
Jamie filled out the information required then left with Spek on his shoulder. After the two left Fowler hurried to look at some photos of Carlos's crime scene. He remembered something the CSI told him about the death. It was so specific it could not be forgotten. Finally, the photo was sound, it had the entry and exit wounds with another odd addition. A feather.

The bird on Jamie's shoulder was possibly the same size as the entry and exit wounds. As for the feather, it was the same shade as the hummingbird. The evidence might be slim but he was certain that Jamie was the one to have killed Carlos. 


He closed his office door, took his cell phone out and made a call. "What is it, Fowler?" The voice answered with slight annoyance in his voice.

"Hello sir, I have come across someone and request the use of your database." Fowler, contrary to his usual self, was quite polite and almost submissive.