Cardin already knew, which was why there were tears running down his face.


"Alright, lovebirds, I don't care about any of that shit. We're here to get my dick off, remember?!" He struck Pyrrha's rear.




"UNGH ♡!" The vibrations from the impact stimulated her inner walls, making her squirm and her eyes cross together.


"Pyrrha is here to get my dick off, but you gotta do something for me first, Cardiny-boy."




"Go get me the condoms we left on the bed. I wanna wreck the shit out of this bitch's pussy, but we got a contract to follow, right?" He laughed.


"Oh, God… I'm gonna go crazy…" Pyrrha anticipated the assault to come.


"Yeah? Tell him what it's gonna be like, Pyrrha. Just so he feels really at ease."


"Liar…. You want me to tell him so he feels small and weak… Because you're a hung sadist…"


"Does that mean you aren't gonna do it?"


"I… Uhm…" For once, Pyrrha hesitated to obey Jaune.


A sign of true affection toward Cardin; Enough to make him feel mildly better.


Evidently, such a moment of positivity was short-lived.


"What if I do this, hm…?" Jaune pulled on her ponytail until her head raised high off the table; Then, he let go of her hair and quickly held her head in place by covering her eyes with his palms.


She no longer could see Cardin's face and sadness, much like when she hid behind Jaune's precum-dripping cock earlier.


And then…


"Cardin, he's going to bully my pussy a lot with his super manly cock ♡…" …She did exactly what Jaune requested, regardless of the fact that it involved making him miserable; As long as she could avoid seeing Cardin's misery, Pyrrha seemed intent on not holding back, with her tongue dangling out enthusiastically.


"Is that all?!" Jaune smacked her ass.


"MNGH ♡! A-ah, Cardin, it's going to be really rough…! He's going to pound me a lot…! My cervix is probably gonna break really easily this time…! E-earlier, it squeezed so much because it was unused, but… But I think my body is going to be more welcoming now… ♡! Like my throat was… ♡! It understands that it needs a lot of elasticity to accommodate his huge, burly dick… ♡! Because it's so strong and masculine… ♡!"


"What else, what else?" Jaune egged her on.


"Nghhh ♡… I'm gonna… Cum so much, Cardin… I'm sorry, but you get it already, right…? Sex with Jaune is very satisfying, so don't get too upset… I'll have to get fucked hard by him a lot anyway, so isn't it better if I enjoy it? That's right… So don't get upset while I cum my brains out… Jaune is going to destroy my pussy into lots of great orgasms… ♡! Because I'm a woman… ♡! And I can't help but feel like a woman… ♡! Because he's very manly… ♡! O-oh, God… I'm getting all twitchy already…!"


"Pyrrha, aren't you making your beta boyfriend feel bad about himself?" Jaune teased her.


"What are you talking about…? I'm telling him that he doesn't have to worry about me…! I'm excited to cum lots from rough sex with you! Aaaaah, I'm tingly… ♡!"


"I don't think that's what HE's worried about." Jaune removed his hands from her face, keeping her head in place by quickly grabbing her ponytail again.


Cardin's and Pyrrha's gazes connected.


He was silently tearing up even more.


Pyrrha's eyes widened slightly and her jaw dropped a little.


"J-Cardin… I'm… Sorry…" She mumbled, baffled. "I-I didn't realize… I was hurting you this much…"




"I-it's just… It's like I said earlier, s-so don't get sad… His cock and fucking skills are too amazing… Th-they make my brain messy… S-so… I'm saying things that maybe I don't mean… H-hah… Hahah…"


"Like what…?"




"Which… Which things did you say that you didn't mean…?" Cardin impulsively asked a silly question. He needed something to hold on to, for his own sanity.


"Th-the… The…" She gulped down. "The part about me… Being excited to cum a lot from rough sex with him…"


"You're… Not excited for that…?"


"O-of course not… I-I'm only doing it b-because I have to… My heart is aching, I swear… H-hahahah…"


"Ah…" Cardin paused. "…That's good…" He believed her.



DID he believe her?


…Probably not…


…He just needed a break to gather his thoughts…


…Cardin was too crushed…


"Your heart is aching, Pyrrha?" Jaune butted in, pulling on Pyrrha's ponytail while leaning forward to bring their heads level with each other. "Maybe it's just from the exercise I'm giving you, hm? Does the Pride of Mistral need to improve her cardio?" He reached around and harshly kneaded one of her breasts.


"Nghhhnnmm ♡…"


"That heartache won't keep you from squeezing and milking me a lot, right?"


"No… ♡!"


"It won't keep you from creaming like a little slut, right?"


"No… ♡! I'm gonna squirt like crazy… ♡!"


"What about begging me to fuck you? Is it going to keep you from doing that?"


"No… ♡! God, no… ♡! Please fuck me a lot… ♡! Pound me until your full dick is inside me… ♡! I don't mind if you slam my cervix into submission… ♡! Use my hole… ♡!"


"Damn… That's pretty nasty. To think you always had all this vulgarity inside you, Pyrrha… Guess you must have hid it from Cardin because you love him so much, huh?"


"Yes… ♡! I love Cardin… ♡!"


"Yeah? Tell it to his face." Jaune turned her head to face Cardin.


"J-Cardin…! I love you…! Even when I can think of nothing but Jaune's big body and cock making a woman out of me, I still love you…!" Pyrrha said depraved words of love while tears, spit, and cum ran down her chin.




"Lucky you, Cardin! Guess all I get is the fun, slutty Pyrrha. You get to have the puritan, kind one! Ain't that a win? Alright, no more of this shit. My dick is throbbing!" He smacked her ass.




"You see this, Cardin?" Jaune grabbed spit-soaked penis and rested it on Pyrrha's leggings-clad asscrack; It quickly sank down until her fleshy buttcheeks engulfed the entire shaft's girth, with the full length spanning all the way to her sweaty lower back – now smeared in cum and precum as well. "I'm eager to fuck this bitch already, so do your job and bring us the condoms on the bed, would you? That's the least you can do since Pyrrha doesn't need any protection."


"Ah… Sure… Let me just… Hang up…" Cardin put the earphones on again, aiming to simply say goodbye to his parents. A hardcore session of pussy-churning was about to commence. It would not make sense for him to try talking through it.


He turned the screen, sound, and microphone on-


"Are you hearing us, Cardin?! You better not be throwing your relationship away due to your WORTHLESS, silly pride!"


'Th-they're still screaming at me?! I've muted and turned my screen off and they're still berating me?!' His parents' attitude peeved him the wrong way.


"Pyrrha is MUCH better than you deserve! Whatever you did wrong, you better apologize!"


'I-I didn't do anything wrong…! Sh-she's the one who's getting off on fucking my bully…! The same bully blackmailing me…! This is unfair! Give me a break already…!'


"Do whatever you need to earn her forgiveness, but don't ruin your relationship because of pride! You don't have any! It's not good for you!"


'Fuck you…! Fuck everyone…! I'm so sick of this shit!' Cardin angrily slammed the scroll on the table, just barely not breaking it.


Not a single person showed an ounce of mercy for him, leaving him outraged.


That filled him with just enough rage-fueled courage to do something he had been needing for a while now: Stand up for himself. "I'm not getting shit!"


"Excuse me?"


"I'm not getting the condoms! Fuck you!"


"Cardin ♡… Just get the condoms so Jaune can safely shove his huge cock in me-"


"NO! I-I'm not doing it! No!" He crossed his arms and raised his chest, bravely standing his ground-


"You didn't learn anything today, did you?" Jaune grumbled before TIGHTLY grabbing Pyrrha's waist, pulling his hips back, and…






…What were those sounds…?


The latter was Pyrrha moaning with incredible eroticism, obviously.


…But the former…?


It sounded like flesh violently colliding with flesh; Probably wet.


…But how, if Jaune had not yet removed Pyrrha's shorts…?


It took Cardin a few blinks and several seconds of befuddlement to understand why Jaune's hips were so close to Pyrrha's, to the point that the shape of her round ass got flattened.


'He… Thrust into her despite the legging shorts on the way…?' Cardin's jaw dropped. 'H-how hard can a penis be…?! H-he stretched it all the way into her…? Bottoming out…?'


"Fuck…! This is TIGHT! This fabric is ROUGH! It's the most painful condom I've ever fucking used! SHIT!" He discounted his pain and anger on Pyrrha by pulling her torso off the table via her ponytail and descending a cruel strike against one of her breasts, making it swing against the other. "And you're SQUEEZING HARD! FUCK!" Clearly, the leggings made for a harsh, painful condom, hurting his penis.


As for whether it hurt Pyrrha…


"Ughn ♡…" …It was difficult to tell.


Her face went stiff again, like earlier that day when she was fucked on all fours on Cardin's lap.



'No… It's not difficult to tell at all…' Cardin remembered that moment all too well.


Pyrrha was cumming her brains out, sent into a state of euphoria so powerful that her facial muscles stiffened up, unable to contract properly. If any proof was needed, one merely needed to observe her rolled-up eyes, the drool coming out of her clenched teeth, the tears running down her red face, or the INTENSE flexion of her six-pack abs, preventing her from breathing while also mercilessly crushing Jaune's penis deep inside her.


There was one difference this time, though.


"…H-how is that… Possible…" Cardin whispered to himself upon noticing the MASSIVE protrusion on Pyrrha's midsection.


Jaune had penetrated so deeply and violently that Pyrrha's cervix crumbled in a single lunge, making way for his GIRTHY glans to push all the way to the back of her womb while wrapped by her elastic legging shorts.


…It was huge…


…Pyrrha's body was being truly mauled from within…


…Was that not even more proof that Jaune was the adequate partner for a strong woman like her...?


Even now, in his disdain, hatred, and sadness, Cardin was compelled to take note of how good their bodies looked together: Pyrrha, a tall, strong, dominant, thick girl taken from behind by Jaune, an even taller, more muscular, and more dominant male.


Why did Cardin ever think he and Pyrrha were good together when men like Jaune existed and desired her, able to make full sexual use of her fit body?


"Ghhh…! Fuck, it hurts but it's good too…!" Jaune enjoyed his ruthless act and Pyrrha's tightness…


"Guuh ♡… Nghh ♡…" …Pyrrha silently orgasmed while her mind ceased to be…


"…" …And Cardin watched in horror.


Like Jaune said, he truly had not learned anything.


Because of his reckless provoking, Pyrrha was now on the verge of being penetrated raw.


At what moment had Cardin created the false impression that he had reached rock-bottom and was safe from making further mistakes?


There was always a lower floor.



'I think… this is exactly what I wanted…' Cardin was tired of being stuck in the middle. If he got confirmation that Pyrrha no longer desired him, he could free himself of that miserable situation by breaking up with her and leaving.


…That was what he thought until a few seconds ago, that is. Now that he realized his girlfriend was on the verge of being taken raw, he completely changed his mind. "I-I'll get the condoms! J-just wait a second…!"


"You better be fucking fast, because I ain't waiting after the disrespect you showed me!" Jaune shouted, filled with rage.


"H-heh? What does that-"


"MGNHH ♡!" Pyrrha awoke from her 'stiff slumber'.


…Because Jaune pulled back and thrust in with maniacal force once more.


"UNGH ♡!"




"GHNN ♡!"




"MGNH ♡!"




"NGHMM ♡!"




"UUGHN ♡! OOH ♡! HOOH ♡! NGHOOH ♡!" And many, many more times…




"OOOH ♡! UUNGH ♡! NGHOOH ♡! HOOOH ♡! MNGHUUUH ♡!" Each slam was furious enough to produce loud clapping and a gigantic protrusion on her six-pack abs.




"NGHUH ♡! OOOH ♡! HOOOH ♡! MNGHOOH ♡! NGHOOOH ♡! UUUUUNGH ♡!" Not only did Pyrrha wail loudly every single time, but her tongue also dangled out of her mouth with her eyes rolled up.


Jaune was fucking her very, very hard, and if Cardin did not act quickly enough…


'…Her shorts are going to rip! H-he'll fuck her raw! She could get pregnant!' Panicked, he shot up from his seat and ran to the other side of the hotel room to get the condom packs that were on top of the bed; In the process, he accidentally pulled the earphones off the scroll, forgetting they were still on his ear.


Cardin only realized that once he was halfway through the room…


"Cardin?! What is that sound?! Who's moaning like that?!" …Because his parents started talking.








'I don't have time…!' It was too much chaos for Cardin. He ignored his parents to focus on his initial mission.


"What are those sounds?! Is that porn?! Who's that woman making those sounds?!"






'Got it!' Cardin hurried back and turned the scroll off without explaining anything. 'I'll deal with them later…!' Then, he opened one of the packs, took a condom, and stretched his hand over for Jaune to take it. "H-here! Here's the condom!"






"T-take the condom!!!" Cardin shoved it against Jaune's sweaty, veiny chest, powering through his disgust to call his attention.


"Get outta the fucking way!" Jaune pushed him so forcefully that Jaun tumbled to the side, dropping the condom on the floor. "Ghh…! Khh…!" His animalistic, dominant thrusting saw no pause…


"OOOH ♡! HOOOH ♡! MNGHUUH ♡!" …Much like Pyrrha's frantic moaning and quaking; Her pussy seemed to fire an infinite volume of squirting, viciously drawn out of her via rough scraping.


"Wh-what the fuck is wrong with you?!" Cardin took another condom. "I fucking brought it! Take it!"


"Ghhh…! Grrr…!" Jaune fully ignored Cardin and TREMBLED in place, no longer thrusting, keeping his massive penis lodged all the way into Pyrrha – a fact made evident by the large protrusion in her belly, which was visible even with her midsection resting against the table.


Cardin could not understand. Why was he being ignored?


"J-Cardin… Oooh ♡…" Pyrrha muttered in a strained voice, doing her best to look back despite the dominant grip on her ponytail.


The moment Cardin laid eyes on Pyrrha's face, he understood what was going on. "Wh-what…?" Nonetheless, he pointlessly asked.


"There's… No need… For condoms… Anymore…" Pyrrha did her best to smile at him, aware of how Cardin was about to feel.




'Y-you have… To be… Kidding me…' Cardin carefully observed Jaune shaking in perfect rhythm with the bulge in Pyrrha's midriff, which seemed to be slowly growing larger.


She was getting stuffed with a massive load of his semen. The shorts had already ripped a while ago and the brutal raw fucking he tried to stop had already taken place right in front of him.


"Uuuuungh ♡… It's so much ♡… So hot and sticky ♡… Mnghhh ♡…" To make matters worse, Pyrrha seemed awfully comfortable with it, trembling with heavy breathing.


"S-stop this…! Y-you both need to stop this…!" Cardin approached Jaune-


"Get! The fuck off!" Jaune pushed him again, making Cardin fall on his butt. "FUCK! I'M NUTTING IN THIS SLUT! DON'T BOTHER ME!"




"UNGHHH ♡!" Pyrrha's meaty ass was punished for Cardin's transgression. "Oh, Gooood ♡… I didn't know sperm could be this thick and sticky ♡… Fuck ♡…"


"P-Pyrrha… Y-you have to… T-to do something…! Th-this is against the contract…!" Cardin rushed back to his feet and pleaded with his girlfriend, approaching her instead of Jaune.


Easily the most humiliating moment of his life: Pleading for his girlfriend to stop getting packed with his bully's semen.


Alas, that record would soon be surpassed. Cardin had a truly difficult time learning that every rock-bottom had a basement underneath it, and every basement had a hell, and every hell had another rock-bottom.


"It's okay ♡… Cardin ♡…" Pyrrha took his hand; Her palm was sweaty.




"A little bit of raw fucking ♡… Is fine ♡… Isn't it ♡…?"



'What… The fuck… Is this…?' His girlfriend's face filled him with crippling unease.


She was smiling kindly and empathetically, as she often did. The Pyrrha he knew was indubitably in front of him, consciously telling him that it was okay to break the rules of their contract to favor his bully, who was presently shooting rope after rope of slimy, thick semen inside her skewered womb. Not a cum-drunk version of Pyrrha telling him nonsense spurred by an uncontrollable high; His real, normal girlfriend.


"B-but… Isn't it… T-too much…? I-I brought the condoms…" Cardin extended his hand again; This time to Pyrrha.


"Cardin…" Pyrrha took the condom with a shaking arm and smiled even more empathetically, somehow ignoring the spasms that controlled the rest of her body. "…It's okay. There's no need to be insecure."


"Wh-what does that mean…?"


"It means that ♡… Ghnn ♡… I love with you all my heart even if Jaune fucks me raw real hard." She threw the condom away.


"Th-that's… I-I can't accept that…"


"Why not…? Ungh ♡… Isn't it good…? Nghh ♡… It means that… Even if he packs me with his amazing cum… Oooh ♡… I still don't lose my love for you… That's an incredible victory for you… Don't be insecure… Okay…? Hoooh ♡… Just let him… Do me raw… From now on… Ghnnn ♡…"


"B-but… P-pregnancy…"


"It's okay ♡… I'll take whatever pill I need tomorrow… Mngh ♡…"


"That's right…! Grr…! Ghh…! Cardiny-boy! If your girl here likes it, let her get stuffed!"



"MGNH ♡! Oooh ♡… Hah ♡… Fuck, he's such a savage ♡… He's so in control ♡… This dominance is incredible ♡… And it's pulsating so much… ♡! He's pumping so much… ♡!"


"Pyrrha, I-"


"Cardin!" Pyrrha raised her tone and frowned slightly, looking directly into Cardin's eyes. "…Let it go."


"L-let it go…?"


"Yes. Jaune is going to- Unghh ♡… Jaune is going to mate condomless with me from now on… Just accept it… Oooh ♡… Focus on the positive side of it… Ughnnn ♡… And stop getting in the way. It'll be easier for both of us… Hoooh ♡… Hardcore sex with him… Has to happen… You had already understood that… Ghnn ♡… So… Isn't it better… That I enjoy it as much as possible…?"


"…" Cardin could not say anything, befuddled.


"I know it's hard on you… Uuughnn ♡… God, he's pumping so much… I-I know it's hard on you, but it's even harder on me… Ghnnn ♡… Because he's teaching me how much of a slut I am ♡… Able to cum and submit for a man I don't love ♡… Nghhh ♡… As long as he's big and manly enough to dominate me ♡… Ah, shit, shit ♡… A big one is coming ♡… How can he pump so much after so many ejaculations… ♡?! Ooooh ♡…"


"I… I…"


"You don't have to watch!" Pyrrha raised her tone again, frustrated. "But let him destroy my pussy in peace, okay?! Nghh ♡… It's a done deal! Stop trying to give me another condom! I want his semen directly in my womb, and I want his dick veins scraping directly against my pussy! Oooh ♡… It is what it is! Fuck, fuck, I'm going to squirt like a bitch… ♡!" Pyrrha looked back at Jaune to admire his sweaty, ripped physique trembling as endless ropes of cum blasted all over her insides. Then, she looked back at Cardin, piercing his eyes with her gaze. "Can't you tell I need a break from your crying?! Just let me take his dick… ♡! It's hard enough on its own… ♡! Uuungh ♡…"





Pyrrha's speech shocked Cardin to the point that it felt like time had slowed down.


During that moment of slowness, he retreated deep into his mind, mulling over the emotional ache overwhelming his heart.


The ache only lasted a bit. Soon, it was overtaken by anger.


'This is what I needed, isn't it…? I… I don't have to stay in the middle anymore…!' He clenched his fists, ready to act on impulsive emotion alone.


Pyrrha had given him everything he needed to end everything; It was unreasonable to expect him to stay with her after everything she said. Pyrrha was voluntarily breaking an important part of the contract they had established with Jaune.


It was no longer adultery to appease Jaune; Just raw cheating – figuratively and literally.


So, he opened his mouth and acted on his impulse. "I-if that's what you want to do, I don't think we can be together anymore…! You clearly like him more than me!" Cardin said while staring her straight in the face.





"That might be true." She responded, quivering.




"But I still don't want to break up…! Ghnn ♡…"


"G-g-great, so…!"


"But if I'm cornered…! Oooh ♡… Right as I'm cumming so much… ♡! I don't know what to do… ♡!"


"N-no, h-h-hang on...!" Cardin's impulsive determination turned into impulsive cowardice, terrified that his ultimatum had the possibility of causing a genuine ultimate outcome.


"Nghhh ♡… Fuck, Cardin, you didn't think any of this through at all…! Ooooh ♡… This is a bad time to have this talk…! Hooooh ♡… And I'm not thinking clearly either because… Uughnn ♡… Jaune is fucking me so good… ♡! Ghnnn ♡… S-so… Why don't you wait until he's done dumping cum inside me…?"


"D-done dumping cum…?"


"Yes. Uuughn ♡… Because I'm waaay too overwhelmed by how good it feels right now. Ooooh ♡… So, if you really try to break up with me, I'll just say yes…! Hooooh ♡… So I can keep enjoying his big cock. But if you wait until we're done- Hoooh ♡… Hah ♡… Hah ♡… Then… I can hash it out with you in a clearer mind… Oooh ♡… About whether Jaune is good enough at sex to make me like him… Nghh ♡… After I'm done cumming the horny out of my head. You can wait in another room. Leave me alone with Jaune so we can really go at it, okay…? Hoooh ♡... I prefer it that way… Leave us alone."


"O-okay… L-let's do that…" Pathetically enough, Cardin backtracked and left-


"No deal!" Jaune shouted at random.




"MNGHH ♡!"


"I have more fun if Cardiny-boy watches. I won't fuck your squeezing hole as hard if he ain't here to see you squirm, Pyrrha!" Jaune was finally done ejaculating, allowing him to once more take charge of the conversation.


"Wh-who the fuck cares-"


"Cardin, you gotta stay!" Pyrrha shouted.


"What?! Y-you were just saying the opposite!"


"W-well… U-uhm… S-since the idea is for us to hash it out after I've really confirmed whether I like him or not… I-it'd be important for him to give it to me as hard as he can, right?! So we can be really sure! Won't it be weird if he holds back, I decide I don't like him, and then he pounds me like a sex doll later and I change my mind?! Th-that's right, he's gotta rape the shit out of me NOW! F-for us! S-so I cum the most too! I-it's for us, really, see? I want him to rape me hard for us!"


"Is… Is that so…" Cardin lacked any more drive to argue, too devastated from humiliation after humiliation.


"Y-yes! So… For US… Could you sit down and watch like a silent cuckold? I-if not for us, then for me. So I can really figure out if I love you as much as I'm loving Jaune right now."




"Y-you don't mind, right? I was willing to get rammed by him to save you before I realized how much I like being his cockhole slut! S-so, you can save me a little bit by watching and letting me cum a lot, right?!"




"A-ah… I know this must be really humiliating for you, but… J-Cardin…"


"…" His eyes moved up to stare at her pleading face.


"…It feels really good… Please do what Jaune is ordering so I can cum a lot…"


Cardin said nothing.


…But he sat down like a good boy.


He sorely needed a break.




"Nghoh ♡! Uuungh ♡! Mnghhh ♡! Oooooh ♡!" It did not take any time for Jaune to begin aggressively pummeling Pyrrha, driving his hips into her so forcefully that the only thing keeping her from falling forward was the existence of the table before her.


"Nghuuuh ♡! Mnghuuuh ♡! Uuuungh ♡! Hooooh ♡!" Shortly after they started, Jaune tore Pyrrha's shorts off, fully exposing her round, meaty ass and puffy, drenched pussy.


"Ghnnn ♡! Oooooh ♡! Nghoooh ♡! Mnghuuuh ♡!" His violent thrusts were accompanied by regular strikes to the ass and disrespectful hair-pulling, tugging on Pyrrha's ponytail for no reason other than to assert his dominance over her.


Physically, his dominance was self-evident. Not only was he larger than her in every sense, but he also had supreme control over her in terms of sexual performance, able to imbue her brain with so much pleasure that she voluntarily lowered herself masochistically and submissively to engage in more and more hardcore sex, getting her insides churned out raw with a wide smile on the face, dangling her tongue out with unfocused eyes that irregularly ended rolled up – it depended purely on how many orgasms she was having at the same time.


If it was just one, she managed to keep them straight.


If it was more than one, they rolled up while she quaked, drooled, and cried.


Either way, she always squirted.


"Nghuuuuh ♡♡♡!!! Oooooooh ♡♡♡!!! Hooooooooh ♡♡♡!!!" Again and again and again and again…




"Ungh ♡! Nghuh ♡! Mnghh ♡!" No matter how much Jaune slapped her ass or violently crashed his hips into her moldable rear, she always kept on cumming.


"Ooooh ♡! Hoooh ♡! Nghuuh ♡!" Pyrrha was fully invested in having her pussy drilled out raw by Jaune's thick penis. The pleasure was undoubtedly much greater than with a condom, as was easily exemplified by the veins across her tense body and the ever-presence of euphoria drawn across her face.


"Uungh ♡! Mnghuuh ♡! Hooooh ♡!" Endless cumming left her trembling in place with no ability to genuinely move or breathe even if she wanted to. Pyrrha had become a messy whore, capable of presenting herself as nothing more than a warm, moaning, quivering sex doll.


Alas, Jaune's domination over her was not just physical, but also psychological.


"Tell me how it feels!" Jaune shouted.






"Nghuuuuuuuh ♡! It feels so gooood ♡! I'm cumming soooo much ♡! I love getting raw-dogged by your big, fat cooooock ♡!"


"Then, shouldn't you thank me?!"






"Ooooooooh ♡!! Thank you, thank you ♡!! Thank you for showing me… ♡! What a whore I am… ♡! And making me cum so much with your big, fat cooock… ♡!"


"There's someone else you should thank too, isn't there?! Come on, be generous!"






"Uuuungh ♡! S-someone else…? Ooooooh ♡…"


"Right there, Sweetheart!" Jaune turned Pyrrha's head until she directly faced Cardin.


Cardin had remained quiet for the past several minutes, not even looking their way. He had entered a state of full apathy, slightly looking down with vacant eyes.


"Shouldn't you thank him? Hm?"






"Uuuuuuungh ♡! Aaaah ♡… B-but-"


"Thank! Him!"








"Ooooooooh ♡♡♡!!! Thank you, Jaaaaaaune ♡! It's because of yooou ♡! That I'm getting to cum on Jaune's raw coooock ♡! Nghoooooooooh ♡♡♡!!!" Whatever hesitation she had was nothing before the tsunami of pleasure recurringly washing over her vulnerable brain.


At that point, Pyrrha truly was nothing more than a sex doll for Jaune; As long as he kept her in that state of frenzied sexual ecstasy, she could likely be made to say or do anything.


"Come on, I want to hear you thank him some more!"








"Yeeeeeeeees ♡! Thank you, thank you, Cardin ♡! Thank you for… ♡! Getting… ♡! Blackmailed… ♡! By Jaune… ♡! Oooooh… ♡! So I have an excuse… ♡! To receive his cum… ♡! Deep in my womb… ♡! Nghooooooh ♡!"


"Are you saying that you're only getting your pussy stretched out because of him?"








"Yeeeeees ♡! Oooooh! I'm only learning… ♡! What real sex is like… ♡! Because of him… ♡! Thank you, Jaaaaune ♡! Nghoooooh ♡!"


"…" Cardin had nothing to say to that, though it was impossible not to feel hurt by the humiliation.


"Who's more of a man?! Hm?! Say it to his face!"








"Uuuuuungh… ♡! That's… ♡! Uuuuungh ♡… I-I don't want to-"






"NGH ♡! UNGH ♡! UGHN ♡!"


















"Yeah?! Why?! Say it right to his face!"


"Because you're taller ♡!"




"More handsome ♡!"




"More muscular ♡!"




"Your cock is MUCH BIGGER ♡!"




"Your balls are bigger and have more cum ♡!"




"Your cum is richer and stronger ♡!"




"You know how to use my body like a dumb little slut ♡!"




"And getting fucked by you… ♡! Is actually… ♡! Fuuuuuuuuun ♡♡♡!!!"








Pyrrha lost it, stimulated by her own words.




Or was it that Jaune started driving his hips so frantically that she had no choice but to lose it due to simple excessive euphoria?


"NghoooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH ♡♡♡!!!"


Whichever the answer was, there was little difference. Pyrrha stopped talking because she was too busy wailing her sanity away, soon turning red from an inability to breathe. There was simply no time to do it when every muscle in her fit body was spent pushing out howl after howl.


"Ooooooooooooooooooh ♡… Guuuuuuuuuuuuuh ♡…" A few seconds later, her psychotic wailing subsided, replaced by lifeless, pitiful groaning. Once more, her face stiffened up, with one eye half-closed and her tongue slightly dangled out of her partially-open mouth.


"Ghhh…! Khhhh…!" Jaune started ejaculating again. The pleasure for him was so intense that he let go of Pyrrha's ponytail – letting her head land face-first on the table – and sank his fingers into her waist for support. "Fuck…! She keeps doing this to me…! Your girlfriend tightens up too much, Cardin…! She's trying to kill my dick right when it's the most sensitive…! Shit, shit, shit…! Fuck…!"


Jaune's supposed suffering hardly made Cardin feel any better. In the end, he WAS dumping a MASSIVE load of cum inside Pyrrha. Even with her torso fully resting on the table, it was possible to see her abs growing into a small cum belly as she lifelessly drooled all over herself. "Uuuuuuuuughh ♡… Nghhhhhhhhh ♡…"


'She's… Done-'


"I love it ♡… Uuuuuuuuugh ♡…"




"More ♡… Guuuuuuh ♡… Shoot ♡… More ♡… Uuuuuuugh ♡… Fuck me ♡… More ♡… Oooooooh ♡… I love you ♡…" Somehow, weak as she was, she still found the power to say horrible, horrible things.


"Fuck yeah, I will…!" Jaune pulled on her ponytail once again, finished dumping his semen in her womb. "But what's Cardiny-boy gonna think when you declare your love for me like that?! Hm?! Don't you love him?!"


"…Uuuuuugh ♡… Nghhhhhhh ♡…" Pyrrha did not answer his question.


For that, she was unable to find any energy.


"…Fuck me more ♡… Oooooooooh ♡…" …But for other things, she had plenty left.


And so…


"MNGHHHHUUUUUUUH ♡♡♡!!!" …Her request was acquiesced.




An undetermined amount of time later…


"Oooooooooh ♡! Nghoooooooh ♡! Uuuuuuuuungh ♡!" Pyrrha was being ravaged in a merciless mating press.


"Nghuuuuuuuh ♡! Uuuuuuuungh ♡! Mnghuuuuuuh ♡!" Jaune ruthlessly crushed her body and soft tits against his muscular, sweaty torso, SLAMMING his hips at full force into her cum-packed womb.


"Nghooooooooh ♡! Mnghooooooooh ♡! Ghnnnnnnnn ♡!" For the longest time, Cardin had lost the ability to see her face; It was out of view, buried into Jaune's veiny, muscular neck.


"Mnghuuuuuuuh ♡! Hoooooooooh ♡! Nghhhhhhhh ♡!" Their bodies mashed together in frenzied mating, with each impact driven by Jaune's strong lower body resulting in LOUD sounds of wet collision and squelching.


Cardin had truly disappeared from existence.


…Yet Jaune still glanced at him every now and then to marvel at his misery.


Pyrrha, on the other hand…


"Hoooooooh ♡! Nghooooooh ♡! Uuuuuuuuungh ♡!" …Never looked his way.


She had other priorities.






An undetermined amount of time later…


"Hoooooooooh ♡! I love iiiiiit ♡! I'm cummiiiiiiiing ♡! Nghoooooooooooooh ♡!" Pyrrha was taken onto Jaune's arms, now fucked while being carried by his large body with her legs crossed around his waist; The sort of sex position Cardin did not have the strength to carry out, but Jaune did.


"Nhguuuuuuuh ♡! Thank yoooou ♡! For showing my pussyyyyy ♡! How to cum real gooooood ♡! Mnghooooooooh ♡!" She had begun uttering senseless dirty talk after Jaune ordered her with dozens of rough slaps to the ass, making it so there was more red than wide across her expansive, round butt.


"Oooooooooooh ♡! I'm so happyyyyyyy ♡! Getting bred by yooooooou ♡! Nghuuuuuuuuuuuh ♡!" Their sweaty bodies hugged together tightly; Copious volumes of sex juices leaked down the small gaps between their lower bodies whenever Jaune did a particularly long and deep piston, resulting in cum and pussy juice leaking onto the floor, adding to the puddle building up from earlier.


"Uuuuuuuuuungh ♡! I'm a cumhoooole ♡! For your big, fat coooooock ♡! That's all my fit body is good fooooor ♡! Getting fucked by yooooou ♡! Ooooooooooooh ♡!" Even so, Pyrrha had long since stopped squirting.


She had orgasmed far too much already, thoroughly dehydrated. Her body reached a level of muscular definition that would require dangerous levels of low body fat to be naturally achievable.


Without a doubt, if Jaune stopped for even a minute, she would collapse.


"Squeeze up! I'm about to nut again!"




As long as Jaune's penis continued to drive in and out of her, Pyrrha would continue to draw energy from a bottomless well deep in her broken mind and body.








An undetermined amount of time later…


Alas, a twist happened.


A grand twist.


Not something as silly as Pyrrha suddenly remembering her feelings for Cardin, or even acknowledging his presence.




"Ghhn ♡… Nghh ♡… Mngh ♡…" …It turned out that the well deep in her broken mind and body was not bottomless. It had a rock-bottom, unlike Cardin's hell.


Was that a positive thing?




"Nghh ♡… Mngh ♡… Ughn ♡…" Did it feel good to see his girlfriend present virtually no reaction to Jaune's FEROCIOUS, ENDLESS pounding?






"Ughn ♡… Nghh ♡… Ghnn ♡…" Did it feel good to see her present virtually no reaction to Jaune's sadistic strikes to her ass?






"Ghnn ♡… Mngh ♡… Ungh ♡…" Did it feel good to see her present virtually no reaction to receiving the dozenth load against her cum-stuffed, cum-leaking uterus?




None of it felt good.


Did that mean there would be any pause?








The answer was obvious.


By that point, Cardin had DEFINITIVELY understood there was always a lower floor to a lower hell. That descension would not be stopping anytime soon, if ever.


"Nghh ♡… Ghnn ♡… Mngh ♡…" Much like Pyrrha's squirt-less, dehydrated, involuntary orgasms.




"Whoooooh! That was great! Right, Pyrrha?"




"Ghh ♡…"


"Pyrrha? Aren't you going to let me know if that was great?"




"Ugh ♡…"


"Ah, well, my balls sure are empty, so I think it was great. But let's just make sure she's fine first, right, Cardin?" Jaune hovered his hand by Pyrrha's swollen, gaped-out, cum-coated pussy lips.




"NGH ♡…"


"See? She's fine. You can deal with her. I'm going to take a shower and relax. Might fuck her some more during dawn, not sure yet. She made me nut more than ever before, so I don't know if I can even go more before sleeping! Isn't your girl just awesome, Cardiny-boy? You should thank me for giving you two another break."


"…" Cardin did not look Jaune's way, doing his best to remain as mentally 'checked-out' as possible. His empty eyes stared at nowhere in particular.


"You won't answer, Cardiny-boy?"




"I guess I'll just have to insist until you're ready to give me an answer!" Jaune grinned, moved his hand to her pussy again, and…




"NGH ♡…"




"UGH ♡…"




"NGH ♡…"




"GHH ♡…"




"MNGH ♡…"




"Thank you for the break…" Cardin mumbled.


"What was that?"


"Thank you… For the break… So you can stop…"


"Good boy."




"NGHH ♡…" Jaune launched one last strike against Pyrrha's sensitive vaginal lips before finally leaving the room to go shower.


And then…







"Ghh ♡…" Other than Pyrrha's random, involuntary, unconscious grumbles. She was lying face-first on the table, still bent over as if in position to another pounding – perhaps that was her unconscious intention, unable to think or act rationally after having orgasmed dozens of times and been stuffed with so much semen. Her midsection was no longer a small cum belly thanks to how gaped her vagina was; Semen leaked out at a rapid pace. Still, her skin was coated in a RICH layer of sweat, and her hair was horribly oily and messy. Even now, she twitched irregularly.



Cardin finally got the break he so very desired.



It felt even worse.