Back to the Academy City

The lava pillar cooled instantly and the hag's fingers slowly came to a stop. Abby waved her hand and the small fires instantly died down. Carter looked behind him at Lee Seng and then back at the pillar hag.

"I thought there wasn't supposed to be anything this dangerous in the forest." Carter looked at Abby.

"This sector is filled with E's, D's, a couple C's, and a very small amount of B ranks. A hag wouldn't make sense to show up... like this." Abby explained. She tapped her wrist watch and a floating screen appeared. She tapped away and then motioned Carter to come over. Lee Seng's curiosity pulled him towards the two and he peeked in-between them to see what they were looking at.

"There are no records of an A-rank monster even being registered in this sector." Carter read. "Either something progressed naturally within the forest or..."