Struggle in the Night

"So you did know," Lee Seng scoffed. He turned away, licking his lips before turning back to look at Manny. "Is this your doing? I have to create a team with you in it and it ruins a lot of things, Manny." Manny tilted his head and shrugged. He wore a smug and carefree look that irritated Lee Seng. 

"I didn't do anything. You can blame your dad for that." Manny answered, truthfully. Manny kept his slight grin and watched as Lee Seng glanced down at his feet. 

'He's already suspicious of the Creator.' Manny thought to himself. 'He won't trust me right now, but he'll have to show something sooner or later. I need to make sure I get close to him. Dad asked me to do this for Lee Seng's sake, so I have to.' 

Lee Seng stood up and grabbed his phone off the nightstand. He turned to walk out of the dorm, when Manny suddenly stood up.

"That's it?" Manny asked. Lee Seng stopped and turned, slightly, towards Manny.