Team 2 vs Team 99

Lee Seng turned into the gym hallway. He exited out of the phone app and slipped the phone back into his pocket. He glanced around. Most of the exam takers seemed to be inside, watching the fights. He went inside to Gymnasium A. He could hear the loud roar of the exam takers.

'Is something going on?' Lee Seng wondered. He pushed through a large group of people and popped out in front. Lee Seng looked at his watch. They had an hour before their next match. He glanced at the team numbers above and noticed everyone was watching Team 2 vs Team 99.

Lee Seng watched as the timer counted down to 12 minutes 54 seconds. Team 2 had two familiar guys. Lee Seng squinted his eyes together and realized that they were Ritsuka and Evan.

'Oh, damn. They paired up?' Lee Seng thought. 'I wonder what their abilities are.'