Police & Boba

"Hello, Alice's Boba Shop. It's Tiffany, what can I do for you today?" Tiffany answered the call.

"Hey, Tiffany, can you give the phone to Alice? It's Lee Seng." Lee Seng begrudgingly answered. Tiffany scoffed and Lee Seng could feel her eyes rolling at him.

"What do you want, pipsqueak? Get into some trouble or something?"

"Just give the phone to Boss, please."

"Boss!" Tiffany groaned loudly. "It's for you."

"Who is it?" Alice asked very faintly in the background. Lee Seng held the phone up to where his human ears used to be and realized his ears had picked up what they were saying from that far.

"Dammit, I forgot my ears aren't there anymore." He muttered as he clicked the loud button on the phone call and held the phone in front of him. He heard Alice clear her throat and pick up the phone.

"Hello, Alice speaking." Alice spoke.

"H-hey, Boss, it's Lee Seng." Lee Seng nervously spoke.