
"FUCK!" He screamed before hurriedly lifting Ria whose pulse was fastly dissipating. Ten minutes later he watched from a distance as the paramedic worked.

"What the hell happened to this guy?!" Questioned the emergency medical responders. What remained of Ria's hands could not be described as human.

"Well, one thing is for sure he certainly is lucky someone called us when they did and continuously performed CPR or he would be a dead man. Let's get him to the E.R. stat. Maybe they can save some parts of his arm."

The ambulance left in a hurry with Ria in its back. Shaun wasn't too worried about Ria going to the cops. If he did, the one name Hako and the other individual would be persons of interest in the murder of Old Fox. The case would be reopened and a new investigation unfold. Something about his interrogation of Ria Stuck out. He had spoke about the anonymous individual there was fear in Ria's voice.