Training Begins


We woke up on a fine mowed field in the middle of nowhere, our duffel bags were scattered everywhere on the field. At a distance about 200metres away is a duplex, the exterior design of the house is splendid, surrounding the field were five huge concrete walls joined together, they were like 15 feet tall covering the sun.

"What happened? How did we get here?" Bloom asked

"I have no idea." I answered

I checked my watch 4:00pm "Whoa, Look how much time has passed"

Shaurya went to touch the wall behind us "where's the gate"

I looked around "There is no gate."

Everyone started murmuring, I didn't have anything to murmur about, I was trying to process everything, the last thing I remember was sleeping. Maybe some people did not sleep.

"Hey!! Hey!!!!" I got everyone's attention

"Who didn't take a nap" no one answered

"So everyone took a nap?"

"I guess so" Bloom said

"I can't believe this; we all slept so deep we don't know how we got here"

"Students!!! You're in our test world" a voice from the sky said

Andrew pulled Skye's clothe "it's God, it's God!!!!!" he screamed

"Everyone bow down" and so we bowed down yielding to Andrew's instruction, I was totally confused.

He continued "forgive us God, for we have sinned against you, please forgive us and show us a way out of here, everyone say amen"

We chorused "Amen"

"It's not God sillies, it's me Lady Jane"

"Lady Jane?" Andrew said "did you die or something?"

"I'm not dead but I can see all of you"

I stepped forward "Lady Jane, What's going on?"

"We could not give you guys the scheduled training needed to destroy the MG'S, so we made a test, a life test that comprises of every aspect of your training".

"Ma'am, I don't understand" Tania said

Let me explain better "your one month of training is being compressed in this test"

Tania started laughing "So how's the test going to be".

"Every obstacle you see was created by us, in fact everything around you are created by us"

Tasha pushed herself out to stand with me "When you mean us, you and who"

"Me and other RA workers that you haven't met."

Tasha continued "So the test is it just one day thing"?

"No, it's for seven days."

"What are we going to be doing here for seven days?" Tasha exclaimed

"Okay, let me tell you," You are to find your way out of there on the seventh day, we've created an exact replicate of the PIERCERS, each night by 6:00pm they'll come out to roam in the pathways of mayhem, then by 6:00am they'll go back to where they came from".

"I didn't sign up for this" Charles said "Are we going to be given special powers?"

"No you'll not be given any special powers or anything, you're just yourself. Anything that happens there to you will really hurt"

"What do you mean?" Charles asked

"If you get pierced or eaten by a PIERCER you will really die, if you hit your leg on a stone, it will really hurt. Let me round this up, whenever the walls goes down in the morning, you guys are to go into the pathways of mayhem and find your way out of here before 6pm in the evening when the PIERCERS come out, everything you need is inside that house; food, weapons, gadgets, electronics, everything and perhaps if a matter arises and you need something that is not in the house, write it in a letter and put it in that mailbox," describing where the mailbox was. The mailbox was really huge, "It will automatically send the letter to us up here, and we'll automatically send it back to you through the mailbox.

Any questions?"

"Yes" I said "Where are these pathways of mayhem?... I don't see them"

"They are behind these walls, five of them, when the walls sink into the ground, you'll see them, any other question"

We started looking at ourselves, she has really explained everything.

"If there are no questions then good day and good luck" then she was gone, we didn't hear her voice again

Bloom carried her bag ..."Well I guess we should go into the house, it's our only option" Every one of us followed her steps and went into the house.


The interior of the house was exclusively fabulous

"Wow, this house is amazing" Rose said

"Yeah" Drake replied

I decided to look around, downstairs there was a big kitchen, a medical room, two empty sitting rooms, a gadgets/weapons room, I climbed upstairs, it had five bedrooms. On the door of the each room were written the name of each team. I entered the room for my team, I settled down on one of the beds, when I looked outside the window, it was like a different world.

"Where is this place?" I asked myself

"Cherry!!!" Bloom called my name from downstairs, I went down to meet her.

"You hungry? I wanna make hotpot"

"Yes of course."

"Okay" then she turned to face everyone and screamed "Who wants to eat hotpot" and I'm like "this girl is crazy"

Of course everyone wanted to eat hotpot, the famous hotpot, Joy, Pragya and Lovelin volunteered to help her out. Skye helped her carry her bag upstairs, and I went back upstairs to rest.

In twenty minutes the food was ready, everyone ate downstairs, then we used that medium to get to know each other, Skye only answered the boys; he didn't pay attention to any of the girls. I decided to ask a question, "how is it possible that we were dropped here and no one knew?"

"That's because we slept off" Stacey replied.

"Do you normally sleep this deep?"


"Then don't you think something odd happened, because I don't sleep deep too, the slightest noise can wake me up but this time I didn't hear a single thing"

"You're making a point Cherry" Justin said

"Did any of you hear or see anything?" everyone said no

"Then by tomorrow we'll work this out, but for now let's enjoy this meal it's really delicious" he said humorously

We laughed then got back to our meal, we laughed and talked about our parents old-fashioned ways and other interesting stuffs.

We ended the day blissfully, and then retired to bed by 10:00pm.



They got up very early the next morning remembering what Lady Jane said about the walls and the pathways, they had their baths but didn't eat breakfast. There were backpacks for them in the gadget room so they each packed sandwiches, water and other things that they wanted. By 5:50am they stood in the fields, each team in front of a wall waiting for them to go down, counting the seconds, actually it was Jeremy that was counting the seconds. Finally, Jeremy's watch alarm started beeping "it's six o'clock".

The ground started shaking, they could hear grinding sounds coming from under the ground, the walls started going inside the ground, they could see the sun again, behind the five great walls were the pathways of mayhem, each pathway is structured differently in form of letters, the fences of the pathways were very tall and inside each pathway there is a dangerous obstacle. cherry decided to give the farewell speech "OK, guys this is it, there are five pathways, and we're five teams, each team will take a different pathway, remember to look for clues that'll help us get out of here, lets ensure that we get back before 6 pm, the Lord be with us". And they all chorused "Amen".

Flying eagles took the pathway structured like an F.

Sharp shooters took the pathway structured like an R.

Wonder heroes took the pathway structured like an S.

Galaxy warriors took the pathway structured like an E.

Strong fighters took the pathway structured like an A.

The obstacle of the pathways were very unique they later came to know that during their training.

Pathway F is filled with red soldier ants.

Pathway R is filled with poisonous scorpions.

Pathway S is filled with Bee hives.

Pathway E is filled with bull snakes.

Pathway A is filled with Black widow spiders.

None of the students knew what awaited them, Lady Jane didn't tell them why they were called the pathways of mayhem.