
A Skeptical Bet

They followed the scavenger lady to a small tent setup. Lee Seng hadn't noticed the tent before and wondered if they just set it up. The tent had some workers milling about and storing shifter blood into containers.

"Kid apparently killed this female shifter and wants to be compensated for it since its going to AA." The scavenger lady spoke. She set the female scavengers body on the raised metal platform bed and set the head on the platform. 

"He managed to kill a shifter?" One of the tent workers pointed at him. They all started to chuckle. "Yeah, right. The Creator's son couldn't have killed the shifter especially sever its head off like that. Y'know how hard that is?"

"Whether or not you believe it, I still killed it. You want me to cut more of it apart and waste the precious blood you're trying to collect?" Lee Seng asked. "That one's already lost quite a bit of blood, so..."