The major things we packed were my cute pajamas (I made sure I packed plenty of them) some party dresses, some gowns, trousers, skirts, blouses and tops. Then I carried some shoes, slippers, flip flops and my cosmetic products. After three days of packing, I was finally ready, and lastly, I packed some extra snacks. I laid on my bed, it's been three days and I haven't called Blaze (my best friend) about my departure to the RA so I decided to give him a call, his line rang for a very long time before he answered "Cherry, how are you?"

"I'm fine Blaze, how are you?"

"I'm good"

"Em, Blaze I need to tell you something"

"Wait, I'll tell you mine first" he sounded excited


"I'm going to the RA" I couldn't believe it and I thought I was the guilty one.

"Wow!! Me too"

"Cherry see what's going to happen, I'll come to your house and we'll go together"

"That's a good one, see you then"

"Alright bye"


I wasn't really happy that Blaze didn't tell me he too was going to the RA, "if I didn't call him, he wouldn't have told me, I'll clear things with him when he comes."

"Mi-cha...." mom yelled from downstairs "I'm going out, care to join?"


"What sort of question is that?" I muttered. "She should know I really wanted to go out but anyways." My outfit wasn't that bad so I just grabbed my jacket and my second flip-flops and headed downstairs to meet her.

"Mom, where are we going to?"

"We're going to the supermarket, so that I can buy some food stuff and prepare something nice for your dad".

We went to our supermarket. Over the years mom created a market section in her supermarket where different countries food stuffs were sold. We spent a lot more time at the supermarket than we planned, we came back by 4:00pm and dad usually comes back from work by 6:00pm.

When it comes to cooking, mom and I enjoy cooking our dishes by ourselves. It's been my mom and I in the kitchen since I was five. Most times dad would want to be romantic and help her in the kitchen but apart from those times, it's been just us two. We started cooking immediately, after two hours dad came back.

"Sweetie…."dad called out.

"Cherry….What smells so good?"

I checked the time and it was six minutes past 6pm."I can't believe how quickly time flies by" I thought. "Luckily for us we've prepared the main meal and all that's left is the dessert."

"Cherry I'll go and greet him and try to delay him a bit, is it possible that you can finish with the dessert on your own?"

"No problem, I'll just put the cake batter in the oven and ice-cream in the machine".

"Then when you're done, you set the table"

"Alright, now go…."

After five minutes I brought out the dishes and set them on the table.

Then I sat down "Hey dad"

"What's all this?" he said as his eyes couldn't move away from the dishes on the table. Mom decided to do the talking "Since Cherry will be going soon, I've decided that I will be preparing everybody's favorite dishes till the tenth of August, so today we made your barbecued ribs, baked potato and cheese with a side of stir-fried broccoli. Then your dessert is also your favorite, blueberry cupcake with strawberry flavored ice-cream.

"But where are the dessert?" dad asked

"They are in the kitchen; they still need some time to be ready." After that night, it felt like the days were running faster, dad took me out as promised, for my mom and me, dinner days came and went.

Finally the dreaded August 10 came...

Blaze, Hugo (Blaze's younger brother) and his parents came to the house at exactly 7:00am. Blaze and I have been friends since we were kids and my parents have always supported them financially. Hugo is seven but he calls me his girlfriend and he's pretty serious about the relationship. Hugo helped me carry my luggage from my room to the car, Blaze just stood by the car smiling stupidly, I'm still angry with him that's why his smile wasn't pleasing me.

I started putting my luggage in the car boot and at the same time avoiding any physical contact with Blaze.

"Hugo, please pass me that mini bag over there"

"Yes my love, do you know you look like Juliet, let me sing a song for you, and the song goes like this; I've noticed today that you've not talked to my brother which means your feelings for me is growing stronger and for him lesser, my charm is strong, my abs are sexy, I'm too handsome for you…..".

I couldn't hold it; I just started laughing "Who's teaching you all these things".

"I'll learn anything for you my love."

"Silly boy"

Blaze came closer to me "Should I help you with that?" I kept a straight face and didn't answer him, he called my name again "Don't worry I can handle it myself". He held my left arm "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean what's wrong? Nothing is wrong."

"Stop pretending Cherry I know you too well."

I turned to face him "Why didn't you tell me you were going to the RA?"

"I told you."

"If I didn't call you, you wouldn't have told me."

"I wanted it to be a surprise like when you'll see me in the agency you'll run and hug me and be..."

"What if I didn't pass the test?"

"I knew you will pass, you're the smartest person I know, You've won in every competition you've participated in, but me on the other hand, none, so me passing the test it's like, the biggest achievement of my life and I wanted it to be a surprise for the first time we were going to do something spectacular together, I was too excited I had to tell you that time that you called, I didn't know it was a bad idea, I'm sorry."

Hearing his sad tone, I felt so bad for getting mad at him "No, I'm sorry, I overreacted."

"So, you're no longer angry with me?"


Hugo started jumping and hitting his feet on the ground like an angry child "Damn it, damn it, why do you always have to take her away from me, Blaze?"

I held his jaw "No one will ever take me away from you." He blushed so hard he ran behind the car so that no one will see him.

"Alright, it's time to go now" Blaze dad said. Our parents have been inside the house for thirty minutes discussing things they didn't want us to hear.

I entered the car, dad decided to drive this time with mom in the passenger's seat. In five minutes we were on the high way.

"Baby girl, there's something you need to know; the government has shut down all travelling boarders".

"So how are we going to get there?"

"Since the president knows me and knows about the test that both of you took, he gave us permission to use a private boarder by the seashore"

"But what about the other Korean students that wrote the test and passed?"

"You and Blaze are the only Korean students that passed, the MG's are moving faster with each passing day, Mr. and Mrs. Songs (Blaze parents) will come to stay with us in our underground house till everything is over.

"Cherry, this mission you're going for it's really dangerous, we believe in you but we also don't want anything to happen to you, if you don't want to go I'll turn this car around right now and we'll go back home".

"No dad I want to do this, I didn't take that test for nothing, someone has to stop them, don't worry nothing will happen to Blaze and I"

"Well, alright girl, let's get to that seaport" he increased his speed.

The journey to the seaport took three hours; as soon as we got there three men came and stood by the right side of the car and another three at Blazes' car. Dad came down.

"Good day gentlemen, any problem?"

An average Korean man who looked like he's in his 50ths answered "Good day Mr. Kim, I mean Sir, it's a pleasure meeting you in person, I'm Mr. Lee, my men and I have been assigned to help you load into the submarine.


"Yes Sir, it's too dangerous to use any ship".

"Wow this is serious. Alright" he opens the boot for them; the men quickly started loading the luggage into the submarine, in five minutes they were through with every single luggage in both cars.

"Ok Sir, it's time to go now"

I came down from the car, dad held my shoulder "be a good girl Cherry"

But Mr. Lee interrupted "Sir, you'll have to go with them, you'll see off your daughter when you get to the RA".

"So, you mean my wife and I can accompany her to china"

"Yes, Sir it's a must to ensure a safe departure of your child"

"Alright! Let's be on our way"

Hugo quickly held my hand, raised his right eyebrow "We'll sit together my love". Blaze and I laughed and entered the submarine.