
Academy Telepads

Lee Seng hung the towel and snatched a smaller towel from the bathroom closet before he stepped out of the room with his orange shorts bunched together. Something white in the mirror caught his attention and he turned to look at it. He noticed he had a single tail and shook his head.

'I guess it did work.' Lee Seng thought. 'Ugh, now I'm going to have to figure out how to Shapeshift. Maybe I should read up on this?' The metal door slid open and revealed the curtains were pulled to let the sun in. Manny was casually sitting on his bed, scrolling his phone when Lee Seng came out.

"Got all the smells off?" Manny asked. Lee Seng shrugged and made his way to the closet to throw his shorts away. He shut the closet door and planted his butt onto the edge of his mattress and started to dry his hair.

"I don't think I reek anymore." Lee Seng stopped to sniff himself. He smelled like soap and his shampoo. His skin felt dry from all the scrubbing.