Visiting Mom

Lee Seng slowly strolled through the graveyard, following the cement path for a while until he reached a small building and turned left. He walked off the path until he came to a huge tree and started to search for his Mom's grave.

'How long has it been since I've been here?' Lee Seng wondered. 'Two, three years? I haven't really come to visit, huh?' His eyes looked around for a while and found a specific headstone that stuck out in the distance. He wandered over and found his Mom's headstone two plots before the headstone that caught his eye.

Lee Seng's tail lowered. He felt the rush of water filling him. His grip tightened on the flowers and he quickly shook his head before coming to the side of the headstone and sitting down.

"H-hey Mom," Lee Seng said quietly. He moved the flowers to sit on the grass and staring at his Mom's engraved picture on the headstone. "I know it's been a long time since I've come to see you. I, uh..." Lee Seng's head began to wander and split.