
Workout & First Impressions

Lee Seng spent the last hour and a half being roped around with Ritsuka, doing upper body exercises. Lee Seng managed to pull himself away from Ritsuka and hop onto a manual treadmill for the last forty minutes of the workout session. Lee Seng mindlessly ran for forty minutes before his eye caught onto Ritsuka standing in front of his treadmill, glancing left and right. 

Lee Seng slowed to a normal jog and plucked an earbud out. He was drenched in sweat and looked around to see people avoiding his gaze.

"Yeah, what's up?" Lee Seng asked.

"Oh, you, uh…" Ritsuka trailed off. "You wanna go? I'm done with my workout. I just wanted to know if you were ready or not."

"Oh, yeah. I'm good. I was just waiting for you so I decided to get some miles in." Lee Seng slowly came to a stop and lifted his gym shirt and wiped the sweat off of his face. "Mind if I take a shower first before we head back?"