
Breakfast Time

"Hey, over here!" Olivia waved. She was wearing the same uniform as Liz. They stood off to the side of the entrance to the food court. Lee Seng followed the boys over to the girls as they all said their good mornings and entered the food court together. The smell of sausage caught Lee Seng's attention. He pulled away from the group and found himself standing in the cafeteria line. He peeked around the students in front of him and noticed the menu written in large font.

Today's Menu:

Sausage biscuits with gravy




Assorted fruit

Lee Seng's stomach happily growled at him as he slowly moved to grab a tray. Most of the students were chatting amongst themselves as they started their school week. Lee Seng grabbed two plates and set three sausage biscuits on one and drowned them with gravy. He moved over and grabbed some hashbrowns before making his way to the end to grab some assorted fruit.