Exam Results

A Week Later

The loud blaring of Lee Seng's alarm woke him up. He quickly grabbed his phone off the nightstand and rubbed his eyes. It was 9:30am. He shut the alarm off as his eyes adjusted to the sunlight pouring into the room. His shades were synced with his alarm and were pulled back. Lee Seng lifted himself up into a sitting position and looked around.

He had been in his apartment for the last week and was working almost every day since. He pulled the duvet off of him and revealed his boxer briefs. He yawned as he moved off the bed and stood up onto the wooden floor of his bedroom. He wandered towards the other side of the room and pushed the bathroom door open.

He shuffled in and turned on the light and relieved himself on the toilet at the end. He flushed and turned around and opened the glass door to the shower. He turned the shower on and pulled off his boxers and began to shower.