A Pair of Foxes

The medical staff members fled the arena shortly after Olivia left. Lee Seng watched Olivia be quickly wheeled out towards the hospital wing. He sighed as he scanned for his bow. He wandered over to where Jason stood and found his bow knocked away from where he originally stood before Jason punched him.

The scene replayed in his head. Olivia was barraged with four fireballs. Two of them were used to create impaired vision while the other two where directly aimed at her. Jason may have fought aggressively and for revenge, but he wasn't stupid. Jae, on the other hand, didn't try as hard. Lee Seng never understood why the brothers looked identical yet acted the opposite of each other.

Lee Seng sighed as he reached for the bow. The last thing that replayed in his head was Jason's sudden teleportation. Jason couldn't have literally disappeared from the opposite of the arena and appear right next to him.