pathways of mayhem 2



"Stop skipping Justin, you could hit your foot on a stone or something worse" Pragya scolded

"Come on stop being a grandma"

"A grandma?! Don't say I didn't warn you,"

It took less than an hour before Justin regretted not taking Pragya's advice "guys I think I stepped on something" he said

"And what could that be" Pragya asked

"It's a stone"

"Oh this isn't good" Lovelin frighteningly said "it's like all this movies, when you step on a stone or something, you open a trap door, I think there is a trap somewhere please keep your eyes opened"

Charles held her right shoulder "see Lovelin, that's why there's a difference between reality and movies, this is reality, look around no cameras"

"No, I'm serious, I think there are trap doors." the walls beside them started opening. Bull snakes started coming out from the trap doors

"Snakes!!! snakes!!!!!!, let's get out of here run!!!!", Justin screamed it didn't take time they left that place immediately.


"Oh shit, we've been walking for hours but we haven't seen anything, the sun is heating on my precious skin and I'm so damn tired" Joy complained

"Come on Joy, stop being such a drama queen" Jayden said

She looked at Jayden "Will you carry me if I faint here, mm?, mm?"

"But she's right" Ferdinand supported "we've been walking for hours don't you think we need a break, like we didn't eat breakfast"

Jayden finally agreed because he too was also tired, but he said only on one condition "If we can convince Tasha to rest too because she's the only one who doesn't look tired and ready to stop"

"Really, do we have to" Joy said

"Yes we all have to stick together; we're a team you know".

"Alright then, let's go"

They ran after her "Tasha wait!!! Stop!!!!" she was really far away.

"Tasha!!!!!!!!" finally she hears her name then she stops and shouts back "Did you guys find anything?!!!!!!"

"No" Jayden replies, but wait for us, she waited for them, as soon as they got to her, she asks "What happened?"

"Nothing, we just wanted to tell you we are taking a break and if you cared to join" Jayden said

"Okay, I'll take a break but first let me just go around this corner and check if I'll see the end of this pathway, it doesn't mean I'll go without you guys"

"Okay," Ferdinand said as they relaxed on the ground, then Tasha left.

"Yum this sandwich is really tasty" joy said

"Yeah," Ferdinand said with a sigh of satisfaction.

Ferdinand looked at the wall behind him "Hey, this particular block has the symbol of an A", then he stretched his hand to touch it.

"I don't think you should touch that" Jayden told him but he didn't listen he touched it anyways and the block moved inside, they looked around to see if anything would happen but nothing happened.

"You see, nothing happened, you are just scared like my grandpa". Jayden didn't say anything.

"I wonder where Tasha is, like she's been gone for a while" Joy said

Then Tasha came running and screaming "Run!! Run!!! Spiders!!! Spiders!!!", they packed their snacks and starting running with her.

"Tasha wait, what spiders?" Joy asked

"Look behind you" as they looked behind them millions of spiders were chasing them, Ferdinand much to their surprise, started running faster than every other person, he started saying "I don't want to die, I don't want to die" Jayden looked back again "Wait those are black widows, they are all black widows"

"I know" Tasha said, "That's why I told you guys to start running"

"But where did they come from?" Joy asked

"I'll explain everything to you when we get back, for now let's run".

As they were running Joy who was at the back fell "Guys help!!!",the others went back to help her, they were able to outrun the spiders but one got into Joy's bag pack unknown to her. The spiders suddenly stopped chasing them, but they kept on running until they were really far away.

"Wait, wait I need to rest I haven't run this much in my entire life" Joy said as she stopped".

"Yeah, me too" Ferdinand said while holding his waist

"Ouch!!" Joy screamed as she flung the spider off her hand.

She jumped up and started screaming "I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, it bit me, the spider bit me"

"Calm down Joy" Jayden said "Let's get you to the house".

Tasha held her to try and calm her down, so they headed back to the house.


Rose had sharp ears, she could hear the buzzing sound of bees, she told her teammates but they didn't listen.

"Are you scared of bees, Rose?" Tania asked her

"I'm scared of them and I'm allergic to them, a sting can make me go unconscious"

"What did we expect you're a girl" Abdul said, and then he and Shaurya started laughing.

They got to a place where they needed to make a right turn.

"You know what, you guys can go, I'll just stand here and wait, if there are no bees then you can tell me"

"I think Rose needs her mommy" Shaurya said and they started laughing again.

"I'll stay with her" Tania said, you guys can go since you're so strong and fearless.

"What did we expect, birds of the same feather flocks together" Abdul said another dry joke that got them laughing again.

Rose held Tania's hand "Tania I think we should move back, I'm badly allergic to bees and I'm 100% sure, there are bees there"

"Okay" Tania said

They moved 10 feet away, while the boys took the turn they waited for five minutes and the boys still haven't told them to come, they could still here their voice saying "Come and try me, take that"

"What" Tania asked looking perplexed

Rose started hearing the bees sound clearer "I think I know what they are doing, they are …"

"Run!!!" Abdul shouted, he and Shaurya came out with the bees chasing them.

"Ouch, ouch," both of them screamed as they ran behind Rose and Tania with the bees stinging them.

"Bees, bees, bees, they are right behind me" Rose said as she ran looking frightened "That's it, I'm going to die today" she started crying.

Tania held her hand "Don't cry, nothing will happen to you". They ran nonstop until they got to the beginning of the pathway, they started screaming "Bees, bees, luckily Jeremy heard them and quickly mixed water and vinegar in a spray bottle and threw it at Tasha, Tasha threw it to Abdul and he used It to spray around Shaurya and him, the bees died. Tasha looked at Jeremy "Nice save dude."

"Anytime" he replied

She turned to Rose "Rose we did it", but something was wrong with Rose, then Tasha saw a bee fly away from Roses' neck "she's been stung". Rose fell on the ground and nothing they did could wake her up, she wasn't dead though but she could not wake up and so many of them were injured.

The students that were okay tried their best to attend to their injured friends. Stacey made dinner, for the first time in her life, using a manual though, she felt sorry for others, most of them could not even walk properly to their beds. Their night sleep was really rusty, while some could not sleep at all.