In first door , this studio has some great pictures of Henry Li.
- Super graphics. – Thomas murmurs.
For thirty minutes, he stays alone with his paintings. And the painter appears in background scene.
-Hello ,Tomas.
- Hello, is said Thomas not Tomas. But whatever, just call me Tom.
- Woah , okay Tom as you said. I am here and full with energy for hearing you and your project. Sorry for the delay. But I am the only one person who works here for the moment. First of all, I paint and write in the newspaper of the University where you are now. So what is your idea?
- Thank you for presentation. As a young student , I want to paint an artwork like you for one piece called " Romeo and Juliet". I have some amazing schemes as how I want it to end. I want a beautiful background , totally floral and a balcony between them.
- Okay , I understand your idea but if you can write it down now for me. It will be better to take some papers and pencils.
Thomas waits for Henry to give paper and pencil. He comes back two times because two of pencils have to be more sharper. Okay ,it is a little worried experience for two of us.
- Done job , Henry.
- Amazing drawing which tells a lot about love and caring about your partner.
- I will start working from now. Because this sketch is very difficult in every detail from characters to flowers.
- I am going to help you but tomorrow. Because today I have to go.
Thomas thanks again the painter and rapidly leaves the studio. He checks the phone after a long time. And the mom is not worried for the first time.
He takes the road with bus at grocery near home. Entering the store, he takes all the things needed. Going to the supermarket checkout, watches a person that enters the mall fast. He was a thief and a pistol is headed to the cashier. Letting things is the best decision. Running as far as he can through a door that is named with bold red fonts EXIT. The police is outside. One policewoman goes with him at one car. Very kind form her besides he was tired enough form all of this. Chatting with the police, she decides to tell her name. Jasmine. A friend of Miguel that he met at University.
- From the profile you look like a professor.
- Yes I will think about this. You are not only one that said this thing to me today.
- What's your name ?
- Thomas but I use just Tom.
- Are you injured around any part of body ?
- No , I feel so terrible bad around this place. This day has not an end with problems. How much time will take my report ?
- Not more than five minutes.
- I will make it easy for you.
- Thank you.
In this moment mother of Tom shows up and takes him from scene. Normally the policewoman understands her and leaves with a little report the robbery in the grocery.
- See you around ,Tom.
- Yes, Jasmine.
Coming home mom did not speak any word for this. She is just praying on her own for her child that God saved.
- Home sweet home !
- Yes , son.
In the opening of house they put the shoes off. The dad is reading a book in the sofa. Standing up at door for hearing what happened with them. Too much tired from the day, all members of family set the table. Perfect for a safe returning at house. After dinner , everyone go in their rooms. Except mom that washes dishes and stabilizes the dining room. Walking to his room, Thomas looks for messages and SMS from friends and other relationships. Door is locked. After some minutes of strolling in phone , puts the key into it. Undressing himself , he is pretty bored from all of day. But he hopes that tomorrow will be better. Extends in bed and puts off the blue lamb.
- Goodmorning ,life! Another day alive.- these are some normal phrases for opening the day. Wearing his pajamas , he goes down to first floor. Greets his family and starts the breakfast with some orange juice and french fries potatoes.
- One meeting and I will be paid for my job this month. – said the father.
- Oh , you are always right ! – his mother continues.
Thomas ends the breakfast and back to his room for clothing. Coming out in twenty minutes ,you see a guy wearing casual shirt and pants. Mother takes the car and together in road to University. Driving a car is difficult sometimes because of struggles that you get in street. Such as brawls with police, traffic and the most disappointing thing, route fines. She is a careful driver so anything on the way happen to her. So finally ready for lesson. Today is the graphics day. On time for catching literature , he easily moves from the garden of University to class. Sits down on his favorite chair and talks with Rosalinda about painting for Romeo and Juliet. He lingers on contours and colors beside the factual characters. The young teacher enters in class. She is so beautiful and for the mind of Thomas, is a perfect match for a good evening. In a black skirt and a well ironed shirt, she is catching eyes of some students now.
Teacher adds and some other graphics in blackboard. Thomas is lost already. Focused completely in her hips and thighs. For my opinion this will be his favorite hour because she is so gorgeous. And the lesson in book because of day dreaming in his mind. After class he is going at painter. His face is flushed with excitement. While thinking about today, he inspires to paint more hard than yesterday. Takes the bus and after one hour , at painter. Clock is ticking tics and toes and his heartbeat is raising since the first time for the teacher.
- Hello, Henry.
- Hi , Tom.
- Can we start with the painting?
- So rapid today , what falls out there ?
- A short story about an obsession with someone.
- Oww , somebody is lost on you. Does she kiss well ?
- Hahaha , great question. Let's start from work now.
The painting is three feet in width and five feet in height. In center has two persons Romeo and Juliet. Totally with flowers and a balcony between them. It speaks the romance of millions. Thomas starts and after two hours of contouring and coloring in persons , he looks more relaxed. In details he did so much work. Starting with Romeo , his hair and hands flop in a large background and the focus at them. Filling with oil paints and a very fixed black pencil stays in spook of hands. And Juliet, our lovely girl. Her face and dress are on same segment with Romeo's clothing. He applies at shades and coloration of many colors in design. But there is yet to do. Henry stands again more than Thomas working on tabloid. Because this is his work ,his studio and off course his passion. Resting a bit off , Henry tells Thomas about his histories in love. So many one night stands and one well marriage for ten years. After this he has a son that now is enough big to start a new life as a well grown child. And in other side we see Tom , totally centered in his new teacher. Happy for the frequency at asking questions and getting answers in lesson. She is too much superb inside and outside. But staying all day in thinking about her hips , he will make something special.Many hours of work they are tired. Flying in elements of tabloid that Henry and Thomas made together as part of a squad. And three hours are needed probably. It goes very late for Thomas but the painter will send him home thus fire. Drawing new lines and strings look like a continuous line. Very important to rest the paintbrush through some large combination of colors. At 14 pm they have a lunch break at Domino's pizza store. A little fun and tasteful pizzas. Back to studio for finishing the painting Thomas meets Luna.
- Hi ,Luna.
- Hi, Tom.
- Why are you here? oh, Mister Henry. What a delicious pizza ! What are you doing ?
- We are enjoying a lunch and beyond some work with my pictorial tabloid.
- Completely agree with this.
- A happy lunch time !
Shortly later they move to Henry 's studio. Three hours just filling the empty spaces and comparing darkness caused by shelter from direct sunlight. Many pencils are used now , around thirty two at moment. When it comes to texture , the work has it all. They combines some of blue , black and red in so many tones without interrupting them. During this time Henry finds out a new way of pouring out the hands and faces for more luminous arc. So it is done. After all extra long work they drink a coffee and Thomas pays off the painter.
- For the painting and driving home.
- No just the tabloid , the driving is gratis.
- Thank you , I appreciate this.
- Come on , take your things and drive home because it will be late for other works.
Arrives and thanks again Henry. He takes the road at the door. The painting is more heavy than he thinks.