The old man and the cute child of the dream

The wives were crying as some disaster had occurred. After seeing that the king had woken up, they were dancing like they had won a lottery. The kingdom was beheaded ten rabbits for a party for the king. The plan of the princesses was going wrong, they don't know what to do. Suddenly they all find out that after the king woke up, the ring given by the couple was gone missing. The king was amazed by the ring, so he told twenty guards to find the ring and told them that, the one to find the ring would be given a prize.

The guards were searching for the ring except for one guard. The one guard goes to a witch's hut nearby the palace and tells her to make a similar ring. The witch finds out that the ring wasn't a real ring, the ring was designed to disappear after a certain time.

The witch enchants some words and makes a similar-looking ring that wasn't designed to disappear after a certain time. The guard was very happy to receive the ring from the witch. The guard quickly goes to the palace and gives the ring to the king. The king was very happy but he came to think that the guard had stolen it and now giving it back for the prize. the king asked(suspiciously)," Where did you find the ring". The guard uncomfortably says," My lord, I found it in your bedroom's blanket corner where you had rested." The king raise his voice and said, Really? The guard was swelling, he said: "y...y...yes my lord". The king takes the ring from the guard and gives him a bucket full of meat.